[vertex] layout(location=0) in highp vec2 vertex; layout(location=3) in vec4 color_attrib; #ifdef USE_SKELETON layout(location=6) in uvec4 bone_indices; // attrib:6 layout(location=7) in vec4 bone_weights; // attrib:7 #endif #ifdef USE_TEXTURE_RECT uniform vec4 dst_rect; uniform vec4 src_rect; #else #ifdef USE_INSTANCING layout(location=8) in highp vec4 instance_xform0; layout(location=9) in highp vec4 instance_xform1; layout(location=10) in highp vec4 instance_xform2; layout(location=11) in lowp vec4 instance_color; #ifdef USE_INSTANCE_CUSTOM layout(location=12) in highp vec4 instance_custom_data; #endif #endif layout(location=4) in highp vec2 uv_attrib; //skeletn #endif uniform highp vec2 color_texpixel_size; layout(std140) uniform CanvasItemData { //ubo:0 highp mat4 projection_matrix; highp float time; }; uniform highp mat4 modelview_matrix; uniform highp mat4 extra_matrix; out highp vec2 uv_interp; out mediump vec4 color_interp; #ifdef USE_NINEPATCH out highp vec2 pixel_size_interp; #endif #ifdef USE_SKELETON uniform mediump sampler2D skeleton_texture; // texunit:-1 uniform highp mat4 skeleton_transform; uniform highp mat4 skeleton_transform_inverse; #endif #ifdef USE_LIGHTING layout(std140) uniform LightData { //ubo:1 //light matrices highp mat4 light_matrix; highp mat4 light_local_matrix; highp mat4 shadow_matrix; highp vec4 light_color; highp vec4 light_shadow_color; highp vec2 light_pos; highp float shadowpixel_size; highp float shadow_gradient; highp float light_height; highp float light_outside_alpha; highp float shadow_distance_mult; }; out vec4 light_uv_interp; out vec4 local_rot; #ifdef USE_SHADOWS out highp vec2 pos; #endif const bool at_light_pass = true; #else const bool at_light_pass = false; #endif #ifdef USE_PARTICLES uniform int h_frames; uniform int v_frames; #endif #if defined(USE_MATERIAL) layout(std140) uniform UniformData { //ubo:2 MATERIAL_UNIFORMS }; #endif VERTEX_SHADER_GLOBALS void main() { vec4 color = color_attrib; #ifdef USE_INSTANCING mat4 extra_matrix2 = extra_matrix * transpose(mat4(instance_xform0,instance_xform1,instance_xform2,vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0))); color*=instance_color; vec4 instance_custom = instance_custom_data; #else mat4 extra_matrix2 = extra_matrix; vec4 instance_custom = vec4(0.0); #endif #ifdef USE_TEXTURE_RECT if (dst_rect.z < 0.0) { // Transpose is encoded as negative dst_rect.z uv_interp = src_rect.xy + abs(src_rect.zw) * vertex.yx; } else { uv_interp = src_rect.xy + abs(src_rect.zw) * vertex; } highp vec4 outvec = vec4(dst_rect.xy + abs(dst_rect.zw) * mix(vertex,vec2(1.0,1.0)-vertex,lessThan(src_rect.zw,vec2(0.0,0.0))),0.0,1.0); #else uv_interp = uv_attrib; highp vec4 outvec = vec4(vertex,0.0,1.0); #endif #ifdef USE_PARTICLES //scale by texture size outvec.xy/=color_texpixel_size; //compute h and v frames and adjust UV interp for animation int total_frames = h_frames * v_frames; int frame = min(int(float(total_frames) *instance_custom.z),total_frames-1); float frame_w = 1.0/float(h_frames); float frame_h = 1.0/float(v_frames); uv_interp.x = uv_interp.x * frame_w + frame_w * float(frame % h_frames); uv_interp.y = uv_interp.y * frame_h + frame_h * float(frame / h_frames); #endif #define extra_matrix extra_matrix2 { VERTEX_SHADER_CODE } #ifdef USE_NINEPATCH pixel_size_interp=abs(dst_rect.zw) * vertex; #endif #if !defined(SKIP_TRANSFORM_USED) outvec = extra_matrix * outvec; outvec = modelview_matrix * outvec; #endif #undef extra_matrix color_interp = color; #ifdef USE_PIXEL_SNAP outvec.xy=floor(outvec+0.5).xy; #endif #ifdef USE_SKELETON if (bone_weights!