/**************************************************************************/ /* projection.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "projection.h" #include "core/math/aabb.h" #include "core/math/math_funcs.h" #include "core/math/plane.h" #include "core/math/rect2.h" #include "core/math/transform_3d.h" #include "core/string/ustring.h" real_t Projection::determinant() const { return columns[0][3] * columns[1][2] * columns[2][1] * columns[3][0] - columns[0][2] * columns[1][3] * columns[2][1] * columns[3][0] - columns[0][3] * columns[1][1] * columns[2][2] * columns[3][0] + columns[0][1] * columns[1][3] * columns[2][2] * columns[3][0] + columns[0][2] * columns[1][1] * columns[2][3] * columns[3][0] - columns[0][1] * columns[1][2] * columns[2][3] * columns[3][0] - columns[0][3] * columns[1][2] * columns[2][0] * columns[3][1] + columns[0][2] * columns[1][3] * columns[2][0] * columns[3][1] + columns[0][3] * columns[1][0] * columns[2][2] * columns[3][1] - columns[0][0] * columns[1][3] * columns[2][2] * columns[3][1] - columns[0][2] * columns[1][0] * columns[2][3] * columns[3][1] + columns[0][0] * columns[1][2] * columns[2][3] * columns[3][1] + columns[0][3] * columns[1][1] * columns[2][0] * columns[3][2] - columns[0][1] * columns[1][3] * columns[2][0] * columns[3][2] - columns[0][3] * columns[1][0] * columns[2][1] * columns[3][2] + columns[0][0] * columns[1][3] * columns[2][1] * columns[3][2] + columns[0][1] * columns[1][0] * columns[2][3] * columns[3][2] - columns[0][0] * columns[1][1] * columns[2][3] * columns[3][2] - columns[0][2] * columns[1][1] * columns[2][0] * columns[3][3] + columns[0][1] * columns[1][2] * columns[2][0] * columns[3][3] + columns[0][2] * columns[1][0] * columns[2][1] * columns[3][3] - columns[0][0] * columns[1][2] * columns[2][1] * columns[3][3] - columns[0][1] * columns[1][0] * columns[2][2] * columns[3][3] + columns[0][0] * columns[1][1] * columns[2][2] * columns[3][3]; } void Projection::set_identity() { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { columns[i][j] = (i == j) ? 1 : 0; } } } void Projection::set_zero() { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { columns[i][j] = 0; } } } Plane Projection::xform4(const Plane &p_vec4) const { Plane ret; ret.normal.x = columns[0][0] * p_vec4.normal.x + columns[1][0] * p_vec4.normal.y + columns[2][0] * p_vec4.normal.z + columns[3][0] * p_vec4.d; ret.normal.y = columns[0][1] * p_vec4.normal.x + columns[1][1] * p_vec4.normal.y + columns[2][1] * p_vec4.normal.z + columns[3][1] * p_vec4.d; ret.normal.z = columns[0][2] * p_vec4.normal.x + columns[1][2] * p_vec4.normal.y + columns[2][2] * p_vec4.normal.z + columns[3][2] * p_vec4.d; ret.d = columns[0][3] * p_vec4.normal.x + columns[1][3] * p_vec4.normal.y + columns[2][3] * p_vec4.normal.z + columns[3][3] * p_vec4.d; return ret; } Vector4 Projection::xform(const Vector4 &p_vec4) const { return Vector4( columns[0][0] * p_vec4.x + columns[1][0] * p_vec4.y + columns[2][0] * p_vec4.z + columns[3][0] * p_vec4.w, columns[0][1] * p_vec4.x + columns[1][1] * p_vec4.y + columns[2][1] * p_vec4.z + columns[3][1] * p_vec4.w, columns[0][2] * p_vec4.x + columns[1][2] * p_vec4.y + columns[2][2] * p_vec4.z + columns[3][2] * p_vec4.w, columns[0][3] * p_vec4.x + columns[1][3] * p_vec4.y + columns[2][3] * p_vec4.z + columns[3][3] * p_vec4.w); } Vector4 Projection::xform_inv(const Vector4 &p_vec4) const { return Vector4( columns[0][0] * p_vec4.x + columns[0][1] * p_vec4.y + columns[0][2] * p_vec4.z + columns[0][3] * p_vec4.w, columns[1][0] * p_vec4.x + columns[1][1] * p_vec4.y + columns[1][2] * p_vec4.z + columns[1][3] * p_vec4.w, columns[2][0] * p_vec4.x + columns[2][1] * p_vec4.y + columns[2][2] * p_vec4.z + columns[2][3] * p_vec4.w, columns[3][0] * p_vec4.x + columns[3][1] * p_vec4.y + columns[3][2] * p_vec4.z + columns[3][3] * p_vec4.w); } void Projection::adjust_perspective_znear(real_t p_new_znear) { real_t zfar = get_z_far(); real_t znear = p_new_znear; real_t deltaZ = zfar - znear; columns[2][2] = -(zfar + znear) / deltaZ; columns[3][2] = -2 * znear * zfar / deltaZ; } Projection Projection::create_depth_correction(bool p_flip_y) { Projection proj; proj.set_depth_correction(p_flip_y); return proj; } Projection Projection::create_light_atlas_rect(const Rect2 &p_rect) { Projection proj; proj.set_light_atlas_rect(p_rect); return proj; } Projection Projection::create_perspective(real_t p_fovy_degrees, real_t p_aspect, real_t p_z_near, real_t p_z_far, bool p_flip_fov) { Projection proj; proj.set_perspective(p_fovy_degrees, p_aspect, p_z_near, p_z_far, p_flip_fov); return proj; } Projection Projection::create_perspective_hmd(real_t p_fovy_degrees, real_t p_aspect, real_t p_z_near, real_t p_z_far, bool p_flip_fov, int p_eye, real_t p_intraocular_dist, real_t p_convergence_dist) { Projection proj; proj.set_perspective(p_fovy_degrees, p_aspect, p_z_near, p_z_far, p_flip_fov, p_eye, p_intraocular_dist, p_convergence_dist); return proj; } Projection Projection::create_for_hmd(int p_eye, real_t p_aspect, real_t p_intraocular_dist, real_t p_display_width, real_t p_display_to_lens, real_t p_oversample, real_t p_z_near, real_t p_z_far) { Projection proj; proj.set_for_hmd(p_eye, p_aspect, p_intraocular_dist, p_display_width, p_display_to_lens, p_oversample, p_z_near, p_z_far); return proj; } Projection Projection::create_orthogonal(real_t p_left, real_t p_right, real_t p_bottom, real_t p_top, real_t p_znear, real_t p_zfar) { Projection proj; proj.set_orthogonal(p_left, p_right, p_bottom, p_top, p_znear, p_zfar); return proj; } Projection Projection::create_orthogonal_aspect(real_t p_size, real_t p_aspect, real_t p_znear, real_t p_zfar, bool p_flip_fov) { Projection proj; proj.set_orthogonal(p_size, p_aspect, p_znear, p_zfar, p_flip_fov); return proj; } Projection Projection::create_frustum(real_t p_left, real_t p_right, real_t p_bottom, real_t p_top, real_t p_near, real_t p_far) { Projection proj; proj.set_frustum(p_left, p_right, p_bottom, p_top, p_near, p_far); return proj; } Projection Projection::create_frustum_aspect(real_t p_size, real_t p_aspect, Vector2 p_offset, real_t p_near, real_t p_far, bool p_flip_fov) { Projection proj; proj.set_frustum(p_size, p_aspect, p_offset, p_near, p_far, p_flip_fov); return proj; } Projection Projection::create_fit_aabb(const AABB &p_aabb) { Projection proj; proj.scale_translate_to_fit(p_aabb); return proj; } Projection Projection::perspective_znear_adjusted(real_t p_new_znear) const { Projection proj = *this; proj.adjust_perspective_znear(p_new_znear); return proj; } Plane Projection::get_projection_plane(Planes p_plane) const { const real_t *matrix = (const real_t *)columns; switch (p_plane) { case PLANE_NEAR: { Plane new_plane = Plane(matrix[3] + matrix[2], matrix[7] + matrix[6], matrix[11] + matrix[10], matrix[15] + matrix[14]); new_plane.normal = -new_plane.normal; new_plane.normalize(); return new_plane; } case PLANE_FAR: { Plane new_plane = Plane(matrix[3] - matrix[2], matrix[7] - matrix[6], matrix[11] - matrix[10], matrix[15] - matrix[14]); new_plane.normal = -new_plane.normal; new_plane.normalize(); return new_plane; } case PLANE_LEFT: { Plane new_plane = Plane(matrix[3] + matrix[0], matrix[7] + matrix[4], matrix[11] + matrix[8], matrix[15] + matrix[12]); new_plane.normal = -new_plane.normal; new_plane.normalize(); return new_plane; } case PLANE_TOP: { Plane new_plane = Plane(matrix[3] - matrix[1], matrix[7] - matrix[5], matrix[11] - matrix[9], matrix[15] - matrix[13]); new_plane.normal = -new_plane.normal; new_plane.normalize(); return new_plane; } case PLANE_RIGHT: { Plane new_plane = Plane(matrix[3] - matrix[0], matrix[7] - matrix[4], matrix[11] - matrix[8], matrix[15] - matrix[12]); new_plane.normal = -new_plane.normal; new_plane.normalize(); return new_plane; } case PLANE_BOTTOM: { Plane new_plane = Plane(matrix[3] + matrix[1], matrix[7] + matrix[5], matrix[11] + matrix[9], matrix[15] + matrix[13]); new_plane.normal = -new_plane.normal; new_plane.normalize(); return new_plane; } } return Plane(); } Projection Projection::flipped_y() const { Projection proj = *this; proj.flip_y(); return proj; } Projection Projection ::jitter_offseted(const Vector2 &p_offset) const { Projection proj = *this; proj.add_jitter_offset(p_offset); return proj; } void Projection::set_perspective(real_t p_fovy_degrees, real_t p_aspect, real_t p_z_near, real_t p_z_far, bool p_flip_fov) { if (p_flip_fov) { p_fovy_degrees = get_fovy(p_fovy_degrees, 1.0 / p_aspect); } real_t sine, cotangent, deltaZ; real_t radians = Math::deg_to_rad(p_fovy_degrees / 2.0); deltaZ = p_z_far - p_z_near; sine = Math::sin(radians); if ((deltaZ == 0) || (sine == 0) || (p_aspect == 0)) { return; } cotangent = Math::cos(radians) / sine; set_identity(); columns[0][0] = cotangent / p_aspect; columns[1][1] = cotangent; columns[2][2] = -(p_z_far + p_z_near) / deltaZ; columns[2][3] = -1; columns[3][2] = -2 * p_z_near * p_z_far / deltaZ; columns[3][3] = 0; } void Projection::set_perspective(real_t p_fovy_degrees, real_t p_aspect, real_t p_z_near, real_t p_z_far, bool p_flip_fov, int p_eye, real_t p_intraocular_dist, real_t p_convergence_dist) { if (p_flip_fov) { p_fovy_degrees = get_fovy(p_fovy_degrees, 1.0 / p_aspect); } real_t left, right, modeltranslation, ymax, xmax, frustumshift; ymax = p_z_near * tan(Math::deg_to_rad(p_fovy_degrees / 2.0)); xmax = ymax * p_aspect; frustumshift = (p_intraocular_dist / 2.0) * p_z_near / p_convergence_dist; switch (p_eye) { case 1: { // left eye left = -xmax + frustumshift; right = xmax + frustumshift; modeltranslation = p_intraocular_dist / 2.0; } break; case 2: { // right eye left = -xmax - frustumshift; right = xmax - frustumshift; modeltranslation = -p_intraocular_dist / 2.0; } break; default: { // mono, should give the same result as set_perspective(p_fovy_degrees,p_aspect,p_z_near,p_z_far,p_flip_fov) left = -xmax; right = xmax; modeltranslation = 0.0; } break; } set_frustum(left, right, -ymax, ymax, p_z_near, p_z_far); // translate matrix by (modeltranslation, 0.0, 0.0) Projection cm; cm.set_identity(); cm.columns[3][0] = modeltranslation; *this = *this * cm; } void Projection::set_for_hmd(int p_eye, real_t p_aspect, real_t p_intraocular_dist, real_t p_display_width, real_t p_display_to_lens, real_t p_oversample, real_t