mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 22:35:15 +08:00
C#/netcore: Add base desktop game export implementation
This base implementation is still very barebones but it defines the path for how exporting will work (at least when embedding the .NET runtime). Many manual steps are still needed, which should be automatized in the future. For example, in addition to the API assemblies, now you also need to copy the GodotPlugins assembly to each game project.
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,9 +7,6 @@ Import("env_modules")
env_mono = env_modules.Clone()
if env_mono["tools"] or env_mono["target"] != "release":
# Configure Mono
mono_configure.configure(env, env_mono)
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ def configure(env, env_mono):
if tools_enabled and not module_supports_tools_on(env["platform"]):
raise RuntimeError("This module does not currently support building for this platform with tools enabled")
if env["tools"] or env["target"] != "release":
if env["tools"]:
app_host_dir = find_dotnet_app_host_dir(env)
@ -47,29 +47,33 @@ def configure(env, env_mono):
libnethost_path = os.path.join(app_host_dir, "libnethost.lib" if os.name == "nt" else "libnethost.a")
if env["platform"] == "windows":
# Only the editor build links nethost, which is needed to find hostfxr.
# Exported games don't need this logic as hostfxr is bundled with them.
if tools_enabled:
libnethost_path = os.path.join(app_host_dir, "libnethost.lib" if os.name == "nt" else "libnethost.a")
if env.msvc:
if env["platform"] == "windows":
if env.msvc:
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-Wl,-whole-archive", libnethost_path, "-Wl,-no-whole-archive"])
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-Wl,-whole-archive", libnethost_path, "-Wl,-no-whole-archive"])
is_apple = env["platform"] in ["macos", "ios"]
# is_macos = is_apple and not is_ios
is_apple = env["platform"] in ["macos", "ios"]
# is_macos = is_apple and not is_ios
# if is_ios and not is_ios_sim:
# env_mono.Append(CPPDEFINES=["IOS_DEVICE"])
# if is_ios and not is_ios_sim:
# env_mono.Append(CPPDEFINES=["IOS_DEVICE"])
if is_apple:
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-Wl,-force_load," + libnethost_path])
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-Wl,-whole-archive", libnethost_path, "-Wl,-no-whole-archive"])
if is_apple:
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-Wl,-force_load," + libnethost_path])
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-Wl,-whole-archive", libnethost_path, "-Wl,-no-whole-archive"])
def find_dotnet_app_host_dir(env):
@ -156,7 +160,8 @@ def find_app_host_version(dotnet_cmd, search_version_str):
search_version = LooseVersion(search_version_str)
lines = subprocess.check_output([dotnet_cmd, "--list-runtimes"]).splitlines()
env = dict(os.environ, DOTNET_CLI_UI_LANGUAGE="en-US")
lines = subprocess.check_output([dotnet_cmd, "--list-runtimes"], env=env).splitlines()
for line_bytes in lines:
line = line_bytes.decode("utf-8")
@ -188,7 +193,8 @@ def find_dotnet_sdk(dotnet_cmd, search_version_str):
search_version = LooseVersion(search_version_str)
lines = subprocess.check_output([dotnet_cmd, "--list-sdks"]).splitlines()
env = dict(os.environ, DOTNET_CLI_UI_LANGUAGE="en-US")
lines = subprocess.check_output([dotnet_cmd, "--list-sdks"], env=env).splitlines()
for line_bytes in lines:
line = line_bytes.decode("utf-8")
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Error CSharpLanguage::execute_file(const String &p_path) {
extern void *godotsharp_pinvoke_funcs[178];
[[maybe_unused]] volatile void **do_not_strip_godotsharp_pinvoke_funcs;
extern void *godotsharp_editor_pinvoke_funcs[32];
extern void *godotsharp_editor_pinvoke_funcs[30];
[[maybe_unused]] volatile void **do_not_strip_godotsharp_editor_pinvoke_funcs;
@ -137,11 +137,11 @@ void CSharpLanguage::init() {
gdmono = memnew(GDMono);
if (gdmono->is_runtime_initialized()) {
@ -788,6 +788,11 @@ void CSharpLanguage::reload_assemblies(bool p_soft_reload) {
#warning TODO ALCs after switching to .NET 6
// Try to load the project assembly if it was not yet loaded
// (while hot-reload is not yet implemented)
#if 0
// There is no soft reloading with Mono. It's always hard reloading.
@ -1230,7 +1235,7 @@ void CSharpLanguage::_on_scripts_domain_about_to_unload() {
void CSharpLanguage::_editor_init_callback() {
// Load GodotTools and initialize GodotSharpEditor
Object *editor_plugin_obj = GDMono::get_singleton()->plugin_callbacks.LoadToolsAssemblyCallback(
Object *editor_plugin_obj = GDMono::get_singleton()->get_plugin_callbacks().LoadToolsAssemblyCallback(
CRASH_COND(editor_plugin_obj == nullptr);
@ -1836,11 +1841,8 @@ bool CSharpInstance::has_method(const StringName &p_method) const {
return false;
String method = p_method;
bool deep = true;
return GDMonoCache::managed_callbacks.ScriptManagerBridge_HasMethodUnknownParams(
script.ptr(), &method, deep);
return GDMonoCache::managed_callbacks.CSharpInstanceBridge_HasMethodUnknownParams(
gchandle.get_intptr(), &p_method);
Variant CSharpInstance::callp(const StringName &p_method, const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Callable::CallError &r_error) {
@ -2954,21 +2956,9 @@ void CSharpScript::get_script_method_list(List<MethodInfo> *p_list) const {
bool CSharpScript::has_method(const StringName &p_method) const {
if (!valid) {
return false;
if (!GDMonoCache::godot_api_cache_updated) {
return false;
String method = p_method;
bool deep = false;
bool found = GDMonoCache::managed_callbacks.ScriptManagerBridge_HasMethodUnknownParams(
this, &method, deep);
return found;
// The equivalent of this will be implemented once we switch to the GDExtension system
ERR_PRINT_ONCE("CSharpScript::has_method is not implemented");
return false;
MethodInfo CSharpScript::get_method_info(const StringName &p_method) const {
@ -3004,6 +2994,9 @@ Error CSharpScript::reload(bool p_keep_state) {
String script_path = get_path();
// In case it was already added by a previous reload
valid = GDMonoCache::managed_callbacks.ScriptManagerBridge_AddScriptBridge(this, &script_path);
if (valid) {
@ -104,11 +104,9 @@
Godot scripting API is continuaslly breaking backwards compatibility even in patch releases.
<Reference Include="GodotSharp">
<Reference Include="GodotSharpEditor" Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Debug' ">
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
using System;
namespace Godot.SourceGenerators.Sample
public partial class ScriptBoilerplate : Godot.Node
public partial class ScriptBoilerplate : Node
private NodePath _nodePath;
private int _velocity;
@ -17,5 +19,18 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators.Sample
_ = name;
return 1;
public void IgnoreThisMethodWithByRefParams(ref int a)
_ = a;
partial struct OuterClass
public partial class NesterClass : RefCounted
public override object _Get(StringName property) => null;
@ -28,5 +28,37 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
public static void ReportNonPartialGodotScriptOuterClass(
GeneratorExecutionContext context,
TypeDeclarationSyntax outerTypeDeclSyntax
var outerSymbol = context.Compilation
string fullQualifiedName = outerSymbol is INamedTypeSymbol namedTypeSymbol ?
namedTypeSymbol.FullQualifiedName() :
"type not found";
string message =
$"Missing partial modifier on declaration of type '{fullQualifiedName}', " +
$"which contains one or more subclasses of '{GodotClasses.Object}'";
string description = $"{message}. Subclasses of '{GodotClasses.Object}' and their " +
"containing types must be declared with the partial modifier.";
new DiagnosticDescriptor(id: "GODOT-G0002",
title: message,
messageFormat: message,
category: "Usage",
isEnabledByDefault: true,
@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
toggle != null &&
toggle.Equals("disabled", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
public static bool IsGodotToolsProject(this GeneratorExecutionContext context)
=> context.TryGetGlobalAnalyzerProperty("IsGodotToolsProject", out string? toggle) &&
toggle != null &&
toggle.Equals("true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
private static bool InheritsFrom(this INamedTypeSymbol? symbol, string baseName)
if (symbol == null)
@ -75,9 +80,48 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
public static bool IsPartial(this ClassDeclarationSyntax cds)
public static bool IsNested(this TypeDeclarationSyntax cds)
=> cds.Parent is TypeDeclarationSyntax;
public static bool IsPartial(this TypeDeclarationSyntax cds)
=> cds.Modifiers.Any(SyntaxKind.PartialKeyword);
public static bool AreAllOuterTypesPartial(
this TypeDeclarationSyntax cds,
out TypeDeclarationSyntax? typeMissingPartial
SyntaxNode? outerSyntaxNode = cds.Parent;
while (outerSyntaxNode is TypeDeclarationSyntax outerTypeDeclSyntax)
if (!outerTypeDeclSyntax.IsPartial())
typeMissingPartial = outerTypeDeclSyntax;
return false;
outerSyntaxNode = outerSyntaxNode.Parent;
typeMissingPartial = null;
return true;
public static string GetDeclarationKeyword(this INamedTypeSymbol namedTypeSymbol)
string? keyword = namedTypeSymbol.DeclaringSyntaxReferences
return keyword ?? namedTypeSymbol.TypeKind switch
TypeKind.Interface => "interface",
TypeKind.Struct => "struct",
_ => "class"
private static SymbolDisplayFormat FullyQualifiedFormatOmitGlobal { get; } =
@ -21,14 +21,14 @@
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp" Version="3.8.0" PrivateAssets="all" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers" Version="3.3.1" PrivateAssets="all" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers" Version="3.3.3" PrivateAssets="all" />
<!-- Package the generator in the analyzer directory of the nuget package -->
<None Include="$(OutputPath)\$(AssemblyName).dll" Pack="true" PackagePath="analyzers/dotnet/cs" Visible="false" />
<!-- Package the props file -->
<None Include="Godot.SourceGenerators.props" Pack="true" PackagePath="build" Visible="false" />
<None Include="Godot.SourceGenerators.props" Pack="true" PackagePath="build" Visible="true" />
<Target Name="CopyNupkgToSConsOutputDir" AfterTargets="Pack">
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
<!-- $(GodotProjectDir) is defined by Godot.NET.Sdk -->
<CompilerVisibleProperty Include="GodotProjectDir" />
<CompilerVisibleProperty Include="EnableGodotGenerators" />
<CompilerVisibleProperty Include="GodotSourceGenerators" />
<CompilerVisibleProperty Include="IsGodotToolsProject" />
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
public class GodotPluginsInitializerGenerator : ISourceGenerator
public void Initialize(GeneratorInitializationContext context)
public void Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context)
if (context.IsGodotToolsProject())
string source =
@"using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Godot.Bridge;
using Godot.NativeInterop;
namespace GodotPlugins.Game
internal static partial class Main
private static godot_bool InitializeFromGameProject(IntPtr outManagedCallbacks)
var coreApiAssembly = typeof(Godot.Object).Assembly;
NativeLibrary.SetDllImportResolver(coreApiAssembly, GodotDllImportResolver.OnResolveDllImport);
return godot_bool.True;
catch (Exception e)
return false.ToGodotBool();
SourceText.From(source, Encoding.UTF8));
@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
if (context.AreGodotSourceGeneratorsDisabled())
// False positive for RS1024. We're already using `SymbolEqualityComparer.Default`...
#pragma warning disable RS1024
INamedTypeSymbol[] godotClasses = context
.SelectMany(tree =>
@ -28,7 +26,16 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
.Where(x =>
if (x.cds.IsPartial())
if (x.cds.IsNested() && !x.cds.AreAllOuterTypesPartial(out var typeMissingPartial))
Common.ReportNonPartialGodotScriptOuterClass(context, typeMissingPartial!);
return false;
return true;
Common.ReportNonPartialGodotScriptClass(context, x.cds, x.symbol);
return false;
@ -36,7 +43,6 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
#pragma warning restore RS1024
if (godotClasses.Length > 0)
@ -63,6 +69,8 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
bool hasNamespace = classNs.Length != 0;
bool isInnerClass = symbol.ContainingType != null;
string uniqueName = hasNamespace ?
