/*************************************************************************/ /* geometry.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* http://www.godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "geometry.h" #include "print_string.h" void Geometry::MeshData::optimize_vertices() { Map<int,int> vtx_remap; for(int i=0;i<faces.size();i++) { for(int j=0;j<faces[i].indices.size();j++) { int idx = faces[i].indices[j]; if (!vtx_remap.has(idx)) { int ni = vtx_remap.size(); vtx_remap[idx]=ni; } faces[i].indices[j]=vtx_remap[idx]; } } for(int i=0;i<edges.size();i++) { int a = edges[i].a; int b = edges[i].b; if (!vtx_remap.has(a)) { int ni = vtx_remap.size(); vtx_remap[a]=ni; } if (!vtx_remap.has(b)) { int ni = vtx_remap.size(); vtx_remap[b]=ni; } edges[i].a=vtx_remap[a]; edges[i].b=vtx_remap[b]; } Vector<Vector3> new_vertices; new_vertices.resize(vtx_remap.size()); for(int i=0;i<vertices.size();i++) { if (vtx_remap.has(i)) new_vertices[vtx_remap[i]]=vertices[i]; } vertices=new_vertices; } Vector< Vector<Vector2> > (*Geometry::_decompose_func)(const Vector<Vector2>& p_polygon)=NULL; struct _FaceClassify { struct _Link { int face; int edge; void clear() { face=-1; edge=-1; } _Link() { face=-1; edge=-1; } }; bool valid; int group; _Link links[3]; Face3 face; _FaceClassify() { group=-1; valid=false; }; }; static bool _connect_faces(_FaceClassify *p_faces, int len, int p_group) { /* connect faces, error will occur if an edge is shared between more than 2 faces */ /* clear connections */ bool error=false; for (int i=0;i<len;i++) { for (int j=0;j<3;j++) { p_faces[i].links[j].clear(); } } for (int i=0;i<len;i++) { if (p_faces[i].group!=p_group) continue; for (int j=i+1;j<len;j++) { if (p_faces[j].group!=p_group) continue; for (int k=0;k<3;k++) { Vector3 vi1=p_faces[i].face.vertex[k]; Vector3 vi2=p_faces[i].face.vertex[(k+1)%3]; for (int l=0;l<3;l++) { Vector3 vj2=p_faces[j].face.vertex[l]; Vector3 vj1=p_faces[j].face.vertex[(l+1)%3]; if (vi1.distance_to(vj1)<0.00001 && vi2.distance_to(vj2)<0.00001 ) { if (p_faces[i].links[k].face!=-1) { ERR_PRINT("already linked\n"); error=true; break; } if (p_faces[j].links[l].face!=-1) { ERR_PRINT("already linked\n"); error=true; break; } p_faces[i].links[k].face=j; p_faces[i].links[k].edge=l; p_faces[j].links[l].face=i; p_faces[j].links[l].edge=k; } } if (error) break; } if (error) break; } if (error) break; } for (int i=0;i<len;i++) { p_faces[i].valid=true; for (int j=0;j<3;j++) { if (p_faces[i].links[j].face==-1) p_faces[i].valid=false; } /*printf("face %i is valid: %i, group %i. connected to %i:%i,%i:%i,%i:%i\n",i,p_faces[i].valid,p_faces[i].group, p_faces[i].links[0].face, p_faces[i].links[0].edge, p_faces[i].links[1].face, p_faces[i].links[1].edge, p_faces[i].links[2].face, p_faces[i].links[2].edge);*/ } return error; } static bool _group_face(_FaceClassify *p_faces, int len, int p_index,int p_group) { if (p_faces[p_index].group>=0) return