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synced 2025-03-13 23:41:08 +08:00
-fixed TouchScreenButton with stretch2d -fixed(?) OSX crash on startup (test!!) -compilation fixes on windows -CollisionPolygon editor works again -find buttons en find dialog -TileMap editor cleanup (removed "error", made nicer) -viewport flicker fixed -make .scn default extension for saving scenes -export the rest of the network classes to gdscript
150 lines
5.0 KiB
150 lines
5.0 KiB
var Module;
if (typeof Module === 'undefined') Module = eval('(function() { try { return Module || {} } catch(e) { return {} } })()');
if (!Module.expectedDataFileDownloads) {
Module.expectedDataFileDownloads = 0;
Module.finishedDataFileDownloads = 0;
(function() {
function fetchRemotePackage(packageName, callback, errback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', packageName, true);
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
xhr.onprogress = function(event) {
var url = packageName;
if (event.loaded && event.total) {
if (!xhr.addedTotal) {
xhr.addedTotal = true;
if (!Module.dataFileDownloads) Module.dataFileDownloads = {};
Module.dataFileDownloads[url] = {
loaded: event.loaded,
total: event.total
} else {
Module.dataFileDownloads[url].loaded = event.loaded;
var total = 0;
var loaded = 0;
var num = 0;
for (var download in Module.dataFileDownloads) {
var data = Module.dataFileDownloads[download];
total += data.total;
loaded += data.loaded;
total = Math.ceil(total * Module.expectedDataFileDownloads/num);
if (Module['setStatus']) Module['setStatus']('Downloading data... (' + loaded + '/' + total + ')');
} else if (!Module.dataFileDownloads) {
if (Module['setStatus']) Module['setStatus']('Downloading data...');
xhr.onload = function(event) {
var packageData = xhr.response;
function handleError(error) {
console.error('package error:', error);
var fetched = null, fetchedCallback = null;
fetchRemotePackage('data.pck', function(data) {
if (fetchedCallback) {
fetchedCallback = null;
} else {
fetched = data;
}, handleError);
function runWithFS() {
function assert(check, msg) {
if (!check) throw msg + new Error().stack;
function DataRequest(start, end, crunched, audio) {
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
this.crunched = crunched;
this.audio = audio;
DataRequest.prototype = {
requests: {},
open: function(mode, name) {
this.name = name;
this.requests[name] = this;
Module['addRunDependency']('fp ' + this.name);
send: function() {},
onload: function() {
var byteArray = this.byteArray.subarray(this.start, this.end);
finish: function(byteArray) {
var that = this;
Module['FS_createPreloadedFile'](this.name, null, byteArray, true, true, function() {
Module['removeRunDependency']('fp ' + that.name);
}, function() {
if (that.audio) {
Module['removeRunDependency']('fp ' + that.name); // workaround for chromium bug 124926 (still no audio with this, but at least we don't hang)
} else {
Module.printErr('Preloading file ' + that.name + ' failed');
}, false, true); // canOwn this data in the filesystem, it is a slide into the heap that will never change
this.requests[this.name] = null;
new DataRequest(0, $DPLEN, 0, 0).open('GET', '/data.pck');
if (typeof window === 'object') {
PACKAGE_PATH = window['encodeURIComponent'](window.location.pathname.toString().substring(0, window.location.pathname.toString().lastIndexOf('/')) + '/');
} else {
// worker
PACKAGE_PATH = encodeURIComponent(location.pathname.toString().substring(0, location.pathname.toString().lastIndexOf('/')) + '/');
var PACKAGE_NAME = 'data.pck';
var REMOTE_PACKAGE_NAME = 'data.pck';
var PACKAGE_UUID = 'b39761ce-0348-4959-9b16-302ed8e1592e';
function processPackageData(arrayBuffer) {
assert(arrayBuffer, 'Loading data file failed.');
var byteArray = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
var curr;
// Reuse the bytearray from the XHR as the source for file reads.
DataRequest.prototype.byteArray = byteArray;
if (!Module.preloadResults) Module.preloadResults = {};
Module.preloadResults[PACKAGE_NAME] = {fromCache: false};
if (fetched) {
fetched = null;
} else {
fetchedCallback = processPackageData;
if (Module['calledRun']) {
} else {
if (!Module['preRun']) Module['preRun'] = [];
Module["preRun"].push(runWithFS); // FS is not initialized yet, wait for it