classNs + "." + className + "_ScriptBoilerplate_Generated" :
className + "_ScriptBoilerplate_Generated";
@ -80,6 +88,22 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
source.Append(" {\n\n");
if (isInnerClass)
var containingType = symbol.ContainingType;
while (containingType != null)
source.Append("partial ");
source.Append(" ");
containingType = containingType.ContainingType;
source.Append("partial class ");
@ -102,15 +126,15 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
.Where(p => !p.IsImplicitlyDeclared);
var methods = WhereHasCompatibleGodotType(methodSymbols, typeCache).ToArray();
var properties = WhereIsCompatibleGodotType(propertySymbols, typeCache).ToArray();
var fields = WhereIsCompatibleGodotType(fieldSymbols, typeCache).ToArray();
var godotClassMethods = WhereHasCompatibleGodotType(methodSymbols, typeCache).ToArray();
var godotClassProperties = WhereIsCompatibleGodotType(propertySymbols, typeCache).ToArray();
var godotClassFields = WhereIsCompatibleGodotType(fieldSymbols, typeCache).ToArray();
source.Append(" private class GodotInternal {\n");
// Generate cached StringNames for methods and properties, for fast lookup
foreach (var method in methods)
foreach (var method in godotClassMethods)
string methodName = method.Method.Name;
source.Append(" public static readonly StringName MethodName_");
@ -120,7 +144,7 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
foreach (var property in properties)
foreach (var property in godotClassProperties)
string propertyName = property.Property.Name;
source.Append(" public static readonly StringName PropName_");
@ -130,7 +154,7 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
foreach (var field in fields)
foreach (var field in godotClassFields)
string fieldName = field.Field.Name;
source.Append(" public static readonly StringName PropName_");
@ -140,14 +164,16 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
source.Append(" }\n");
source.Append(" }\n"); // class GodotInternal
if (methods.Length > 0)
// Generate InvokeGodotClassMethod
if (godotClassMethods.Length > 0)
source.Append(" protected override bool InvokeGodotClassMethod(in godot_string_name method, ");
source.Append("NativeVariantPtrArgs args, int argCount, out godot_variant ret)\n {\n");
foreach (var method in methods)
foreach (var method in godotClassMethods)
GenerateMethodInvoker(method, source);
@ -157,42 +183,64 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
source.Append(" }\n");
if (properties.Length > 0 || fields.Length > 0)
// Generate Set/GetGodotClassPropertyValue
if (godotClassProperties.Length > 0 || godotClassFields.Length > 0)
bool isFirstEntry;
// Setters
source.Append(" protected override bool SetGodotClassPropertyValue(in godot_string_name name, ");
source.Append("in godot_variant value)\n {\n");
bool allPropertiesAreReadOnly = godotClassFields.All(fi => fi.Field.IsReadOnly) &&
godotClassProperties.All(pi => pi.Property.IsReadOnly);
foreach (var property in properties)
if (!allPropertiesAreReadOnly)
property.Property.Type.FullQualifiedName(), source);
source.Append(" protected override bool SetGodotClassPropertyValue(in godot_string_name name, ");
source.Append("in godot_variant value)\n {\n");
isFirstEntry = true;
foreach (var property in godotClassProperties)
if (property.Property.IsReadOnly)
property.Property.Type.FullQualifiedName(), source, isFirstEntry);
isFirstEntry = false;
foreach (var field in godotClassFields)
if (field.Field.IsReadOnly)
field.Field.Type.FullQualifiedName(), source, isFirstEntry);
isFirstEntry = false;
source.Append(" return base.SetGodotClassPropertyValue(name, value);\n");
source.Append(" }\n");
foreach (var field in fields)
field.Field.Type.FullQualifiedName(), source);
source.Append(" return base.SetGodotClassPropertyValue(name, value);\n");
source.Append(" }\n");
// Getters
source.Append(" protected override bool GetGodotClassPropertyValue(in godot_string_name name, ");
source.Append("out godot_variant value)\n {\n");
foreach (var property in properties)
isFirstEntry = true;
foreach (var property in godotClassProperties)
GeneratePropertyGetter(property.Property.Name, source);
GeneratePropertyGetter(property.Property.Name, source, isFirstEntry);
isFirstEntry = false;
foreach (var field in fields)
foreach (var field in godotClassFields)
GeneratePropertyGetter(field.Field.Name, source);
GeneratePropertyGetter(field.Field.Name, source, isFirstEntry);
isFirstEntry = false;
source.Append(" return base.GetGodotClassPropertyValue(name, out value);\n");
@ -200,7 +248,37 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
source.Append(" }\n");
// Generate HasGodotClassMethod
if (godotClassMethods.Length > 0)
source.Append(" protected override bool HasGodotClassMethod(in godot_string_name method)\n {\n");
bool isFirstEntry = true;
foreach (var method in godotClassMethods)
GenerateHasMethodEntry(method, source, isFirstEntry);
isFirstEntry = false;
source.Append(" return base.HasGodotClassMethod(method);\n");
source.Append(" }\n");
source.Append("}\n"); // partial class
if (isInnerClass)
var containingType = symbol.ContainingType;
while (containingType != null)
source.Append("}\n"); // outer class
containingType = containingType.ContainingType;
if (hasNamespace)
@ -269,10 +347,14 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
private static void GeneratePropertySetter(
string propertyMemberName,
string propertyTypeQualifiedName,
StringBuilder source
StringBuilder source,
bool isFirstEntry
source.Append(" if (name == GodotInternal.PropName_");
source.Append(" ");
if (!isFirstEntry)
source.Append("else ");
source.Append("if (name == GodotInternal.PropName_");
source.Append(") {\n");
@ -295,10 +377,14 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
private static void GeneratePropertyGetter(
string propertyMemberName,
StringBuilder source
StringBuilder source,
bool isFirstEntry
source.Append(" if (name == GodotInternal.PropName_");
source.Append(" ");
if (!isFirstEntry)
source.Append("else ");
source.Append("if (name == GodotInternal.PropName_");
source.Append(") {\n");
@ -312,6 +398,22 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
source.Append(" }\n");
private static void GenerateHasMethodEntry(
GodotMethodInfo method,
StringBuilder source,
bool isFirstEntry
string methodName = method.Method.Name;
source.Append(" ");
if (!isFirstEntry)
source.Append("else ");
source.Append("if (method == GodotInternal.MethodName_");
source.Append(") {\n return true;\n }\n");
public void Initialize(GeneratorInitializationContext context)
@ -376,12 +478,17 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
var parameters = method.Parameters;
var paramTypes = parameters.Select(p =>
MarshalUtils.ConvertManagedTypeToVariantType(p.Type, typeCache))
var paramTypes = parameters
// Currently we don't support `ref`, `out`, `in`, `ref readonly` parameters (and we never may)
.Where(p => p.RefKind == RefKind.None)
// Attempt to determine the variant type
.Select(p => MarshalUtils.ConvertManagedTypeToVariantType(p.Type, typeCache))
// Discard parameter types that couldn't be determined (null entries)
.Where(t => t != null).Cast<MarshalType>().ToImmutableArray();
// If any parameter type was incompatible, it was discarded so the length won't match
if (parameters.Length > paramTypes.Length)
continue; // Some param types weren't compatible
continue; // Ignore incompatible method
yield return new GodotMethodInfo(method, paramTypes, parameters
.Select(p => p.Type).ToImmutableArray(), retType);
@ -395,6 +502,10 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
foreach (var property in properties)
// Ignore properties without a getter. Godot properties must be readable.
if (property.IsWriteOnly)
var marshalType = MarshalUtils.ConvertManagedTypeToVariantType(property.Type, typeCache);
if (marshalType == null)
@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
if (context.AreGodotSourceGeneratorsDisabled())
if (context.IsGodotToolsProject())
// NOTE: NotNullWhen diagnostics don't work on projects targeting .NET Standard 2.0
// ReSharper disable once ReplaceWithStringIsNullOrEmpty
if (!context.TryGetGlobalAnalyzerProperty("GodotProjectDir", out string? godotProjectDir)
@ -31,7 +34,7 @@ namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
// Ignore inner classes
.Where(cds => !(cds.Parent is ClassDeclarationSyntax))
.Where(cds => !cds.IsNested())
// Report and skip non-partial classes
.Where(x =>
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Build.Construction;
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ namespace GodotTools.ProjectEditor
// Save (without BOM)
root.Save(path, new UTF8Encoding(encoderShouldEmitUTF8Identifier: false));
return Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper();
return Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpperInvariant();
@ -19,8 +19,15 @@ namespace GodotTools.ProjectEditor
public static class ProjectUtils
public static void MSBuildLocatorRegisterDefaults()
=> Microsoft.Build.Locator.MSBuildLocator.RegisterDefaults();
public static void MSBuildLocatorRegisterDefaults(out Version version, out string path)
var instance = Microsoft.Build.Locator.MSBuildLocator.RegisterDefaults();
version = instance.Version;
path = instance.MSBuildPath;
public static void MSBuildLocatorRegisterMSBuildPath(string msbuildPath)
=> Microsoft.Build.Locator.MSBuildLocator.RegisterMSBuildPath(msbuildPath);
public static MSBuildProject Open(string path)
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "GodotTools.OpenVisualStudio
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "GodotTools.Shared", "GodotTools.Shared\GodotTools.Shared.csproj", "{2758FFAF-8237-4CF2-B569-66BF8B3587BB}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Godot.SourceGenerators", "..\Godot.NET.Sdk\Godot.SourceGenerators\Godot.SourceGenerators.csproj", "{D8C421B2-8911-41EB-B983-F675C7141EB7}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
@ -49,5 +51,9 @@ Global
{2758FFAF-8237-4CF2-B569-66BF8B3587BB}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{2758FFAF-8237-4CF2-B569-66BF8B3587BB}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{2758FFAF-8237-4CF2-B569-66BF8B3587BB}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{D8C421B2-8911-41EB-B983-F675C7141EB7}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{D8C421B2-8911-41EB-B983-F675C7141EB7}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{D8C421B2-8911-41EB-B983-F675C7141EB7}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{D8C421B2-8911-41EB-B983-F675C7141EB7}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
@ -4,26 +4,36 @@ using Godot.Collections;
using GodotTools.Internals;
using Path = System.IO.Path;
#nullable enable
namespace GodotTools.Build
public sealed class BuildInfo : RefCounted // TODO Remove RefCounted once we have proper serialization
public sealed partial class BuildInfo : RefCounted // TODO Remove RefCounted once we have proper serialization
public string Solution { get; }
public string[] Targets { get; }
public string Configuration { get; }
public string? RuntimeIdentifier { get; }
public string? PublishOutputDir { get; }
public bool Restore { get; }
public bool Rebuild { get; }
public bool OnlyClean { get; }
// TODO Use List once we have proper serialization
public Array<string> CustomProperties { get; } = new Array<string>();
public string LogsDirPath => Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.BuildLogsDirs, $"{Solution.MD5Text()}_{Configuration}");
public string LogsDirPath =>
Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.BuildLogsDirs, $"{Solution.MD5Text()}_{Configuration}");
public override bool Equals(object obj)
public override bool Equals(object? obj)
if (obj is BuildInfo other)
return other.Solution == Solution && other.Targets == Targets &&
other.Configuration == Configuration && other.Restore == Restore &&
other.CustomProperties == CustomProperties && other.LogsDirPath == LogsDirPath;
return other.Solution == Solution &&
other.Configuration == Configuration && other.RuntimeIdentifier == RuntimeIdentifier &&
other.PublishOutputDir == PublishOutputDir && other.Restore == Restore &&
other.Rebuild == Rebuild && other.OnlyClean == OnlyClean &&
other.CustomProperties == CustomProperties &&
other.LogsDirPath == LogsDirPath;
return false;
@ -34,25 +44,37 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
int hash = 17;
hash = (hash * 29) + Solution.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 29) + Targets.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 29) + Configuration.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 29) + (RuntimeIdentifier?.GetHashCode() ?? 0);
hash = (hash * 29) + (PublishOutputDir?.GetHashCode() ?? 0);
hash = (hash * 29) + Restore.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 29) + Rebuild.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 29) + OnlyClean.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 29) + CustomProperties.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 29) + LogsDirPath.GetHashCode();
return hash;
private BuildInfo()
public BuildInfo(string solution, string[] targets, string configuration, bool restore)
public BuildInfo(string solution, string configuration, bool restore, bool rebuild, bool onlyClean)
Solution = solution;
Targets = targets;
Configuration = configuration;
Restore = restore;
Rebuild = rebuild;
OnlyClean = onlyClean;
public BuildInfo(string solution, string configuration, string runtimeIdentifier,
string publishOutputDir, bool restore, bool rebuild, bool onlyClean)
Solution = solution;
Configuration = configuration;
RuntimeIdentifier = runtimeIdentifier;
PublishOutputDir = publishOutputDir;
Restore = restore;
Rebuild = rebuild;
OnlyClean = onlyClean;
@ -2,11 +2,9 @@ using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using GodotTools.Ides.Rider;
using Godot;
using GodotTools.Internals;
using static GodotTools.Internals.Globals;
using File = GodotTools.Utils.File;
using OS = GodotTools.Utils.OS;
namespace GodotTools.Build
@ -14,13 +12,8 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
private static BuildInfo _buildInProgress;
public const string PropNameMSBuildMono = "MSBuild (Mono)";
public const string PropNameMSBuildVs = "MSBuild (VS Build Tools)";
public const string PropNameMSBuildJetBrains = "MSBuild (JetBrains Rider)";
public const string PropNameDotnetCli = "dotnet CLI";
public const string MsBuildIssuesFileName = "msbuild_issues.csv";
public const string MsBuildLogFileName = "msbuild_log.txt";
private const string MsBuildLogFileName = "msbuild_log.txt";
public delegate void BuildLaunchFailedEventHandler(BuildInfo buildInfo, string reason);
@ -62,11 +55,11 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
private static void PrintVerbose(string text)
if (Godot.OS.IsStdoutVerbose())
if (OS.IsStdoutVerbose())
public static bool Build(BuildInfo buildInfo)
private static bool Build(BuildInfo buildInfo)
if (_buildInProgress != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("A build is already in progress");
@ -103,7 +96,8 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
catch (Exception e)
BuildLaunchFailed?.Invoke(buildInfo, $"The build method threw an exception.\n{e.GetType().FullName}: {e.Message}");
$"The build method threw an exception.\n{e.GetType().FullName}: {e.Message}");
return false;
@ -148,7 +142,8 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
catch (Exception e)
BuildLaunchFailed?.Invoke(buildInfo, $"The build method threw an exception.\n{e.GetType().FullName}: {e.Message}");
$"The build method threw an exception.\n{e.GetType().FullName}: {e.Message}");
return false;
@ -159,18 +154,54 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
public static bool BuildProjectBlocking(string config, [MaybeNull] string[] targets = null, [MaybeNull] string platform = null)
private static bool Publish(BuildInfo buildInfo)
var buildInfo = new BuildInfo(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath, targets ?? new[] {"Build"}, config, restore: true);
if (_buildInProgress != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("A build is already in progress");
// If a platform was not specified, try determining the current one. If that fails, let MSBuild auto-detect it.
if (platform != null || OS.PlatformNameMap.TryGetValue(Godot.OS.GetName(), out platform))
_buildInProgress = buildInfo;
if (Internal.GodotIsRealTDouble())
return BuildProjectBlocking(buildInfo);
// Required in order to update the build tasks list
catch (IOException e)
BuildLaunchFailed?.Invoke(buildInfo, $"Cannot remove issues file: {GetIssuesFilePath(buildInfo)}");
int exitCode = BuildSystem.Publish(buildInfo, StdOutputReceived, StdErrorReceived);
if (exitCode != 0)
$"dotnet publish exited with code: {exitCode}. Log file: {GetLogFilePath(buildInfo)}");
BuildFinished?.Invoke(exitCode == 0 ? BuildResult.Success : BuildResult.Error);
return exitCode == 0;
catch (Exception e)
$"The publish method threw an exception.\n{e.GetType().FullName}: {e.Message}");
return false;
_buildInProgress = null;
private static bool BuildProjectBlocking(BuildInfo buildInfo)
@ -178,20 +209,109 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
if (!File.Exists(buildInfo.Solution))
return true; // No solution to build
using (var pr = new EditorProgress("mono_project_debug_build", "Building project solution...", 1))
pr.Step("Building project solution", 0);
using var pr = new EditorProgress("dotnet_build_project", "Building .NET project...", 1);
if (!Build(buildInfo))
ShowBuildErrorDialog("Failed to build project solution");
return false;
pr.Step("Building project solution", 0);
if (!Build(buildInfo))
ShowBuildErrorDialog("Failed to build project solution");
return false;
return true;
private static bool CleanProjectBlocking(BuildInfo buildInfo)
if (!File.Exists(buildInfo.Solution))
return true; // No solution to clean
using var pr = new EditorProgress("dotnet_clean_project", "Cleaning .NET project...", 1);
pr.Step("Cleaning project solution", 0);
if (!Build(buildInfo))
ShowBuildErrorDialog("Failed to clean project solution");
return false;
return true;
private static bool PublishProjectBlocking(BuildInfo buildInfo)
using var pr = new EditorProgress("dotnet_publish_project", "Publishing .NET project...", 1);
pr.Step("Running dotnet publish", 0);
if (!Publish(buildInfo))
ShowBuildErrorDialog("Failed to publish .NET project");
return false;
return true;
private static BuildInfo CreateBuildInfo(
[DisallowNull] string configuration,
[AllowNull] string platform = null,
bool rebuild = false,
bool onlyClean = false
var buildInfo = new BuildInfo(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath, configuration,
restore: true, rebuild, onlyClean);
// If a platform was not specified, try determining the current one. If that fails, let MSBuild auto-detect it.