false; p_faces[p_index].group=p_group; for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_faces[p_index].links[i].face,len,true); _group_face(p_faces,len,p_faces[p_index].links[i].face,p_group); } return true; } DVector< DVector< Face3 > > Geometry::separate_objects( DVector< Face3 > p_array ) { DVector< DVector< Face3 > > objects; int len = p_array.size(); DVector<Face3>::Read r=p_array.read(); const Face3* arrayptr = r.ptr(); DVector< _FaceClassify> fc; fc.resize( len ); DVector< _FaceClassify >::Write fcw=fc.write(); _FaceClassify * _fcptr = fcw.ptr(); for (int i=0;i<len;i++) { _fcptr[i].face=arrayptr[i]; } bool error=_connect_faces(_fcptr,len,-1); if (error) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(error, DVector< DVector< Face3 > >() ); // invalid geometry } /* group connected faces in separate objects */ int group=0; for (int i=0;i<len;i++) { if (!_fcptr[i].valid) continue; if (_group_face(_fcptr,len,i,group)) { group++; } } /* group connected faces in separate objects */ for (int i=0;i<len;i++) { _fcptr[i].face=arrayptr[i]; } if (group>=0) { objects.resize(group); DVector< DVector<Face3> >::Write obw=objects.write(); DVector< Face3 > *group_faces = obw.ptr(); for (int i=0;i<len;i++) { if (!_fcptr[i].valid) continue; if (_fcptr[i].group>=0 && _fcptr[i].group<group) { group_faces[_fcptr[i].group].push_back( _fcptr[i].face ); } } } return objects; } /*** GEOMETRY WRAPPER ***/ enum _CellFlags { _CELL_SOLID=1, _CELL_EXTERIOR=2, _CELL_STEP_MASK=0x1C, _CELL_STEP_NONE=0<<2, _CELL_STEP_Y_POS=1<<2, _CELL_STEP_Y_NEG=2<<2, _CELL_STEP_X_POS=3<<2, _CELL_STEP_X_NEG=4<<2, _CELL_STEP_Z_POS=5<<2, _CELL_STEP_Z_NEG=6<<2, _CELL_STEP_DONE=7<<2, _CELL_PREV_MASK=0xE0, _CELL_PREV_NONE=0<<5, _CELL_PREV_Y_POS=1<<5, _CELL_PREV_Y_NEG=2<<5, _CELL_PREV_X_POS=3<<5, _CELL_PREV_X_NEG=4<<5, _CELL_PREV_Z_POS=5<<5, _CELL_PREV_Z_NEG=6<<5, _CELL_PREV_FIRST=7<<5, }; static inline void _plot_face(uint8_t*** p_cell_status,int x,int y,int z,int len_x,int len_y,int len_z,const Vector3& voxelsize,const Face3& p_face) { AABB aabb( Vector3(x,y,z),Vector3(len_x,len_y,len_z)); aabb.pos=aabb.pos*voxelsize; aabb.size=aabb.size*voxelsize; if (!p_face.intersects_aabb(aabb)) return; if (len_x==1 && len_y==1 && len_z==1) { p_cell_status[x][y][z]=_CELL_SOLID; return; } int div_x=len_x>1?2:1; int div_y=len_y>1?2:1; int div_z=len_z>1?2:1; #define _SPLIT(m_i,m_div,m_v,m_len_v,m_new_v,m_new_len_v)\ if (m_div==1) {\ m_new_v=m_v;\ m_new_len_v=1; \ } else if (m_i==0) {\ m_new_v=m_v;\ m_new_len_v=m_len_v/2;\ } else {\ m_new_v=m_v+m_len_v/2;\ m_new_len_v=m_len_v-m_len_v/2; \ } int new_x; int new_len_x; int new_y; int new_len_y; int new_z; int new_len_z; for (int i=0;i<div_x;i++) { _SPLIT(i,div_x,x,len_x,new_x,new_len_x); for (int j=0;j<div_y;j++) { _SPLIT(j,div_y,y,len_y,new_y,new_len_y); for (int k=0;k<div_z;k++) { _SPLIT(k,div_z,z,len_z,new_z,new_len_z); _plot_face(p_cell_status,new_x,new_y,new_z,new_len_x,new_len_y,new_len_z,voxelsize,p_face); } } } } static inline void _mark_outside(uint8_t*** p_cell_status,int