diff --git a/doc/classes/Button.xml b/doc/classes/Button.xml
index 6a8cdcd2a84..305be8b58d5 100644
--- a/doc/classes/Button.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/Button.xml
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
When this property is enabled, text that is too large to fit the button is clipped, when disabled the Button will always be wide enough to hold the text.
+ When enabled, the button's icon will expand/shrink to fit the button's size while keeping its aspect.
Flat buttons don't display decoration.
diff --git a/scene/gui/button.cpp b/scene/gui/button.cpp
index 4ce3f18505b..6b3e89af6cf 100644
--- a/scene/gui/button.cpp
+++ b/scene/gui/button.cpp
@@ -39,163 +39,192 @@ Size2 Button::get_minimum_size() const {
if (clip_text)
minsize.width = 0;
- Ref _icon;
- if (icon.is_null() && has_icon("icon"))
- _icon = Control::get_icon("icon");
- else
- _icon = icon;
- if (!_icon.is_null()) {
- minsize.height = MAX(minsize.height, _icon->get_height());
- minsize.width += _icon->get_width();
- if (xl_text != "")
- minsize.width += get_constant("hseparation");
- }
- return get_stylebox("normal")->get_minimum_size() + minsize;
-void Button::_set_internal_margin(Margin p_margin, float p_value) {
- _internal_margin[p_margin] = p_value;
-void Button::_notification(int p_what) {
- xl_text = tr(text);
- minimum_size_changed();
- update();
- }
- if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_DRAW) {
- RID ci = get_canvas_item();
- Size2 size = get_size();
- Color color;
- Color color_icon(1, 1, 1, 1);
- Ref style = get_stylebox("normal");
- switch (get_draw_mode()) {
- case DRAW_NORMAL: {
- style = get_stylebox("normal");
- if (!flat)
- style->draw(ci, Rect2(Point2(0, 0), size));
- color = get_color("font_color");
- if (has_color("icon_color_normal"))
- color_icon = get_color("icon_color_normal");
- } break;
- if (has_stylebox("hover_pressed") && has_stylebox_override("hover_pressed")) {
- style = get_stylebox("hover_pressed");
- if (!flat)
- style->draw(ci, Rect2(Point2(0, 0), size));
- if (has_color("font_color_hover_pressed"))
- color = get_color("font_color_hover_pressed");
- else
- color = get_color("font_color");
- if (has_color("icon_color_hover_pressed"))
- color_icon = get_color("icon_color_hover_pressed");
- break;
- }
- }
- case DRAW_PRESSED: {
- style = get_stylebox("pressed");
- if (!flat)
- style->draw(ci, Rect2(Point2(0, 0), size));
- if (has_color("font_color_pressed"))
- color = get_color("font_color_pressed");
- else
- color = get_color("font_color");
- if (has_color("icon_color_pressed"))
- color_icon = get_color("icon_color_pressed");
- } break;
- case DRAW_HOVER: {
- style = get_stylebox("hover");
- if (!flat)
- style->draw(ci, Rect2(Point2(0, 0), size));
- color = get_color("font_color_hover");
- if (has_color("icon_color_hover"))
- color_icon = get_color("icon_color_hover");
- } break;
- style = get_stylebox("disabled");
- if (!flat)
- style->draw(ci, Rect2(Point2(0, 0), size));
- color = get_color("font_color_disabled");
- if (has_color("icon_color_disabled"))
- color_icon = get_color("icon_color_disabled");
- } break;
- }
- if (has_focus()) {
- Ref style2 = get_stylebox("focus");
- style2->draw(ci, Rect2(Point2(), size));
- }
- Ref font = get_font("font");
+ if (!expand_icon) {
Ref _icon;
if (icon.is_null() && has_icon("icon"))
_icon = Control::get_icon("icon");
_icon = icon;
- Point2 icon_ofs = (!_icon.is_null()) ? Point2(_icon->get_width() + get_constant("hseparation"), 0) : Point2();
- int text_clip = size.width - style->get_minimum_size().width - icon_ofs.width;