if (platform != null || Utils.OS.PlatformNameMap.TryGetValue(OS.GetName(), out platform))
if (Internal.GodotIsRealTDouble())
return buildInfo;
private static BuildInfo CreatePublishBuildInfo(
[DisallowNull] string configuration,
[DisallowNull] string platform,
[DisallowNull] string runtimeIdentifier,
[DisallowNull] string publishOutputDir
var buildInfo = new BuildInfo(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath, configuration,
runtimeIdentifier, publishOutputDir, restore: true, rebuild: false, onlyClean: false);
if (Internal.GodotIsRealTDouble())
return buildInfo;
public static bool BuildProjectBlocking(
[DisallowNull] string configuration,
[AllowNull] string platform = null,
bool rebuild = false
) => BuildProjectBlocking(CreateBuildInfo(configuration, platform, rebuild));
public static bool CleanProjectBlocking(
[DisallowNull] string configuration,
[AllowNull] string platform = null
) => CleanProjectBlocking(CreateBuildInfo(configuration, platform, rebuild: false));
public static bool PublishProjectBlocking(
[DisallowNull] string configuration,
[DisallowNull] string platform,
[DisallowNull] string runtimeIdentifier,
string publishOutputDir
) => PublishProjectBlocking(CreatePublishBuildInfo(configuration,
platform, runtimeIdentifier, publishOutputDir));
public static bool EditorBuildCallback()
if (!File.Exists(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath))
@ -204,7 +324,7 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
catch (Exception e)
Godot.GD.PushError("Failed to setup Godot NuGet Offline Packages: " + e.Message);
GD.PushError("Failed to setup Godot NuGet Offline Packages: " + e.Message);
if (GodotSharpEditor.Instance.SkipBuildBeforePlaying)
@ -215,47 +335,6 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
public static void Initialize()
// Build tool settings
var editorSettings = GodotSharpEditor.Instance.GetEditorInterface().GetEditorSettings();
BuildTool msbuildDefault;
if (OS.IsWindows)
if (RiderPathManager.IsExternalEditorSetToRider(editorSettings))
msbuildDefault = BuildTool.JetBrainsMsBuild;
msbuildDefault = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(OS.PathWhich("dotnet")) ? BuildTool.DotnetCli : BuildTool.MsBuildVs;
msbuildDefault = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(OS.PathWhich("dotnet")) ? BuildTool.DotnetCli : BuildTool.MsBuildMono;
EditorDef("mono/builds/build_tool", msbuildDefault);
string hintString;
if (OS.IsWindows)
hintString = $"{PropNameMSBuildMono}:{(int)BuildTool.MsBuildMono}," +
$"{PropNameMSBuildVs}:{(int)BuildTool.MsBuildVs}," +
$"{PropNameMSBuildJetBrains}:{(int)BuildTool.JetBrainsMsBuild}," +
hintString = $"{PropNameMSBuildMono}:{(int)BuildTool.MsBuildMono}," +
editorSettings.AddPropertyInfo(new Godot.Collections.Dictionary
["type"] = Godot.Variant.Type.Int,
["name"] = "mono/builds/build_tool",
["hint"] = Godot.PropertyHint.Enum,
["hint_string"] = hintString
@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ using Path = System.IO.Path;
namespace GodotTools.Build
public class BuildOutputView : VBoxContainer, ISerializationListener
public partial class BuildOutputView : VBoxContainer, ISerializationListener
private class BuildIssue : RefCounted // TODO Remove RefCounted once we have proper serialization
private partial class BuildIssue : RefCounted // TODO Remove RefCounted once we have proper serialization
public bool Warning { get; set; }
public string File { get; set; }
@ -1,61 +1,32 @@
using GodotTools.Core;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using GodotTools.BuildLogger;
using GodotTools.Internals;
using GodotTools.Utils;
using Directory = System.IO.Directory;
namespace GodotTools.Build
public static class BuildSystem
private static string MonoWindowsBinDir
private static Process LaunchBuild(BuildInfo buildInfo, Action<string> stdOutHandler,
Action<string> stdErrHandler)
string monoWinBinDir = Path.Combine(Internal.MonoWindowsInstallRoot, "bin");
string dotnetPath = DotNetFinder.FindDotNetExe();
if (!Directory.Exists(monoWinBinDir))
throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot find the Windows Mono install bin directory.");
if (dotnetPath == null)
throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot find the dotnet executable.");
return monoWinBinDir;
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(dotnetPath);
private static Godot.EditorSettings EditorSettings =>
BuildArguments(buildInfo, startInfo.ArgumentList);
private static bool UsingMonoMsBuildOnWindows
if (OS.IsWindows)
return (BuildTool)EditorSettings.GetSetting("mono/builds/build_tool")
== BuildTool.MsBuildMono;
return false;
private static Process LaunchBuild(BuildInfo buildInfo, Action<string> stdOutHandler, Action<string> stdErrHandler)
(string msbuildPath, BuildTool buildTool) = MsBuildFinder.FindMsBuild();
if (msbuildPath == null)
throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot find the MSBuild executable.");
string compilerArgs = BuildArguments(buildTool, buildInfo);
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(msbuildPath, compilerArgs);
string launchMessage = $"Running: \"{startInfo.FileName}\" {startInfo.Arguments}";
string launchMessage = startInfo.GetCommandLineDisplay(new StringBuilder("Running: ")).ToString();
if (Godot.OS.IsStdoutVerbose())
@ -65,20 +36,10 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
if (UsingMonoMsBuildOnWindows)
// These environment variables are required for Mono's MSBuild to find the compilers.
// We use the batch files in Mono's bin directory to make sure the compilers are executed with mono.
string monoWinBinDir = MonoWindowsBinDir;
startInfo.EnvironmentVariables.Add("CscToolExe", Path.Combine(monoWinBinDir, "csc.bat"));
startInfo.EnvironmentVariables.Add("VbcToolExe", Path.Combine(monoWinBinDir, "vbc.bat"));
startInfo.EnvironmentVariables.Add("FscToolExe", Path.Combine(monoWinBinDir, "fsharpc.bat"));
// Needed when running from Developer Command Prompt for VS
var process = new Process {StartInfo = startInfo};
var process = new Process { StartInfo = startInfo };
if (stdOutHandler != null)
process.OutputDataReceived += (s, e) => stdOutHandler.Invoke(e.Data);
@ -103,7 +64,8 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
public static async Task<int> BuildAsync(BuildInfo buildInfo, Action<string> stdOutHandler, Action<string> stdErrHandler)
public static async Task<int> BuildAsync(BuildInfo buildInfo, Action<string> stdOutHandler,
Action<string> stdErrHandler)
using (var process = LaunchBuild(buildInfo, stdOutHandler, stdErrHandler))
@ -113,36 +75,154 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
private static string BuildArguments(BuildTool buildTool, BuildInfo buildInfo)
private static Process LaunchPublish(BuildInfo buildInfo, Action<string> stdOutHandler,
Action<string> stdErrHandler)
string arguments = string.Empty;
string dotnetPath = DotNetFinder.FindDotNetExe();
if (buildTool == BuildTool.DotnetCli)
arguments += "msbuild"; // `dotnet msbuild` command
if (dotnetPath == null)
throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot find the dotnet executable.");
arguments += $@" ""{buildInfo.Solution}""";
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(dotnetPath);
if (buildInfo.Restore)
arguments += " /restore";
BuildPublishArguments(buildInfo, startInfo.ArgumentList);
arguments += $@" /t:{string.Join(",", buildInfo.Targets)} " +
$@"""/p:{"Configuration=" + buildInfo.Configuration}"" /v:normal " +
string launchMessage = startInfo.GetCommandLineDisplay(new StringBuilder("Running: ")).ToString();
if (Godot.OS.IsStdoutVerbose())
foreach (string customProperty in buildInfo.CustomProperties)
arguments += " /p:" + customProperty;
startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
startInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
return arguments;
// Needed when running from Developer Command Prompt for VS
var process = new Process { StartInfo = startInfo };
if (stdOutHandler != null)
process.OutputDataReceived += (s, e) => stdOutHandler.Invoke(e.Data);
if (stdErrHandler != null)
process.ErrorDataReceived += (s, e) => stdErrHandler.Invoke(e.Data);
return process;
private static string AddLoggerArgument(BuildInfo buildInfo)
public static int Publish(BuildInfo buildInfo, Action<string> stdOutHandler, Action<string> stdErrHandler)
string buildLoggerPath = Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.DataEditorToolsDir,
using (var process = LaunchPublish(buildInfo, stdOutHandler, stdErrHandler))
return process.ExitCode;
private static void BuildArguments(BuildInfo buildInfo, Collection<string> arguments)
// `dotnet clean` / `dotnet build` commands
arguments.Add(buildInfo.OnlyClean ? "clean" : "build");
// Solution
// `dotnet clean` doesn't recognize these options
if (!buildInfo.OnlyClean)
// Restore
// `dotnet build` restores by default, unless requested not to
if (!buildInfo.Restore)
// Incremental or rebuild
if (buildInfo.Rebuild)
// Configuration
// Verbosity
// Logger
AddLoggerArgument(buildInfo, arguments);
// Custom properties
foreach (string customProperty in buildInfo.CustomProperties)
arguments.Add("-p:" + customProperty);
private static void BuildPublishArguments(BuildInfo buildInfo, Collection<string> arguments)
arguments.Add("publish"); // `dotnet publish` command
// Solution
// Restore
// `dotnet publish` restores by default, unless requested not to
if (!buildInfo.Restore)
// Incremental or rebuild
if (buildInfo.Rebuild)
// Configuration
// Runtime Identifier
// Self-published
// Verbosity
// Logger
AddLoggerArgument(buildInfo, arguments);
// Trimming is not supported for dynamically loaded assemblies, as is our case with self hosting:
// https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/main/docs/design/features/native-hosting.md#incompatible-with-trimming
// Custom properties
foreach (string customProperty in buildInfo.CustomProperties)
arguments.Add("-p:" + customProperty);
// Publish output directory
if (buildInfo.PublishOutputDir != null)
private static void AddLoggerArgument(BuildInfo buildInfo, Collection<string> arguments)
string buildLoggerPath = Path.Combine(Internals.GodotSharpDirs.DataEditorToolsDir,
return $"/l:{typeof(GodotBuildLogger).FullName},{buildLoggerPath};{buildInfo.LogsDirPath}";
private static void RemovePlatformVariable(StringDictionary environmentVariables)
@ -153,7 +233,7 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
foreach (string env in environmentVariables.Keys)
if (env.ToUpper() == "PLATFORM")
if (env.ToUpperInvariant() == "PLATFORM")
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
namespace GodotTools.Build
public enum BuildTool : long
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using OS = GodotTools.Utils.OS;
namespace GodotTools.Build
public static class DotNetFinder
public static string FindDotNetExe()
// In the future, this method may do more than just search in PATH. We could look in
// known locations or use Godot's linked nethost to search from the hostfxr location.
return OS.PathWhich("dotnet");
public static bool TryFindDotNetSdk(
Version expectedVersion,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out Version version,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out string path
version = null;
path = null;
string dotNetExe = FindDotNetExe();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dotNetExe))
return false;
using Process process = new Process();
process.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(dotNetExe, "--list-sdks")
UseShellExecute = false,
RedirectStandardOutput = true
process.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables["DOTNET_CLI_UI_LANGUAGE"] = "en-US";
var lines = new List<string>();
process.OutputDataReceived += (_, e) =>
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Data))
return false;
Version latestVersionMatch = null;
string matchPath = null;
foreach (var line in lines)
string[] sdkLineParts = line.Trim()
.Split(' ', 2, StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries);
if (sdkLineParts.Length < 2)
if (!Version.TryParse(sdkLineParts[0], out var lineVersion))
// We're looking for the exact same major version
if (lineVersion.Major != expectedVersion.Major)
if (latestVersionMatch != null && lineVersion < latestVersionMatch)
latestVersionMatch = lineVersion;
matchPath = sdkLineParts[1].TrimStart('[').TrimEnd(']');
if (latestVersionMatch == null)
return false;
version = latestVersionMatch;
path = Path.Combine(matchPath!, version.ToString());
return true;
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ using File = GodotTools.Utils.File;
namespace GodotTools.Build
public class MSBuildPanel : VBoxContainer
public partial class MSBuildPanel : VBoxContainer
public BuildOutputView BuildOutputView { get; private set; }
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
GD.PushError("Failed to setup Godot NuGet Offline Packages: " + e.Message);
if (!BuildManager.BuildProjectBlocking("Debug", targets: new[] { "Rebuild" }))
if (!BuildManager.BuildProjectBlocking("Debug", rebuild: true))
return; // Build failed
// Notify running game for hot-reload
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
if (!File.Exists(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath))
return; // No solution to build
BuildManager.BuildProjectBlocking("Debug", targets: new[] { "Clean" });
_ = BuildManager.CleanProjectBlocking("Debug");
private void ViewLogToggled(bool pressed) => BuildOutputView.LogVisible = pressed;
@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Godot;
using GodotTools.Ides.Rider;
using GodotTools.Internals;
using Directory = System.IO.Directory;
using Environment = System.Environment;
using File = System.IO.File;
using Path = System.IO.Path;
using OS = GodotTools.Utils.OS;
namespace GodotTools.Build
public static class MsBuildFinder
private static string _msbuildToolsPath = string.Empty;
private static string _msbuildUnixPath = string.Empty;
public static (string, BuildTool) FindMsBuild()
var editorSettings = GodotSharpEditor.Instance.GetEditorInterface().GetEditorSettings();
var buildTool = (BuildTool)editorSettings.GetSetting("mono/builds/build_tool");
if (OS.IsWindows)
switch (buildTool)
case BuildTool.DotnetCli:
string dotnetCliPath = OS.PathWhich("dotnet");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dotnetCliPath))
return (dotnetCliPath, BuildTool.DotnetCli);
GD.PushError($"Cannot find executable for '{BuildManager.PropNameDotnetCli}'. Fallback to MSBuild from Visual Studio.");
goto case BuildTool.MsBuildVs;
case BuildTool.MsBuildVs:
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_msbuildToolsPath) || !File.Exists(_msbuildToolsPath))
// Try to search it again if it wasn't found last time or if it was removed from its location
_msbuildToolsPath = FindMsBuildToolsPathOnWindows();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_msbuildToolsPath))
throw new FileNotFoundException($"Cannot find executable for '{BuildManager.PropNameMSBuildVs}'.");
if (!_msbuildToolsPath.EndsWith("\\"))
_msbuildToolsPath += "\\";
return (Path.Combine(_msbuildToolsPath, "MSBuild.exe"), BuildTool.MsBuildVs);
case BuildTool.MsBuildMono:
string msbuildPath = Path.Combine(Internal.MonoWindowsInstallRoot, "bin", "msbuild.bat");
if (!File.Exists(msbuildPath))
throw new FileNotFoundException($"Cannot find executable for '{BuildManager.PropNameMSBuildMono}'. Tried with path: {msbuildPath}");
return (msbuildPath, BuildTool.MsBuildMono);
case BuildTool.JetBrainsMsBuild:
string editorPath = (string)editorSettings.GetSetting(RiderPathManager.EditorPathSettingName);
if (!File.Exists(editorPath))
throw new FileNotFoundException($"Cannot find Rider executable. Tried with path: {editorPath}");
var riderDir = new FileInfo(editorPath).Directory?.Parent;
string msbuildPath = Path.Combine(riderDir.FullName, @"tools\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe");
if (!File.Exists(msbuildPath))
throw new FileNotFoundException($"Cannot find executable for '{BuildManager.PropNameMSBuildJetBrains}'. Tried with path: {msbuildPath}");
return (msbuildPath, BuildTool.JetBrainsMsBuild);
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Invalid build tool in editor settings");
if (OS.IsUnixLike)
switch (buildTool)
case BuildTool.DotnetCli:
string dotnetCliPath = FindBuildEngineOnUnix("dotnet");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dotnetCliPath))
return (dotnetCliPath, BuildTool.DotnetCli);
GD.PushError($"Cannot find executable for '{BuildManager.PropNameDotnetCli}'. Fallback to MSBuild from Mono.");
goto case BuildTool.MsBuildMono;
case BuildTool.MsBuildMono:
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_msbuildUnixPath) || !File.Exists(_msbuildUnixPath))
// Try to search it again if it wasn't found last time or if it was removed from its location
_msbuildUnixPath = FindBuildEngineOnUnix("msbuild");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_msbuildUnixPath))
throw new FileNotFoundException($"Cannot find binary for '{BuildManager.PropNameMSBuildMono}'");
return (_msbuildUnixPath, BuildTool.MsBuildMono);
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Invalid build tool in editor settings");
throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
private static IEnumerable<string> MsBuildHintDirs
var result = new List<string>();
if (OS.IsMacOS)
return result;
private static string FindBuildEngineOnUnix(string name)
string ret = OS.PathWhich(name);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ret))
return ret;
string retFallback = OS.PathWhich($"{name}.exe");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(retFallback))
return retFallback;
foreach (string hintDir in MsBuildHintDirs)
string hintPath = Path.Combine(hintDir, name);
if (File.Exists(hintPath))
return hintPath;
return string.Empty;
private static string FindMsBuildToolsPathOnWindows()
if (!OS.IsWindows)
throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
// Try to find 15.0 with vswhere
string[] envNames = Internal.GodotIs32Bits() ?
