/**************************************************************************/ /* rendering_device_driver.h */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef RENDERING_DEVICE_DRIVER_H #define RENDERING_DEVICE_DRIVER_H // *********************************************************************************** // RenderingDeviceDriver - Design principles // ----------------------------------------- // - Very little validation is done, and normally only in dev or debug builds. // - Error reporting is generally simple: returning an id of 0 or a false boolean. // - Certain enums/constants/structs follow Vulkan values/layout. That makes things easier for RDDVulkan (it asserts compatibility). // - We allocate as little as possible in functions expected to be quick (a counterexample is loading/saving shaders) and use alloca() whenever suitable. // - We try to back opaque ids with the native ones or memory addresses. // - When using bookkeeping structures because the actual API id of a resource is not enough, we use a PagedAllocator. // - Every struct has default initializers. // - Using VectorView to take array-like arguments. Vector is an exception (an indiom for "BLOB"). // - If a driver needs some higher-level information (the kind of info RenderingDevice keeps), it shall store a copy of what it needs. // There's no backwards communication from the driver to query data from RenderingDevice. // *********************************************************************************** #include "core/object/object.h" #include "core/variant/type_info.h" #include "servers/display_server.h" #include "servers/rendering/rendering_context_driver.h" #include "servers/rendering/rendering_device_commons.h" #include // This may one day be used in Godot for interoperability between C arrays, Vector and LocalVector. // (See https://github.com/godotengine/godot-proposals/issues/5144.) template class VectorView { const T *_ptr = nullptr; const uint32_t _size = 0; public: const T &operator[](uint32_t p_index) { DEV_ASSERT(p_index < _size); return _ptr[p_index]; } _ALWAYS_INLINE_ const T *ptr() const { return _ptr; } _ALWAYS_INLINE_ uint32_t size() const { return _size; } VectorView() = default; VectorView(const T &p_ptr) : // With this one you can pass a single element very conveniently! _ptr(&p_ptr), _size(1) {} VectorView(const T *p_ptr, uint32_t p_size) : _ptr(p_ptr), _size(p_size) {} VectorView(const Vector &p_lv) : _ptr(p_lv.ptr()), _size(p_lv.size()) {} VectorView(const LocalVector &p_lv) : _ptr(p_lv.ptr()), _size(p_lv.size()) {} }; // These utilities help drivers avoid allocations. #define ALLOCA(m_size) ((m_size != 0) ? alloca(m_size) : nullptr) #define ALLOCA_ARRAY(m_type, m_count) ((m_type *)ALLOCA(sizeof(m_type) * (m_count))) #define ALLOCA_SINGLE(m_type) ALLOCA_ARRAY(m_type, 1) // This helps forwarding certain arrays to the API with confidence. #define ARRAYS_COMPATIBLE(m_type_a, m_type_b) (sizeof(m_type_a) == sizeof(m_type_b) && alignof(m_type_a) == alignof(m_type_b)) // This is used when you also need to ensure structured types are compatible field-by-field. // TODO: The fieldwise check is unimplemented, but still this one is useful, as a strong annotation about the needs. #define ARRAYS_COMPATIBLE_FIELDWISE(m_type_a, m_type_b) ARRAYS_COMPATIBLE(m_type_a, m_type_b) // Another utility, to make it easy to compare members of different enums, which is not fine with some compilers. #define ENUM_MEMBERS_EQUAL(m_a, m_b) ((int64_t)m_a == (int64_t)m_b) // This helps using a single paged allocator for many resource types. template struct VersatileResourceTemplate { static constexpr size_t RESOURCE_SIZES[] = { sizeof(RESOURCE_TYPES)... }; static constexpr size_t MAX_RESOURCE_SIZE = std::max_element(RESOURCE_SIZES, RESOURCE_SIZES + sizeof...(RESOURCE_TYPES))[0]; uint8_t data[MAX_RESOURCE_SIZE]; template static T *allocate(PagedAllocator &p_allocator) { T *obj = (T *)p_allocator.alloc(); memnew_placement(obj, T); return obj; } template static void free(PagedAllocator &p_allocator, T *p_object) { p_object->~T(); p_allocator.free((VersatileResourceTemplate *)p_object); } }; class RenderingDeviceDriver : public RenderingDeviceCommons { public: struct ID { uint64_t id = 0; _ALWAYS_INLINE_ ID() = default; _ALWAYS_INLINE_ ID(uint64_t p_id) : id(p_id) {} }; #define DEFINE_ID(m_name) \ struct m_name##ID : public ID { \ _ALWAYS_INLINE_ explicit operator bool() const { return id != 0; } \ _ALWAYS_INLINE_ m_name##ID &operator=(m_name##ID p_other) { \ id = p_other.id; \ return *this; \ } \ _ALWAYS_INLINE_ bool operator<(const m_name##ID &p_other) const { return id < p_other.id; } \ _ALWAYS_INLINE_ bool operator==(const m_name##ID &p_other) const { return id == p_other.id; } \ _ALWAYS_INLINE_ bool operator!