p_z_near, real_t p_z_far) { // we first calculate our base frustum on our values without taking our lens magnification into account. real_t f1 = (p_intraocular_dist * 0.5) / p_display_to_lens; real_t f2 = ((p_display_width - p_intraocular_dist) * 0.5) / p_display_to_lens; real_t f3 = (p_display_width / 4.0) / p_display_to_lens; // now we apply our oversample factor to increase our FOV. how much we oversample is always a balance we strike between performance and how much // we're willing to sacrifice in FOV. real_t add = ((f1 + f2) * (p_oversample - 1.0)) / 2.0; f1 += add; f2 += add; f3 *= p_oversample; // always apply KEEP_WIDTH aspect ratio f3 /= p_aspect; switch (p_eye) { case 1: { // left eye set_frustum(-f2 * p_z_near, f1 * p_z_near, -f3 * p_z_near, f3 * p_z_near, p_z_near, p_z_far); } break; case 2: { // right eye set_frustum(-f1 * p_z_near, f2 * p_z_near, -f3 * p_z_near, f3 * p_z_near, p_z_near, p_z_far); } break; default: { // mono, does not apply here! } break; } } void Projection::set_orthogonal(real_t p_left, real_t p_right, real_t p_bottom, real_t p_top, real_t p_znear, real_t p_zfar) { set_identity(); columns[0][0] = 2.0 / (p_right - p_left); columns[3][0] = -((p_right + p_left) / (p_right - p_left)); columns[1][1] = 2.0 / (p_top - p_bottom); columns[3][1] = -((p_top + p_bottom) / (p_top - p_bottom)); columns[2][2] = -2.0 / (p_zfar - p_znear); columns[3][2] = -((p_zfar + p_znear) / (p_zfar - p_znear)); columns[3][3] = 1.0; } void Projection::set_orthogonal(real_t p_size, real_t p_aspect, real_t p_znear, real_t p_zfar, bool p_flip_fov) { if (!p_flip_fov) { p_size *= p_aspect; } set_orthogonal(-p_size / 2, +p_size / 2, -p_size / p_aspect / 2, +p_size / p_aspect / 2, p_znear, p_zfar); } void Projection::set_frustum(real_t p_left, real_t p_right, real_t p_bottom, real_t p_top, real_t p_near, real_t p_far) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_right <= p_left); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_top <= p_bottom); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_far <= p_near); real_t *te = &columns[0][0]; real_t x = 2 * p_near / (p_right - p_left); real_t y = 2 * p_near / (p_top - p_bottom); real_t a = (p_right + p_left) / (p_right - p_left); real_t b = (p_top + p_bottom) / (p_top - p_bottom); real_t c = -(p_far + p_near) / (p_far - p_near); real_t d = -2 * p_far * p_near / (p_far - p_near); te[0] = x; te[1] = 0; te[2] = 0; te[3] = 0; te[4] = 0; te[5] = y; te[6] = 0; te[7] = 0; te[8] = a; te[9] = b; te[10] = c; te[11] = -1; te[12] = 0; te[13] = 0; te[14] = d; te[15] = 0; } void Projection::set_frustum(real_t p_size, real_t p_aspect, Vector2 p_offset, real_t p_near, real_t p_far, bool p_flip_fov) { if (!p_flip_fov) { p_size *= p_aspect; } set_frustum(-p_size / 2 + p_offset.x, +p_size / 2 + p_offset.x, -p_size / p_aspect / 2 + p_offset.y, +p_size / p_aspect / 2 + p_offset.y, p_near, p_far); } real_t Projection::get_z_far() const { const real_t *matrix = (const real_t *)columns; Plane new_plane = Plane(matrix[3] - matrix[2], matrix[7] - matrix[6], matrix[11] - matrix[10], matrix[15] - matrix[14]); new_plane.normalize(); return new_plane.d; } real_t Projection::get_z_near() const { const real_t *matrix = (const real_t *)columns; Plane new_plane = Plane(matrix[3] + matrix[2], matrix[7] + matrix[6], matrix[11] + matrix[10], -matrix[15] - matrix[14]); new_plane.normalize(); return new_plane.d; } Vector2 