envNames = new[] { "ProgramFiles", "ProgramW6432" } :
envNames = new[] { "ProgramFiles(x86)", "ProgramFiles" };
string vsWherePath = null;
foreach (var envName in envNames)
vsWherePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(envName);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vsWherePath))
vsWherePath += "\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\Installer\\vswhere.exe";
if (File.Exists(vsWherePath))
vsWherePath = null;
var vsWhereArgs = new[] {"-latest", "-products", "*", "-requires", "Microsoft.Component.MSBuild"};
var outputArray = new Godot.Collections.Array<string>();
int exitCode = Godot.OS.Execute(vsWherePath, vsWhereArgs,
output: (Godot.Collections.Array)outputArray);
if (exitCode != 0)
return string.Empty;
if (outputArray.Count == 0)
return string.Empty;
var lines = outputArray[0].Split('\n');
foreach (string line in lines)
int sepIdx = line.IndexOf(':');
if (sepIdx <= 0)
string key = line.Substring(0, sepIdx); // No need to trim
if (key != "installationPath")
string value = line.Substring(sepIdx + 1).StripEdges();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
throw new FormatException("installationPath value is empty");
if (!value.EndsWith("\\"))
value += "\\";
// Since VS2019, the directory is simply named "Current"
string msbuildDir = Path.Combine(value, "MSBuild\\Current\\Bin");
if (Directory.Exists(msbuildDir))
return msbuildDir;
// Directory name "15.0" is used in VS 2017
return Path.Combine(value, "MSBuild\\15.0\\Bin");
return string.Empty;
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Linq;
@ -39,7 +40,8 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
// Since this can be considered pretty much a new NuGet.Config, add the default nuget.org source as well
XmlElement nugetOrgSourceEntry = xmlDoc.CreateElement("add");
nugetOrgSourceEntry.Attributes.Append(xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("key")).Value = "nuget.org";
nugetOrgSourceEntry.Attributes.Append(xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("value")).Value = "https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json";
nugetOrgSourceEntry.Attributes.Append(xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("value")).Value =
nugetOrgSourceEntry.Attributes.Append(xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("protocolVersion")).Value = "3";
@ -181,8 +183,8 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
// - The sha512 of the nupkg is base64 encoded.
// - We can get the nuspec from the nupkg which is a Zip file.
string packageIdLower = packageId.ToLower();
string packageVersionLower = packageVersion.ToLower();
string packageIdLower = packageId.ToLowerInvariant();
string packageVersionLower = packageVersion.ToLowerInvariant();
string destDir = Path.Combine(fallbackFolder, packageIdLower, packageVersionLower);
string nupkgDestPath = Path.Combine(destDir, $"{packageIdLower}.{packageVersionLower}.nupkg");
@ -227,9 +229,11 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
var nuspecEntry = archive.GetEntry(packageId + ".nuspec");
if (nuspecEntry == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to extract package {packageId}.{packageVersion}. Could not find the nuspec file.");
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Failed to extract package {packageId}.{packageVersion}. Could not find the nuspec file.");
nuspecEntry.ExtractToFile(Path.Combine(destDir, nuspecEntry.Name.ToLower().SimplifyGodotPath()));
nuspecEntry.ExtractToFile(Path.Combine(destDir, nuspecEntry.Name
// Extract the other package files
@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
using Godot;
using Godot.NativeInterop;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using GodotTools.Build;
using GodotTools.Core;
using GodotTools.Internals;
@ -18,61 +15,13 @@ using Path = System.IO.Path;
namespace GodotTools.Export
public class ExportPlugin : EditorExportPlugin
public partial class ExportPlugin : EditorExportPlugin
private enum I18NCodesets : long
None = 0,
CJK = 1,
MidEast = 2,
Other = 4,
Rare = 8,
West = 16,
All = CJK | MidEast | Other | Rare | West
private string _maybeLastExportError;
private void AddI18NAssemblies(Godot.Collections.Dictionary<string, string> assemblies, string bclDir)
var codesets = (I18NCodesets)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/i18n_codesets");
if (codesets == I18NCodesets.None)
void AddI18NAssembly(string name) => assemblies.Add(name, Path.Combine(bclDir, $"{name}.dll"));
if ((codesets & I18NCodesets.CJK) != 0)
if ((codesets & I18NCodesets.MidEast) != 0)
if ((codesets & I18NCodesets.Other) != 0)
if ((codesets & I18NCodesets.Rare) != 0)
if ((codesets & I18NCodesets.West) != 0)
public void RegisterExportSettings()
// TODO: These would be better as export preset options, but that doesn't seem to be supported yet
GlobalDef("mono/export/include_scripts_content", false);
GlobalDef("mono/export/export_assemblies_inside_pck", true);
GlobalDef("mono/export/i18n_codesets", I18NCodesets.All);
ProjectSettings.AddPropertyInfo(new Godot.Collections.Dictionary
["type"] = Variant.Type.Int,
["name"] = "mono/export/i18n_codesets",
["hint"] = PropertyHint.Flags,
["hint_string"] = "CJK,MidEast,Other,Rare,West"
GlobalDef("mono/export/aot/enabled", false);
GlobalDef("mono/export/aot/full_aot", false);
@ -86,11 +35,7 @@ namespace GodotTools.Export
GlobalDef("mono/export/aot/android_toolchain_path", "");
private void AddFile(string srcPath, string dstPath, bool remap = false)
// Add file to the PCK
AddFile(dstPath.Replace("\\", "/"), File.ReadAllBytes(srcPath), remap);
private string _maybeLastExportError;
// With this method we can override how a file is exported in the PCK
public override void _ExportFile(string path, string type, string[] features)
@ -155,180 +100,86 @@ namespace GodotTools.Export
if (!DeterminePlatformFromFeatures(features, out string platform))
throw new NotSupportedException("Target platform not supported");
if (!new[] { OS.Platforms.Windows, OS.Platforms.LinuxBSD, OS.Platforms.MacOS, OS.Platforms.Server }
throw new NotImplementedException("Target platform not yet implemented");
string outputDir = new FileInfo(path).Directory?.FullName ??
throw new FileNotFoundException("Base directory not found");
throw new FileNotFoundException("Output base directory not found");
string buildConfig = isDebug ? "ExportDebug" : "ExportRelease";
if (!BuildManager.BuildProjectBlocking(buildConfig, platform: platform))
// TODO: This works for now, as we only implemented support for x86 family desktop so far, but it needs to be fixed
string arch = features.Contains("64") ? "x86_64" : "x86";
string ridOS = DetermineRuntimeIdentifierOS(platform);
string ridArch = DetermineRuntimeIdentifierArch(arch);
string runtimeIdentifier = $"{ridOS}-{ridArch}";
// Create temporary publish output directory
string publishOutputTempDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "godot-publish-dotnet",
if (!Directory.Exists(publishOutputTempDir))
// Execute dotnet publish
if (!BuildManager.PublishProjectBlocking(buildConfig, platform,
runtimeIdentifier, publishOutputTempDir))
throw new Exception("Failed to build project");
// Add dependency assemblies
var assemblies = new Godot.Collections.Dictionary<string, string>();
string projectDllName = GodotSharpEditor.ProjectAssemblyName;
string projectDllSrcDir = Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.ResTempAssembliesBaseDir, buildConfig);
string projectDllSrcPath = Path.Combine(projectDllSrcDir, $"{projectDllName}.dll");
assemblies[projectDllName] = projectDllSrcPath;
string bclDir = DeterminePlatformBclDir(platform);
if (platform == OS.Platforms.Android)
string godotAndroidExtProfileDir = GetBclProfileDir("godot_android_ext");
string monoAndroidAssemblyPath = Path.Combine(godotAndroidExtProfileDir, "Mono.Android.dll");
if (!File.Exists(monoAndroidAssemblyPath))
throw new FileNotFoundException("Assembly not found: 'Mono.Android'", monoAndroidAssemblyPath);
assemblies["Mono.Android"] = monoAndroidAssemblyPath;
else if (platform == OS.Platforms.HTML5)
// Ideally these would be added automatically since they're referenced by the wasm BCL assemblies.
// However, at least in the case of 'WebAssembly.Net.Http' for some reason the BCL assemblies
// reference a different version even though the assembly is the same, for some weird reason.
var wasmFrameworkAssemblies = new[] { "WebAssembly.Bindings", "WebAssembly.Net.WebSockets" };
foreach (string thisWasmFrameworkAssemblyName in wasmFrameworkAssemblies)
string thisWasmFrameworkAssemblyPath = Path.Combine(bclDir, thisWasmFrameworkAssemblyName + ".dll");
if (!File.Exists(thisWasmFrameworkAssemblyPath))
throw new FileNotFoundException($"Assembly not found: '{thisWasmFrameworkAssemblyName}'",
assemblies[thisWasmFrameworkAssemblyName] = thisWasmFrameworkAssemblyPath;
// Assemblies that can have a different name in a newer version. Newer version must come first and it has priority.
(string newName, string oldName)[] wasmFrameworkAssembliesOneOf = new[]
("System.Net.Http.WebAssemblyHttpHandler", "WebAssembly.Net.Http")
foreach (var thisWasmFrameworkAssemblyName in wasmFrameworkAssembliesOneOf)
string thisWasmFrameworkAssemblyPath =
Path.Combine(bclDir, thisWasmFrameworkAssemblyName.newName + ".dll");
if (File.Exists(thisWasmFrameworkAssemblyPath))
assemblies[thisWasmFrameworkAssemblyName.newName] = thisWasmFrameworkAssemblyPath;
thisWasmFrameworkAssemblyPath =
Path.Combine(bclDir, thisWasmFrameworkAssemblyName.oldName + ".dll");
if (!File.Exists(thisWasmFrameworkAssemblyPath))
throw new FileNotFoundException(
"Expected one of the following assemblies but none were found: " +
$"'{thisWasmFrameworkAssemblyName.newName}' / '{thisWasmFrameworkAssemblyName.oldName}'",
assemblies[thisWasmFrameworkAssemblyName.oldName] = thisWasmFrameworkAssemblyPath;
// var initialAssemblies = assemblies.Duplicate();
// godot_dictionary initialAssembliesAux = ((Godot.Collections.Dictionary)initialAssemblies).NativeValue;
// using godot_string buildConfigAux = Marshaling.ConvertStringToNative(buildConfig);
// using godot_string bclDirAux = Marshaling.ConvertStringToNative(bclDir);
// godot_dictionary assembliesAux = ((Godot.Collections.Dictionary)assemblies).NativeValue;
throw new NotImplementedException();
//internal_GetExportedAssemblyDependencies(initialAssembliesAux, buildConfigAux, bclDirAux, ref assembliesAux);
AddI18NAssemblies(assemblies, bclDir);
string outputDataDir = null;
if (PlatformHasTemplateDir(platform))
outputDataDir = ExportDataDirectory(features, platform, isDebug, outputDir);
string apiConfig = isDebug ? "Debug" : "Release";
throw new NotImplementedException();
string resAssembliesDir = null; // Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.ResAssembliesBaseDir, apiConfig);
bool assembliesInsidePck = (bool)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/export_assemblies_inside_pck") ||
outputDataDir == null;
if (!assembliesInsidePck)
if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(publishOutputTempDir, $"{GodotSharpEditor.ProjectAssemblyName}.dll")))
string outputDataGameAssembliesDir = Path.Combine(outputDataDir, "Assemblies");
if (!Directory.Exists(outputDataGameAssembliesDir))
throw new NotSupportedException(
"Publish succeeded but project assembly not found in the output directory");
foreach (var assembly in assemblies)
// Copy all files from the dotnet publish output directory to
// a data directory next to the Godot output executable.
string outputDataDir = Path.Combine(outputDir, DetermineDataDirNameForProject());
if (Directory.Exists(outputDataDir))
Directory.Delete(outputDataDir, recursive: true); // Clean first
foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(publishOutputTempDir, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
void AddToAssembliesDir(string fileSrcPath)
if (assembliesInsidePck)
string fileDstPath = Path.Combine(resAssembliesDir, fileSrcPath.GetFile());
AddFile(fileSrcPath, fileDstPath);
Debug.Assert(outputDataDir != null);
string fileDstPath = Path.Combine(outputDataDir, "Assemblies", fileSrcPath.GetFile());
File.Copy(fileSrcPath, fileDstPath);
string assemblySrcPath = assembly.Value;
string assemblyPathWithoutExtension = Path.ChangeExtension(assemblySrcPath, null);
string pdbSrcPath = assemblyPathWithoutExtension + ".pdb";
if (File.Exists(pdbSrcPath))
Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(outputDataDir, dir.Substring(publishOutputTempDir.Length + 1)));
// AOT compilation
bool aotEnabled = platform == OS.Platforms.iOS ||
if (aotEnabled)
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(publishOutputTempDir, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
string aotToolchainPath = null;
if (platform == OS.Platforms.Android)
aotToolchainPath = (string)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/android_toolchain_path");
if (aotToolchainPath == string.Empty)
aotToolchainPath = null; // Don't risk it being used as current working dir
// TODO: LLVM settings are hard-coded and disabled for now
var aotOpts = new AotOptions
EnableLLVM = false,
LLVMOnly = false,
LLVMPath = "",
LLVMOutputPath = "",
FullAot = platform == OS.Platforms.iOS ||
(bool)(ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/full_aot") ?? false),
UseInterpreter = (bool)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/use_interpreter"),
ExtraAotOptions = (string[])ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/extra_aot_options") ??
ExtraOptimizerOptions =
(string[])ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/extra_optimizer_options") ??
ToolchainPath = aotToolchainPath
AotBuilder.CompileAssemblies(this, aotOpts, features, platform, isDebug, bclDir, outputDir,
outputDataDir, assemblies);
File.Copy(file, Path.Combine(outputDataDir, file.Substring(publishOutputTempDir.Length + 1)));
private string DetermineRuntimeIdentifierOS(string platform)
=> OS.DotNetOSPlatformMap[platform];
private string DetermineRuntimeIdentifierArch(string arch)
return arch switch
"x86" => "x86",
"x86_32" => "x86",
"x64" => "x64",
"x86_64" => "x64",
"armeabi-v7a" => "arm",
"arm64-v8a" => "arm64",
"armv7" => "arm",
"arm64" => "arm64",
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(arch), arch, "Unexpected architecture")
public override void _ExportEnd()
@ -350,70 +201,11 @@ namespace GodotTools.Export
[return: NotNull]
private static string ExportDataDirectory(string[] features, string platform, bool isDebug, string outputDir)
string target = isDebug ? "release_debug" : "release";
// NOTE: Bits is ok for now as all platforms with a data directory only have one or two architectures.
