Editor interface and main components.
Editor interface. Allows saving and (re-)loading scenes, rendering mesh previews, inspecting and editing resources and objects and provides access to [EditorSettings], [EditorFileSystem], [EditorResourcePreview]\ er, [ScriptEditor], the editor viewport, as well as information about scenes. Also see [EditorPlugin] and [EditorScript].
Edits the given [Resource].
Returns the base [Control].
Returns the edited scene's root [Node].
Returns the [EditorSettings].
Returns the editor [Viewport].
Returns an [Array] of the currently opened scenes.
Returns the [EditorFileSystem].
Returns the [EditorResourcePreview]\ er.
Returns the [ScriptEditor].
Returns the [EditorSelection].
Shows the given property on the given [code]object[/code] in the Editor's Inspector dock.
Returns mesh previews rendered at the given size as an [Array] of [Texture]\ s.
Opens the scene at the given path.
Reloads the scene at the given path.
Saves the scene. Returns either OK or ERR_CANT_CREATE. See [@Global Scope] constants.
Saves the scene as a file at [code]path[/code].