/**************************************************************************/ /* filesystem_dock.h */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef FILESYSTEM_DOCK_H #define FILESYSTEM_DOCK_H #include "editor/dependency_editor.h" #include "editor/editor_file_system.h" #include "editor/file_info.h" #include "editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.h" #include "editor/script_create_dialog.h" #include "scene/gui/box_container.h" #include "scene/gui/control.h" #include "scene/gui/dialogs.h" #include "scene/gui/menu_button.h" #include "scene/gui/split_container.h" #include "scene/gui/tree.h" class CreateDialog; class EditorDirDialog; class ItemList; class LineEdit; class ProgressBar; class SceneCreateDialog; class ShaderCreateDialog; class DirectoryCreateDialog; class EditorResourceTooltipPlugin; class FileSystemTree : public Tree { virtual Control *make_custom_tooltip(const String &p_text) const; }; class FileSystemList : public ItemList { GDCLASS(FileSystemList, ItemList); bool popup_edit_commited = true; VBoxContainer *popup_editor_vb = nullptr; Popup *popup_editor = nullptr; LineEdit *line_editor = nullptr; virtual Control *make_custom_tooltip(const String &p_text) const override; void _line_editor_submit(const String &p_text); void _text_editor_popup_modal_close(); protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: bool edit_selected(); String get_edit_text(); FileSystemList(); }; class FileSystemDock : public VBoxContainer { GDCLASS(FileSystemDock, VBoxContainer); public: enum FileListDisplayMode { FILE_LIST_DISPLAY_THUMBNAILS, FILE_LIST_DISPLAY_LIST }; enum DisplayMode { DISPLAY_MODE_TREE_ONLY, DISPLAY_MODE_VSPLIT, DISPLAY_MODE_HSPLIT, }; enum Overwrite { OVERWRITE_UNDECIDED, OVERWRITE_REPLACE, OVERWRITE_RENAME, }; private: enum FileMenu { FILE_OPEN, FILE_INHERIT, FILE_MAIN_SCENE, FILE_INSTANTIATE, FILE_ADD_FAVORITE, FILE_REMOVE_FAVORITE, FILE_SHOW_IN_FILESYSTEM, FILE_DEPENDENCIES, FILE_OWNERS, FILE_MOVE, FILE_RENAME, FILE_REMOVE, FILE_DUPLICATE, FILE_REIMPORT, FILE_NEW, FILE_SHOW_IN_EXPLORER, FILE_OPEN_EXTERNAL, FILE_OPEN_IN_TERMINAL, FILE_COPY_PATH, FILE_COPY_ABSOLUTE_PATH, FILE_COPY_UID, FOLDER_EXPAND_ALL, FOLDER_COLLAPSE_ALL, FILE_NEW_RESOURCE, FILE_NEW_TEXTFILE, FILE_NEW_FOLDER, FILE_NEW_SCRIPT, FILE_NEW_SCENE, CONVERT_BASE_ID = 1000, }; HashMap folder_colors; Dictionary assigned_folder_colors; FileSortOption file_sort = FileSortOption::FILE_SORT_NAME; VBoxContainer *scanning_vb = nullptr; ProgressBar *scanning_progress = nullptr; SplitContainer *split_box = nullptr; VBoxContainer *file_list_vb = nullptr; int split_box_offset_h = 0; int split_box_offset_v = 0; HashSet favorites; Button *button_dock_placement = nullptr; Button *button_toggle_display_mode = nullptr; Button *button_reload = nullptr; Button *button_file_list_display_mode = nullptr; Button *button_hist_next = nullptr; Button *button_hist_prev = nullptr; LineEdit *current_path_line_edit = nullptr; HBoxContainer *toolbar2_hbc = nullptr; LineEdit *tree_search_box = nullptr; MenuButton *tree_button_sort = nullptr; LineEdit *file_list_search_box = nullptr; MenuButton *file_list_button_sort = nullptr; PackedStringArray searched_tokens; Vector uncollapsed_paths_before_search; TextureRect *search_icon = nullptr; HBoxContainer *path_hb = nullptr; FileListDisplayMode file_list_display_mode; DisplayMode display_mode; DisplayMode old_display_mode; PopupMenu *file_list_popup = nullptr; PopupMenu *tree_popup = nullptr; DependencyEditor *deps_editor = nullptr; DependencyEditorOwners *owners_editor = nullptr; DependencyRemoveDialog *remove_dialog = nullptr; EditorDirDialog *move_dialog = nullptr; DirectoryCreateDialog *make_dir_dialog = nullptr; ConfirmationDialog *overwrite_dialog = nullptr; ScrollContainer *overwrite_dialog_scroll = nullptr; Label *overwrite_dialog_header = nullptr; Label *overwrite_dialog_footer = nullptr; Label *overwrite_dialog_file_list = nullptr; ConfirmationDialog *conversion_dialog = nullptr; SceneCreateDialog *make_scene_dialog = nullptr; ScriptCreateDialog *make_script_dialog = nullptr; ShaderCreateDialog *make_shader_dialog = nullptr; CreateDialog *new_resource_dialog = nullptr; bool always_show_folders = false; bool editor_is_dark_theme = false; class FileOrFolder { public: String path; bool is_file = false; FileOrFolder() {} FileOrFolder(const String &p_path, bool p_is_file) : path(p_path), is_file(p_is_file) {} }; FileOrFolder to_rename; FileOrFolder to_duplicate; Vector to_move; String to_move_path; bool to_move_or_copy = false; Vector to_convert; int selected_conversion_id = 0; Vector history; int history_pos; int history_max_size; String current_path; String select_after_scan; bool updating_tree = false; int tree_update_id; FileSystemTree *tree = nullptr; FileSystemList *files = nullptr; bool import_dock_needs_update = false; bool holding_branch = false; Vector tree_items_selected_on_drag_begin; PackedInt32Array list_items_selected_on_drag_begin; LocalVector> tooltip_plugins; HashSet cached_valid_conversion_targets; void _tree_mouse_exited(); void _reselect_items_selected_on_drag_begin(bool reset = false); Ref _get_tree_item_icon(bool p_is_valid, const String &p_file_type, const String &p_icon_path); bool _create_tree(TreeItem *p_parent, EditorFileSystemDirectory *p_dir, Vector &uncollapsed_paths, bool p_select_in_favorites, bool p_unfold_path = false); void _update_tree(const Vector &p_uncollapsed_paths = Vector(), bool p_uncollapse_root = false, bool p_select_in_favorites = false, bool p_unfold_path = false); void _navigate_to_path(const String &p_path, bool p_select_in_favorites = false); void _file_list_gui_input(Ref p_event); void _tree_gui_input(Ref p_event); HashSet _get_valid_conversions_for_file_paths(const Vector &p_paths); void _update_file_list(bool p_keep_selection); void _toggle_file_display(); void _set_file_display(bool p_active); void _fs_changed(); void _select_file(const String &p_path, bool p_select_in_favorites = false); void _tree_activate_file(); void _file_list_activate_file(int p_idx); void _file_multi_selected(int p_index, bool p_selected); void _tree_multi_selected(Object *p_item, int p_column, bool p_selected); bool _get_imported_files(const String &p_path, String &r_extension, Vector &r_files) const; void _update_import_dock(); void _get_all_items_in_dir(EditorFileSystemDirectory *p_efsd, Vector &r_files, Vector &r_folders) const; void _find_file_owners(EditorFileSystemDirectory *p_efsd, const HashSet &p_renames, HashSet &r_file_owners) const; void _try_move_item(const FileOrFolder &p_item, const String &p_new_path, HashMap &p_file_renames, HashMap &p_folder_renames); void _try_duplicate_item(const FileOrFolder &p_item, const String &p_new_path) const; void _before_move(HashMap &r_uids, HashSet &r_file_owners) const; void _update_dependencies_after_move(const HashMap &p_renames, const HashSet &p_file_owners) const; void _update_resource_paths_after_move(const HashMap &p_renames, const HashMap &p_uids) const; void _update_favorites_list_after_move(const HashMap &p_files_renames, const HashMap &p_folders_renames) const; void _update_project_settings_after_move(const HashMap &p_renames, const HashMap &p_folders_renames); String _get_unique_name(const FileOrFolder &p_entry, const String &p_at_path); void _update_folder_colors_setting(); void _resource_removed(const Ref &p_resource); void _file_removed(const String &p_file); void _folder_removed(const String &p_folder); void _resource_created(); void _make_scene_confirm(); void _rename_operation_confirm(); void _duplicate_operation_confirm(const String &p_path); void _overwrite_dialog_action(bool p_overwrite); void _convert_dialog_action(); Vector _check_existing(); void _move_operation_confirm(const String &p_to_path, bool p_copy = false, Overwrite p_overwrite = OVERWRITE_UNDECIDED); void _tree_rmb_option(int p_option); void _file_list_rmb_option(int p_option); void _generic_rmb_option_selected(int p_option); void _file_option(int p_option, const Vector &p_selected); void _fw_history(); void _bw_history(); void _update_history(); void _push_to_history(); void _set_scanning_mode(); void _rescan(); void _change_split_mode(); void _split_dragged(int p_offset); void _search_changed(const String &p_text, const Control *p_from); bool _matches_all_search_tokens(const String &p_text); MenuButton *_create_file_menu_button(); void _file_sort_popup(int p_id); void _folder_color_index_pressed(int p_index, PopupMenu *p_menu); void _file_and_folders_fill_popup(PopupMenu *p_popup, const Vector &p_paths, bool p_display_path_dependent_options = true); void _tree_rmb_select(const Vector2 &p_pos, MouseButton p_button); void _file_list_item_clicked(int p_item, const Vector2 &p_pos, MouseButton p_mouse_button_index); void _file_list_empty_clicked(const Vector2 &p_pos, MouseButton p_mouse_button_index); void _tree_empty_click(const Vector2 &p_pos, MouseButton p_button); void _tree_empty_selected(); void _search(EditorFileSystemDirectory *p_path, List *matches, int p_max_items); void _set_current_path_line_edit_text(const String &p_path); Variant get_drag_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, Control *p_from); bool can_drop_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data, Control *p_from) const; void drop_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data, Control *p_from); void _get_drag_target_folder(String &target, bool &target_favorites, const Point2 &p_point, Control *p_from) const; void _preview_invalidated(const String &p_path); void _file_list_thumbnail_done(const String &p_path, const Ref &p_preview, const Ref &p_small_preview, const Variant &p_udata); void _tree_thumbnail_done(const String &p_path, const Ref &p_preview, const Ref &p_small_preview, const Variant &p_udata); void _update_display_mode(bool p_force = false); Vector _tree_get_selected(bool remove_self_inclusion = true, bool p_include_unselected_cursor = false) const; Vector _file_list_get_selected() const; bool _is_file_type_disabled_by_feature_profile(const StringName &p_class); void _feature_profile_changed(); void _project_settings_changed(); static Vector _remove_self_included_paths(Vector selected_strings); void _change_bottom_dock_placement(); bool _can_dock_horizontal() const; void _set_dock_horizontal(bool p_enable); private: static FileSystemDock *singleton; public: static FileSystemDock *get_singleton() { return singleton; } protected: void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: static constexpr double ITEM_COLOR_SCALE = 1.75; static constexpr double ITEM_ALPHA_MIN = 0.1; static constexpr double ITEM_ALPHA_MAX = 0.15; static constexpr double ITEM_BG_DARK_SCALE = 0.3; const HashMap &get_folder_colors() const; Dictionary get_assigned_folder_colors() const; Vector get_selected_paths() const; Vector get_uncollapsed_paths() const; String get_current_path() const; String get_current_directory() const; void navigate_to_path(const String &p_path); void focus_on_path(); void focus_on_filter(); void create_directory(const String &p_path, const String &p_base_dir); ScriptCreateDialog *get_script_create_dialog() const; void fix_dependencies(const String &p_for_file); void update_all(); int get_h_split_offset() const { return split_box_offset_h; } void set_h_split_offset(int p_offset) { split_box_offset_h = p_offset; } int get_v_split_offset() const { return split_box_offset_v; } void set_v_split_offset(int p_offset) { split_box_offset_v = p_offset; } void select_file(const String &p_file); void set_display_mode(DisplayMode p_display_mode); DisplayMode get_display_mode() const { return display_mode; } void set_file_sort(FileSortOption p_file_sort); FileSortOption get_file_sort() const { return file_sort; } void set_file_list_display_mode(FileListDisplayMode p_mode); FileListDisplayMode get_file_list_display_mode() const { return file_list_display_mode; } Tree *get_tree_control() { return tree; } void add_resource_tooltip_plugin(const Ref &p_plugin); void remove_resource_tooltip_plugin(const Ref &p_plugin); Control *create_tooltip_for_path(const String &p_path) const; void save_layout_to_config(Ref p_layout, const String &p_section) const; void load_layout_from_config(Ref p_layout, const String &p_section); FileSystemDock(); ~FileSystemDock(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(FileSystemDock::Overwrite); #endif // FILESYSTEM_DOCK_H