=(const m_name##ID &p_other) const { return id != p_other.id; } \ _ALWAYS_INLINE_ m_name##ID(const m_name##ID &p_other) : ID(p_other.id) {} \ _ALWAYS_INLINE_ explicit m_name##ID(uint64_t p_int) : ID(p_int) {} \ _ALWAYS_INLINE_ explicit m_name##ID(void *p_ptr) : ID((uint64_t)p_ptr) {} \ _ALWAYS_INLINE_ m_name##ID() = default; \ }; // Id types declared before anything else to prevent cyclic dependencies between the different concerns. DEFINE_ID(Buffer); DEFINE_ID(Texture); DEFINE_ID(Sampler); DEFINE_ID(VertexFormat); DEFINE_ID(CommandQueue); DEFINE_ID(CommandQueueFamily); DEFINE_ID(CommandPool); DEFINE_ID(CommandBuffer); DEFINE_ID(SwapChain); DEFINE_ID(Framebuffer); DEFINE_ID(Shader); DEFINE_ID(UniformSet); DEFINE_ID(Pipeline); DEFINE_ID(RenderPass); DEFINE_ID(QueryPool); DEFINE_ID(Fence); DEFINE_ID(Semaphore); public: /*****************/ /**** GENERIC ****/ /*****************/ virtual Error initialize(uint32_t p_device_index, uint32_t p_frame_count) = 0; /****************/ /**** MEMORY ****/ /****************/ enum MemoryAllocationType { MEMORY_ALLOCATION_TYPE_CPU, // For images, CPU allocation also means linear, GPU is tiling optimal. MEMORY_ALLOCATION_TYPE_GPU, }; /*****************/ /**** BUFFERS ****/ /*****************/ enum BufferUsageBits { BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_FROM_BIT = (1 << 0), BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_TO_BIT = (1 << 1), BUFFER_USAGE_TEXEL_BIT = (1 << 2), BUFFER_USAGE_UNIFORM_BIT = (1 << 4), BUFFER_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT = (1 << 5), BUFFER_USAGE_INDEX_BIT = (1 << 6), BUFFER_USAGE_VERTEX_BIT = (1 << 7), BUFFER_USAGE_INDIRECT_BIT = (1 << 8), }; enum { BUFFER_WHOLE_SIZE = ~0ULL }; virtual BufferID buffer_create(uint64_t p_size, BitField p_usage, MemoryAllocationType p_allocation_type) = 0; // Only for a buffer with BUFFER_USAGE_TEXEL_BIT. virtual bool buffer_set_texel_format(BufferID p_buffer, DataFormat p_format) = 0; virtual void buffer_free(BufferID p_buffer) = 0; virtual uint64_t buffer_get_allocation_size(BufferID p_buffer) = 0; virtual uint8_t *buffer_map(BufferID p_buffer) = 0; virtual void buffer_unmap(BufferID p_buffer) = 0; /*****************/ /**** TEXTURE ****/ /*****************/ struct TextureView { DataFormat format = DATA_FORMAT_MAX; TextureSwizzle swizzle_r = TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R; TextureSwizzle swizzle_g = TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_G; TextureSwizzle swizzle_b = TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B; TextureSwizzle swizzle_a = TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_A; }; enum TextureLayout { TEXTURE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED, TEXTURE_LAYOUT_GENERAL, TEXTURE_LAYOUT_STORAGE_OPTIMAL, TEXTURE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL, TEXTURE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL, TEXTURE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL, TEXTURE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL, TEXTURE_LAYOUT_COPY_SRC_OPTIMAL, TEXTURE_LAYOUT_COPY_DST_OPTIMAL, TEXTURE_LAYOUT_RESOLVE_SRC_OPTIMAL, TEXTURE_LAYOUT_RESOLVE_DST_OPTIMAL, TEXTURE_LAYOUT_VRS_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL, TEXTURE_LAYOUT_MAX }; enum TextureAspect { TEXTURE_ASPECT_COLOR = 0, TEXTURE_ASPECT_DEPTH = 1, TEXTURE_ASPECT_STENCIL = 2, TEXTURE_ASPECT_MAX }; enum TextureAspectBits { TEXTURE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT = (1 << TEXTURE_ASPECT_COLOR), TEXTURE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT = (1 << TEXTURE_ASPECT_DEPTH), TEXTURE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT = (1 << TEXTURE_ASPECT_STENCIL), }; struct TextureSubresource { TextureAspect aspect = TEXTURE_ASPECT_COLOR; uint32_t layer = 