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synced 2025-03-01 23:21:39 +08:00
Minor patch upgrade. Enabling ray packets results in faster processing of ray streams (i.e. occlusion culling buffer updates) at the cost of slightly larger binary sizes.
529 lines
22 KiB
529 lines
22 KiB
// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "bvh_intersector_stream.h"
#include "../geometry/intersector_iterators.h"
#include "../geometry/triangle_intersector.h"
#include "../geometry/trianglev_intersector.h"
#include "../geometry/trianglev_mb_intersector.h"
#include "../geometry/trianglei_intersector.h"
#include "../geometry/quadv_intersector.h"
#include "../geometry/quadi_intersector.h"
#include "../geometry/linei_intersector.h"
#include "../geometry/subdivpatch1_intersector.h"
#include "../geometry/object_intersector.h"
#include "../geometry/instance_intersector.h"
#include "../common/scene.h"
#include <bitset>
namespace embree
namespace isa
__aligned(64) static const int shiftTable[32] = {
(int)1 << 0, (int)1 << 1, (int)1 << 2, (int)1 << 3, (int)1 << 4, (int)1 << 5, (int)1 << 6, (int)1 << 7,
(int)1 << 8, (int)1 << 9, (int)1 << 10, (int)1 << 11, (int)1 << 12, (int)1 << 13, (int)1 << 14, (int)1 << 15,
(int)1 << 16, (int)1 << 17, (int)1 << 18, (int)1 << 19, (int)1 << 20, (int)1 << 21, (int)1 << 22, (int)1 << 23,
(int)1 << 24, (int)1 << 25, (int)1 << 26, (int)1 << 27, (int)1 << 28, (int)1 << 29, (int)1 << 30, (int)1 << 31
template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector>
__forceinline void BVHNIntersectorStream<N, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersector>::intersect(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
RayHitN** inputPackets,
size_t numOctantRays,
IntersectContext* context)
/* we may traverse an empty BVH in case all geometry was invalid */
BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*) This->ptr;
if (bvh->root == BVH::emptyNode)
// Only the coherent code path is implemented
intersectCoherent(This, (RayHitK<VSIZEL>**)inputPackets, numOctantRays, context);
template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector>
template<int K>
__forceinline void BVHNIntersectorStream<N, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersector>::intersectCoherent(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
RayHitK<K>** inputPackets,
size_t numOctantRays,
IntersectContext* context)
BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*) This->ptr;
__aligned(64) StackItemMaskCoherent stack[stackSizeSingle]; // stack of nodes
assert(numOctantRays <= MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE);
__aligned(64) TravRayKStream<K, robust> packets[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE/K];
__aligned(64) Frustum<robust> frustum;
bool commonOctant = true;
const size_t m_active = initPacketsAndFrustum((RayK<K>**)inputPackets, numOctantRays, packets, frustum, commonOctant);
if (unlikely(m_active == 0)) return;
/* case of non-common origin */
if (unlikely(!commonOctant))
const size_t numPackets = (numOctantRays+K-1)/K;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numPackets; i++)
This->intersect(inputPackets[i]->tnear() <= inputPackets[i]->tfar, *inputPackets[i], context);
stack[0].mask = m_active;
stack[0].parent = 0;
stack[0].child = bvh->root;
StackItemMaskCoherent* stackPtr = stack + 1;
while (1) pop:
if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
/*! pop next node */
NodeRef cur = NodeRef(stackPtr->child);
size_t m_trav_active = stackPtr->mask;
NodeRef parent = stackPtr->parent;
while (1)
if (unlikely(cur.isLeaf())) break;
const AABBNode* __restrict__ const node = cur.getAABBNode();
parent = cur;
__aligned(64) size_t maskK[N];
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
maskK[i] = m_trav_active;
vfloat<N> dist;
const size_t m_node_hit = traverseCoherentStream(m_trav_active, packets, node, frustum, maskK, dist);
if (unlikely(m_node_hit == 0)) goto pop;
BVHNNodeTraverserStreamHitCoherent<N, types>::traverseClosestHit(cur, m_trav_active, vbool<N>((int)m_node_hit), dist, (size_t*)maskK, stackPtr);
/* non-root and leaf => full culling test for all rays */
if (unlikely(parent != 0 && cur.isLeaf()))