x,int y,int z,int len_x,int len_y,int len_z) { if (p_cell_status[x][y][z]&3) return; // nothing to do, already used and/or visited p_cell_status[x][y][z]=_CELL_PREV_FIRST; while(true) { uint8_t &c = p_cell_status[x][y][z]; //printf("at %i,%i,%i\n",x,y,z); if ( (c&_CELL_STEP_MASK)==_CELL_STEP_NONE) { /* Haven't been in here, mark as outside */ p_cell_status[x][y][z]|=_CELL_EXTERIOR; //printf("not marked as anything, marking exterior\n"); } //printf("cell step is %i\n",(c&_CELL_STEP_MASK)); if ( (c&_CELL_STEP_MASK)!=_CELL_STEP_DONE) { /* if not done, increase step */ c+=1<<2; //printf("incrementing cell step\n"); } if ( (c&_CELL_STEP_MASK)==_CELL_STEP_DONE) { /* Go back */ //printf("done, going back a cell\n"); switch(c&_CELL_PREV_MASK) { case _CELL_PREV_FIRST: { //printf("at end, finished marking\n"); return; } break; case _CELL_PREV_Y_POS: { y++; ERR_FAIL_COND(y>=len_y); } break; case _CELL_PREV_Y_NEG: { y--; ERR_FAIL_COND(y<0); } break; case _CELL_PREV_X_POS: { x++; ERR_FAIL_COND(x>=len_x); } break; case _CELL_PREV_X_NEG: { x--; ERR_FAIL_COND(x<0); } break; case _CELL_PREV_Z_POS: { z++; ERR_FAIL_COND(z>=len_z); } break; case _CELL_PREV_Z_NEG: { z--; ERR_FAIL_COND(z<0); } break; default: { ERR_FAIL(); } } continue; } //printf("attempting new cell!\n"); int next_x=x,next_y=y,next_z=z; uint8_t prev=0; switch(c&_CELL_STEP_MASK) { case _CELL_STEP_Y_POS: { next_y++; prev=_CELL_PREV_Y_NEG; } break; case _CELL_STEP_Y_NEG: { next_y--; prev=_CELL_PREV_Y_POS; } break; case _CELL_STEP_X_POS: { next_x++; prev=_CELL_PREV_X_NEG; } break; case _CELL_STEP_X_NEG: { next_x--; prev=_CELL_PREV_X_POS; } break; case _CELL_STEP_Z_POS: { next_z++; prev=_CELL_PREV_Z_NEG; } break; case _CELL_STEP_Z_NEG: { next_z--; prev=_CELL_PREV_Z_POS; } break; default: ERR_FAIL(); } //printf("testing if new cell will be ok...!\n"); if (next_x<0 || next_x>=len_x) continue; if (next_y<0 || next_y>=len_y) continue; if (next_z<0 || next_z>=len_z) continue; //printf("testing if new cell is traversable\n"); if (p_cell_status[next_x][next_y][next_z]&3) continue; //printf("move to it\n"); x=next_x; y=next_y; z=next_z; p_cell_status[x][y][z]|=prev; } } static inline void _build_faces(uint8_t*** p_cell_status,int x,int y,int z,int len_x,int len_y,int len_z,DVector<Face3>& p_faces) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(x,len_x); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(y,len_y); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(z,len_z); if (p_cell_status[x][y][z]&_CELL_EXTERIOR) return; /* static const Vector3 vertices[8]={ Vector3(0,0,0), Vector3(0,0,1), Vector3(0,1,0), Vector3(0,1,1), Vector3(1,0,0), Vector3(1,0,1), Vector3(1,1,0), Vector3(1,1,1), }; */ #define vert(m_idx) Vector3( (m_idx&4)>>2, (m_idx&2)>>1, m_idx&1 ) static const uint8_t indices[6][4]={ {7,6,4,5}, {7,3,2,6}, {7,5,1,3}, {0,2,3,1}, {0,1,5,4}, {0,4,6,2}, }; /* {0,1,2,3}, {0,1,4,5}, {0,2,4,6}, {4,5,6,7}, {2,3,7,6}, {1,3,5,7}, {0,2,3,1}, {0,1,5,4}, {0,4,6,2}, {7,6,4,5}, {7,3,2,6}, {7,5,1,3}, */ for (int i=0;i<6;i++) { Vector3 face_points[4]; int disp_x=x+((i%3)==0?