0; uint32_t mipmap = 0; }; struct TextureSubresourceLayers { BitField aspect; uint32_t mipmap = 0; uint32_t base_layer = 0; uint32_t layer_count = 0; }; struct TextureSubresourceRange { BitField aspect; uint32_t base_mipmap = 0; uint32_t mipmap_count = 0; uint32_t base_layer = 0; uint32_t layer_count = 0; }; struct TextureCopyableLayout { uint64_t offset = 0; uint64_t size = 0; uint64_t row_pitch = 0; uint64_t depth_pitch = 0; uint64_t layer_pitch = 0; }; virtual TextureID texture_create(const TextureFormat &p_format, const TextureView &p_view) = 0; virtual TextureID texture_create_from_extension(uint64_t p_native_texture, TextureType p_type, DataFormat p_format, uint32_t p_array_layers, bool p_depth_stencil) = 0; // texture_create_shared_*() can only use original, non-view textures as original. RenderingDevice is responsible for ensuring that. virtual TextureID texture_create_shared(TextureID p_original_texture, const TextureView &p_view) = 0; virtual TextureID texture_create_shared_from_slice(TextureID p_original_texture, const TextureView &p_view, TextureSliceType p_slice_type, uint32_t p_layer, uint32_t p_layers, uint32_t p_mipmap, uint32_t p_mipmaps) = 0; virtual void texture_free(TextureID p_texture) = 0; virtual uint64_t texture_get_allocation_size(TextureID p_texture) = 0; virtual void texture_get_copyable_layout(TextureID p_texture, const TextureSubresource &p_subresource, TextureCopyableLayout *r_layout) = 0; virtual uint8_t *texture_map(TextureID p_texture, const TextureSubresource &p_subresource) = 0; virtual void texture_unmap(TextureID p_texture) = 0; virtual BitField texture_get_usages_supported_by_format(DataFormat p_format, bool p_cpu_readable) = 0; virtual bool texture_can_make_shared_with_format(TextureID p_texture, DataFormat p_format, bool &r_raw_reinterpretation) = 0; /*****************/ /**** SAMPLER ****/ /*****************/ virtual SamplerID sampler_create(const SamplerState &p_state) = 0; virtual void sampler_free(SamplerID p_sampler) = 0; virtual bool sampler_is_format_supported_for_filter(DataFormat p_format, SamplerFilter p_filter) = 0; /**********************/ /**** VERTEX ARRAY ****/ /**********************/ virtual VertexFormatID vertex_format_create(VectorView p_vertex_attribs) = 0; virtual void vertex_format_free(VertexFormatID p_vertex_format) = 0; /******************/ /**** BARRIERS ****/ /******************/ enum PipelineStageBits { PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT = (1 << 0), PIPELINE_STAGE_DRAW_INDIRECT_BIT = (1 << 1), PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_INPUT_BIT = (1 << 2), PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT = (1 << 3), PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT = (1 << 4), PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT = (1 << 5), PIPELINE_STAGE_GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT = (1 << 6), PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT = (1 << 7), PIPELINE_STAGE_EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT = (1 << 8), PIPELINE_STAGE_LATE_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT = (1 << 9), PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT = (1 << 10), PIPELINE_STAGE_COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT = (1 << 11), PIPELINE_STAGE_COPY_BIT = (1 << 12), PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT = (1 << 13), PIPELINE_STAGE_RESOLVE_BIT = (1 << 14), PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS_BIT = (1 << 15), PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT = (1 << 16), PIPELINE_STAGE_CLEAR_STORAGE_BIT = (1 << 17), }; enum BarrierAccessBits { BARRIER_ACCESS_INDIRECT_COMMAND_READ_BIT = (1 << 0), BARRIER_ACCESS_INDEX_READ_BIT = (1 << 1), BARRIER_ACCESS_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_READ_BIT = (1 << 2), BARRIER_ACCESS_UNIFORM_READ_BIT = (1 << 3), BARRIER_ACCESS_INPUT_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT = (1 << 4), BARRIER_ACCESS_SHADER_READ_BIT = (1 << 5), BARRIER_ACCESS_SHADER_WRITE_BIT = (1 << 6), BARRIER_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT = (1 << 7), BARRIER_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT = (1 << 8), BARRIER_ACCESS_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT = (1 << 