=vec4(0.0)){ //must be a valid bone //skeleton transform ivec4 bone_indicesi = ivec4(bone_indices); ivec2 tex_ofs = ivec2( bone_indicesi.x%256, (bone_indicesi.x/256)*2 ); highp mat2x4 m = mat2x4( texelFetch(skeleton_texture,tex_ofs,0), texelFetch(skeleton_texture,tex_ofs+ivec2(0,1),0) ) * bone_weights.x; tex_ofs = ivec2( bone_indicesi.y%256, (bone_indicesi.y/256)*2 ); m+= mat2x4( texelFetch(skeleton_texture,tex_ofs,0), texelFetch(skeleton_texture,tex_ofs+ivec2(0,1),0) ) * bone_weights.y; tex_ofs = ivec2( bone_indicesi.z%256, (bone_indicesi.z/256)*2 ); m+= mat2x4( texelFetch(skeleton_texture,tex_ofs,0), texelFetch(skeleton_texture,tex_ofs+ivec2(0,1),0) ) * bone_weights.z; tex_ofs = ivec2( bone_indicesi.w%256, (bone_indicesi.w/256)*2 ); m+= mat2x4( texelFetch(skeleton_texture,tex_ofs,0), texelFetch(skeleton_texture,tex_ofs+ivec2(0,1),0) ) * bone_weights.w; mat4 bone_matrix = skeleton_transform * transpose(mat4(m[0],m[1],vec4(0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0),vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0))) * skeleton_transform_inverse; outvec = bone_matrix * outvec; } #endif gl_Position = projection_matrix * outvec; #ifdef USE_LIGHTING light_uv_interp.xy = (light_matrix * outvec).xy; light_uv_interp.zw =(light_local_matrix * outvec).xy; #ifdef USE_SHADOWS pos=outvec.xy; #endif local_rot.xy=normalize( (modelview_matrix * ( extra_matrix * vec4(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0) )).xy ); local_rot.zw=normalize( (modelview_matrix * ( extra_matrix * vec4(0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0) )).xy ); #ifdef USE_TEXTURE_RECT local_rot.xy*=sign(src_rect.z); local_rot.zw*=sign(src_rect.w); #endif #endif } [fragment] uniform mediump sampler2D color_texture; // texunit:0 uniform highp vec2 color_texpixel_size; uniform mediump sampler2D normal_texture; // texunit:1 in highp vec2 uv_interp; in mediump vec4 color_interp; #if defined(SCREEN_TEXTURE_USED) uniform sampler2D screen_texture; // texunit:-3 #endif #if defined(SCREEN_UV_USED) uniform vec2 screen_pixel_size; #endif layout(std140) uniform CanvasItemData { highp mat4 projection_matrix; highp float time; }; #ifdef USE_LIGHTING layout(std140) uniform LightData { highp mat4 light_matrix; highp mat4 light_local_matrix; highp mat4 shadow_matrix; highp vec4 light_color; highp vec4 light_shadow_color; highp vec2 light_pos; highp float shadowpixel_size; highp float shadow_gradient; highp float light_height; highp float light_outside_alpha; highp float shadow_distance_mult; }; uniform lowp sampler2D light_texture; // texunit:-1 in vec4 light_uv_interp; in vec4 local_rot; #ifdef USE_SHADOWS uniform highp sampler2D shadow_texture; // texunit:-2 in highp vec2 pos; #endif const bool at_light_pass = true; #else const bool at_light_pass = false; #endif uniform mediump vec4 final_modulate; layout(location=0) out mediump vec4 frag_color; #if defined(USE_MATERIAL) layout(std140) uniform UniformData { MATERIAL_UNIFORMS }; #endif FRAGMENT_SHADER_GLOBALS void light_compute( inout vec4 light, inout vec2 light_vec, inout float light_height, inout vec4 light_color, vec2 light_uv, inout vec4 shadow_color, vec3 normal, vec2 uv, #if defined(SCREEN_UV_USED) vec2 screen_uv, #endif vec4 color) { #if defined(USE_LIGHT_SHADER_CODE) LIGHT_SHADER_CODE #endif } #ifdef USE_TEXTURE_RECT uniform vec4 dst_rect; uniform vec4 src_rect; uniform bool clip_rect_uv; #ifdef USE_NINEPATCH in highp vec2 pixel_size_interp; uniform int np_repeat_v; uniform int np_repeat_h; uniform bool np_draw_center; //left top right bottom in pixel coordinates uniform vec4 np_margins; float map_ninepatch_axis(float pixel, float draw_size,float tex_pixel_size,float margin_begin,float margin_end,int