((i<3)?1:-1):0); int disp_y=y+(((i-1)%3)==0?((i<3)?1:-1):0); int disp_z=z+(((i-2)%3)==0?((i<3)?1:-1):0); bool plot=false; if (disp_x<0 || disp_x>=len_x) plot=true; if (disp_y<0 || disp_y>=len_y) plot=true; if (disp_z<0 || disp_z>=len_z) plot=true; if (!plot && (p_cell_status[disp_x][disp_y][disp_z]&_CELL_EXTERIOR)) plot=true; if (!plot) continue; for (int j=0;j<4;j++) face_points[j]=vert( indices[i][j] ) + Vector3(x,y,z); p_faces.push_back( Face3( face_points[0], face_points[1], face_points[2] ) ); p_faces.push_back( Face3( face_points[2], face_points[3], face_points[0] ) ); } } DVector< Face3 > Geometry::wrap_geometry( DVector< Face3 > p_array,float *p_error ) { #define _MIN_SIZE 1.0 #define _MAX_LENGTH 20 int face_count=p_array.size(); DVector<Face3>::Read facesr=p_array.read(); const Face3 *faces = facesr.ptr(); AABB global_aabb; for(int i=0;i<face_count;i++) { if (i==0) { global_aabb=faces[i].get_aabb(); } else { global_aabb.merge_with( faces[i].get_aabb() ); } } global_aabb.grow_by(0.01); // avoid numerical error // determine amount of cells in grid axis int div_x,div_y,div_z; if (global_aabb.size.x/_MIN_SIZE<_MAX_LENGTH) div_x=(int)(global_aabb.size.x/_MIN_SIZE)+1; else div_x=_MAX_LENGTH; if (global_aabb.size.y/_MIN_SIZE<_MAX_LENGTH) div_y=(int)(global_aabb.size.y/_MIN_SIZE)+1; else div_y=_MAX_LENGTH; if (global_aabb.size.z/_MIN_SIZE<_MAX_LENGTH) div_z=(int)(global_aabb.size.z/_MIN_SIZE)+1; else div_z=_MAX_LENGTH; Vector3 voxelsize=global_aabb.size; voxelsize.x/=div_x; voxelsize.y/=div_y; voxelsize.z/=div_z; // create and initialize cells to zero print_line("Wrapper: Initializing Cells"); uint8_t ***cell_status=memnew_arr(uint8_t**,div_x); for(int i=0;i<div_x;i++) { cell_status[i]=memnew_arr(uint8_t*,div_y); for(int j=0;j<div_y;j++) { cell_status[i][j]=memnew_arr(uint8_t,div_z); for(int k=0;k<div_z;k++) { cell_status[i][j][k]=0; } } } // plot faces into cells print_line("Wrapper (1/6): Plotting Faces"); for (int i=0;i<face_count;i++) { Face3 f=faces[i]; for (int j=0;j<3;j++) { f.vertex[j]-=global_aabb.pos; } _plot_face(cell_status,0,0,0,div_x,div_y,div_z,voxelsize,f); } // determine which cells connect to the outside by traversing the outside and recursively flood-fill marking print_line("Wrapper (2/6) Flood Filling"); for (int i=0;i<div_x;i++) { for (int j=0;j<div_y;j++) { _mark_outside(cell_status,i,j,0,div_x,div_y,div_z); _mark_outside(cell_status,i,j,div_z-1,div_x,div_y,div_z); } } for (int i=0;i<div_z;i++) { for (int j=0;j<div_y;j++) { _mark_outside(cell_status,0,j,i,div_x,div_y,div_z); _mark_outside(cell_status,div_x-1,j,i,div_x,div_y,div_z); } } for (int i=0;i<div_x;i++) { for (int j=0;j<div_z;j++) { _mark_outside(cell_status,i,0,j,div_x,div_y,div_z); _mark_outside(cell_status,i,div_y-1,j,div_x,div_y,div_z); } } // build faces for the inside-outside cell divisors print_line("Wrapper (3/6): Building