Projection::get_viewport_half_extents() const { const real_t *matrix = (const real_t *)columns; ///////--- Near Plane ---/////// Plane near_plane = Plane(matrix[3] + matrix[2], matrix[7] + matrix[6], matrix[11] + matrix[10], -matrix[15] - matrix[14]); near_plane.normalize(); ///////--- Right Plane ---/////// Plane right_plane = Plane(matrix[3] - matrix[0], matrix[7] - matrix[4], matrix[11] - matrix[8], -matrix[15] + matrix[12]); right_plane.normalize(); Plane top_plane = Plane(matrix[3] - matrix[1], matrix[7] - matrix[5], matrix[11] - matrix[9], -matrix[15] + matrix[13]); top_plane.normalize(); Vector3 res; near_plane.intersect_3(right_plane, top_plane, &res); return Vector2(res.x, res.y); } Vector2 Projection::get_far_plane_half_extents() const { const real_t *matrix = (const real_t *)columns; ///////--- Far Plane ---/////// Plane far_plane = Plane(matrix[3] - matrix[2], matrix[7] - matrix[6], matrix[11] - matrix[10], -matrix[15] + matrix[14]); far_plane.normalize(); ///////--- Right Plane ---/////// Plane right_plane = Plane(matrix[3] - matrix[0], matrix[7] - matrix[4], matrix[11] - matrix[8], -matrix[15] + matrix[12]); right_plane.normalize(); Plane top_plane = Plane(matrix[3] - matrix[1], matrix[7] - matrix[5], matrix[11] - matrix[9], -matrix[15] + matrix[13]); top_plane.normalize(); Vector3 res; far_plane.intersect_3(right_plane, top_plane, &res); return Vector2(res.x, res.y); } bool Projection::get_endpoints(const Transform3D &p_transform, Vector3 *p_8points) const { Vector planes = get_projection_planes(Transform3D()); const Planes intersections[8][3] = { { PLANE_FAR, PLANE_LEFT, PLANE_TOP }, { PLANE_FAR, PLANE_LEFT, PLANE_BOTTOM }, { PLANE_FAR, PLANE_RIGHT, PLANE_TOP }, { PLANE_FAR, PLANE_RIGHT, PLANE_BOTTOM }, { PLANE_NEAR, PLANE_LEFT, PLANE_TOP }, { PLANE_NEAR, PLANE_LEFT, PLANE_BOTTOM }, { PLANE_NEAR, PLANE_RIGHT, PLANE_TOP }, { PLANE_NEAR, PLANE_RIGHT, PLANE_BOTTOM }, }; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { Vector3 point; Plane a = planes[intersections[i][0]]; Plane b = planes[intersections[i][1]]; Plane c = planes[intersections[i][2]]; bool res = a.intersect_3(b, c, &point); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!res, false); p_8points[i] = p_transform.xform(point); } return true; } Vector Projection::get_projection_planes(const Transform3D &p_transform) const { /** Fast Plane Extraction from combined modelview/projection matrices. * References: * https://web.archive.org/web/20011221205252/https://www.markmorley.com/opengl/frustumculling.html * https://web.archive.org/web/20061020020112/https://www2.ravensoft.com/users/ggribb/plane%20extraction.pdf */ Vector planes; planes.resize(6); const real_t *matrix = (const real_t *)columns; Plane new_plane; ///////--- Near Plane ---/////// new_plane = Plane(matrix[3] + matrix[2], matrix[7] + matrix[6], matrix[11] + matrix[10], matrix[15] + matrix[14]); new_plane.normal = -new_plane.normal; new_plane.normalize(); planes.write[0] = p_transform.xform(new_plane); ///////--- Far Plane ---/////// new_plane = Plane(matrix[3] - matrix[2], matrix[7] - matrix[6], matrix[11] - matrix[10], matrix[15] - matrix[14]); new_plane.normal = -new_plane.normal; new_plane.normalize(); planes.write[1] = p_transform.xform(new_plane); ///////--- Left Plane ---/////// new_plane = Plane(matrix[3] + matrix[0], matrix[7] + matrix[4], matrix[11] + matrix[8], matrix[15] + matrix[12]); new_plane.normal = -new_plane.normal; new_plane.normalize(); planes.write[2] = p_transform.xform(new_plane); ///////--- Top Plane ---/////// new_plane = Plane(matrix[3] - matrix[1], matrix[7] - matrix[5], matrix[11] - matrix[9], matrix[15] - matrix[13]); new_plane.normal = -new_plane.normal; new_plane.normalize(); planes.write[3] = p_transform.xform(new_plane); ///////--- Right Plane ---/////// new_plane = Plane(matrix[3] - matrix[0], matrix[7] - matrix[4], matrix[11] - matrix[8], matrix[15] - matrix[12]); new_plane.normal = -new_plane.normal; new_plane.normalize(); planes.write[4] = p_transform.xform(new_plane); ///////--- Bottom Plane ---/////// new_plane = Plane(matrix[3] + matrix[1], matrix[7] + matrix[5], matrix[11] + matrix[9], matrix[15] + matrix[13]); new_plane.normal = -new_plane.normal; new_plane.normalize(); planes.write[5] = p_transform.xform(new_plane); return planes; } Projection Projection::inverse() const { Projection cm = *this; cm.invert(); return cm; } void Projection::invert() { // Adapted from Mesa's `src/util/u_math.c` `util_invert_mat4x4`. // MIT licensed. Copyright 2008 VMware, Inc. Authored by Jacques Leroy. Projection temp; real_t *out = (real_t *)temp.columns; real_t *m = (real_t *)columns; real_t wtmp[4][8]; real_t m0, m1, m2, m3, s; real_t *r0, *r1, *r2, *r3; #define MAT(m, r, c) (m)[(c) * 4 + (r)] r0 = wtmp[0]; r1 = wtmp[1]; r2 = wtmp[2]; r3 = wtmp[3]; r0[0] = MAT(m, 0, 0); r0[1] = MAT(m, 0, 1); r0[2] = MAT(m, 0, 2); r0[3] = MAT(m, 0, 3); r0[4] = 1.0; r0[5] = 0.0; r0[6] = 0.0; r0[7] = 0.0; r1[0] = MAT(m, 1, 0); r1[1] = MAT(m, 1, 1); r1[2] = MAT(m, 1, 2); r1[3] = MAT(m, 1, 3); r1[5] = 1.0; r1[4] = 0.0; r1[6] = 0.0; r1[7] = 0.0; r2[0] = MAT(m, 2, 0); r2[1] = MAT(m, 2, 1); r2[2] = MAT(m, 2, 2); r2[3] = MAT(m, 2, 3); r2[6] = 1.0; r2[4] = 0.0; r2[5] = 0.0; r2[7] = 0.0; r3[0] = MAT(m, 3, 0); r3[1] = MAT(m, 3, 1); r3[2] = MAT(m, 3, 2); r3[3] = MAT(m, 3, 3); r3[7] = 1.0; r3[4] = 0.0; r3[5] = 0.0; r3[6] = 0.0; /* choose pivot - or die */ if (Math::abs(r3[0]) > Math::abs(r2[0])) { SWAP(r3, r2); } if (Math::abs(r2[0]) > Math::abs(r1[0])) { SWAP(r2, r1); } if (Math::abs(r1[0]) > Math::abs(r0[0])) { SWAP(r1, r0); } ERR_FAIL_COND(0.0 == r0[0]); /* eliminate first variable */ m1 = r1[0] / r0[0]; m2 = r2[0] / r0[0]; m3 = r3[0] / r0[0]; s = r0[1]; r1[1] -= m1 * s; r2[1] -= m2 * s; r3[1] -= m3 * s; s = r0[2]; r1[2] -= m1 * s; r2[2] -= m2 * s; r3[2] -= m3 * s; s = r0[3]; r1[3] -= m1 * s; r2[3] -= m2 * s; r3[3] -= m3 * s; s = r0[4]; if (s != 0.0) { r1[4] -= m1 * s; r2[4] -= m2 * s; r3[4] -= m3 * s; } s = r0[5]; if (s != 0.0) { r1[5] -= m1 * s; r2[5] -= m2 * s; r3[5] -= m3 * s; } s = r0[6]; if (s != 0.0) { r1[6] -= m1 * s; r2[6] -= m2 * s; r3[6] -= m3 * s; } s = r0[7]; if (s != 0.0) { r1[7] -= m1 * s; r2[7] -= m2 * s; r3[7] -= m3 * s; } /* choose pivot - or die */ if (Math::abs(r3[1]) > Math::abs(r2[1])) { SWAP(r3, r2); } if (Math::abs(r2[1]) > Math::abs(r1[1])) { SWAP(r2, r1); } ERR_FAIL_COND(0.0 == r1[1]); /* eliminate second variable */ m2 = r2[1] / r1[1]; m3 = r3[1] / r1[1]; r2[2] -= m2 * r1[2]; r3[2] -= m3 * r1[2]; r2[3] -= m2 * r1[3]; r3[3] -= m3 * r1[3]; s = r1[4]; if (0.0 != s) { r2[4] -= m2 * s; r3[4] -= m3 * s; } s = r1[5]; if (0.0 != s) { r2[5] -= m2 * s; r3[5] -= m3 * s; } s = r1[6]; if (0.0 != s) { r2[6] -= m2 * s; r3[6] -= m3 * s; } s = r1[7]; if (0.0 != s) { r2[7] -= m2 * s; r3[7] -= m3 * s; } /* choose pivot - or die */ if (Math::abs(r3[2]) > Math::abs(r2[2])) { SWAP(r3, r2); } ERR_FAIL_COND(0.0 == r2[2]); /* eliminate third variable */ m3 = r3[2] / r2[2]; r3[3] -= m3 * r2[3]; r3[4] -= m3 * r2[4]; r3[5] -= m3 * r2[5]; r3[6] -= m3 * r2[6]; r3[7] -= m3 * r2[7]; /* last check */ ERR_FAIL_COND(0.0 == r3[3]); s = 1.0 / r3[3]; /* now back substitute row 3 */ r3[4] *= s; r3[5] *= s; r3[6] *= s; r3[7] *= s; m2 = r2[3]; /* now back substitute row 2 */ s = 1.0 / r2[2]; r2[4] = s * (r2[4] - r3[4] * m2); r2[5] = s * (r2[5] - r3[5] * m2); r2[6] = s * (r2[6] - r3[6] * m2); r2[7] = s * (r2[7] - r3[7] * m2); m1 = r1[3]; r1[4] -= r3[4] * m1; r1[5] -= r3[5] * m1; r1[6] -= r3[6] * m1; r1[7] -= r3[7] * m1; m0 = r0[3]; r0[4] -= r3[4] * m0; r0[5] -= r3[5] * m0; r0[6] -= r3[6] * m0; r0[7] -= r3[7] * m0; m1 = r1[2]; /* now back substitute row 1 */ s = 1.0 / r1[1]; r1[4] = s * (r1[4] - r2[4] * m1); r1[5] = s * (r1[5] - r2[5] * m1), r1[6] = s * (r1[6] - r2[6] * m1); r1[7] = s * (r1[7] - r2[7] * m1); m0 = r0[2]; r0[4] -= r2[4] * m0; r0[5] -= r2[5] * m0; r0[6] -= r2[6] * m0; r0[7] -= r2[7] * m0; m0 = r0[1]; /* now back substitute row 0 */ s = 1.0 / r0[0]; r0[4] = s * (r0[4] - r1[4] * m0); r0[5] = s * (r0[5] - r1[5] * m0), r0[6] = s * (r0[6] - r1[6] * m0); r0[7] = s * (r0[7] - r1[7] * m0); MAT(out, 0, 0) = r0[4]; MAT(out, 0, 1) = r0[5]; MAT(out, 0, 2) = r0[6]; MAT(out, 0, 3) = r0[7]; MAT(out, 1, 0) = r1[4]; MAT(out, 1, 1) = r1[5]; MAT(out, 1, 2) = r1[6]; MAT(out, 1, 3) = r1[7]; MAT(out, 2, 0) = r2[4]; MAT(out, 2, 1) = r2[5]; MAT(out, 2, 2) = r2[6]; MAT(out, 2, 3) = r2[7]; MAT(out, 3, 0) = r3[4]; MAT(out, 3, 1) = r3[5]; MAT(out, 3, 2) = r3[6]; MAT(out, 3, 3) = r3[7]; #undef MAT *this = temp; } void Projection::flip_y() { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { columns[1][i] = -columns[1][i]; } } Projection::Projection() { set_identity(); } Projection Projection::operator*(const Projection &p_matrix) const { Projection new_matrix; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { real_t ab = 0; for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { ab += columns[k][i] * p_matrix.columns[j][k]; } new_matrix.columns[j][i] = ab; } } return new_matrix; } void Projection::set_depth_correction(bool p_flip_y, bool p_reverse_z, bool p_remap_z) { // p_remap_z is used to convert from OpenGL-style clip space (-1 - 1) to Vulkan style (0 - 1). real_t *m = &columns[0][0]; m[0] = 1; m[1] = 0.0; m[2] = 0.0; m[3] = 0.0; m[4] = 0.0; m[5] = p_flip_y ? -1 : 1; m[6] = 0.0; m[7] = 0.0; m[8] = 0.0; m[9] = 0.0; m[10] = p_remap_z ? (p_reverse_z ? -0.5 : 0.5) : (p_reverse_z ? -1.0 : 1.0); m[11] = 0.0; m[12] = 0.0; m[13] = 0.0; m[14] = p_remap_z ? 0.5 : 0.0; m[15] = 1.0; } void Projection::set_light_bias() { real_t *m = &columns[0][0]; m[0] = 0.5; m[1] = 0.0; m[2] = 0.0; m[3] = 0.0; m[4] = 0.0; m[5] = 0.5; m[6] = 0.0; m[7] = 0.0; m[8] = 0.0; m[9] = 0.0; m[10] = 0.5; m[11] = 0.0; m[12] = 0.5; m[13] = 0.5; m[14] = 0.5; m[15] = 1.0; } void Projection::set_light_atlas_rect(const Rect2 &p_rect) { real_t *m = &columns[0][0]; m[0] = p_rect.size.width; m[1] = 0.0; m[2] = 0.0; m[3] = 0.0; m[4] = 0.0; m[5] = p_rect.size.height; m[6] = 0.0; m[7] = 0.0; m[8] = 0.0; m[9] = 0.0; m[10] = 1.0; m[11] = 0.0; m[12] = p_rect.position.x; m[13] = p_rect.position.y; m[14] = 0.0; m[15] = 1.0; } Projection::operator String() const { return "[X: " + columns[0].operator String() + ", Y: " + columns[1].operator String() + ", Z: " + columns[2].operator String() + ", W: " + columns[3].operator String() + "]"; } real_t Projection::get_aspect() const { Vector2 vp_he = get_viewport_half_extents(); return vp_he.x / vp_he.y; } int Projection::get_pixels_per_meter(int p_for_pixel_width) const { Vector3 result = xform(Vector3(1, 0, -1)); return int((result.x * 0.5 + 0.5) * p_for_pixel_width); } bool Projection::is_orthogonal() const { return columns[3][3] == 1.0; } real_t Projection::get_fov() const { const real_t *matrix = (const real_t *)columns; Plane right_plane = Plane(matrix[3] - matrix[0], matrix[7] - matrix[4], matrix[11] - matrix[8], -matrix[15] + matrix[12]); right_plane.normalize(); if ((matrix[8] == 0) && (matrix[9] == 0)) { return Math::rad_to_deg(Math::acos(Math::abs(right_plane.normal.x))) * 2.0; } else { // our frustum is asymmetrical need to calculate the left planes angle separately.. Plane left_plane = Plane(matrix[3] + matrix[0], matrix[7] + matrix[4], matrix[11] + matrix[8], matrix[15] + matrix[12]); left_plane.normalize(); return Math::rad_to_deg(Math::acos(Math::abs(left_plane.normal.x))) + Math::rad_to_deg(Math::acos(Math::abs(right_plane.normal.x))); } } real_t Projection::get_lod_multiplier() const { if (is_orthogonal()) { return get_viewport_half_extents().x; } else { const real_t zn = get_z_near(); const real_t width = get_viewport_half_extents().x * 2.0f; return 1.0f / (zn / width); } // Usage is lod_size / (lod_distance * multiplier) < threshold } void Projection::make_scale(const Vector3 &p_scale) { set_identity(); columns[0][0] = p_scale.x; columns[1][1] = p_scale.y; columns[2][2] = p_scale.z; } void Projection::scale_translate_to_fit(const AABB &p_aabb) { Vector3 min = p_aabb.position; Vector3 max = p_aabb.position + p_aabb.size; columns[0][0] = 2 / (max.x - min.x); columns[1][0] = 0; columns[2][0] = 0; columns[3][0] = -(max.x + min.x) / (max.x - min.x); columns[0][1] = 0; columns[1][1] = 2 / (max.y - min.y); columns[2][1] = 0; columns[3][1] = -(max.y + min.y) / (max.y - min.y); columns[0][2] = 0; columns[1][2] = 0; columns[2][2] = 2 / (max.z - min.z); columns[3][2] = -(max.z + min.z) / (max.z - min.z); columns[0][3] = 0; columns[1][3] = 0; columns[2][3] = 0; columns[3][3] = 1; } void Projection::add_jitter_offset(const Vector2 &p_offset) { columns[3][0] += p_offset.x; columns[3][1] += p_offset.y; } Projection::operator Transform3D() const { Transform3D tr; const real_t *m = &columns[0][0]; tr.basis.rows[0][0] = m[0]; tr.basis.rows[1][0] = m[1]; tr.basis.rows[2][0] = m[2]; tr.basis.rows[0][1] = m[4]; tr.basis.rows[1][1] = m[5]; tr.basis.rows[2][1] = m[6]; tr.basis.rows[0][2] = m[8]; tr.basis.rows[1][2] = m[9]; tr.basis.rows[2][2] = m[10]; tr.origin.x = m[12]; tr.origin.y = m[13]; tr.origin.z = m[14]; return tr; } Projection::Projection(const Vector4 &p_x, const Vector4 &p_y, const Vector4 &p_z, const Vector4 &p_w) { columns[0] = p_x; columns[1] = p_y; columns[2] = p_z; columns[3] = p_w; } Projection::Projection(const Transform3D &p_transform) { const Transform3D &tr = p_transform; real_t *m = &columns[0][0]; m[0] = tr.basis.rows[0][0]; m[1] = tr.basis.rows[1][0]; m[2] = tr.basis.rows[2][0]; m[3] = 0.0; m[4] = tr.basis.rows[0][1]; m[5] = tr.basis.rows[1][1]; m[6] = tr.basis.rows[2][1]; m[7] = 0.0; m[8] = tr.basis.rows[0][2]; m[9] = tr.basis.rows[1][2]; m[10] = tr.basis.rows[2][2]; m[11] = 0.0; m[12] = tr.origin.x; m[13] = tr.origin.y; m[14] = tr.origin.z; m[15] = 1.0; } Projection::~Projection() { }