mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 23:32:58 +08:00
Until https://github.com/psf/black/pull/1328 makes it in a stable release, we have to use the latest from Git. Apply new style fixes done by latest black.
266 lines
8.3 KiB
266 lines
8.3 KiB
"""Functions used to generate source files during build time
All such functions are invoked in a subprocess on Windows to prevent build flakiness.
import json
from platform_methods import subprocess_main
def _spaced(e):
return e if e[-1] == "*" else e + " "
def _build_gdnative_api_struct_header(api):
out = [
"#include <gdnative/gdnative.h>",
"#include <android/godot_android.h>",
"#include <xr/godot_xr.h>",
"#include <nativescript/godot_nativescript.h>",
"#include <net/godot_net.h>",
"#include <pluginscript/godot_pluginscript.h>",
"#include <videodecoder/godot_videodecoder.h>",
"#ifdef __cplusplus",
'extern "C" {',
"\tGDNATIVE_" + api["core"]["type"] + ",",
for ext in api["extensions"]:
out += ["\tGDNATIVE_EXT_" + ext["type"] + ","]
out += ["};", ""]
def generate_extension_struct(name, ext, include_version=True):
ret_val = []
if ext["next"]:
ret_val += generate_extension_struct(name, ext["next"])
ret_val += [
"typedef struct godot_gdnative_ext_"
+ name
+ ("" if not include_version else ("_{0}_{1}".format(ext["version"]["major"], ext["version"]["minor"])))
+ "_api_struct {",
"\tunsigned int type;",
"\tgodot_gdnative_api_version version;",
"\tconst godot_gdnative_api_struct *next;",
for funcdef in ext["api"]:
args = ", ".join(["%s%s" % (_spaced(t), n) for t, n in funcdef["arguments"]])
ret_val.append("\t%s(*%s)(%s);" % (_spaced(funcdef["return_type"]), funcdef["name"], args))
ret_val += [
"} godot_gdnative_ext_"
+ name
+ ("" if not include_version else ("_{0}_{1}".format(ext["version"]["major"], ext["version"]["minor"])))
+ "_api_struct;",
return ret_val
def generate_core_extension_struct(core):
ret_val = []
if core["next"]:
ret_val += generate_core_extension_struct(core["next"])
ret_val += [
"typedef struct godot_gdnative_core_"
+ "{0}_{1}".format(core["version"]["major"], core["version"]["minor"])
+ "_api_struct {",
"\tunsigned int type;",
"\tgodot_gdnative_api_version version;",
"\tconst godot_gdnative_api_struct *next;",
for funcdef in core["api"]:
args = ", ".join(["%s%s" % (_spaced(t), n) for t, n in funcdef["arguments"]])
ret_val.append("\t%s(*%s)(%s);" % (_spaced(funcdef["return_type"]), funcdef["name"], args))
ret_val += [
"} godot_gdnative_core_"
+ "{0}_{1}".format(core["version"]["major"], core["version"]["minor"])
+ "_api_struct;",
return ret_val
for ext in api["extensions"]:
name = ext["name"]
out += generate_extension_struct(name, ext, False)
if api["core"]["next"]:
out += generate_core_extension_struct(api["core"]["next"])
out += [
"typedef struct godot_gdnative_core_api_struct {",
"\tunsigned int type;",
"\tgodot_gdnative_api_version version;",
"\tconst godot_gdnative_api_struct *next;",
"\tunsigned int num_extensions;",
"\tconst godot_gdnative_api_struct **extensions;",
for funcdef in api["core"]["api"]:
args = ", ".join(["%s%s" % (_spaced(t), n) for t, n in funcdef["arguments"]])
out.append("\t%s(*%s)(%s);" % (_spaced(funcdef["return_type"]), funcdef["name"], args))
out += [
"} godot_gdnative_core_api_struct;",
"#ifdef __cplusplus",
return "\n".join(out)
def _build_gdnative_api_struct_source(api):
out = ["/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED DO NOT EDIT */", "", "#include <gdnative_api_struct.gen.h>", ""]
def get_extension_struct_name(name, ext, include_version=True):
return (
+ name
+ ("" if not include_version else ("_{0}_{1}".format(ext["version"]["major"], ext["version"]["minor"])))
+ "_api_struct"
def get_extension_struct_instance_name(name, ext, include_version=True):
return (
+ name
+ ("" if not include_version else ("_{0}_{1}".format(ext["version"]["major"], ext["version"]["minor"])))
+ "_struct"
def get_extension_struct_definition(name, ext, include_version=True):
ret_val = []
if ext["next"]:
ret_val += get_extension_struct_definition(name, ext["next"])
ret_val += [
"extern const "
+ get_extension_struct_name(name, ext, include_version)
+ " "
+ get_extension_struct_instance_name(name, ext, include_version)
+ " = {",
"\tGDNATIVE_EXT_" + ext["type"] + ",",
"\t{" + str(ext["version"]["major"]) + ", " + str(ext["version"]["minor"]) + "},",
+ (
if not ext["next"]
else ("(const godot_gdnative_api_struct *)&" + get_extension_struct_instance_name(name, ext["next"]))
+ ",",
for funcdef in ext["api"]:
ret_val.append("\t%s," % funcdef["name"])
ret_val += ["};\n"]
return ret_val
def get_core_struct_definition(core):
ret_val = []
if core["next"]:
ret_val += get_core_struct_definition(core["next"])
ret_val += [
"extern const godot_gdnative_core_"
+ "{0}_{1}_api_struct api_{0}_{1}".format(core["version"]["major"], core["version"]["minor"])
+ " = {",
"\tGDNATIVE_" + core["type"] + ",",
"\t{" + str(core["version"]["major"]) + ", " + str(core["version"]["minor"]) + "},",
+ (
if not core["next"]
else (
"(const godot_gdnative_api_struct *)& api_{0}_{1}".format(
core["next"]["version"]["major"], core["next"]["version"]["minor"]
+ ",",
for funcdef in core["api"]:
ret_val.append("\t%s," % funcdef["name"])
ret_val += ["};\n"]
return ret_val
for ext in api["extensions"]:
name = ext["name"]
out += get_extension_struct_definition(name, ext, False)
out += ["", "const godot_gdnative_api_struct *gdnative_extensions_pointers[] = {"]
for ext in api["extensions"]:
name = ext["name"]
out += ["\t(godot_gdnative_api_struct *)&api_extension_" + name + "_struct,"]
out += ["};\n"]
if api["core"]["next"]:
out += get_core_struct_definition(api["core"]["next"])
out += [
"extern const godot_gdnative_core_api_struct api_struct = {",
"\tGDNATIVE_" + api["core"]["type"] + ",",
"\t{" + str(api["core"]["version"]["major"]) + ", " + str(api["core"]["version"]["minor"]) + "},",
+ (
"nullptr, "
if not api["core"]["next"]
else (
"(const godot_gdnative_api_struct *)& api_{0}_{1},".format(
api["core"]["next"]["version"]["major"], api["core"]["next"]["version"]["minor"]
"\t" + str(len(api["extensions"])) + ",",
for funcdef in api["core"]["api"]:
out.append("\t%s," % funcdef["name"])
return "\n".join(out)
def build_gdnative_api_struct(target, source, env):
with open(source[0], "r") as fd:
api = json.load(fd)
header, source = target
with open(header, "w") as fd:
with open(source, "w") as fd:
if __name__ == "__main__":