// However, this may change in the future if we add arm linux or windows desktop templates.
string bits = features.Contains("64") ? "64" : "32";
string TemplateDirName() => $"data.mono.{platform}.{bits}.{target}";
string templateDirPath = Path.Combine(Internal.FullExportTemplatesDir, TemplateDirName());
bool validTemplatePathFound = true;
if (!Directory.Exists(templateDirPath))
validTemplatePathFound = false;
if (isDebug)
target = "debug"; // Support both 'release_debug' and 'debug' for the template data directory name
templateDirPath = Path.Combine(Internal.FullExportTemplatesDir, TemplateDirName());
validTemplatePathFound = true;
if (!Directory.Exists(templateDirPath))
validTemplatePathFound = false;
if (!validTemplatePathFound)
throw new FileNotFoundException("Data template directory not found", templateDirPath);
string outputDataDir = Path.Combine(outputDir, DetermineDataDirNameForProject());
if (Directory.Exists(outputDataDir))
Directory.Delete(outputDataDir, recursive: true); // Clean first
foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(templateDirPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(outputDataDir, dir.Substring(templateDirPath.Length + 1)));
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(templateDirPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
File.Copy(file, Path.Combine(outputDataDir, file.Substring(templateDirPath.Length + 1)));
return outputDataDir;
private static bool PlatformHasTemplateDir(string platform)
// macOS export templates are contained in a zip, so we place our custom template inside it and let Godot do the rest.
return !new[] { OS.Platforms.MacOS, OS.Platforms.Android, OS.Platforms.iOS, OS.Platforms.HTML5 }
private static bool DeterminePlatformFromFeatures(IEnumerable<string> features, out string platform)
foreach (var feature in features)
if (OS.PlatformNameMap.TryGetValue(feature, out platform))
if (OS.PlatformFeatureMap.TryGetValue(feature, out platform))
return true;
@ -421,78 +213,6 @@ namespace GodotTools.Export
return false;
private static string GetBclProfileDir(string profile)
string templatesDir = Internal.FullExportTemplatesDir;
return Path.Combine(templatesDir, "bcl", profile);
private static string DeterminePlatformBclDir(string platform)
string templatesDir = Internal.FullExportTemplatesDir;
string platformBclDir = Path.Combine(templatesDir, "bcl", platform);
if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(platformBclDir, "mscorlib.dll")))
string profile = DeterminePlatformBclProfile(platform);
platformBclDir = Path.Combine(templatesDir, "bcl", profile);
if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(platformBclDir, "mscorlib.dll")))
if (PlatformRequiresCustomBcl(platform))
throw new FileNotFoundException($"Missing BCL (Base Class Library) for platform: {platform}");
platformBclDir = typeof(object).Assembly.Location.GetBaseDir(); // Use the one we're running on
return platformBclDir;
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the BCL bundled with the Godot editor can be used for the target platform,
/// or if it requires a custom BCL that must be distributed with the export templates.
/// </summary>
private static bool PlatformRequiresCustomBcl(string platform)
if (new[] { OS.Platforms.Android, OS.Platforms.iOS, OS.Platforms.HTML5 }.Contains(platform))
return true;
// The 'net_4_x' BCL is not compatible between Windows and the other platforms.
// We use the names 'net_4_x_win' and 'net_4_x' to differentiate between the two.
bool isWinOrUwp = new[]
return OS.IsWindows ? !isWinOrUwp : isWinOrUwp;
private static string DeterminePlatformBclProfile(string platform)
switch (platform)
case OS.Platforms.Windows:
case OS.Platforms.UWP:
return "net_4_x_win";
case OS.Platforms.MacOS:
case OS.Platforms.LinuxBSD:
case OS.Platforms.Server:
case OS.Platforms.Haiku:
return "net_4_x";
case OS.Platforms.Android:
return "monodroid";
case OS.Platforms.iOS:
return "monotouch";
case OS.Platforms.HTML5:
return "wasm";
throw new NotSupportedException($"Platform not supported: {platform}");
private static string DetermineDataDirNameForProject()
string appName = (string)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("application/config/name");
@ -13,13 +13,14 @@ using GodotTools.Internals;
using GodotTools.ProjectEditor;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using static GodotTools.Internals.Globals;
using Environment = System.Environment;
using File = GodotTools.Utils.File;
using OS = GodotTools.Utils.OS;
using Path = System.IO.Path;
namespace GodotTools
public class GodotSharpEditor : EditorPlugin, ISerializationListener
public partial class GodotSharpEditor : EditorPlugin, ISerializationListener
private EditorSettings _editorSettings;
@ -151,13 +152,6 @@ namespace GodotTools
public override void _Ready()
MSBuildPanel.BuildOutputView.BuildStateChanged += BuildStateChanged;
private enum MenuOptions
@ -382,12 +376,37 @@ namespace GodotTools
if (Instance != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
Instance = this;
var dotNetSdkSearchVersion = Environment.Version;
// First we try to find the .NET Sdk ourselves to make sure we get the
// correct version first (`RegisterDefaults` always picks the latest).
if (DotNetFinder.TryFindDotNetSdk(dotNetSdkSearchVersion, out var sdkVersion, out string sdkPath))
if (Godot.OS.IsStdoutVerbose())
Console.WriteLine($"Found .NET Sdk version '{sdkVersion}': {sdkPath}");
ProjectUtils.MSBuildLocatorRegisterDefaults(out sdkVersion, out sdkPath);
if (Godot.OS.IsStdoutVerbose())
Console.WriteLine($"Found .NET Sdk version '{sdkVersion}': {sdkPath}");
catch (InvalidOperationException e)
if (Godot.OS.IsStdoutVerbose())
GD.PushError($".NET Sdk not found. The required version is '{dotNetSdkSearchVersion}'.");
var editorInterface = GetEditorInterface();
var editorBaseControl = editorInterface.GetBaseControl();
@ -397,6 +416,8 @@ namespace GodotTools
MSBuildPanel = new MSBuildPanel();
MSBuildPanel.Ready += () =>
MSBuildPanel.BuildOutputView.BuildStateChanged += BuildStateChanged;
_bottomPanelBtn = AddControlToBottomPanel(MSBuildPanel, "MSBuild".TTR());
AddChild(new HotReloadAssemblyWatcher { Name = "HotReloadAssemblyWatcher" });
@ -11,6 +11,13 @@
<!-- Needed for our source generators to work despite this not being a Godot game project -->
<CompilerVisibleProperty Include="IsGodotToolsProject" />
<PropertyGroup Condition=" Exists('$(GodotApiAssembliesDir)/GodotSharp.dll') ">
<!-- The project is part of the Godot source tree -->
<!-- Use the Godot source tree output folder instead of '$(ProjectDir)/bin' -->
@ -33,6 +40,9 @@
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\Godot.NET.Sdk\Godot.SourceGenerators\Godot.SourceGenerators.csproj" OutputItemType="Analyzer" ReferenceOutputAssembly="false" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\GodotTools.BuildLogger\GodotTools.BuildLogger.csproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\GodotTools.IdeMessaging\GodotTools.IdeMessaging.csproj" />
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ using static GodotTools.Internals.Globals;
namespace GodotTools
public class HotReloadAssemblyWatcher : Node
public partial class HotReloadAssemblyWatcher : Node
private Timer _watchTimer;
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ using GodotTools.Internals;
namespace GodotTools.Ides
public sealed class GodotIdeManager : Node, ISerializationListener
public sealed partial class GodotIdeManager : Node, ISerializationListener
private MessagingServer _messagingServer;
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Godot.NativeInterop;
namespace GodotTools.Internals
@ -15,16 +14,6 @@ namespace GodotTools.Internals
public static string ResTempAssembliesBaseDir
Internal.godot_icall_GodotSharpDirs_ResTempAssembliesBaseDir(out godot_string dest);
using (dest)
return Marshaling.ConvertStringToManaged(dest);
public static string MonoUserDir
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Godot;
using Godot.NativeInterop;
@ -47,16 +46,6 @@ namespace GodotTools.Internals
public static void EditorNodeShowScriptScreen() => godot_icall_Internal_EditorNodeShowScriptScreen();
public static string MonoWindowsInstallRoot
godot_icall_Internal_MonoWindowsInstallRoot(out godot_string dest);
using (dest)
return Marshaling.ConvertStringToManaged(dest);
public static void EditorRunPlay() => godot_icall_Internal_EditorRunPlay();
public static void EditorRunStop() => godot_icall_Internal_EditorRunStop();
@ -64,7 +53,7 @@ namespace GodotTools.Internals
public static void ScriptEditorDebugger_ReloadScripts() =>
public static unsafe string[] CodeCompletionRequest(CodeCompletionRequest.CompletionKind kind,
public static string[] CodeCompletionRequest(CodeCompletionRequest.CompletionKind kind,
string scriptFile)
using godot_string scriptFileIn = Marshaling.ConvertStringToNative(scriptFile);
@ -80,9 +69,6 @@ namespace GodotTools.Internals
public static extern void godot_icall_GodotSharpDirs_ResMetadataDir(out godot_string r_dest);
public static extern void godot_icall_GodotSharpDirs_ResTempAssembliesBaseDir(out godot_string r_dest);
public static extern void godot_icall_GodotSharpDirs_MonoUserDir(out godot_string r_dest);
@ -143,9 +129,6 @@ namespace GodotTools.Internals
private static extern void godot_icall_Internal_EditorNodeShowScriptScreen();
private static extern void godot_icall_Internal_MonoWindowsInstallRoot(out godot_string dest);
private static extern void godot_icall_Internal_EditorRunPlay();
@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
using Godot.NativeInterop;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using GodotTools.Internals;
namespace GodotTools.Utils
@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ namespace GodotTools.Utils
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "InconsistentNaming")]
public static class OS
public static class Names
private static class Names
public const string Windows = "Windows";
public const string MacOS = "macOS";
@ -42,6 +43,35 @@ namespace GodotTools.Utils
public const string HTML5 = "javascript";
private static class DotNetOS
public const string Win = "win";
public const string OSX = "osx";
public const string Linux = "linux";
public const string Win10 = "win10";
public const string Android = "android";
public const string iOS = "ios";
public const string Browser = "browser";
public static readonly Dictionary<string, string> PlatformFeatureMap = new Dictionary<string, string>(
// Export `features` may be in lower case
["Windows"] = Platforms.Windows,
["macOS"] = Platforms.MacOS,
["LinuxBSD"] = Platforms.LinuxBSD,
// "X11" for compatibility, temporarily, while we are on an outdated branch
["X11"] = Platforms.LinuxBSD,
["Server"] = Platforms.Server,
["UWP"] = Platforms.UWP,
["Haiku"] = Platforms.Haiku,
["Android"] = Platforms.Android,
["iOS"] = Platforms.iOS,
["HTML5"] = Platforms.HTML5
public static readonly Dictionary<string, string> PlatformNameMap = new Dictionary<string, string>
[Names.Windows] = Platforms.Windows,
@ -58,7 +88,23 @@ namespace GodotTools.Utils
[Names.HTML5] = Platforms.HTML5
private static unsafe bool IsOS(string name)
public static readonly Dictionary<string, string> DotNetOSPlatformMap = new Dictionary<string, string>
[Platforms.Windows] = DotNetOS.Win,
[Platforms.MacOS] = DotNetOS.OSX,
// TODO:
// Does .NET 6 support BSD variants? If it does, it may need the name `unix`
// instead of `linux` in the runtime identifier. This would be a problem as
// Godot has a single export profile for both, named LinuxBSD.
[Platforms.LinuxBSD] = DotNetOS.Linux,
[Platforms.Server] = DotNetOS.Linux,
[Platforms.UWP] = DotNetOS.Win10,
[Platforms.Android] = DotNetOS.Android,
[Platforms.iOS] = DotNetOS.iOS,
[Platforms.HTML5] = DotNetOS.Browser
private static bool IsOS(string name)
Internal.godot_icall_Utils_OS_GetPlatformName(out godot_string dest);
using (dest)
@ -68,7 +114,7 @@ namespace GodotTools.Utils
private static unsafe bool IsAnyOS(IEnumerable<string> names)
private static bool IsAnyOS(IEnumerable<string> names)
Internal.godot_icall_Utils_OS_GetPlatformName(out godot_string dest);
using (dest)
@ -99,25 +145,34 @@ namespace GodotTools.Utils
// TODO SupportedOSPlatformGuard once we target .NET 6
// [SupportedOSPlatformGuard("windows")]
public static bool IsWindows => _isWindows.Value || IsUWP;
// [SupportedOSPlatformGuard("osx")]
public static bool IsMacOS => _isMacOS.Value;
// [SupportedOSPlatformGuard("linux")]
public static bool IsLinuxBSD => _isLinuxBSD.Value;
// [SupportedOSPlatformGuard("linux")]
public static bool IsServer => _isServer.Value;
// [SupportedOSPlatformGuard("windows")]
public static bool IsUWP => _isUWP.Value;
public static bool IsHaiku => _isHaiku.Value;
// [SupportedOSPlatformGuard("android")]
public static bool IsAndroid => _isAndroid.Value;
// [SupportedOSPlatformGuard("ios")]
public static bool IsiOS => _isiOS.Value;
// [SupportedOSPlatformGuard("browser")]
public static bool IsHTML5 => _isHTML5.Value;
public static bool IsUnixLike => _isUnixLike.Value;
public static char PathSep => IsWindows ? ';' : ':';
[return: MaybeNull]
public static string PathWhich([NotNull] string name)
if (IsWindows)
@ -126,6 +181,7 @@ namespace GodotTools.Utils
return PathWhichUnix(name);
[return: MaybeNull]
private static string PathWhichWindows([NotNull] string name)
string[] windowsExts =
@ -162,6 +218,7 @@ namespace GodotTools.Utils
select path + ext).FirstOrDefault(File.Exists);
[return: MaybeNull]
private static string PathWhichUnix([NotNull] string name)
string[] pathDirs = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH")?.Split(PathSep);
@ -192,14 +249,7 @@ namespace GodotTools.Utils
public static void RunProcess(string command, IEnumerable<string> arguments)
// TODO: Once we move to .NET Standard 2.1 we can use ProcessStartInfo.ArgumentList instead
string CmdLineArgsToString(IEnumerable<string> args)
// Not perfect, but as long as we are careful...
return string.Join(" ", args.Select(arg => arg.Contains(" ") ? $@"""{arg}""" : arg));
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(command, CmdLineArgsToString(arguments))
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(command)
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
RedirectStandardError = true,
@ -207,44 +257,104 @@ namespace GodotTools.Utils
CreateNoWindow = true
using (Process process = Process.Start(startInfo))
if (process == null)
throw new Exception("No process was started");
foreach (string arg in arguments)
if (IsWindows && process.Id > 0)
User32Dll.AllowSetForegroundWindow(process.Id); // allows application to focus itself
using Process process = Process.Start(startInfo);
if (process == null)
throw new Exception("No process was started");
if (IsWindows && process.Id > 0)
User32Dll.AllowSetForegroundWindow(process.Id); // Allows application to focus itself
public static int ExecuteCommand(string command, IEnumerable<string> arguments)
// TODO: Once we move to .NET Standard 2.1 we can use ProcessStartInfo.ArgumentList instead
string CmdLineArgsToString(IEnumerable<string> args)
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(command)
// Not perfect, but as long as we are careful...
return string.Join(" ", args.Select(arg => arg.Contains(" ") ? $@"""{arg}""" : arg));
// Print the output
RedirectStandardOutput = false,
RedirectStandardError = false,
UseShellExecute = false
foreach (string arg in arguments)
Console.WriteLine(startInfo.GetCommandLineDisplay(new StringBuilder("Executing: ")).ToString());
using var process = new Process { StartInfo = startInfo };
return process.ExitCode;
private static void AppendProcessFileNameForDisplay(this StringBuilder builder, string fileName)
if (builder.Length > 0)
builder.Append(' ');
if (fileName.Contains(' '))
private static void AppendProcessArgumentsForDisplay(this StringBuilder builder,
Collection<string> argumentList)
// This is intended just for reading. It doesn't need to be a valid command line.