Faces"); DVector<Face3> wrapped_faces; for (int i=0;i<div_x;i++) { for (int j=0;j<div_y;j++) { for (int k=0;k<div_z;k++) { _build_faces(cell_status,i,j,k,div_x,div_y,div_z,wrapped_faces); } } } print_line("Wrapper (4/6): Transforming Back Vertices"); // transform face vertices to global coords int wrapped_faces_count=wrapped_faces.size(); DVector<Face3>::Write wrapped_facesw=wrapped_faces.write(); Face3* wrapped_faces_ptr=wrapped_facesw.ptr(); for(int i=0;i<wrapped_faces_count;i++) { for(int j=0;j<3;j++) { Vector3& v = wrapped_faces_ptr[i].vertex[j]; v=v*voxelsize; v+=global_aabb.pos; } } // clean up grid print_line("Wrapper (5/6): Grid Cleanup"); for(int i=0;i<div_x;i++) { for(int j=0;j<div_y;j++) { memdelete_arr( cell_status[i][j] ); } memdelete_arr( cell_status[i] ); } memdelete_arr(cell_status); if (p_error) *p_error=voxelsize.length(); print_line("Wrapper (6/6): Finished."); return wrapped_faces; } Geometry::MeshData Geometry::build_convex_mesh(const DVector<Plane> &p_planes) { MeshData mesh; #define SUBPLANE_SIZE 1024.0 float subplane_size = 1024.0; // should compute this from the actual plane for (int i=0;i<p_planes.size();i++) { Plane p =p_planes[i]; Vector3 ref=Vector3(0.0,1.0,0.0); if (ABS(p.normal.dot(ref))>0.95) ref=Vector3(0.0,0.0,1.0); // change axis Vector3 right = p.normal.cross(ref).normalized(); Vector3 up = p.normal.cross( right ).normalized(); Vector< Vector3 > vertices; Vector3 center = p.get_any_point(); // make a quad clockwise vertices.push_back( center - up * subplane_size + right * subplane_size ); vertices.push_back( center - up * subplane_size - right * subplane_size ); vertices.push_back( center + up * subplane_size - right * subplane_size ); vertices.push_back( center + up * subplane_size + right * subplane_size ); for (int j=0;j<p_planes.size();j++) { if (j==i) continue; Vector< Vector3 > new_vertices; Plane clip=p_planes[j]; if (clip.normal.dot(p.normal)>0.95) continue; if (vertices.size()<3) break; for(int k=0;k<vertices.size();k++) { int k_n=(k+1)%vertices.size(); Vector3 edge0_A=vertices[k]; Vector3 edge1_A=vertices[k_n]; real_t dist0 = clip.distance_to(edge0_A); real_t dist1 = clip.distance_to(edge1_A); if ( dist0 <= 0 ) { // behind plane new_vertices.push_back(vertices[k]); } // check for different sides and non coplanar if ( (dist0*dist1) < 0) { // calculate intersection Vector3 rel = edge1_A - edge0_A; real_t den=clip.normal.dot( rel ); if (Math::abs(den)<CMP_EPSILON) continue; // point too short real_t dist=-(clip.normal.dot( edge0_A )-clip.d)/den; Vector3 inters = edge0_A+rel*dist; new_vertices.push_back(inters); } } vertices=new_vertices; } if (vertices.size()<3) continue; //result is a clockwise face MeshData::Face face; // add face indices for (int j=0;j<vertices.size();j++) { int idx=-1; for (int k=0;k<mesh.vertices.size();k++) { if (mesh.vertices[k].distance_to(vertices[j])<0.001) { idx=k; break; } } if (idx==-1) { idx=mesh.vertices.size(); mesh.vertices.push_back(vertices[j]); } face.indices.push_back(idx); } face.plane=p; mesh.faces.push_back(face); //add