Found via `codespell -q 3 -S ./thirdparty,*.po,./ -L ackward,ang,ans,ba,beng,cas,childs,childrens,dof,doubleclick,fave,findn,hist,inout,leapyear,lod,nd,numer,ois,ony,paket,seeked,sinc,switchs,te,uint`
* use valid format for framebuffer: VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_UNORM_PACK32
* Unfortunately cant be used for compute.
* Mobile will need to do refprobe, sky, mipmapblurring using raster.
* Keep track of when projector, softshadow or directional sofshadow were enabled.
* Enable them via specializaton constant where it makes sense.
* Re-implements soft shadows.
* Re-implements light projectors.
* Added support to our local copy of SpirV Reflect (which does not support it).
* Pass them on render or compute pipeline creation.
* Not implemented in our shaders yet.
* IF a texture was reimported (calling replace as an example), it would invalidate all materials using it, causing plenty of errors.
* Added the possibility to get a notification when a uniform set is erased.
* With this notification, materials can be queued for update properly.
* Fixed and redone the process to obtain render information from a viewport
* Some stats, such as material changes are too difficult to guess on Vulkan, were removed.
* Separated visible and shadow stats, which causes confusion.
* Texture, buffer and general video memory can be queried now.
* Fixed the performance metrics too.
* Multisampling was wrongly selected, possibly fixes#49937
* Image semaphore acquisition is now per window, possibly fixes#41614
Please make sure to test the above two issues again, since I can't reproduce either anyway.
This unblocks launching on Linux laptops that default to the integrated
GPU which can not handle Vulkan in many instances.
Ideally a manual device selection, or an option for the optimal selection
strategy should be provided via CLI or config, but for the time being
this will unblock the Linux devs.
Partially addresses #42348 and #43714
- Use hardcoded pluralization for messages.
- Since these messages are English-only, it's fine to hardcode it.
- Use double quotes for consistency with other messages.
We've been using standard C library functions `memcpy`/`memset` for these since
2016 with 67f65f6639.
There was still the possibility for third-party platform ports to override the
definitions with a custom header, but this doesn't seem useful anymore.
-Added more finegrained control in RenderingDevice API
-Optimized barriers (use less ones for thee same)
-General optimizations
-Shadows render all together unbarriered
-GI can render together with shadows.
-SDFGI can render together with depth-preoass.
-General fixes
-Added GPU detection
-Removed sync to draw, now everything syncs to draw by default.
-Fixed many validation layer errors.
-Added support for VkImageViewUsageCreateInfo to fix validation layer warnings.
-Texture, buffer, raster and compute functions now all allow spcifying which barriers will be used.
-All shadow rendering is done with raster now (no compute)
-All shadow rendering is done by rendering directly to the shadow atlas
-Improved how buffer clearing is done to optimize the above.
-Ability to set shadows as 16 bits.