[vertex] #define ENABLE_UV_INTERP /* from VisualServer: ARRAY_VERTEX=0, ARRAY_NORMAL=1, ARRAY_TANGENT=2, ARRAY_COLOR=3, ARRAY_TEX_UV=4, ARRAY_TEX_UV2=5, ARRAY_BONES=6, ARRAY_WEIGHTS=7, ARRAY_INDEX=8, */ //hack to use uv if no uv present so it works with lightmap /* INPUT ATTRIBS */ layout(location=0) in highp vec4 vertex_attrib; layout(location=1) in vec3 normal_attrib; layout(location=2) in vec4 tangent_attrib; layout(location=3) in vec4 color_attrib; layout(location=4) in vec2 uv_attrib; layout(location=5) in vec2 uv2_attrib; uniform float normal_mult; #ifdef USE_SKELETON layout(location=6) mediump ivec4 bone_indices; // attrib:6 layout(location=7) mediump vec4 bone_weights; // attrib:7 uniform highp sampler2D skeleton_matrices; #endif #ifdef USE_ATTRIBUTE_INSTANCING layout(location=8) in highp vec4 instance_xform0; layout(location=9) in highp vec4 instance_xform1; layout(location=10) in highp vec4 instance_xform2; layout(location=11) in lowp vec4 instance_color; #endif layout(std140) uniform SceneData { //ubo:0 highp mat4 projection_matrix; highp mat4 camera_inverse_matrix; highp mat4 camera_matrix; highp vec4 time; highp vec4 ambient_light_color; highp vec4 bg_color; float ambient_energy; float bg_energy; }; uniform highp mat4 world_transform; #ifdef USE_FORWARD_LIGHTING layout(std140) uniform LightData { //ubo:3 highp vec4 light_pos_inv_radius; mediump vec4 light_direction_attenuation; mediump vec4 light_color_energy; mediump vec4 light_params; //cone attenuation, specular, shadow darkening, mediump vec4 shadow_split_offsets; highp mat4 shadow_matrix1; highp mat4 shadow_matrix2; highp mat4 shadow_matrix3; highp mat4 shadow_matrix4; }; #ifdef USE_FORWARD_1_SHADOW_MAP out mediump vec4 forward_shadow_pos1; #endif #ifdef USE_FORWARD_2_SHADOW_MAP out mediump vec4 forward_shadow_pos2; #endif #ifdef USE_FORWARD_4_SHADOW_MAP out mediump vec4 forward_shadow_pos3; out mediump vec4 forward_shadow_pos4; #endif #endif /* Varyings */ out highp vec3 vertex_interp; out vec3 normal_interp; #if defined(ENABLE_COLOR_INTERP) out vec4 color_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_UV_INTERP) out vec2 uv_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_UV2_INTERP) out vec2 uv2_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_TANGENT_INTERP) out vec3 tangent_interp; out vec3 binormal_interp; #endif #if !defined(USE_DEPTH_SHADOWS) && defined(USE_SHADOW_PASS) varying vec4 position_interp; #endif #ifdef USE_SHADOW_PASS uniform highp float shadow_z_offset; uniform highp float shadow_z_slope_scale; #endif VERTEX_SHADER_GLOBALS #if defined(USE_MATERIAL) layout(std140) uniform UniformData { //ubo:1 MATERIAL_UNIFORMS }; #endif void main() { highp vec4 vertex = vertex_attrib; // vec4(vertex_attrib.xyz * data_attrib.x,1.0); highp mat4 modelview = camera_inverse_matrix * world_transform; vec3 normal = normal_attrib * normal_mult; #if defined(ENABLE_TANGENT_INTERP) vec3 tangent = tangent_attrib.xyz; tangent*=normal_mult; float binormalf = tangent_attrib.a; #endif #ifdef USE_SKELETON { //skeleton transform highp mat4 m=mat4(texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.x*3.0+0.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.x*3.0+1.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.x*3.0+2.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0))*bone_weights.x; m+=mat4(texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.y*3.0+0.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.y*3.0+1.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.y*3.0+2.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0))*bone_weights.y; m+=mat4(texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.z*3.0+0.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.z*3.0+1.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.z*3.0+2.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0))*bone_weights.z; m+=mat4(texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.w*3.0+0.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.w*3.0+1.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.w*3.0+2.