9), BARRIER_ACCESS_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT = (1 << 10), BARRIER_ACCESS_COPY_READ_BIT = (1 << 11), BARRIER_ACCESS_COPY_WRITE_BIT = (1 << 12), BARRIER_ACCESS_HOST_READ_BIT = (1 << 13), BARRIER_ACCESS_HOST_WRITE_BIT = (1 << 14), BARRIER_ACCESS_MEMORY_READ_BIT = (1 << 15), BARRIER_ACCESS_MEMORY_WRITE_BIT = (1 << 16), BARRIER_ACCESS_FRAGMENT_SHADING_RATE_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT = (1 << 23), BARRIER_ACCESS_RESOLVE_READ_BIT = (1 << 24), BARRIER_ACCESS_RESOLVE_WRITE_BIT = (1 << 25), BARRIER_ACCESS_STORAGE_CLEAR_BIT = (1 << 27), }; struct MemoryBarrier { BitField src_access; BitField dst_access; }; struct BufferBarrier { BufferID buffer; BitField src_access; BitField dst_access; uint64_t offset = 0; uint64_t size = 0; }; struct TextureBarrier { TextureID texture; BitField src_access; BitField dst_access; TextureLayout prev_layout = TEXTURE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED; TextureLayout next_layout = TEXTURE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED; TextureSubresourceRange subresources; }; virtual void command_pipeline_barrier( CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, BitField p_src_stages, BitField p_dst_stages, VectorView p_memory_barriers, VectorView p_buffer_barriers, VectorView p_texture_barriers) = 0; /****************/ /**** FENCES ****/ /****************/ virtual FenceID fence_create() = 0; virtual Error fence_wait(FenceID p_fence) = 0; virtual void fence_free(FenceID p_fence) = 0; /********************/ /**** SEMAPHORES ****/ /********************/ virtual SemaphoreID semaphore_create() = 0; virtual void semaphore_free(SemaphoreID p_semaphore) = 0; /*************************/ /**** COMMAND BUFFERS ****/ /*************************/ // ----- QUEUE FAMILY ----- enum CommandQueueFamilyBits { COMMAND_QUEUE_FAMILY_GRAPHICS_BIT = 0x1, COMMAND_QUEUE_FAMILY_COMPUTE_BIT = 0x2, COMMAND_QUEUE_FAMILY_TRANSFER_BIT = 0x4 }; // The requested command queue family must support all specified bits or it'll fail to return a valid family otherwise. If a valid surface is specified, the queue must support presenting to it. // It is valid to specify no bits and a valid surface: in this case, the dedicated presentation queue family will be the preferred option. virtual CommandQueueFamilyID command_queue_family_get(BitField p_cmd_queue_family_bits, RenderingContextDriver::SurfaceID p_surface = 0) = 0; // ----- QUEUE ----- virtual CommandQueueID command_queue_create(CommandQueueFamilyID p_cmd_queue_family, bool p_identify_as_main_queue = false) = 0; virtual Error command_queue_execute_and_present(CommandQueueID p_cmd_queue, VectorView p_wait_semaphores, VectorView p_cmd_buffers, VectorView p_cmd_semaphores, FenceID p_cmd_fence, VectorView p_swap_chains) = 0; virtual void command_queue_free(CommandQueueID p_cmd_queue) = 0; // ----- POOL ----- enum CommandBufferType { COMMAND_BUFFER_TYPE_PRIMARY, COMMAND_BUFFER_TYPE_SECONDARY, }; virtual CommandPoolID command_pool_create(CommandQueueFamilyID p_cmd_queue_family, CommandBufferType p_cmd_buffer_type) = 0; virtual bool command_pool_reset(CommandPoolID p_cmd_pool) = 0; virtual void command_pool_free(CommandPoolID p_cmd_pool) = 0; // ----- BUFFER ----- virtual CommandBufferID command_buffer_create(CommandPoolID p_cmd_pool) = 0; virtual bool command_buffer_begin(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer) = 0; virtual bool command_buffer_begin_secondary(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, RenderPassID p_render_pass, uint32_t p_subpass, FramebufferID p_framebuffer) = 0; virtual void command_buffer_end(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer) = 0; virtual void command_buffer_execute_secondary(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, VectorView p_secondary_cmd_buffers) = 0; /********************/ /**** SWAP CHAIN ****/ /********************/ // The swap chain won't be valid for use until it is resized at least once. virtual SwapChainID swap_chain_create(RenderingContextDriver::SurfaceID p_surface) = 0; // The swap chain must not be in use when a resize is requested. Wait until all rendering associated to the swap chain is finished before resizing it. virtual Error swap_chain_resize(CommandQueueID p_cmd_queue, SwapChainID