// E.g.: We don't handle escaping of quotes.
foreach (string argument in argumentList)
if (builder.Length > 0)
builder.Append(' ');
if (argument.Contains(' '))
public static StringBuilder GetCommandLineDisplay(
this ProcessStartInfo startInfo,
StringBuilder optionalBuilder = null
var builder = optionalBuilder ?? new StringBuilder();
if (startInfo.ArgumentList.Count == 0)
builder.Append(' ');
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(command, CmdLineArgsToString(arguments));
Console.WriteLine($"Executing: \"{startInfo.FileName}\" {startInfo.Arguments}");
// Print the output
startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false;
startInfo.RedirectStandardError = false;
startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
using (var process = new Process { StartInfo = startInfo })
return process.ExitCode;
return builder;
@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &r_sb, const char *p_cstring) {
#define BINDINGS_PTR_FIELD "NativePtr"
#define CS_PARAM_MEMORYOWN "memoryOwn"
@ -86,6 +85,7 @@ StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &r_sb, const char *p_cstring) {
#define CS_METHOD_CALL "Call"
#define CS_PROPERTY_SINGLETON "Singleton"
#define CS_METHOD_INVOKE_GODOT_CLASS_METHOD "InvokeGodotClassMethod"
#define CS_METHOD_HAS_GODOT_CLASS_METHOD "HasGodotClassMethod"
@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &r_sb, const char *p_cstring) {
#define C_CLASS_NATIVE_FUNCS "NativeFuncs"
#define C_NS_MONOUTILS "InteropUtils"
@ -122,8 +121,6 @@ StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &r_sb, const char *p_cstring) {
// Types that will be ignored by the generator and won't be available in C#.
const Vector<String> ignored_types = { "PhysicsServer3DExtension" };
typedef String string;
void BindingsGenerator::TypeInterface::postsetup_enum_type(BindingsGenerator::TypeInterface &r_enum_itype) {
// C interface for enums is the same as that of 'uint32_t'. Remember to apply
// any of the changes done here to the 'uint32_t' type interface as well.
@ -1541,7 +1538,7 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_type(const TypeInterface &itype, const Str
// Add native name static field
if (is_derived_type) {
output << MEMBER_BEGIN "private static readonly System.Type _cachedType = typeof(" << itype.proxy_name << ");\n";
output << MEMBER_BEGIN "private static readonly System.Type CachedType = typeof(" << itype.proxy_name << ");\n";
output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "private static readonly StringName " BINDINGS_NATIVE_NAME_FIELD " = \"");
@ -1561,22 +1558,12 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_type(const TypeInterface &itype, const Str
// Add default constructor
if (itype.is_instantiable) {
output << MEMBER_BEGIN "public " << itype.proxy_name << "() : this("
<< (itype.memory_own ? "true" : "false") << ")\n" OPEN_BLOCK_L2;
// The default constructor may also be called by the engine when instancing existing native objects
// The engine will initialize the pointer field of the managed side before calling the constructor
// This is why we only allocate a new native object from the constructor if the pointer field is not set
output << INDENT3 "if (" BINDINGS_PTR_FIELD " == IntPtr.Zero)\n" OPEN_BLOCK_L3
<< BINDINGS_NATIVE_NAME_FIELD << ", refCounted: " << (itype.is_ref_counted ? "true" : "false")
<< ", ((object)this).GetType(), _cachedType);\n" CLOSE_BLOCK_L3
<< INDENT4 "InteropUtils.TieManagedToUnmanagedWithPreSetup(this, "
<< BINDINGS_PTR_FIELD ", ((object)this).GetType(), _cachedType);\n" CLOSE_BLOCK_L3
<< INDENT3 "_InitializeGodotScriptInstanceInternals();\n" CLOSE_BLOCK_L2;
<< (itype.memory_own ? "true" : "false") << ")\n" OPEN_BLOCK_L2
<< INDENT4 "_ConstructAndInitialize(" CS_STATIC_FIELD_NATIVE_CTOR ", "
<< BINDINGS_NATIVE_NAME_FIELD ", CachedType, refCounted: "
<< (itype.is_ref_counted ? "true" : "false") << ");\n"
} else {
// Hide the constructor
output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "internal ");
@ -1608,9 +1595,11 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_type(const TypeInterface &itype, const Str
"Failed to generate signal '" + isignal.name + "' for class '" + itype.name + "'.");
// Script calls
// Script members look-up
if (!itype.is_singleton && (is_derived_type || itype.has_virtual_methods)) {
// Generate method names cache fields
for (const MethodInterface &imethod : itype.methods) {
if (!imethod.is_virtual) {
@ -1629,6 +1618,10 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_type(const TypeInterface &itype, const Str
<< " = \"" << imethod.proxy_name << "\";\n";
// TODO: Only generate HasGodotClassMethod and InvokeGodotClassMethod if there's any method
// Generate InvokeGodotClassMethod
output << MEMBER_BEGIN "protected internal " << (is_derived_type ? "override" : "virtual")
<< " bool " CS_METHOD_INVOKE_GODOT_CLASS_METHOD "(in godot_string_name method, "
<< "NativeVariantPtrArgs args, int argCount, out godot_variant ret)\n"
@ -1639,9 +1632,17 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_type(const TypeInterface &itype, const Str
// We also call HasGodotClassMethod to ensure the method is overridden and avoid calling
// the stub implementation. This solution adds some extra overhead to calls, but it's
// much simpler than other solutions. This won't be a problem once we move to function
// pointers of generated wrappers for each method, as lookup will only happen once.
// We check both native names (snake_case) and proxy names (PascalCase)
output << INDENT3 "if ((method == " << CS_STATIC_FIELD_METHOD_PROXY_NAME_PREFIX << imethod.name
<< " || method == " << CS_STATIC_FIELD_METHOD_NAME_PREFIX << imethod.name
<< ") && argCount == " << itos(imethod.arguments.size()) << ")\n"
<< ") && argCount == " << itos(imethod.arguments.size())
<< " && " << CS_METHOD_HAS_GODOT_CLASS_METHOD << "((godot_string_name)"
<< CS_STATIC_FIELD_METHOD_PROXY_NAME_PREFIX << imethod.name << ".NativeValue))\n"
<< INDENT3 "{\n";
if (imethod.return_type.cname != name_cache.type_void) {
@ -1696,6 +1697,38 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_type(const TypeInterface &itype, const Str
output << INDENT2 "}\n";
// Generate HasGodotClassMethod
output << MEMBER_BEGIN "protected internal " << (is_derived_type ? "override" : "virtual")
<< " bool " CS_METHOD_HAS_GODOT_CLASS_METHOD "(in godot_string_name method)\n"
<< INDENT2 "{\n";
for (const MethodInterface &imethod : itype.methods) {
if (!imethod.is_virtual) {
// We check for native names (snake_case). If we detect one, we call HasGodotClassMethod
// again, but this time with the respective proxy name (PascalCase). It's the job of
// user derived classes to override the method and check for those. Our C# source
// generators take care of generating those override methods.
output << INDENT3 "if (method == " << CS_STATIC_FIELD_METHOD_NAME_PREFIX << imethod.name
<< ")\n" INDENT3 "{\n"
<< ".NativeValue.DangerousSelfRef))\n" INDENT4 "{\n"
<< INDENT5 "return true;\n"
<< INDENT4 "}\n" INDENT3 "}\n";
if (is_derived_type) {
output << INDENT3 "return base." CS_METHOD_HAS_GODOT_CLASS_METHOD "(method);\n";
} else {
output << INDENT3 "return false;\n";
output << INDENT2 "}\n";
output.append(INDENT1 CLOSE_BLOCK /* class */
@ -2278,7 +2311,7 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_native_calls(const InternalCall &p_icall,
if (p_icall.is_vararg) {
if (i < p_icall.get_arguments_count() - 1) {
string c_in_vararg = arg_type->c_in_vararg;
String c_in_vararg = arg_type->c_in_vararg;
if (arg_type->is_object_type) {
c_in_vararg = "%5using godot_variant %1_in = VariantUtils.CreateFromGodotObject(%1);\n";
@ -74,10 +74,6 @@ GD_PINVOKE_EXPORT void godot_icall_GodotSharpDirs_ResMetadataDir(godot_string *r
memnew_placement(r_dest, String(GodotSharpDirs::get_res_metadata_dir()));
GD_PINVOKE_EXPORT void godot_icall_GodotSharpDirs_ResTempAssembliesBaseDir(godot_string *r_dest) {
memnew_placement(r_dest, String(GodotSharpDirs::get_res_temp_assemblies_base_dir()));
GD_PINVOKE_EXPORT void godot_icall_GodotSharpDirs_MonoUserDir(godot_string *r_dest) {
memnew_placement(r_dest, String(GodotSharpDirs::get_mono_user_dir()));
@ -189,16 +185,6 @@ GD_PINVOKE_EXPORT void godot_icall_Internal_EditorNodeShowScriptScreen() {
EditorNode::get_singleton()->call("_editor_select", EditorNode::EDITOR_SCRIPT);
GD_PINVOKE_EXPORT void godot_icall_Internal_MonoWindowsInstallRoot(godot_string *r_dest) {
String install_root_dir = GDMono::get_singleton()->get_mono_reg_info().install_root_dir;
memnew_placement(r_dest, String(install_root_dir));
memnew_placement(r_dest, String);
GD_PINVOKE_EXPORT void godot_icall_Internal_EditorRunPlay() {
@ -267,9 +253,8 @@ GD_PINVOKE_EXPORT bool godot_icall_Utils_OS_UnixFileHasExecutableAccess(const go
void *godotsharp_editor_pinvoke_funcs[32] = {
void *godotsharp_editor_pinvoke_funcs[30] = {
(void *)godot_icall_GodotSharpDirs_ResMetadataDir,
(void *)godot_icall_GodotSharpDirs_ResTempAssembliesBaseDir,
(void *)godot_icall_GodotSharpDirs_MonoUserDir,
(void *)godot_icall_GodotSharpDirs_BuildLogsDirs,
(void *)godot_icall_GodotSharpDirs_ProjectSlnPath,
@ -288,7 +273,6 @@ void *godotsharp_editor_pinvoke_funcs[32] = {
(void *)godot_icall_Internal_EditorDebuggerNodeReloadScripts,
(void *)godot_icall_Internal_ScriptEditorEdit,
(void *)godot_icall_Internal_EditorNodeShowScriptScreen,
(void *)godot_icall_Internal_MonoWindowsInstallRoot,
(void *)godot_icall_Internal_EditorRunPlay,
(void *)godot_icall_Internal_EditorRunStop,
(void *)godot_icall_Internal_ScriptEditorDebugger_ReloadScripts,
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Loader;
using Godot.Bridge;
using Godot.NativeInterop;
namespace GodotPlugins
@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ namespace GodotPlugins
private static readonly List<AssemblyName> SharedAssemblies = new();
private static readonly Assembly CoreApiAssembly = typeof(Godot.Object).Assembly;
private static Assembly? _editorApiAssembly;
private static Assembly? _projectAssembly;
private static readonly AssemblyLoadContext MainLoadContext =
AssemblyLoadContext.GetLoadContext(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()) ??
@ -20,67 +22,59 @@ namespace GodotPlugins
// Right now we do it this way for simplicity as hot-reload is disabled. It will need to be changed later.
internal static unsafe godot_bool Initialize(godot_bool editorHint,
PluginsCallbacks* pluginsCallbacks, Godot.Bridge.ManagedCallbacks* managedCallbacks)
// ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Local
private static unsafe godot_bool InitializeFromEngine(godot_bool editorHint,
PluginsCallbacks* pluginsCallbacks, ManagedCallbacks* managedCallbacks)
NativeLibrary.SetDllImportResolver(CoreApiAssembly, GodotDllImportResolver.OnResolveDllImport);
if (editorHint.ToBool())
_editorApiAssembly = Assembly.Load("GodotSharpEditor");
NativeLibrary.SetDllImportResolver(_editorApiAssembly, GodotDllImportResolver.OnResolveDllImport);
NativeLibrary.SetDllImportResolver(CoreApiAssembly, OnResolveDllImport);
*pluginsCallbacks = new()
LoadProjectAssemblyCallback = &LoadProjectAssembly,
LoadToolsAssemblyCallback = &LoadToolsAssembly,
*managedCallbacks = Godot.Bridge.ManagedCallbacks.Create();
*managedCallbacks = ManagedCallbacks.Create();
return godot_bool.True;
catch (Exception e)
*pluginsCallbacks = default;
*managedCallbacks = default;
return false.ToGodotBool();
internal struct PluginsCallbacks
private struct PluginsCallbacks
public unsafe delegate* unmanaged<char*, godot_bool> LoadProjectAssemblyCallback;
public unsafe delegate* unmanaged<char*, IntPtr> LoadToolsAssemblyCallback;
internal static unsafe godot_bool LoadProjectAssembly(char* nAssemblyPath)
private static unsafe godot_bool LoadProjectAssembly(char* nAssemblyPath)
if (_projectAssembly != null)
return godot_bool.True; // Already loaded
string assemblyPath = new(nAssemblyPath);
var assembly = LoadPlugin(assemblyPath);
_projectAssembly = LoadPlugin(assemblyPath);
var method = CoreApiAssembly.GetType("Godot.Bridge.ScriptManagerBridge")?
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public);
if (method == null)
throw new MissingMethodException("Godot.Bridge.ScriptManagerBridge",
method.Invoke(null, new object[] { assembly });
return godot_bool.True;
@ -92,7 +86,7 @@ namespace GodotPlugins
internal static unsafe IntPtr LoadToolsAssembly(char* nAssemblyPath)
private static unsafe IntPtr LoadToolsAssembly(char* nAssemblyPath)
@ -103,7 +97,7 @@ namespace GodotPlugins
var assembly = LoadPlugin(assemblyPath);
NativeLibrary.SetDllImportResolver(assembly, OnResolveDllImport);
NativeLibrary.SetDllImportResolver(assembly, GodotDllImportResolver.OnResolveDllImport);
var method = assembly.GetType("GodotTools.GodotSharpEditor")?
@ -140,58 +134,5 @@ namespace GodotPlugins
var loadContext = new PluginLoadContext(assemblyPath, sharedAssemblies, MainLoadContext);
return loadContext.LoadFromAssemblyName(new AssemblyName(assemblyName));
public static IntPtr OnResolveDllImport(string libraryName, Assembly assembly, DllImportSearchPath? searchPath)
if (libraryName == "__Internal")
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
return Win32.GetModuleHandle(IntPtr.Zero);
else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux))
return Linux.dlopen(IntPtr.Zero, Linux.RTLD_LAZY);
else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX))
return MacOS.dlopen(IntPtr.Zero, MacOS.RTLD_LAZY);
return IntPtr.Zero;
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
private static class MacOS
private const string SystemLibrary = "/usr/lib/libSystem.dylib";
public const int RTLD_LAZY = 1;
public static extern IntPtr dlopen(IntPtr path, int mode);
private static class Linux
// libdl.so was resulting in DllNotFoundException, for some reason...
// libcoreclr.so should work with both CoreCLR and the .NET Core version of Mono.
private const string SystemLibrary = "libcoreclr.so";
public const int RTLD_LAZY = 1;
public static extern IntPtr dlopen(IntPtr path, int mode);
private static class Win32
private const string SystemLibrary = "Kernel32.dll";
public static extern IntPtr GetModuleHandle(IntPtr lpModuleName);
// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming
@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ namespace GodotPlugins
public PluginLoadContext(string pluginPath, ICollection<string> sharedAssemblies,
AssemblyLoadContext mainLoadContext)
_resolver = new AssemblyDependencyResolver(pluginPath);
_sharedAssemblies = sharedAssemblies;
_mainLoadContext = mainLoadContext;
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
using System;
namespace Godot
/// <summary>
/// An attribute for a method.