- Point2 text_ofs = (size - style->get_minimum_size() - icon_ofs - font->get_string_size(xl_text) - Point2(_internal_margin[MARGIN_RIGHT] - _internal_margin[MARGIN_LEFT], 0)) / 2.0;
- switch (align) {
- case ALIGN_LEFT: {
- if (_internal_margin[MARGIN_LEFT] > 0) {
- text_ofs.x = style->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT) + icon_ofs.x + _internal_margin[MARGIN_LEFT] + get_constant("hseparation");
- } else {
- text_ofs.x = style->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT) + icon_ofs.x;
- }
- text_ofs.y += style->get_offset().y;
- } break;
- case ALIGN_CENTER: {
- if (text_ofs.x < 0)
- text_ofs.x = 0;
- text_ofs += icon_ofs;
- text_ofs += style->get_offset();
- } break;
- case ALIGN_RIGHT: {
- if (_internal_margin[MARGIN_RIGHT] > 0) {
- text_ofs.x = size.x - style->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT) - font->get_string_size(xl_text).x - _internal_margin[MARGIN_RIGHT] - get_constant("hseparation");
- } else {
- text_ofs.x = size.x - style->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT) - font->get_string_size(xl_text).x;
- }
- text_ofs.y += style->get_offset().y;
- } break;
- }
- text_ofs.y += font->get_ascent();
- font->draw(ci, text_ofs.floor(), xl_text, color, clip_text ? text_clip : -1);
if (!_icon.is_null()) {
- int valign = size.height - style->get_minimum_size().y;
- if (is_disabled())
- color_icon.a = 0.4;
- if (_internal_margin[MARGIN_LEFT] > 0) {
- _icon->draw(ci, style->get_offset() + Point2(_internal_margin[MARGIN_LEFT] + get_constant("hseparation"), Math::floor((valign - _icon->get_height()) / 2.0)), color_icon);
- } else {
- _icon->draw(ci, style->get_offset() + Point2(0, Math::floor((valign - _icon->get_height()) / 2.0)), color_icon);
- }
+ minsize.height = MAX(minsize.height, _icon->get_height());
+ minsize.width += _icon->get_width();
+ if (xl_text != "")
+ minsize.width += get_constant("hseparation");
+ return get_stylebox("normal")->get_minimum_size() + minsize;
+void Button::_set_internal_margin(Margin p_margin, float p_value) {
+ _internal_margin[p_margin] = p_value;
+void Button::_notification(int p_what) {
+ switch (p_what) {
+ xl_text = tr(text);
+ minimum_size_changed();
+ update();
+ } break;
+ RID ci = get_canvas_item();
+ Size2 size = get_size();
+ Color color;
+ Color color_icon(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ Ref style = get_stylebox("normal");
+ switch (get_draw_mode()) {
+ case DRAW_NORMAL: {
+ style = get_stylebox("normal");
+ if (!flat)
+ style->draw(ci, Rect2(Point2(0, 0), size));
+ color = get_color("font_color");
+ if (has_color("icon_color_normal"))
+ color_icon = get_color("icon_color_normal");
+ } break;
+ if (has_stylebox("hover_pressed") && has_stylebox_override("hover_pressed")) {
+ style = get_stylebox("hover_pressed");
+ if (!flat)
+ style->draw(ci, Rect2(Point2(0, 0), size));
+ if (has_color("font_color_hover_pressed"))
+ color = get_color("font_color_hover_pressed");
+ else
+ color = get_color("font_color");
+ if (has_color("icon_color_hover_pressed"))
+ color_icon = get_color("icon_color_hover_pressed");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ case DRAW_PRESSED: {
+ style = get_stylebox("pressed");
+ if (!flat)
+ style->draw(ci, Rect2(Point2(0, 0), size));
+ if (has_color("font_color_pressed"))
+ color = get_color("font_color_pressed");
+ else
+ color = get_color("font_color");
+ if (has_color("icon_color_pressed"))
+ color_icon = get_color("icon_color_pressed");
+ } break;
+ case DRAW_HOVER: {
+ style = get_stylebox("hover");