p_swap_chain, uint32_t p_desired_framebuffer_count) = 0; // Acquire the framebuffer that can be used for drawing. This must be called only once every time a new frame will be rendered. virtual FramebufferID swap_chain_acquire_framebuffer(CommandQueueID p_cmd_queue, SwapChainID p_swap_chain, bool &r_resize_required) = 0; // Retrieve the render pass that can be used to draw on the swap chain's framebuffers. virtual RenderPassID swap_chain_get_render_pass(SwapChainID p_swap_chain) = 0; // Retrieve the rotation in degrees to apply as a pre-transform. Usually 0 on PC. May be 0, 90, 180 & 270 on Android. virtual int swap_chain_get_pre_rotation_degrees(SwapChainID p_swap_chain) { return 0; } // Retrieve the format used by the swap chain's framebuffers. virtual DataFormat swap_chain_get_format(SwapChainID p_swap_chain) = 0; // Tells the swapchain the max_fps so it can use the proper frame pacing. // Android uses this with Swappy library. Some implementations or platforms may ignore this hint. virtual void swap_chain_set_max_fps(SwapChainID p_swap_chain, int p_max_fps) {} // Wait until all rendering associated to the swap chain is finished before deleting it. virtual void swap_chain_free(SwapChainID p_swap_chain) = 0; /*********************/ /**** FRAMEBUFFER ****/ /*********************/ virtual FramebufferID framebuffer_create(RenderPassID p_render_pass, VectorView p_attachments, uint32_t p_width, uint32_t p_height) = 0; virtual void framebuffer_free(FramebufferID p_framebuffer) = 0; /****************/ /**** SHADER ****/ /****************/ virtual String shader_get_binary_cache_key() = 0; virtual Vector shader_compile_binary_from_spirv(VectorView p_spirv, const String &p_shader_name) = 0; struct ImmutableSampler { UniformType type = UNIFORM_TYPE_MAX; uint32_t binding = 0xffffffff; // Binding index as specified in shader. LocalVector ids; }; /** Creates a Pipeline State Object (PSO) out of the shader and all the input data it needs. @param p_shader_binary Shader binary bytecode (e.g. SPIR-V). @param r_shader_desc TBD. @param r_name TBD. @param p_immutable_samplers Immutable samplers can be embedded when creating the pipeline layout on the condition they remain valid and unchanged, so they don't need to be specified when creating uniform sets. @return PSO resource for binding. */ virtual ShaderID shader_create_from_bytecode(const Vector &p_shader_binary, ShaderDescription &r_shader_desc, String &r_name, const Vector &p_immutable_samplers) = 0; // Only meaningful if API_TRAIT_SHADER_CHANGE_INVALIDATION is SHADER_CHANGE_INVALIDATION_ALL_OR_NONE_ACCORDING_TO_LAYOUT_HASH. virtual uint32_t shader_get_layout_hash(ShaderID p_shader) { return 0; } virtual void shader_free(ShaderID p_shader) = 0; virtual void shader_destroy_modules(ShaderID p_shader) = 0; protected: // An optional service to implementations. Error _reflect_spirv(VectorView p_spirv, ShaderReflection &r_reflection); public: /*********************/ /**** UNIFORM SET ****/ /*********************/ struct BoundUniform { UniformType type = UNIFORM_TYPE_MAX; uint32_t binding = 0xffffffff; // Binding index as specified in shader. LocalVector ids; // Flag to indicate that this is an immutable sampler so it is skipped when creating uniform // sets, as it would be set previously when creating the pipeline layout. bool immutable_sampler = false; }; virtual UniformSetID uniform_set_create(VectorView p_uniforms, ShaderID p_shader, uint32_t p_set_index, int p_linear_pool_index) = 0; virtual void linear_uniform_set_pools_reset(int p_linear_pool_index) {} virtual void uniform_set_free(UniformSetID p_uniform_set) = 0; virtual bool uniform_sets_have_linear_pools() const { return false; } // ----- COMMANDS ----- virtual void command_uniform_set_prepare_for_use(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, UniformSetID p_uniform_set, ShaderID p_shader, uint32_t p_set_index) = 0; /******************/ /**** TRANSFER ****/ /******************/ struct BufferCopyRegion { uint64_t src_offset = 0; uint64_t dst_offset = 0; uint64_t size = 0; }; struct TextureCopyRegion { TextureSubresourceLayers src_subresources; Vector3i src_offset; TextureSubresourceLayers dst_subresources; Vector3i dst_offset; Vector3i size; }; struct BufferTextureCopyRegion { uint64_t