const AABBNode* __restrict__ const node = parent.getAABBNode();
size_t boxID = 0xff;
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
if (node->child(i) == cur) { boxID = i; break; }
assert(boxID < N);
assert(cur == node->child(boxID));
m_trav_active = intersectAABBNodePacket(m_trav_active, packets, node, boxID, frustum.nf);
/*! this is a leaf node */
assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
STAT3(normal.trav_leaves, 1, 1, 1);
size_t num; PrimitiveK<K>* prim = (PrimitiveK<K>*)cur.leaf(num);
size_t bits = m_trav_active;
/*! intersect stream of rays with all primitives */
size_t lazy_node = 0;
#if defined(__SSE4_2__)
size_t i = bsf(bits) / K;
const size_t m_isec = ((((size_t)1 << K)-1) << (i*K));
assert(m_isec & bits);
bits &= ~m_isec;
TravRayKStream<K, robust>& p = packets[i];
vbool<K> m_valid = p.tnear <= p.tfar;
PrimitiveIntersectorK<K>::intersectK(m_valid, This, *inputPackets[i], context, prim, num, lazy_node);
p.tfar = min(p.tfar, inputPackets[i]->tfar);
} // traversal + intersection
template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector>
__forceinline void BVHNIntersectorStream<N, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersector>::occluded(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
RayN** inputPackets,
size_t numOctantRays,
IntersectContext* context)
/* we may traverse an empty BVH in case all geometry was invalid */
BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*) This->ptr;
if (bvh->root == BVH::emptyNode)
if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
occludedCoherent(This, (RayK<VSIZEL>**)inputPackets, numOctantRays, context);
occludedIncoherent(This, (RayK<VSIZEX>**)inputPackets, numOctantRays, context);
template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector>
template<int K>
__noinline void BVHNIntersectorStream<N, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersector>::occludedCoherent(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
RayK<K>** inputPackets,
size_t numOctantRays,
IntersectContext* context)
BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*)This->ptr;
__aligned(64) StackItemMaskCoherent stack[stackSizeSingle]; // stack of nodes
assert(numOctantRays <= MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE);
/* inactive rays should have been filtered out before */
__aligned(64) TravRayKStream<K, robust> packets[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE/K];
__aligned(64) Frustum<robust> frustum;
bool commonOctant = true;
size_t m_active = initPacketsAndFrustum(inputPackets, numOctantRays, packets, frustum, commonOctant);
/* valid rays */
if (unlikely(m_active == 0)) return;
/* case of non-common origin */
if (unlikely(!commonOctant))
const size_t numPackets = (numOctantRays+K-1)/K;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numPackets; i++)
This->occluded(inputPackets[i]->tnear() <= inputPackets[i]->tfar, *inputPackets[i], context);
stack[0].mask = m_active;
stack[0].parent = 0;
stack[0].child = bvh->root;
StackItemMaskCoherent* stackPtr = stack + 1;
while (1) pop:
if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
/*! pop next node */
NodeRef cur = NodeRef(stackPtr->child);
size_t m_trav_active = stackPtr->mask & m_active;
if (unlikely(!m_trav_active)) continue;
NodeRef parent = stackPtr->parent;
while (1)
if (unlikely(cur.isLeaf())) break;
const AABBNode* __restrict__ const node = cur.getAABBNode();
parent = cur;
__aligned(64) size_t maskK[N];
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
maskK[i] = m_trav_active;
vfloat<N> dist;
const size_t m_node_hit = traverseCoherentStream(m_trav_active, packets, node, frustum, maskK, dist);
if (unlikely(m_node_hit == 0)) goto pop;
BVHNNodeTraverserStreamHitCoherent<N, types>::traverseAnyHit(cur, m_trav_active, vbool<N>((int)m_node_hit), (size_t*)maskK, stackPtr);
/* non-root and leaf => full culling test for all rays */
if (unlikely(parent != 0 && cur.isLeaf()))
const AABBNode* __restrict__ const node = parent.getAABBNode();
size_t boxID = 0xff;
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
if (node->child(i) == cur) { boxID = i; break; }
assert(boxID < N);
assert(cur == node->child(boxID));