+ if (!flat)
+ style->draw(ci, Rect2(Point2(0, 0), size));
+ color = get_color("font_color_hover");
+ if (has_color("icon_color_hover"))
+ color_icon = get_color("icon_color_hover");
+ } break;
+ style = get_stylebox("disabled");
+ if (!flat)
+ style->draw(ci, Rect2(Point2(0, 0), size));
+ color = get_color("font_color_disabled");
+ if (has_color("icon_color_disabled"))
+ color_icon = get_color("icon_color_disabled");
+ } break;
+ }
+ if (has_focus()) {
+ Ref style2 = get_stylebox("focus");
+ style2->draw(ci, Rect2(Point2(), size));
+ }
+ Ref font = get_font("font");
+ Ref _icon;
+ if (icon.is_null() && has_icon("icon"))
+ _icon = Control::get_icon("icon");
+ else
+ _icon = icon;
+ Rect2 icon_region = Rect2();
+ if (!_icon.is_null()) {
+ int valign = size.height - style->get_minimum_size().y;
+ if (is_disabled()) {
+ color_icon.a = 0.4;
+ }
+ float icon_ofs_region = 0;
+ if (_internal_margin[MARGIN_LEFT] > 0) {
+ icon_ofs_region = _internal_margin[MARGIN_LEFT] + get_constant("hseparation");
+ }
+ if (expand_icon) {
+ Size2 _size = get_size() - style->get_offset() * 2;
+ _size.width -= get_constant("hseparation") + icon_ofs_region;
+ if (!clip_text)
+ _size.width -= get_font("font")->get_string_size(xl_text).width;
+ float icon_width = icon->get_width() * _size.height / icon->get_height();
+ float icon_height = _size.height;
+ if (icon_width > _size.width) {
+ icon_width = _size.width;
+ icon_height = icon->get_height() * icon_width / icon->get_width();
+ }
+ icon_region = Rect2(style->get_offset() + Point2(icon_ofs_region, (_size.height - icon_height) / 2), Size2(icon_width, icon_height));
+ } else {
+ icon_region = Rect2(style->get_offset() + Point2(icon_ofs_region, Math::floor((valign - _icon->get_height()) / 2.0)), icon->get_size());
+ }
+ }
+ Point2 icon_ofs = !_icon.is_null() ? Point2(icon_region.size.width + get_constant("hseparation"), 0) : Point2();
+ int text_clip = size.width - style->get_minimum_size().width - icon_ofs.width;
+ Point2 text_ofs = (size - style->get_minimum_size() - icon_ofs - font->get_string_size(xl_text) - Point2(_internal_margin[MARGIN_RIGHT] - _internal_margin[MARGIN_LEFT], 0)) / 2.0;
+ switch (align) {
+ case ALIGN_LEFT: {
+ if (_internal_margin[MARGIN_LEFT] > 0) {
+ text_ofs.x = style->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT) + icon_ofs.x + _internal_margin[MARGIN_LEFT] + get_constant("hseparation");
+ } else {
+ text_ofs.x = style->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT) + icon_ofs.x;
+ }
+ text_ofs.y += style->get_offset().y;
+ } break;
+ case ALIGN_CENTER: {
+ if (text_ofs.x < 0)
+ text_ofs.x = 0;
+ text_ofs += icon_ofs;
+ text_ofs += style->get_offset();
+ } break;
+ case ALIGN_RIGHT: {
+ if (_internal_margin[MARGIN_RIGHT] > 0) {
+ text_ofs.x = size.x - style->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT) - font->get_string_size(xl_text).x - _internal_margin[MARGIN_RIGHT] - get_constant("hseparation");
+ } else {
+ text_ofs.x = size.x - style->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT) - font->get_string_size(xl_text).x;
+ }
+ text_ofs.y += style->get_offset().y;
+ } break;
+ }
+ text_ofs.y += font->get_ascent();
+ font->draw(ci, text_ofs.floor(), xl_text, color, clip_text ? text_clip : -1);
+ if (!_icon.is_null() && icon_region.size.width > 0) {
+ draw_texture_rect_region(_icon, icon_region, Rect2(Point2(), icon->get_size()), color_icon);
+ }
+ } break;
+ }
void Button::set_text(const String &p_text) {
@@ -228,6 +257,18 @@ Ref Button::get_icon() const {
return icon;
+void Button::set_expand_icon(bool p_expand_icon) {