buffer_offset = 0; TextureSubresourceLayers texture_subresources; Vector3i texture_offset; Vector3i texture_region_size; }; virtual void command_clear_buffer(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, BufferID p_buffer, uint64_t p_offset, uint64_t p_size) = 0; virtual void command_copy_buffer(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, BufferID p_src_buffer, BufferID p_dst_buffer, VectorView p_regions) = 0; virtual void command_copy_texture(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, TextureID p_src_texture, TextureLayout p_src_texture_layout, TextureID p_dst_texture, TextureLayout p_dst_texture_layout, VectorView p_regions) = 0; virtual void command_resolve_texture(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, TextureID p_src_texture, TextureLayout p_src_texture_layout, uint32_t p_src_layer, uint32_t p_src_mipmap, TextureID p_dst_texture, TextureLayout p_dst_texture_layout, uint32_t p_dst_layer, uint32_t p_dst_mipmap) = 0; virtual void command_clear_color_texture(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, TextureID p_texture, TextureLayout p_texture_layout, const Color &p_color, const TextureSubresourceRange &p_subresources) = 0; virtual void command_copy_buffer_to_texture(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, BufferID p_src_buffer, TextureID p_dst_texture, TextureLayout p_dst_texture_layout, VectorView p_regions) = 0; virtual void command_copy_texture_to_buffer(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, TextureID p_src_texture, TextureLayout p_src_texture_layout, BufferID p_dst_buffer, VectorView p_regions) = 0; /******************/ /**** PIPELINE ****/ /******************/ virtual void pipeline_free(PipelineID p_pipeline) = 0; // ----- BINDING ----- virtual void command_bind_push_constants(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, ShaderID p_shader, uint32_t p_first_index, VectorView p_data) = 0; // ----- CACHE ----- virtual bool pipeline_cache_create(const Vector &p_data) = 0; virtual void pipeline_cache_free() = 0; virtual size_t pipeline_cache_query_size() = 0; virtual Vector pipeline_cache_serialize() = 0; /*******************/ /**** RENDERING ****/ /*******************/ // ----- SUBPASS ----- enum AttachmentLoadOp { ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_LOAD = 0, ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR = 1, ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_DONT_CARE = 2, }; enum AttachmentStoreOp { ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_STORE = 0, ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_DONT_CARE = 1, }; struct Attachment { DataFormat format = DATA_FORMAT_MAX; TextureSamples samples = TEXTURE_SAMPLES_MAX; AttachmentLoadOp load_op = ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_DONT_CARE; AttachmentStoreOp store_op = ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_DONT_CARE; AttachmentLoadOp stencil_load_op = ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_DONT_CARE; AttachmentStoreOp stencil_store_op = ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_DONT_CARE; TextureLayout initial_layout = TEXTURE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED; TextureLayout final_layout = TEXTURE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED; }; struct AttachmentReference { static const uint32_t UNUSED = 0xffffffff; uint32_t attachment = UNUSED; TextureLayout layout = TEXTURE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED; BitField aspect; }; struct Subpass { LocalVector input_references; LocalVector color_references; AttachmentReference depth_stencil_reference; LocalVector resolve_references; LocalVector preserve_attachments; AttachmentReference vrs_reference; }; struct SubpassDependency { uint32_t src_subpass = 0xffffffff; uint32_t dst_subpass = 0xffffffff; BitField src_stages; BitField dst_stages; BitField src_access; BitField dst_access; }; virtual RenderPassID render_pass_create(VectorView p_attachments, VectorView p_subpasses, VectorView p_subpass_dependencies, uint32_t p_view_count) = 0; virtual void render_pass_free(RenderPassID p_render_pass) = 0; // ----- COMMANDS ----- union RenderPassClearValue { Color color = {}; struct { float depth; uint32_t stencil; }; RenderPassClearValue() {} }; struct