m_trav_active = intersectAABBNodePacket(m_trav_active, packets, node, boxID, frustum.nf);
/*! this is a leaf node */
assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
STAT3(normal.trav_leaves, 1, 1, 1);
size_t num; PrimitiveK<K>* prim = (PrimitiveK<K>*)cur.leaf(num);
size_t bits = m_trav_active & m_active;
/*! intersect stream of rays with all primitives */
size_t lazy_node = 0;
#if defined(__SSE4_2__)
while (bits)
size_t i = bsf(bits) / K;
const size_t m_isec = ((((size_t)1 << K)-1) << (i*K));
assert(m_isec & bits);
bits &= ~m_isec;
TravRayKStream<K, robust>& p = packets[i];
vbool<K> m_valid = p.tnear <= p.tfar;
vbool<K> m_hit = PrimitiveIntersectorK<K>::occludedK(m_valid, This, *inputPackets[i], context, prim, num, lazy_node);
inputPackets[i]->tfar = select(m_hit & m_valid, vfloat<K>(neg_inf), inputPackets[i]->tfar);
m_active &= ~((size_t)movemask(m_hit) << (i*K));
} // traversal + intersection
template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector>
template<int K>
__forceinline void BVHNIntersectorStream<N, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersector>::occludedIncoherent(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
RayK<K>** inputPackets,
size_t numOctantRays,
IntersectContext* context)
assert(types & BVH_FLAG_ALIGNED_NODE);
__aligned(64) TravRayKStream<K,robust> packet[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE/K];
assert(numOctantRays <= 32);
const size_t numPackets = (numOctantRays+K-1)/K;
size_t m_active = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numPackets; i++)
const vfloat<K> tnear = inputPackets[i]->tnear();
const vfloat<K> tfar = inputPackets[i]->tfar;
vbool<K> m_valid = (tnear <= tfar) & (tnear >= 0.0f);
m_active |= (size_t)movemask(m_valid) << (K*i);
const Vec3vf<K>& org = inputPackets[i]->org;
const Vec3vf<K>& dir = inputPackets[i]->dir;
vfloat<K> packet_min_dist = max(tnear, 0.0f);
vfloat<K> packet_max_dist = select(m_valid, tfar, neg_inf);
new (&packet[i]) TravRayKStream<K,robust>(org, dir, packet_min_dist, packet_max_dist);
BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*)This->ptr;
StackItemMaskT<NodeRef> stack[stackSizeSingle]; // stack of nodes
StackItemMaskT<NodeRef>* stackPtr = stack + 1; // current stack pointer
stack[0].ptr = bvh->root;
stack[0].mask = m_active;
size_t terminated = ~m_active;
/* near/far offsets based on first ray */
const NearFarPrecalculations nf(Vec3fa(packet[0].rdir.x[0], packet[0].rdir.y[0], packet[0].rdir.z[0]), N);
while (1) pop:
if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
NodeRef cur = NodeRef(stackPtr->ptr);
size_t cur_mask = stackPtr->mask & (~terminated);
if (unlikely(cur_mask == 0)) continue;
while (true)
/*! stop if we found a leaf node */
if (unlikely(cur.isLeaf())) break;
const AABBNode* __restrict__ const node = cur.getAABBNode();
const vint<N> vmask = traverseIncoherentStream(cur_mask, packet, node, nf, shiftTable);
size_t mask = movemask(vmask != vint<N>(zero));
if (unlikely(mask == 0)) goto pop;
__aligned(64) unsigned int child_mask[N];
vint<N>::storeu(child_mask, vmask); // this explicit store here causes much better code generation
/*! one child is hit, continue with that child */
size_t r = bscf(mask);
assert(r < N);
cur = node->child(r);
cur_mask = child_mask[r];
/* simple in order sequence */
assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
if (likely(mask == 0)) continue;
stackPtr->ptr = cur;
stackPtr->mask = cur_mask;
for (; ;)
r = bscf(mask);
assert(r < N);
cur = node->child(r);
cur_mask = child_mask[r];
assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
if (likely(mask == 0)) break;
stackPtr->ptr = cur;
stackPtr->mask = cur_mask;
/*! this is a leaf node */
assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
size_t num; PrimitiveK<K>* prim = (PrimitiveK<K>*)cur.leaf(num);
size_t bits = cur_mask;
size_t lazy_node = 0;
for (; bits != 0;)
const size_t rayID = bscf(bits);
RayK<K> &ray = *inputPackets[rayID / K];
const size_t k = rayID % K;
if (PrimitiveIntersectorK<K>::occluded(This, ray, k, context, prim, num, lazy_node))
ray.tfar[k] = neg_inf;
terminated |= (size_t)1 << rayID;
/* lazy node */
if (unlikely(lazy_node))
stackPtr->ptr = lazy_node;
stackPtr->mask = cur_mask;