np_repeat,inout int draw_center) { float tex_size = 1.0/tex_pixel_size; if (pixel < margin_begin) { return pixel * tex_pixel_size; } else if (pixel >= draw_size-margin_end) { return (tex_size-(draw_size-pixel)) * tex_pixel_size; } else { if (!np_draw_center){ draw_center--; } if (np_repeat==0) { //stretch //convert to ratio float ratio = (pixel - margin_begin) / (draw_size - margin_begin - margin_end); //scale to source texture return (margin_begin + ratio * (tex_size - margin_begin - margin_end)) * tex_pixel_size; } else if (np_repeat==1) { //tile //convert to ratio float ofs = mod((pixel - margin_begin), tex_size - margin_begin - margin_end); //scale to source texture return (margin_begin + ofs) * tex_pixel_size; } else if (np_repeat==2) { //tile fit //convert to ratio float src_area = draw_size - margin_begin - margin_end; float dst_area = tex_size - margin_begin - margin_end; float scale = max(1.0,floor(src_area / max(dst_area,0.0000001) + 0.5)); //convert to ratio float ratio = (pixel - margin_begin) / src_area; ratio = mod(ratio * scale,1.0); return (margin_begin + ratio * dst_area) * tex_pixel_size; } } } #endif #endif uniform bool use_default_normal; void main() { vec4 color = color_interp; vec2 uv = uv_interp; #ifdef USE_TEXTURE_RECT #ifdef USE_NINEPATCH int draw_center=2; uv = vec2( map_ninepatch_axis(pixel_size_interp.x,abs(dst_rect.z),color_texpixel_size.x,np_margins.x,np_margins.z,np_repeat_h,draw_center), map_ninepatch_axis(pixel_size_interp.y,abs(dst_rect.w),color_texpixel_size.y,np_margins.y,np_margins.w,np_repeat_v,draw_center) ); if (draw_center==0) { color.a=0.0; } uv = uv*src_rect.zw+src_rect.xy; //apply region if needed #endif if (clip_rect_uv) { uv = clamp(uv,src_rect.xy,src_rect.xy+abs(src_rect.zw)); } #endif #if !defined(COLOR_USED) //default behavior, texture by color #ifdef USE_DISTANCE_FIELD const float smoothing = 1.0/32.0; float distance = textureLod(color_texture, uv,0.0).a; color.a = smoothstep(0.5 - smoothing, 0.5 + smoothing, distance) * color.a; #else color *= texture( color_texture, uv ); #endif #endif vec3 normal; #if defined(NORMAL_USED) bool normal_used = true; #else bool normal_used = false; #endif if (use_default_normal) { normal.xy = textureLod(normal_texture, uv,0.0).xy * 2.0 - 1.0; normal.z = sqrt(1.0-dot(normal.xy,normal.xy)); normal_used=true; } else { normal = vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0); } #if defined(SCREEN_UV_USED) vec2 screen_uv = gl_FragCoord.xy*screen_pixel_size; #endif { float normal_depth=1.0; #if defined(NORMALMAP_USED) vec3 normal_map=vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0); #endif FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE #if defined(NORMALMAP_USED) normal = mix(vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0), normal_map * vec3(2.0,-2.0,1.0) - vec3( 1.0, -1.0, 0.0 ), normal_depth ); #endif } #ifdef DEBUG_ENCODED_32 highp float enc32 = dot( color,highp vec4(1.0 / (256.0 * 256.0 * 256.0),1.0 / (256.0 * 256.0),1.0 / 256.0,1) ); color = vec4(vec3(enc32),1.0); #endif color*=final_modulate; #ifdef USE_LIGHTING vec2 light_vec = (inverse(light_matrix)*vec4(normalize(light_uv_interp.zw),0.0,0.0)).xy; //for normal mapping if (normal_used) { normal.xy = mat2(local_rot.xy,local_rot.zw) * normal.xy; } float att=1.0; vec2 light_uv = light_uv_interp.xy; vec4 light = texture(light_texture,light_uv); if (any(lessThan(light_uv_interp.xy,vec2(0.0,0.0))) || any(greaterThanEqual(light_uv_interp.xy,vec2(1.0,1.0)))) { color.a*=light_outside_alpha; //invisible } else { float real_light_height = light_height; vec4 real_light_color = light_color; vec4 real_light_shadow_color = light_shadow_color; #if