edge for(int j=0;j<face.indices.size();j++) { int a=face.indices[j]; int b=face.indices[(j+1)%face.indices.size()]; bool found=false; for(int k=0;k<mesh.edges.size();k++) { if (mesh.edges[k].a==a && mesh.edges[k].b==b) { found=true; break; } if (mesh.edges[k].b==a && mesh.edges[k].a==b) { found=true; break; } } if (found) continue; MeshData::Edge edge; edge.a=a; edge.b=b; mesh.edges.push_back(edge); } } return mesh; } DVector<Plane> Geometry::build_box_planes(const Vector3& p_extents) { DVector<Plane> planes; planes.push_back( Plane( Vector3(1,0,0), p_extents.x ) ); planes.push_back( Plane( Vector3(-1,0,0), p_extents.x ) ); planes.push_back( Plane( Vector3(0,1,0), p_extents.y ) ); planes.push_back( Plane( Vector3(0,-1,0), p_extents.y ) ); planes.push_back( Plane( Vector3(0,0,1), p_extents.z ) ); planes.push_back( Plane( Vector3(0,0,-1), p_extents.z ) ); return planes; } DVector<Plane> Geometry::build_cylinder_planes(float p_radius, float p_height, int p_sides, Vector3::Axis p_axis) { DVector<Plane> planes; for (int i=0;i<p_sides;i++) { Vector3 normal; normal[(p_axis+1)%3]=Math::cos(i*(2.0*Math_PI)/p_sides); normal[(p_axis+2)%3]=Math::sin(i*(2.0*Math_PI)/p_sides); planes.push_back( Plane( normal, p_radius ) ); } Vector3 axis; axis[p_axis]=1.0; planes.push_back( Plane( axis, p_height*0.5 ) ); planes.push_back( Plane( -axis, p_height*0.5 ) ); return planes; } DVector<Plane> Geometry::build_sphere_planes(float p_radius, int p_lats,int p_lons, Vector3::Axis p_axis) { DVector<Plane> planes; Vector3 axis; axis[p_axis]=1.0; Vector3 axis_neg; axis_neg[(p_axis+1)%3]=1.0; axis_neg[(p_axis+2)%3]=1.0; axis_neg[p_axis]=-1.0; for (int i=0;i<p_lons;i++) { Vector3 normal; normal[(p_axis+1)%3]=Math::cos(i*(2.0*Math_PI)/p_lons); normal[(p_axis+2)%3]=Math::sin(i*(2.0*Math_PI)/p_lons); planes.push_back( Plane( normal, p_radius ) ); for (int j=1;j<=p_lats;j++) { //todo this is stupid, fix Vector3 angle = normal.linear_interpolate(axis,j/(float)p_lats).normalized(); Vector3 pos = angle*p_radius; planes.push_back( Plane( pos, angle ) ); planes.push_back( Plane( pos * axis_neg, angle * axis_neg) ); } } return planes; } DVector<Plane> Geometry::build_capsule_planes(float p_radius, float p_height, int p_sides, int p_lats, Vector3::Axis p_axis) { DVector<Plane> planes; Vector3 axis; axis[p_axis]=1.0; Vector3 axis_neg; axis_neg[(p_axis+1)%3]=1.0; axis_neg[(p_axis+2)%3]=1.0; axis_neg[p_axis]=-1.0; for (int i=0;i<p_sides;i++) { Vector3 normal; normal[(p_axis+1)%3]=Math::cos(i*(2.0*Math_PI)/p_sides); normal[(p_axis+2)%3]=Math::sin(i*(2.0*Math_PI)/p_sides); planes.push_back( Plane( normal, p_radius ) ); for (int j=1;j<=p_lats;j++) { Vector3 angle = normal.linear_interpolate(axis,j/(float)p_lats).normalized(); Vector3 pos = axis*p_height*0.5 + angle*p_radius; planes.push_back( Plane( pos, angle ) ); planes.push_back( Plane( pos * axis_neg, angle * axis_neg) ); } } return planes; }