/// </summary>
internal class GodotMethodAttribute : Attribute
private string methodName;
public string MethodName { get { return methodName; } }
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a new GodotMethodAttribute instance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="methodName">The name of the method.</param>
public GodotMethodAttribute(string methodName)
this.methodName = methodName;
@ -21,12 +21,8 @@ namespace Godot.Bridge
return false.ToGodotBool();
NativeFuncs.godotsharp_string_name_as_string(out godot_string dest, CustomUnsafe.AsRef(method));
string methodStr;
using (dest)
methodStr = Marshaling.ConvertStringToManaged(dest);
bool methodInvoked = godotObject.InvokeGodotClassMethod(CustomUnsafe.AsRef(method), new NativeVariantPtrArgs(args),
bool methodInvoked = godotObject.InvokeGodotClassMethod(CustomUnsafe.AsRef(method),
new NativeVariantPtrArgs(args),
argCount, out godot_variant retValue);
if (!methodInvoked)
@ -168,5 +164,24 @@ namespace Godot.Bridge
*outValid = false.ToGodotBool();
internal static unsafe godot_bool HasMethodUnknownParams(IntPtr godotObjectGCHandle, godot_string_name* method)
var godotObject = (Object)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(godotObjectGCHandle).Target;
if (godotObject == null)
return false.ToGodotBool();
return godotObject.HasGodotClassMethod(CustomUnsafe.AsRef(method)).ToGodotBool();
catch (Exception e)
return false.ToGodotBool();
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ using Godot.NativeInterop;
namespace Godot.Bridge
internal unsafe struct ManagedCallbacks
public unsafe struct ManagedCallbacks
// @formatter:off
public delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, godot_variant**, int, godot_bool*, void> SignalAwaiter_SignalCallback;
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ namespace Godot.Bridge
public delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, godot_string_name*, godot_variant**, int, godot_bool*, void> ScriptManagerBridge_RaiseEventSignal;
public delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, godot_dictionary*, void> ScriptManagerBridge_GetScriptSignalList;
public delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, godot_string*, godot_bool> ScriptManagerBridge_HasScriptSignal;
public delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, godot_string*, godot_bool, godot_bool> ScriptManagerBridge_HasMethodUnknownParams;
public delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, IntPtr, godot_bool> ScriptManagerBridge_ScriptIsOrInherits;
public delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, godot_string*, godot_bool> ScriptManagerBridge_AddScriptBridge;
public delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, void> ScriptManagerBridge_RemoveScriptBridge;
@ -30,6 +29,7 @@ namespace Godot.Bridge
public delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, godot_string_name*, godot_variant*, godot_bool> CSharpInstanceBridge_Get;
public delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, godot_bool, void> CSharpInstanceBridge_CallDispose;
public delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, godot_string*, godot_bool*, void> CSharpInstanceBridge_CallToString;
public delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, godot_string_name*, godot_bool> CSharpInstanceBridge_HasMethodUnknownParams;
public delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, void> GCHandleBridge_FreeGCHandle;
public delegate* unmanaged<void> DebuggingUtils_InstallTraceListener;
public delegate* unmanaged<void> Dispatcher_InitializeDefaultGodotTaskScheduler;
@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ namespace Godot.Bridge
ScriptManagerBridge_RaiseEventSignal = &ScriptManagerBridge.RaiseEventSignal,
ScriptManagerBridge_GetScriptSignalList = &ScriptManagerBridge.GetScriptSignalList,
ScriptManagerBridge_HasScriptSignal = &ScriptManagerBridge.HasScriptSignal,
ScriptManagerBridge_HasMethodUnknownParams = &ScriptManagerBridge.HasMethodUnknownParams,
ScriptManagerBridge_ScriptIsOrInherits = &ScriptManagerBridge.ScriptIsOrInherits,
ScriptManagerBridge_AddScriptBridge = &ScriptManagerBridge.AddScriptBridge,
ScriptManagerBridge_RemoveScriptBridge = &ScriptManagerBridge.RemoveScriptBridge,
@ -63,6 +62,7 @@ namespace Godot.Bridge
CSharpInstanceBridge_Get = &CSharpInstanceBridge.Get,
CSharpInstanceBridge_CallDispose = &CSharpInstanceBridge.CallDispose,
CSharpInstanceBridge_CallToString = &CSharpInstanceBridge.CallToString,
CSharpInstanceBridge_HasMethodUnknownParams = &CSharpInstanceBridge.HasMethodUnknownParams,
GCHandleBridge_FreeGCHandle = &GCHandleBridge.FreeGCHandle,
DebuggingUtils_InstallTraceListener = &DebuggingUtils.InstallTraceListener,
Dispatcher_InitializeDefaultGodotTaskScheduler = &Dispatcher.InitializeDefaultGodotTaskScheduler,
@ -70,5 +70,8 @@ namespace Godot.Bridge
// @formatter:on
public static void Create(IntPtr outManagedCallbacks)
=> *(ManagedCallbacks*)outManagedCallbacks = Create();
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ using Godot.NativeInterop;
namespace Godot.Bridge
internal static class ScriptManagerBridge
public static class ScriptManagerBridge
private static System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, ScriptLookupInfo> _scriptLookupMap = new();
private static System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<IntPtr, Type> _scriptBridgeMap = new();
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ namespace Godot.Bridge
// Called from GodotPlugins
// ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Local
private static void LookupScriptsInAssembly(Assembly assembly)
public static void LookupScriptsInAssembly(Assembly assembly)
static void LookupScriptForClass(Type type)
@ -439,68 +439,6 @@ namespace Godot.Bridge
internal static unsafe godot_bool HasMethodUnknownParams(IntPtr scriptPtr, godot_string* method,
godot_bool deep)
// Performance is not critical here as this will be replaced with source generators.
if (!_scriptBridgeMap.TryGetValue(scriptPtr, out var scriptType))
return false.ToGodotBool();
string methodStr = Marshaling.ConvertStringToManaged(*method);
if (deep.ToBool())
Type top = scriptType;
Type native = Object.InternalGetClassNativeBase(scriptType);
while (top != null && top != native)
var methodInfo = top.GetMethod(methodStr,
BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance |
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public);
if (methodInfo != null)
return true.ToGodotBool();
top = top.BaseType;
top = native;
Type typeOfSystemObject = typeof(System.Object);
while (top != null && top != typeOfSystemObject)
bool found = top.GetMethods(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance |
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public)
.Where(m => m.GetCustomAttributes(false).OfType<GodotMethodAttribute>()
.Where(a => a.MethodName == methodStr)
if (found)
return true.ToGodotBool();
top = top.BaseType;
return false.ToGodotBool();
var methodInfo = scriptType.GetMethod(methodStr, BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance |
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public);
return (methodInfo != null).ToGodotBool();
catch (Exception e)
return false.ToGodotBool();
internal static godot_bool ScriptIsOrInherits(IntPtr scriptPtr, IntPtr scriptPtrMaybeBase)
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
#nullable enable
namespace Godot.NativeInterop
public static class GodotDllImportResolver
public static IntPtr OnResolveDllImport(string libraryName, Assembly assembly, DllImportSearchPath? searchPath)
if (libraryName == "__Internal")
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
return Win32.GetModuleHandle(IntPtr.Zero);
else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux))
return Linux.dlopen(IntPtr.Zero, Linux.RTLD_LAZY);
else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX))
return MacOS.dlopen(IntPtr.Zero, MacOS.RTLD_LAZY);
return IntPtr.Zero;
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
private static class MacOS
private const string SystemLibrary = "/usr/lib/libSystem.dylib";
public const int RTLD_LAZY = 1;
public static extern IntPtr dlopen(IntPtr path, int mode);
private static class Linux
// libdl.so was resulting in DllNotFoundException, for some reason...
// libcoreclr.so should work with both CoreCLR and the .NET Core version of Mono.
private const string SystemLibrary = "libcoreclr.so";
public const int RTLD_LAZY = 1;
public static extern IntPtr dlopen(IntPtr path, int mode);
private static class Win32
private const string SystemLibrary = "Kernel32.dll";
public static extern IntPtr GetModuleHandle(IntPtr lpModuleName);
// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ namespace Godot
public partial class Object : IDisposable
private bool _disposed = false;
private Type _cachedType = typeof(Object);
private static readonly Type CachedType = typeof(Object);
internal IntPtr NativePtr;
private bool _memoryOwn;
@ -19,21 +19,31 @@ namespace Godot
/// Constructs a new <see cref="Object"/>.
/// </summary>
public Object() : this(false)
_ConstructAndInitialize(NativeCtor, NativeName, CachedType, refCounted: false);
internal unsafe void _ConstructAndInitialize(
delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr> nativeCtor,
StringName nativeName,
Type cachedType,
bool refCounted
if (NativePtr == IntPtr.Zero)
NativePtr = NativeCtor();
NativePtr = nativeCtor();
InteropUtils.TieManagedToUnmanaged(this, NativePtr,
NativeName, refCounted: false, GetType(), _cachedType);
nativeName, refCounted, GetType(), cachedType);
InteropUtils.TieManagedToUnmanagedWithPreSetup(this, NativePtr,
GetType(), _cachedType);
GetType(), cachedType);
_weakReferenceToSelf = DisposablesTracker.RegisterGodotObject(this);
@ -191,8 +201,14 @@ namespace Godot
internal static bool InternalIsClassNativeBase(Type t)
var assemblyName = t.Assembly.GetName();
return assemblyName.Name == "GodotSharp" || assemblyName.Name == "GodotSharpEditor";
// Check whether the type is declared in the GodotSharp or GodotSharpEditor assemblies
var typeAssembly = t.Assembly;
if (typeAssembly == CachedType.Assembly)
return true;
var typeAssemblyName = t.Assembly.GetName();
return typeAssemblyName.Name == "GodotSharpEditor";
// ReSharper disable once VirtualMemberNeverOverridden.Global
@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
<Compile Include="Core\Array.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Attributes\AssemblyHasScriptsAttribute.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Attributes\ExportAttribute.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Attributes\GodotMethodAttribute.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Attributes\RPCAttribute.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Attributes\ScriptPathAttribute.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Attributes\SignalAttribute.cs" />
@ -68,6 +67,7 @@
<Compile Include="Core\Mathf.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\MathfEx.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\NativeInterop\ExceptionUtils.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\NativeInterop\GodotDllImportResolver.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\NativeInterop\InteropUtils.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\NativeInterop\NativeFuncs.extended.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\NativeInterop\NativeVariantPtrArgs.cs" />
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("GodotSharpEditor")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("GodotPlugins")]
@ -235,7 +235,11 @@ private:
api_assemblies_dir = api_assemblies_base_dir.plus_file(GDMono::get_expected_api_build_config());
api_assemblies_dir = data_dir_root;
@ -42,7 +42,9 @@
#include "../utils/path_utils.h"
#include "gd_mono_cache.h"
#include <nethost.h>
#include <coreclr_delegates.h>
#include <hostfxr.h>
@ -129,6 +131,7 @@ void gd_mono_debug_init() {
} // namespace
namespace {
hostfxr_initialize_for_dotnet_command_line_fn hostfxr_initialize_for_dotnet_command_line = nullptr;
hostfxr_initialize_for_runtime_config_fn hostfxr_initialize_for_runtime_config = nullptr;
hostfxr_get_runtime_delegate_fn hostfxr_get_runtime_delegate = nullptr;
hostfxr_close_fn hostfxr_close = nullptr;
@ -151,6 +154,7 @@ HostFxrCharString str_to_hostfxr(const String &p_str) {
String str_from_hostfxr(const char_t *p_buffer) {
#ifdef _WIN32
return String::utf16((const char16_t *)p_buffer);
@ -158,36 +162,98 @@ String str_from_hostfxr(const char_t *p_buffer) {
return String::utf8((const char *)p_buffer);
const char_t *get_data(const HostFxrCharString &p_char_str) {
return (const char_t *)p_char_str.get_data();
String find_hostfxr(size_t p_known_buffet_size, get_hostfxr_parameters *p_get_hostfxr_params) {
// Pre-allocate a large buffer for the path to hostfxr
Vector<char_t> buffer;
int rc = get_hostfxr_path(buffer.ptrw(), &p_known_buffet_size, p_get_hostfxr_params);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(rc != 0, String(), "get_hostfxr_path failed with code: " + itos(rc));
return str_from_hostfxr(buffer.ptr());
String find_hostfxr() {
const int CoreHostLibMissingFailure = 0x80008083;
const int HostApiBufferTooSmall = 0x80008098;
size_t buffer_size = 0;
int rc = get_hostfxr_path(nullptr, &buffer_size, nullptr);
if (rc == HostApiBufferTooSmall) {
// Pre-allocate a large buffer for the path to hostfxr
Vector<char_t> buffer;
return find_hostfxr(buffer_size, nullptr);
rc = get_hostfxr_path(buffer.ptrw(), &buffer_size, nullptr);
if (rc == CoreHostLibMissingFailure) {
// Apparently `get_hostfxr_path` doesn't look for dotnet in `PATH`? (I suppose it needs the
// `DOTNET_ROOT` environment variable). If it fails, we try to find the dotnet executable
// in `PATH` ourselves and pass its location as `dotnet_root` to `get_hostfxr_path`.
String dotnet_exe = path::find_executable("dotnet");
if (rc != 0) {
return String();
if (!dotnet_exe.is_empty()) {
// The file found in PATH may be a symlink
dotnet_exe = path::abspath(path::realpath(dotnet_exe));
// TODO:
// Sometimes, the symlink may not point to the dotnet executable in the dotnet root.
// That's the case with snaps. The snap install should have been found with the
// previous `get_hostfxr_path`, but it would still be better to do this properly
// and use something like `dotnet --list-sdks/runtimes` to find the actual location.
// This way we could also check if the proper sdk or runtime is installed. This would
// allow us to fail gracefully and show some helpful information in the editor.
HostFxrCharString dotnet_root = str_to_hostfxr(dotnet_exe.get_base_dir());
get_hostfxr_parameters get_hostfxr_parameters = {
buffer_size = 0;
rc = get_hostfxr_path(nullptr, &buffer_size, &get_hostfxr_parameters);
if (rc == HostApiBufferTooSmall) {
return find_hostfxr(buffer_size, &get_hostfxr_parameters);
return str_from_hostfxr(buffer.ptr());
if (rc == CoreHostLibMissingFailure) {
ERR_PRINT(String() + ".NET: One of the dependent libraries is missing. " +
"Typically when the `hostfxr`, `hostpolicy` or `coreclr` dynamic " +
"libraries are not present in the expected locations.");
return String();
#if defined(WINDOWS_ENABLED)
return GodotSharpDirs::get_api_assemblies_dir()
#elif defined(MACOS_ENABLED)
return GodotSharpDirs::get_api_assemblies_dir()
#elif defined(UNIX_ENABLED)
return GodotSharpDirs::get_api_assemblies_dir()
#error "Platform not supported (yet?)"