+ expand_icon = p_expand_icon;
+ update();
+ minimum_size_changed();
+bool Button::is_expand_icon() const {
+ return expand_icon;
void Button::set_flat(bool p_flat) {
flat = p_flat;
@@ -269,6 +310,8 @@ void Button::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_text"), &Button::get_text);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_button_icon", "texture"), &Button::set_icon);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_button_icon"), &Button::get_icon);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_expand_icon"), &Button::set_expand_icon);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_expand_icon"), &Button::is_expand_icon);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_flat", "enabled"), &Button::set_flat);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_clip_text", "enabled"), &Button::set_clip_text);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_clip_text"), &Button::get_clip_text);
@@ -285,12 +328,14 @@ void Button::_bind_methods() {
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "flat"), "set_flat", "is_flat");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "clip_text"), "set_clip_text", "get_clip_text");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "align", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Left,Center,Right"), "set_text_align", "get_text_align");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "expand_icon"), "set_expand_icon", "is_expand_icon");
Button::Button(const String &p_text) {
flat = false;
clip_text = false;
+ expand_icon = false;
diff --git a/scene/gui/button.h b/scene/gui/button.h
index 370809060ef..1fff2cfda7f 100644
--- a/scene/gui/button.h
+++ b/scene/gui/button.h
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ private:
String text;
String xl_text;
Ref icon;
+ bool expand_icon;
bool clip_text;
TextAlign align;
float _internal_margin[4];
@@ -59,8 +60,6 @@ protected:
static void _bind_methods();
- //
virtual Size2 get_minimum_size() const;
void set_text(const String &p_text);
@@ -69,6 +68,9 @@ public:
void set_icon(const Ref &p_icon);
Ref get_icon() const;
+ void set_expand_icon(bool p_expand_icon);
+ bool is_expand_icon() const;
void set_flat(bool p_flat);
bool is_flat() const;
diff --git a/scene/gui/texture_button.cpp b/scene/gui/texture_button.cpp
index b5f949aeb72..e9b0bd8f382 100644
--- a/scene/gui/texture_button.cpp
+++ b/scene/gui/texture_button.cpp
@@ -205,24 +205,26 @@ void TextureButton::_notification(int p_what) {
size = get_size();
Size2 tex_size = texdraw->get_size();
- Size2 scaleSize(size.width / tex_size.width, size.height / tex_size.height);
- float scale = scaleSize.width > scaleSize.height ? scaleSize.width : scaleSize.height;
- Size2 scaledTexSize = tex_size * scale;
- Point2 ofs2 = ((scaledTexSize - size) / scale).abs() / 2.0f;
+ Size2 scale_size(size.width / tex_size.width, size.height / tex_size.height);
+ float scale = scale_size.width > scale_size.height ? scale_size.width : scale_size.height;
+ Size2 scaled_tex_size = tex_size * scale;
+ Point2 ofs2 = ((scaled_tex_size - size) / scale).abs() / 2.0f;
_texture_region = Rect2(ofs2, size / scale);
} break;
_position_rect = Rect2(ofs, size);
- if (_tile)
+ if (_tile) {
draw_texture_rect(texdraw, _position_rect, _tile);
- else
+ } else {
draw_texture_rect_region(texdraw, _position_rect, _texture_region);
+ }
} else {
_position_rect = Rect2();
- if (has_focus() && focused.is_valid()) {
+ if (has_focus() && focused.is_valid()) {
draw_texture_rect(focused, _position_rect, false);
} break;