Aaron Franke d8b65461e3
Commit only the SVG files changed by file_format.sh
There were a lot of SVG files changed by file_format.sh
2020-07-13 14:08:55 -04:00

2 lines
985 B

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="32" height="32"><path d="M25.396 9.18c-.736-1.016-4.435-1.245-6.172-1.093.068-2.126.983-3.676-1.186-5.532M5.059 1.536H14.5c2.41-.063 3.955 1.182 5.576 2.652l3.865 3.433c1.994 1.779 2.785 3.457 3 5.88v16.965H5.059z" fill="#eff1f5" stroke="#9f9fa1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M15.057 11.397l-.532 2.13a4.716 4.716 0 0 0-.65.263l-1.876-1.126-1.334 1.334 1.128 1.881a4.716 4.716 0 0 0-.27.647l-2.125.53v1.887l2.13.532a4.716 4.716 0 0 0 .263.649L10.665 22 12 23.335l1.881-1.127a4.716 4.716 0 0 0 .647.269l.53 2.125h1.887l.532-2.13a4.716 4.716 0 0 0 .649-.263l1.877 1.126 1.334-1.334-1.128-1.88a4.716 4.716 0 0 0 .27-.647l2.125-.531v-1.886l-2.13-.533a4.716 4.716 0 0 0-.263-.648l1.126-1.878-1.334-1.333-1.881 1.127a4.716 4.716 0 0 0-.647-.269l-.53-2.126h-1.887zm.944 4.716A1.887 1.887 0 0 1 17.887 18a1.887 1.887 0 0 1-1.886 1.886A1.887 1.887 0 0 1 14.114 18a1.887 1.887 0 0 1 1.887-1.887z" fill="#478cbf"/></svg>