AttachmentClear { BitField aspect; uint32_t color_attachment = 0xffffffff; RenderPassClearValue value; }; virtual void command_begin_render_pass(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, RenderPassID p_render_pass, FramebufferID p_framebuffer, CommandBufferType p_cmd_buffer_type, const Rect2i &p_rect, VectorView p_clear_values) = 0; virtual void command_end_render_pass(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer) = 0; virtual void command_next_render_subpass(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, CommandBufferType p_cmd_buffer_type) = 0; virtual void command_render_set_viewport(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, VectorView p_viewports) = 0; virtual void command_render_set_scissor(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, VectorView p_scissors) = 0; virtual void command_render_clear_attachments(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, VectorView p_attachment_clears, VectorView p_rects) = 0; // Binding. virtual void command_bind_render_pipeline(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, PipelineID p_pipeline) = 0; virtual void command_bind_render_uniform_set(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, UniformSetID p_uniform_set, ShaderID p_shader, uint32_t p_set_index) = 0; virtual void command_bind_render_uniform_sets(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, VectorView p_uniform_sets, ShaderID p_shader, uint32_t p_first_set_index, uint32_t p_set_count) = 0; // Drawing. virtual void command_render_draw(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, uint32_t p_vertex_count, uint32_t p_instance_count, uint32_t p_base_vertex, uint32_t p_first_instance) = 0; virtual void command_render_draw_indexed(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, uint32_t p_index_count, uint32_t p_instance_count, uint32_t p_first_index, int32_t p_vertex_offset, uint32_t p_first_instance) = 0; virtual void command_render_draw_indexed_indirect(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, BufferID p_indirect_buffer, uint64_t p_offset, uint32_t p_draw_count, uint32_t p_stride) = 0; virtual void command_render_draw_indexed_indirect_count(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, BufferID p_indirect_buffer, uint64_t p_offset, BufferID p_count_buffer, uint64_t p_count_buffer_offset, uint32_t p_max_draw_count, uint32_t p_stride) = 0; virtual void command_render_draw_indirect(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, BufferID p_indirect_buffer, uint64_t p_offset, uint32_t p_draw_count, uint32_t p_stride) = 0; virtual void command_render_draw_indirect_count(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, BufferID p_indirect_buffer, uint64_t p_offset, BufferID p_count_buffer, uint64_t p_count_buffer_offset, uint32_t p_max_draw_count, uint32_t p_stride) = 0; // Buffer binding. virtual void command_render_bind_vertex_buffers(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, uint32_t p_binding_count, const BufferID *p_buffers, const uint64_t *p_offsets) = 0; virtual void command_render_bind_index_buffer(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, BufferID p_buffer, IndexBufferFormat p_format, uint64_t p_offset) = 0; // Dynamic state. virtual void command_render_set_blend_constants(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, const Color &p_constants) = 0; virtual void command_render_set_line_width(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, float p_width) = 0; // ----- PIPELINE ----- virtual PipelineID render_pipeline_create( ShaderID p_shader, VertexFormatID p_vertex_format, RenderPrimitive p_render_primitive, PipelineRasterizationState p_rasterization_state, PipelineMultisampleState p_multisample_state, PipelineDepthStencilState p_depth_stencil_state, PipelineColorBlendState p_blend_state, VectorView p_color_attachments, BitField p_dynamic_state, RenderPassID p_render_pass, uint32_t p_render_subpass, VectorView p_specialization_constants) = 0; /*****************/ /**** COMPUTE ****/ /*****************/ // ----- COMMANDS ----- // Binding. virtual void command_bind_compute_pipeline(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, PipelineID p_pipeline) = 0; virtual void