// Forward declarations
bool load_hostfxr() {
bool load_hostfxr(void *&r_hostfxr_dll_handle) {
String hostfxr_path = find_hostfxr();
if (hostfxr_path.is_empty()) {
@ -196,16 +262,20 @@ bool load_hostfxr() {
print_verbose("Found hostfxr: " + hostfxr_path);
void *lib = nullptr;
Error err = OS::get_singleton()->open_dynamic_library(hostfxr_path, lib);
// TODO: Clean up lib handle when shutting down
Error err = OS::get_singleton()->open_dynamic_library(hostfxr_path, r_hostfxr_dll_handle);
if (err != OK) {
return false;
void *lib = r_hostfxr_dll_handle;
void *symbol = nullptr;
err = OS::get_singleton()->get_dynamic_library_symbol_handle(lib, "hostfxr_initialize_for_dotnet_command_line", symbol);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, false);
hostfxr_initialize_for_dotnet_command_line = (hostfxr_initialize_for_dotnet_command_line_fn)symbol;
err = OS::get_singleton()->get_dynamic_library_symbol_handle(lib, "hostfxr_initialize_for_runtime_config", symbol);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, false);
hostfxr_initialize_for_runtime_config = (hostfxr_initialize_for_runtime_config_fn)symbol;
@ -223,12 +293,13 @@ bool load_hostfxr() {
load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer_fn initialize_hostfxr(const char_t *p_config_path) {
load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer_fn initialize_hostfxr_for_config(const char_t *p_config_path) {
hostfxr_handle cxt = nullptr;
int rc = hostfxr_initialize_for_runtime_config(p_config_path, nullptr, &cxt);
if (rc != 0 || cxt == nullptr) {
ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(nullptr, "hostfxr_initialize_for_runtime_config failed");
ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(nullptr, "hostfxr_initialize_for_runtime_config failed with code: " + itos(rc));
void *load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer = nullptr;
@ -236,13 +307,122 @@ load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer_fn initialize_hostfxr(const char_t *p_con
rc = hostfxr_get_runtime_delegate(cxt,
hdt_load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer, &load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer);
if (rc != 0 || load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer == nullptr) {
ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(nullptr, "hostfxr_get_runtime_delegate failed");
ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(nullptr, "hostfxr_get_runtime_delegate failed with code: " + itos(rc));
return (load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer_fn)load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer;
load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer_fn initialize_hostfxr_self_contained(
const char_t *p_main_assembly_path) {
hostfxr_handle cxt = nullptr;
List<String> cmdline_args = OS::get_singleton()->get_cmdline_args();
List<HostFxrCharString> argv_store;
Vector<const char_t *> argv;
argv.resize(cmdline_args.size() + 1);
argv.write[0] = p_main_assembly_path;
int i = 1;
for (const String &E : cmdline_args) {
HostFxrCharString &stored = argv_store.push_back(str_to_hostfxr(E))->get();
argv.write[i] = stored.ptr();
int rc = hostfxr_initialize_for_dotnet_command_line(argv.size(), argv.ptrw(), nullptr, &cxt);
if (rc != 0 || cxt == nullptr) {
ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(nullptr, "hostfxr_initialize_for_dotnet_command_line failed with code: " + itos(rc));
void *load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer = nullptr;
rc = hostfxr_get_runtime_delegate(cxt,
hdt_load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer, &load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer);
if (rc != 0 || load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer == nullptr) {
ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(nullptr, "hostfxr_get_runtime_delegate failed with code: " + itos(rc));
return (load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer_fn)load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer;
using godot_plugins_initialize_fn = bool (*)(bool, gdmono::PluginCallbacks *, GDMonoCache::ManagedCallbacks *);
using godot_plugins_initialize_fn = bool (*)(GDMonoCache::ManagedCallbacks *);
godot_plugins_initialize_fn initialize_hostfxr_and_godot_plugins(bool &r_runtime_initialized) {
godot_plugins_initialize_fn godot_plugins_initialize = nullptr;
HostFxrCharString godot_plugins_path = str_to_hostfxr(
HostFxrCharString config_path = str_to_hostfxr(
load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer_fn load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer =
ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer, nullptr);
r_runtime_initialized = true;
print_verbose(".NET: hostfxr initialized");
int rc = load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer(get_data(godot_plugins_path),
HOSTFXR_STR("GodotPlugins.Main, GodotPlugins"),
(void **)&godot_plugins_initialize);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(rc != 0, nullptr, ".NET: Failed to get GodotPlugins initialization function pointer");
return godot_plugins_initialize;
godot_plugins_initialize_fn initialize_hostfxr_and_godot_plugins(bool &r_runtime_initialized) {
String appname = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("application/config/name");
String appname_safe = OS::get_singleton()->get_safe_dir_name(appname);
if (appname_safe.is_empty()) {
appname_safe = "UnnamedProject";
godot_plugins_initialize_fn godot_plugins_initialize = nullptr;
String assembly_name = appname_safe;
HostFxrCharString assembly_path = str_to_hostfxr(GodotSharpDirs::get_api_assemblies_dir()
.plus_file(assembly_name + ".dll"));
load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer_fn load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer =
ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer, nullptr);
r_runtime_initialized = true;
print_verbose(".NET: hostfxr initialized");
int rc = load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer(get_data(assembly_path),
str_to_hostfxr("GodotPlugins.Game.Main, " + assembly_name),
(void **)&godot_plugins_initialize);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(rc != 0, nullptr, ".NET: Failed to get GodotPlugins initialization function pointer");
return godot_plugins_initialize;
} // namespace
static bool _on_core_api_assembly_loaded() {
@ -261,61 +441,44 @@ static bool _on_core_api_assembly_loaded() {
void GDMono::initialize() {
print_verbose(".NET: Initializing module...");
if (!load_hostfxr()) {
if (!load_hostfxr(hostfxr_dll_handle)) {
ERR_FAIL_MSG(".NET: Failed to load hostfxr");
auto config_path = str_to_hostfxr(GodotSharpDirs::get_api_assemblies_dir()
godot_plugins_initialize_fn godot_plugins_initialize =
load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer_fn load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer =
runtime_initialized = true;
print_verbose(".NET: hostfxr initialized");
auto godot_plugins_path = str_to_hostfxr(GodotSharpDirs::get_api_assemblies_dir()
using godot_plugins_initialize_fn = bool (*)(bool, PluginCallbacks *, GDMonoCache::ManagedCallbacks *);
godot_plugins_initialize_fn godot_plugins_initialize = nullptr;
int rc = load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer(get_data(godot_plugins_path),
HOSTFXR_STR("GodotPlugins.Main, GodotPlugins"),
(void **)&godot_plugins_initialize);
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(rc != 0, ".NET: Failed to get Godot.Plugins Initialize function pointer");
PluginCallbacks aux_plugin_callbacks;
GDMonoCache::ManagedCallbacks managed_callbacks;
gdmono::PluginCallbacks plugin_callbacks_res;
bool init_ok = godot_plugins_initialize(Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint(),
&aux_plugin_callbacks, &managed_callbacks);
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!init_ok, ".NET: Call to Godot.Plugins Initialize failed");
&plugin_callbacks_res, &managed_callbacks);
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!init_ok, ".NET: GodotPlugins initialization failed");
plugin_callbacks = plugin_callbacks_res;
bool init_ok = godot_plugins_initialize(&managed_callbacks);
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!init_ok, ".NET: GodotPlugins initialization failed");
plugin_callbacks = aux_plugin_callbacks;
print_verbose(".NET: GodotPlugins initialized");
void GDMono::initialize_load_assemblies() {
#if defined(TOOLS_ENABLED)
if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_project_manager_hint()) {
// Load the project's main assembly. This doesn't necessarily need to succeed.
// The game may not be using .NET at all, or if the project does use .NET and
@ -326,6 +489,7 @@ void GDMono::initialize_load_assemblies() {
void GDMono::_init_godot_api_hashes() {
@ -337,6 +501,7 @@ void GDMono::_init_godot_api_hashes() {
bool GDMono::_load_project_assembly() {
String appname = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("application/config/name");
String appname_safe = OS::get_singleton()->get_safe_dir_name(appname);
@ -350,6 +515,7 @@ bool GDMono::_load_project_assembly() {
return plugin_callbacks.LoadProjectAssemblyCallback(assembly_path.utf16());
#warning TODO hot-reload
#if 0
@ -479,6 +645,10 @@ GDMono::~GDMono() {
if (hostfxr_dll_handle) {
finalizing_scripts_domain = false;
runtime_initialized = false;
@ -35,11 +35,36 @@
#include "../godotsharp_defs.h"
#ifdef WIN32
#define GD_CLR_STDCALL __stdcall
namespace gdmono {
struct PluginCallbacks {
using FuncLoadProjectAssemblyCallback = bool(GD_CLR_STDCALL *)(const char16_t *);
using FuncLoadToolsAssemblyCallback = Object *(GD_CLR_STDCALL *)(const char16_t *);
FuncLoadProjectAssemblyCallback LoadProjectAssemblyCallback = nullptr;
FuncLoadToolsAssemblyCallback LoadToolsAssemblyCallback = nullptr;
} // namespace gdmono
class GDMono {
bool runtime_initialized;
bool finalizing_scripts_domain;
void *hostfxr_dll_handle = nullptr;
bool _load_project_assembly();
bool _try_load_api_assemblies();
@ -51,18 +76,9 @@ class GDMono {
void _init_godot_api_hashes();
friend class CSharpLanguage;
#ifdef WIN32
#define GD_CLR_STDCALL __stdcall
gdmono::PluginCallbacks plugin_callbacks;
struct PluginCallbacks {
using FuncLoadProjectAssemblyCallback = bool(GD_CLR_STDCALL *)(const char16_t *);
using FuncLoadToolsAssemblyCallback = Object *(GD_CLR_STDCALL *)(const char16_t *);
FuncLoadProjectAssemblyCallback LoadProjectAssemblyCallback = nullptr;
FuncLoadToolsAssemblyCallback LoadToolsAssemblyCallback = nullptr;
} plugin_callbacks;
static GDMono *singleton;
@ -102,12 +118,18 @@ public:
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_runtime_initialized() const { return runtime_initialized; }
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_finalizing_scripts_domain() { return finalizing_scripts_domain; }
const gdmono::PluginCallbacks &get_plugin_callbacks() { return plugin_callbacks; }
Error reload_scripts_domain();
void initialize();
void initialize_load_assemblies();
@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ void update_godot_api_cache(const ManagedCallbacks &p_managed_callbacks) {
CHECK_CALLBACK_NOT_NULL(ScriptManagerBridge, RaiseEventSignal);
CHECK_CALLBACK_NOT_NULL(ScriptManagerBridge, GetScriptSignalList);
CHECK_CALLBACK_NOT_NULL(ScriptManagerBridge, HasScriptSignal);
CHECK_CALLBACK_NOT_NULL(ScriptManagerBridge, HasMethodUnknownParams);
CHECK_CALLBACK_NOT_NULL(ScriptManagerBridge, ScriptIsOrInherits);
CHECK_CALLBACK_NOT_NULL(ScriptManagerBridge, AddScriptBridge);
CHECK_CALLBACK_NOT_NULL(ScriptManagerBridge, RemoveScriptBridge);
@ -65,6 +64,7 @@ void update_godot_api_cache(const ManagedCallbacks &p_managed_callbacks) {
CHECK_CALLBACK_NOT_NULL(CSharpInstanceBridge, Get);
CHECK_CALLBACK_NOT_NULL(CSharpInstanceBridge, CallDispose);
CHECK_CALLBACK_NOT_NULL(CSharpInstanceBridge, CallToString);
CHECK_CALLBACK_NOT_NULL(CSharpInstanceBridge, HasMethodUnknownParams);
CHECK_CALLBACK_NOT_NULL(DebuggingUtils, InstallTraceListener);
CHECK_CALLBACK_NOT_NULL(Dispatcher, InitializeDefaultGodotTaskScheduler);
@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ struct ManagedCallbacks {
using FuncScriptManagerBridge_RaiseEventSignal = void(GD_CLR_STDCALL *)(GCHandleIntPtr, const StringName *, const Variant **, int, bool *);
using FuncScriptManagerBridge_GetScriptSignalList = void(GD_CLR_STDCALL *)(const CSharpScript *, Dictionary *);
using FuncScriptManagerBridge_HasScriptSignal = bool(GD_CLR_STDCALL *)(const CSharpScript *, const String *);
using FuncScriptManagerBridge_HasMethodUnknownParams = bool(GD_CLR_STDCALL *)(const CSharpScript *, const String *, bool);
using FuncScriptManagerBridge_ScriptIsOrInherits = bool(GD_CLR_STDCALL *)(const CSharpScript *, const CSharpScript *);
using FuncScriptManagerBridge_AddScriptBridge = bool(GD_CLR_STDCALL *)(const CSharpScript *, const String *);
using FuncScriptManagerBridge_RemoveScriptBridge = void(GD_CLR_STDCALL *)(const CSharpScript *);
@ -75,6 +74,7 @@ struct ManagedCallbacks {
using FuncCSharpInstanceBridge_Get = bool(GD_CLR_STDCALL *)(GCHandleIntPtr, const StringName *, Variant *);
using FuncCSharpInstanceBridge_CallDispose = void(GD_CLR_STDCALL *)(GCHandleIntPtr, bool);
using FuncCSharpInstanceBridge_CallToString = void(GD_CLR_STDCALL *)(GCHandleIntPtr, String *, bool *);
using FuncCSharpInstanceBridge_HasMethodUnknownParams = bool(GD_CLR_STDCALL *)(GCHandleIntPtr, const StringName *);
using FuncGCHandleBridge_FreeGCHandle = void(GD_CLR_STDCALL *)(GCHandleIntPtr);
using FuncDebuggingUtils_InstallTraceListener = void(GD_CLR_STDCALL *)();
using FuncDispatcher_InitializeDefaultGodotTaskScheduler = void(GD_CLR_STDCALL *)();
@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ struct ManagedCallbacks {
FuncScriptManagerBridge_RaiseEventSignal ScriptManagerBridge_RaiseEventSignal;
FuncScriptManagerBridge_GetScriptSignalList ScriptManagerBridge_GetScriptSignalList;
FuncScriptManagerBridge_HasScriptSignal ScriptManagerBridge_HasScriptSignal;
FuncScriptManagerBridge_HasMethodUnknownParams ScriptManagerBridge_HasMethodUnknownParams;
FuncScriptManagerBridge_ScriptIsOrInherits ScriptManagerBridge_ScriptIsOrInherits;
FuncScriptManagerBridge_AddScriptBridge ScriptManagerBridge_AddScriptBridge;
FuncScriptManagerBridge_RemoveScriptBridge ScriptManagerBridge_RemoveScriptBridge;
@ -102,6 +101,7 @@ struct ManagedCallbacks {
FuncCSharpInstanceBridge_Get CSharpInstanceBridge_Get;
FuncCSharpInstanceBridge_CallDispose CSharpInstanceBridge_CallDispose;
FuncCSharpInstanceBridge_CallToString CSharpInstanceBridge_CallToString;
FuncCSharpInstanceBridge_HasMethodUnknownParams CSharpInstanceBridge_HasMethodUnknownParams;
FuncGCHandleBridge_FreeGCHandle GCHandleBridge_FreeGCHandle;
FuncDebuggingUtils_InstallTraceListener DebuggingUtils_InstallTraceListener;
FuncDispatcher_InitializeDefaultGodotTaskScheduler Dispatcher_InitializeDefaultGodotTaskScheduler;
@ -118,4 +118,6 @@ inline void clear_godot_api_cache() {
} // namespace GDMonoCache
#endif // GD_MONO_CACHE_H
@ -51,6 +51,37 @@
namespace path {
String find_executable(const String &p_name) {
Vector<String> exts = OS::get_singleton()->get_environment("PATHEXT").split(ENV_PATH_SEP, false);
Vector<String> env_path = OS::get_singleton()->get_environment("PATH").split(ENV_PATH_SEP, false);
if (env_path.is_empty()) {
return String();
for (int i = 0; i < env_path.size(); i++) {
String p = path::join(env_path[i], p_name);
for (int j = 0; j < exts.size(); j++) {
String p2 = p + exts[j].to_lower(); // lowercase to reduce risk of case mismatch warning
if (FileAccess::exists(p2)) {
return p2;
if (FileAccess::exists(p)) {
return p;
return String();
String cwd() {
const DWORD expected_size = ::GetCurrentDirectoryW(0, nullptr);
@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
namespace path {
String find_executable(const String &p_name);
String join(const String &p_a, const String &p_b);
String join(const String &p_a, const String &p_b, const String &p_c);
String join(const String &p_a, const String &p_b, const String &p_c, const String &p_d);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user