if (unlikely(terminated == (size_t)-1)) break;
/// ArrayIntersectorKStream Definitions
template<bool filter>
struct Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoeller {
template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,TriangleMIntersectorKMoeller<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
template<bool filter>
struct Triangle4vIntersectorStreamPluecker {
template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,TriangleMvIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
template<bool filter>
struct Triangle4iIntersectorStreamMoeller {
template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,TriangleMiIntersectorKMoeller<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
template<bool filter>
struct Triangle4iIntersectorStreamPluecker {
template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,TriangleMiIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
template<bool filter>
struct Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoeller {
template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,QuadMvIntersectorKMoeller<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
template<bool filter>
struct Quad4iIntersectorStreamMoeller {
template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,QuadMiIntersectorKMoeller<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
template<bool filter>
struct Quad4vIntersectorStreamPluecker {
template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,QuadMvIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
template<bool filter>
struct Quad4iIntersectorStreamPluecker {
template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,QuadMiIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
struct ObjectIntersectorStream {
template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,ObjectIntersectorK<K COMMA false>>;
struct InstanceIntersectorStream {
template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,InstanceIntersectorK<K>>;
// =====================================================================================================
// =====================================================================================================
// =====================================================================================================
template<int N>
void BVHNIntersectorStreamPacketFallback<N>::intersect(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
RayHitN** inputRays,
size_t numTotalRays,
IntersectContext* context)
if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
intersectK(This, (RayHitK<VSIZEL>**)inputRays, numTotalRays, context);
intersectK(This, (RayHitK<VSIZEX>**)inputRays, numTotalRays, context);
template<int N>
void BVHNIntersectorStreamPacketFallback<N>::occluded(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
RayN** inputRays,
size_t numTotalRays,
IntersectContext* context)
if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
occludedK(This, (RayK<VSIZEL>**)inputRays, numTotalRays, context);
occludedK(This, (RayK<VSIZEX>**)inputRays, numTotalRays, context);
template<int N>
template<int K>
__noinline void BVHNIntersectorStreamPacketFallback<N>::intersectK(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
RayHitK<K>** inputRays,
size_t numTotalRays,
IntersectContext* context)
/* fallback to packets */
for (size_t i = 0; i < numTotalRays; i += K)
const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(i)) + vint<K>(step);
vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numTotalRays));
RayHitK<K>& ray = *(inputRays[i / K]);
valid &= ray.tnear() <= ray.tfar;
This->intersect(valid, ray, context);
template<int N>
template<int K>
__noinline void BVHNIntersectorStreamPacketFallback<N>::occludedK(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
RayK<K>** inputRays,
size_t numTotalRays,
IntersectContext* context)
/* fallback to packets */
for (size_t i = 0; i < numTotalRays; i += K)
const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(i)) + vint<K>(step);
vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numTotalRays));
RayK<K>& ray = *(inputRays[i / K]);
valid &= ray.tnear() <= ray.tfar;
This->occluded(valid, ray, context);