command_bind_compute_uniform_set(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, UniformSetID p_uniform_set, ShaderID p_shader, uint32_t p_set_index) = 0; virtual void command_bind_compute_uniform_sets(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, VectorView p_uniform_sets, ShaderID p_shader, uint32_t p_first_set_index, uint32_t p_set_count) = 0; // Dispatching. virtual void command_compute_dispatch(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, uint32_t p_x_groups, uint32_t p_y_groups, uint32_t p_z_groups) = 0; virtual void command_compute_dispatch_indirect(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, BufferID p_indirect_buffer, uint64_t p_offset) = 0; // ----- PIPELINE ----- virtual PipelineID compute_pipeline_create(ShaderID p_shader, VectorView p_specialization_constants) = 0; /*****************/ /**** QUERIES ****/ /*****************/ // ----- TIMESTAMP ----- // Basic. virtual QueryPoolID timestamp_query_pool_create(uint32_t p_query_count) = 0; virtual void timestamp_query_pool_free(QueryPoolID p_pool_id) = 0; virtual void timestamp_query_pool_get_results(QueryPoolID p_pool_id, uint32_t p_query_count, uint64_t *r_results) = 0; virtual uint64_t timestamp_query_result_to_time(uint64_t p_result) = 0; // Commands. virtual void command_timestamp_query_pool_reset(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, QueryPoolID p_pool_id, uint32_t p_query_count) = 0; virtual void command_timestamp_write(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, QueryPoolID p_pool_id, uint32_t p_index) = 0; /****************/ /**** LABELS ****/ /****************/ virtual void command_begin_label(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, const char *p_label_name, const Color &p_color) = 0; virtual void command_end_label(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer) = 0; /****************/ /**** DEBUG *****/ /****************/ virtual void command_insert_breadcrumb(CommandBufferID p_cmd_buffer, uint32_t p_data) = 0; /********************/ /**** SUBMISSION ****/ /********************/ virtual void begin_segment(uint32_t p_frame_index, uint32_t p_frames_drawn) = 0; virtual void end_segment() = 0; /**************/ /**** MISC ****/ /**************/ enum ObjectType { OBJECT_TYPE_TEXTURE, OBJECT_TYPE_SAMPLER, OBJECT_TYPE_BUFFER, OBJECT_TYPE_SHADER, OBJECT_TYPE_UNIFORM_SET, OBJECT_TYPE_PIPELINE, }; struct MultiviewCapabilities { bool is_supported = false; bool geometry_shader_is_supported = false; bool tessellation_shader_is_supported = false; uint32_t max_view_count = 0; uint32_t max_instance_count = 0; }; enum ApiTrait { API_TRAIT_HONORS_PIPELINE_BARRIERS, API_TRAIT_SHADER_CHANGE_INVALIDATION, API_TRAIT_TEXTURE_TRANSFER_ALIGNMENT, API_TRAIT_TEXTURE_DATA_ROW_PITCH_STEP, API_TRAIT_SECONDARY_VIEWPORT_SCISSOR, API_TRAIT_CLEARS_WITH_COPY_ENGINE, API_TRAIT_USE_GENERAL_IN_COPY_QUEUES, API_TRAIT_BUFFERS_REQUIRE_TRANSITIONS, }; enum ShaderChangeInvalidation { SHADER_CHANGE_INVALIDATION_ALL_BOUND_UNIFORM_SETS, // What Vulkan does. SHADER_CHANGE_INVALIDATION_INCOMPATIBLE_SETS_PLUS_CASCADE, // What D3D12 does. SHADER_CHANGE_INVALIDATION_ALL_OR_NONE_ACCORDING_TO_LAYOUT_HASH, }; enum DeviceFamily { DEVICE_UNKNOWN, DEVICE_OPENGL, DEVICE_VULKAN, DEVICE_DIRECTX, DEVICE_METAL, }; struct Capabilities { DeviceFamily device_family = DEVICE_UNKNOWN; uint32_t version_major = 1; uint32_t version_minor = 0; }; virtual void set_object_name(ObjectType p_type, ID p_driver_id, const String &p_name) = 0; virtual uint64_t get_resource_native_handle(DriverResource p_type, ID p_driver_id) = 0; virtual uint64_t get_total_memory_used() = 0; virtual uint64_t get_lazily_memory_used() = 0; virtual uint64_t limit_get(Limit p_limit) = 0; virtual uint64_t api_trait_get(ApiTrait p_trait); virtual bool has_feature(Features p_feature) = 0; virtual const MultiviewCapabilities &get_multiview_capabilities() = 0; virtual String get_api_name() const = 0; virtual String get_api_version() const = 0; virtual String get_pipeline_cache_uuid() const = 0; virtual const Capabilities &get_capabilities() const = 0; virtual bool is_composite_alpha_supported(CommandQueueID p_queue) const { return false; } /******************/ virtual ~RenderingDeviceDriver(); }; using RDD = RenderingDeviceDriver; #endif // RENDERING_DEVICE_DRIVER_H