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0))*bone_weights.w; vertex = vertex_in * m; normal = (vec4(normal,0.0) * m).xyz; #if defined(ENABLE_TANGENT_INTERP) tangent = (vec4(tangent,0.0) * m).xyz; #endif } #endif #if !defined(SKIP_TRANSFORM_USED) vertex = modelview * vertex; normal = normalize((modelview * vec4(normal,0.0)).xyz); #endif #if defined(ENABLE_TANGENT_INTERP) # if !defined(SKIP_TRANSFORM_USED) tangent=normalize((modelview * vec4(tangent,0.0)).xyz); # endif vec3 binormal = normalize( cross(normal,tangent) * binormalf ); #endif #if defined(ENABLE_COLOR_INTERP) color_interp = color_attrib; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_UV_INTERP) uv_interp = uv_attrib; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_UV2_INTERP) uv2_interp = uv2_attrib; #endif { VERTEX_SHADER_CODE } #ifdef USE_SHADOW_PASS float z_ofs = shadow_z_offset; z_ofs += (1.0-abs(normal_interp.z))*shadow_z_slope_scale; vertex_interp.z-=z_ofs; #endif vertex_interp = vertex.xyz; normal_interp = normal; #if defined(ENABLE_TANGENT_INTERP) tangent_interp = tangent; binormal_interp = binormal; #endif #if !defined(SKIP_TRANSFORM_USED) gl_Position = projection_matrix * vec4(vertex_interp,1.0); #else gl_Position = vertex; #endif } [fragment] #define M_PI 3.14159265359 #define ENABLE_UV_INTERP //hack to use uv if no uv present so it works with lightmap /* Varyings */ #if defined(ENABLE_COLOR_INTERP) in vec4 color_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_UV_INTERP) in vec2 uv_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_UV2_INTERP) in vec2 uv2_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_TANGENT_INTERP) in vec3 tangent_interp; in vec3 binormal_interp; #endif in highp vec3 vertex_interp; in vec3 normal_interp; /* PBR CHANNELS */ //used on forward mainly uniform bool no_ambient_light; #ifdef USE_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP uniform sampler2D brdf_texture; //texunit:-1 uniform samplerCube radiance_cube; //texunit:-2 layout(std140) uniform Radiance { //ubo:2 mat4 radiance_inverse_xform; vec3 radiance_box_min; vec3 radiance_box_max; float radiance_ambient_contribution; }; #endif /* Material Uniforms */ FRAGMENT_SHADER_GLOBALS #if defined(USE_MATERIAL) layout(std140) uniform UniformData { MATERIAL_UNIFORMS }; #endif layout(std140) uniform SceneData { highp mat4 projection_matrix; highp mat4 camera_inverse_matrix; highp mat4 camera_matrix; highp vec4 time; highp vec4 ambient_light_color; highp vec4 bg_color; float ambient_energy; float bg_energy; }; #ifdef USE_FORWARD_LIGHTING layout(std140) uniform LightData { highp vec4 light_pos_inv_radius; mediump vec4 light_direction_attenuation; mediump vec4 light_color_energy; mediump vec4 light_params; //cone attenuation, specular, shadow darkening, mediump vec4 shadow_split_offsets; highp mat4 shadow_matrix1; highp mat4 shadow_matrix2; highp mat4 shadow_matrix3; highp mat4 shadow_matrix4; }; #ifdef USE_FORWARD_1_SHADOW_MAP in mediump vec4 forward_shadow_pos1; #endif #ifdef USE_FORWARD_2_SHADOW_MAP in mediump vec4 forward_shadow_pos2; #endif #ifdef USE_FORWARD_4_SHADOW_MAP in mediump vec4 forward_shadow_pos3; in mediump vec4 forward_shadow_pos4; #endif #endif #ifdef USE_MULTIPLE_RENDER_TARGETS layout(location=0) out vec4 diffuse_buffer; layout(location=1) out vec4 specular_buffer; layout(location=2) out vec4 normal_mr_buffer; #else layout(location=0) out vec4 frag_color; #endif // GGX Specular // Source: http://www.filmicworlds.com/images/ggx-opt/optimized-ggx.hlsl float G1V(float dotNV, float k) { return 1.0 / (dotNV * (1.0 - k) + k); } float specularGGX(vec3 N, vec3 V, vec3 L, float roughness, float F0) { float alpha = roughness * roughness; vec3 H = normalize(V + L); float dotNL = max(dot(N,L), 0.0 ); float dotNV = max(dot(N,V), 0.0 ); float dotNH = max(dot(N,H), 0.0 ); float dotLH = max(dot(L,H), 0.0 ); // D float alphaSqr = alpha * alpha; float pi = M_PI; float denom = dotNH * dotNH * (alphaSqr - 1.0) + 1.0; float D = alphaSqr / (pi * denom * denom); // F float dotLH5 = pow(1.0 - dotLH, 5.0); float F = F0 + (1.0 - F0) * (dotLH5); // V float k = alpha / 2.0f; float vis = G1V(dotNL, k) * G1V(dotNV, k); return dotNL * D * F * vis; } void light_compute(vec3 normal, vec3 light_vec,vec3 eye_vec,vec3 diffuse_color, vec3 specular_color, float roughness, float attenuation, inout vec3 diffuse, inout vec3 specular) { diffuse += max(0.0,dot(normal,light_vec)) * diffuse_color * attenuation; //specular += specular_ggx( roughness, max(0.0,dot(normal,eye_vec)) ) * specular_color * attenuation; float s = roughness > 0.0 ? specularGGX(normal,eye_vec,light_vec,roughness,1.0) : 0.0; specular += s * specular_color * attenuation; } void main() { //lay out everything, whathever is unused is optimized away anyway vec3 vertex = vertex_interp; vec3 albedo = vec3(0.8,0.8,0.8); vec3 specular = vec3(0.2,0.2,0.2); float roughness = 1.0; float alpha = 1.0; #ifdef METERIAL_DOUBLESIDED float side=float(gl_FrontFacing)*2.0-1.0; #else float side=1.0; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_TANGENT_INTERP) vec3 binormal = normalize(binormal_interp)*side; vec3 tangent = normalize(tangent_interp)*side; #endif vec3 normal = normalize(normal_interp)*side; #if defined(ENABLE_UV_INTERP) vec2 uv = uv_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_UV2_INTERP) vec2 uv2 = uv2_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_COLOR_INTERP) vec4 color = color_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_NORMALMAP) vec3 normalmap = vec3(0.0); #endif float normaldepth=1.0; #if defined(ENABLE_DISCARD) bool discard_=false; #endif { FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE } #if defined(ENABLE_NORMALMAP) normal = normalize( mix(normal_interp,tangent_interp * normalmap.x + binormal_interp * normalmap.y + normal_interp * normalmap.z,normaldepth) ) * side; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_DISCARD) if (discard_) { //easy to eliminate dead code discard; } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_CLIP_ALPHA if (diffuse.a<0.99) { //used for doublepass and shadowmapping discard; } #endif /////////////////////// LIGHTING ////////////////////////////// vec3 specular_light = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0); vec3 ambient_light; vec3 diffuse_light = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0); vec3 eye_vec = -normalize( vertex_interp ); #ifdef USE_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP if (no_ambient_light) { ambient_light=vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0); } else { { float ndotv = clamp(dot(normal,eye_vec),0.0,1.0); vec2 brdf = texture(brdf_texture, vec2(roughness, ndotv)).xy; float lod = roughness * 5.0; vec3 r = reflect(-eye_vec,normal); //2.0 * ndotv * normal - view; // reflect(v, n); r=normalize((radiance_inverse_xform * vec4(r,0.0)).xyz); vec3 radiance = textureLod(radiance_cube, r, lod).xyz * ( brdf.x + brdf.y); specular_light=mix(albedo,radiance,specular); } { vec3 ambient_dir=normalize((radiance_inverse_xform * vec4(normal,0.0)).xyz); vec3 env_ambient=textureLod(radiance_cube, ambient_dir, 5.0).xyz; ambient_light=mix(ambient_light_color.rgb,env_ambient,radiance_ambient_contribution); } } #else if (no_ambient_light){ ambient_light=vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0); } else { ambient_light=ambient_light_color.rgb; } #endif #ifdef USE_FORWARD_LIGHTING #ifdef USE_FORWARD_DIRECTIONAL light_compute(normal,light_direction_attenuation.xyz,eye_vec,albedo,specular,roughness,1.0,diffuse_light,specular_light); #endif #ifdef USE_FORWARD_OMNI vec3 light_rel_vec = light_pos_inv_radius.xyz-vertex; float normalized_distance = length( light_rel_vec )*light_pos_inv_radius.w; float light_attenuation = pow( max(1.0 - normalized_distance, 0.0), light_direction_attenuation.w ); light_compute(normal,normalize(light_rel_vec),eye_vec,albedo,specular,roughness,light_attenuation,diffuse_light,specular_light); #endif #ifdef USE_FORWARD_SPOT #endif #endif #if defined(USE_LIGHT_SHADER_CODE) //light is written by the light shader { LIGHT_SHADER_CODE } #endif #ifdef USE_MULTIPLE_RENDER_TARGETS //approximate ambient scale for SSAO, since we will lack full ambient float max_ambient=max(ambient_light.r,max(ambient_light.g,ambient_light.b)); float max_diffuse=max(diffuse_light.r,max(diffuse_light.g,diffuse_light.b)); float total_ambient = max_ambient+max_diffuse; float ambient_scale = (total_ambient>0.0) ? max_ambient/total_ambient : 0.0; diffuse_buffer=vec4(diffuse_light+ambient_light,ambient_scale); specular_buffer=vec4(specular_light,0.0); normal_mr_buffer=vec4(normal.x,normal.y,max(specular.r,max(specular.g,specular.b)),roughness); #else #ifdef SHADELESS frag_color=vec4(albedo,alpha); #else frag_color=vec4(ambient_light+diffuse_light+specular_light,alpha); #endif #endif }