defined(USE_LIGHT_SHADER_CODE) //light is written by the light shader light_compute( light, light_vec, real_light_height, real_light_color, light_uv, real_light_shadow_color, normal, uv, #if defined(SCREEN_UV_USED) screen_uv, #endif color); #endif light *= real_light_color; if (normal_used) { vec3 light_normal = normalize(vec3(light_vec,-real_light_height)); light*=max(dot(-light_normal,normal),0.0); } color*=light; #ifdef USE_SHADOWS light_vec = light_uv_interp.zw; //for shadows float angle_to_light = -atan(light_vec.x,light_vec.y); float PI = 3.14159265358979323846264; /*int i = int(mod(floor((angle_to_light+7.0*PI/6.0)/(4.0*PI/6.0))+1.0, 3.0)); // +1 pq os indices estao em ordem 2,0,1 nos arrays float ang*/ float su,sz; float abs_angle = abs(angle_to_light); vec2 point; float sh; if (abs_angle<45.0*PI/180.0) { point = light_vec; sh=0.0+(1.0/8.0); } else if (abs_angle>135.0*PI/180.0) { point = -light_vec; sh = 0.5+(1.0/8.0); } else if (angle_to_light>0.0) { point = vec2(light_vec.y,-light_vec.x); sh = 0.25+(1.0/8.0); } else { point = vec2(-light_vec.y,light_vec.x); sh = 0.75+(1.0/8.0); } highp vec4 s = shadow_matrix * vec4(point,0.0,1.0); s.xyz/=s.w; su=s.x*0.5+0.5; sz=s.z*0.5+0.5; //sz=lightlength(light_vec); highp float shadow_attenuation=0.0; #ifdef USE_RGBA_SHADOWS #define SHADOW_DEPTH(m_tex,m_uv) dot(texture((m_tex),(m_uv)),vec4(1.0 / (256.0 * 256.0 * 256.0),1.0 / (256.0 * 256.0),1.0 / 256.0,1) ) #else #define SHADOW_DEPTH(m_tex,m_uv) (texture((m_tex),(m_uv)).r) #endif #ifdef SHADOW_USE_GRADIENT #define SHADOW_TEST(m_ofs) { highp float sd = SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,vec2(m_ofs,sh)); shadow_attenuation+=1.0-smoothstep(sd,sd+shadow_gradient,sz); } #else #define SHADOW_TEST(m_ofs) { highp float sd = SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,vec2(m_ofs,sh)); shadow_attenuation+=step(sz,sd); } #endif #ifdef SHADOW_FILTER_NEAREST SHADOW_TEST(su); #endif #ifdef SHADOW_FILTER_PCF3 SHADOW_TEST(su+shadowpixel_size); SHADOW_TEST(su); SHADOW_TEST(su-shadowpixel_size); shadow_attenuation/=3.0; #endif #ifdef SHADOW_FILTER_PCF5 SHADOW_TEST(su+shadowpixel_size*2.0); SHADOW_TEST(su+shadowpixel_size); SHADOW_TEST(su); SHADOW_TEST(su-shadowpixel_size); SHADOW_TEST(su-shadowpixel_size*2.0); shadow_attenuation/=5.0; #endif #ifdef SHADOW_FILTER_PCF7 SHADOW_TEST(su+shadowpixel_size*3.0); SHADOW_TEST(su+shadowpixel_size*2.0); SHADOW_TEST(su+shadowpixel_size); SHADOW_TEST(su); SHADOW_TEST(su-shadowpixel_size); SHADOW_TEST(su-shadowpixel_size*2.0); SHADOW_TEST(su-shadowpixel_size*3.0); shadow_attenuation/=7.0; #endif #ifdef SHADOW_FILTER_PCF9 SHADOW_TEST(su+shadowpixel_size*4.0); SHADOW_TEST(su+shadowpixel_size*3.0); SHADOW_TEST(su+shadowpixel_size*2.0); SHADOW_TEST(su+shadowpixel_size); SHADOW_TEST(su); SHADOW_TEST(su-shadowpixel_size); SHADOW_TEST(su-shadowpixel_size*2.0); SHADOW_TEST(su-shadowpixel_size*3.0); SHADOW_TEST(su-shadowpixel_size*4.0); shadow_attenuation/=9.0; #endif #ifdef SHADOW_FILTER_PCF13 SHADOW_TEST(su+shadowpixel_size*6.0); SHADOW_TEST(su+shadowpixel_size*5.0); SHADOW_TEST(su+shadowpixel_size*4.0); SHADOW_TEST(su+shadowpixel_size*3.0); SHADOW_TEST(su+shadowpixel_size*2.0); SHADOW_TEST(su+shadowpixel_size); SHADOW_TEST(su); SHADOW_TEST(su-shadowpixel_size); SHADOW_TEST(su-shadowpixel_size*2.0); SHADOW_TEST(su-shadowpixel_size*3.0); SHADOW_TEST(su-shadowpixel_size*4.0); SHADOW_TEST(su-shadowpixel_size*5.0); SHADOW_TEST(su-shadowpixel_size*6.0); shadow_attenuation/=13.0; #endif //color*=shadow_attenuation; color=mix(real_light_shadow_color,color,shadow_attenuation); //use shadows #endif } //use lighting #endif //color.rgb*=color.a; frag_color = color; }