[compute] #version 450 VERSION_DEFINES layout(local_size_x = 4, local_size_y = 4, local_size_z = 4) in; #define MAX_DISTANCE 100000 #define NO_CHILDREN 0xFFFFFFFF #define GREY_VEC vec3(0.33333,0.33333,0.33333) struct CellChildren { uint children[8]; }; layout(set=0,binding=1,std430) buffer CellChildrenBuffer { CellChildren data[]; } cell_children; struct CellData { uint position; // xyz 10 bits uint albedo; //rgb albedo uint emission; //rgb normalized with e as multiplier uint normal; //RGB normal encoded }; layout(set=0,binding=2,std430) buffer CellDataBuffer { CellData data[]; } cell_data; layout (r8ui,set=0,binding=3) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D sdf_tex; layout(push_constant, binding = 0, std430) uniform Params { uint offset; uint end; uint pad0; uint pad1; } params; void main() { vec3 pos = vec3(gl_GlobalInvocationID); float closest_dist = 100000.0; for(uint i=params.offset;i>11)&0x3FF,cell_data.data[i].position>>21)); float dist = length(pos-posu); if (dist < closest_dist) { closest_dist = dist; } } uint dist_8; if (closest_dist<0.0001) { // same cell dist_8=0; //equals to -1 } else { dist_8 = clamp(uint(closest_dist),0,254) + 1; //conservative, 0 is 1, so <1 is considered solid } imageStore(sdf_tex,ivec3(gl_GlobalInvocationID),uvec4(dist_8)); //imageStore(sdf_tex,pos,uvec4(pos*2,0)); } #if 0 layout(push_constant, binding = 0, std430) uniform Params { ivec3 limits; uint stack_size; } params; float distance_to_aabb(ivec3 pos, ivec3 aabb_pos, ivec3 aabb_size) { vec3 delta = vec3(max(ivec3(0),max(aabb_pos - pos, pos - (aabb_pos + aabb_size - ivec3(1))))); return length(delta); } void main() { ivec3 pos = ivec3(gl_GlobalInvocationID); uint stack[10]=uint[](0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); uint stack_indices[10]=uint[](0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); ivec3 stack_positions[10]=ivec3[](ivec3(0),ivec3(0),ivec3(0),ivec3(0),ivec3(0),ivec3(0),ivec3(0),ivec3(0),ivec3(0),ivec3(0)); const uint cell_orders[8]=uint[]( 0x11f58d1, 0xe2e70a, 0xd47463, 0xbb829c, 0x8d11f5, 0x70ae2e, 0x463d47, 0x29cbb8 ); bool cell_found = false; bool cell_found_exact = false; ivec3 closest_cell_pos; float closest_distance = MAX_DISTANCE; int stack_pos = 0; while(true) { uint index = stack_indices[stack_pos]>>24; if (index == 8) { //go up if (stack_pos==0) { break; //done going through octree } stack_pos--; continue; } stack_indices[stack_pos] = (stack_indices[stack_pos]&((1<<24)-1))|((index + 1)<<24); uint cell_index = (stack_indices[stack_pos]>>(index*3))&0x7; uint child_cell = cell_children.data[stack[stack_pos]].children[cell_index]; if (child_cell == NO_CHILDREN) { continue; } ivec3 child_cell_size = params.limits >> (stack_pos+1); ivec3 child_cell_pos = stack_positions[stack_pos]; child_cell_pos+=mix(ivec3(0),child_cell_size,bvec3(uvec3(index&1,index&2,index&4)!=uvec3(0))); bool is_leaf = stack_pos == (params.stack_size-2); if (child_cell_pos==pos && is_leaf) { //we may actually end up in the exact cell. //if this happens, just abort cell_found_exact=true; break; } if (cell_found) { //discard by distance float distance = distance_to_aabb(pos,child_cell_pos,child_cell_size); if (distance >= closest_distance) { continue; //pointless, just test next child } else if (is_leaf) { //closer than what we have AND end of stack, save and continue closest_cell_pos = child_cell_pos; closest_distance = distance; continue; } } else if (is_leaf) { //first solid cell we find, save and continue closest_distance = distance_to_aabb(pos,child_cell_pos,child_cell_size); closest_cell_pos = child_cell_pos; cell_found=true; continue; } bvec3 direction = greaterThan(( pos - ( child_cell_pos + (child_cell_size >>1) ) ) , ivec3(0) ); uint cell_order = 0; cell_order|=mix(0,1,direction.x); cell_order|=mix(0,2,direction.y); cell_order|=mix(0,4,direction.z); stack[stack_pos+1]=child_cell; stack_indices[stack_pos+1]=cell_orders[cell_order]; //start counting stack_positions[stack_pos+1]=child_cell_pos; stack_pos++; //go up stack } uint dist_8; if (cell_found_exact) { dist_8=0; //equals to -1 } else { float closest_distance = length(vec3(pos-closest_cell_pos)); dist_8 = clamp(uint(closest_distance),0,254) + 1; //conservative, 0 is 1, so <1 is considered solid } imageStore(sdf_tex,pos,uvec4(dist_8)); } #endif