diff --git a/doc/classes/AnimationNode.xml b/doc/classes/AnimationNode.xml
index c9d8ae99366..08290523f7e 100644
--- a/doc/classes/AnimationNode.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/AnimationNode.xml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
Base resource for [AnimationTree] nodes. In general, it's not used directly, but you can create custom ones with custom blending formulas.
- Inherit this when creating nodes mainly for use in [AnimationNodeBlendTree], otherwise [AnimationRootNode] should be used instead.
+ Inherit this when creating nodes mainly for use in [AnimationNodeBlendTree], otherwise [AnimationRootNode] should be used instead.
diff --git a/doc/classes/HMACContext.xml b/doc/classes/HMACContext.xml
index 69ad194fe02..b29f821da53 100644
--- a/doc/classes/HMACContext.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/HMACContext.xml
@@ -5,52 +5,52 @@
The HMACContext class is useful for advanced HMAC use cases, such as streaming the message as it supports creating the message over time rather than providing it all at once.
- [codeblocks]
- [gdscript]
- extends Node
- var ctx = HMACContext.new()
+ [codeblocks]
+ [gdscript]
+ extends Node
+ var ctx = HMACContext.new()
- func _ready():
- var key = "supersecret".to_utf8()
- var err = ctx.start(HashingContext.HASH_SHA256, key)
- assert(err == OK)
- var msg1 = "this is ".to_utf8()
- var msg2 = "vewy vewy secret".to_utf8()
- err = ctx.update(msg1)
- assert(err == OK)
- err = ctx.update(msg2)
- assert(err == OK)
- var hmac = ctx.finish()
- print(hmac.hex_encode())
+ func _ready():
+ var key = "supersecret".to_utf8()
+ var err = ctx.start(HashingContext.HASH_SHA256, key)
+ assert(err == OK)
+ var msg1 = "this is ".to_utf8()
+ var msg2 = "vewy vewy secret".to_utf8()
+ err = ctx.update(msg1)
+ assert(err == OK)
+ err = ctx.update(msg2)
+ assert(err == OK)
+ var hmac = ctx.finish()
+ print(hmac.hex_encode())
- [/gdscript]
- [csharp]
- using Godot;
- using System;
- using System.Diagnostics;
+ [/gdscript]
+ [csharp]
+ using Godot;
+ using System;
+ using System.Diagnostics;
- public class CryptoNode : Node
- {
- private HMACContext ctx = new HMACContext();
- public override void _Ready()
- {
- PackedByteArray key = String("supersecret").to_utf8();
- Error err = ctx.Start(HashingContext.HASH_SHA256, key);
- GD.Assert(err == OK);
- PackedByteArray msg1 = String("this is ").to_utf8();
- PackedByteArray msg2 = String("vewy vew secret").to_utf8();
- err = ctx.Update(msg1);
- GD.Assert(err == OK);
- err = ctx.Update(msg2);
- GD.Assert(err == OK);
- PackedByteArray hmac = ctx.Finish();
- GD.Print(hmac.HexEncode());
- }
- }
+ public class CryptoNode : Node
+ {
+ private HMACContext ctx = new HMACContext();
+ public override void _Ready()
+ {
+ PackedByteArray key = String("supersecret").to_utf8();
+ Error err = ctx.Start(HashingContext.HASH_SHA256, key);
+ GD.Assert(err == OK);
+ PackedByteArray msg1 = String("this is ").to_utf8();
+ PackedByteArray msg2 = String("vewy vew secret").to_utf8();
+ err = ctx.Update(msg1);
+ GD.Assert(err == OK);
+ err = ctx.Update(msg2);
+ GD.Assert(err == OK);
+ PackedByteArray hmac = ctx.Finish();
+ GD.Print(hmac.HexEncode());
+ }
+ }
- [/csharp]
- [/codeblocks]
- [b]Note:[/b] Not available in HTML5 exports.
+ [/csharp]
+ [/codeblocks]
+ [b]Note:[/b] Not available in HTML5 exports.
diff --git a/doc/classes/PacketPeerUDP.xml b/doc/classes/PacketPeerUDP.xml
index 31640eb3d86..cefb74191e6 100644
--- a/doc/classes/PacketPeerUDP.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/PacketPeerUDP.xml
@@ -107,36 +107,36 @@
Waits for a packet to arrive on the bound address. See [method bind].
[b]Note:[/b] [method wait] can't be interrupted once it has been called. This can be worked around by allowing the other party to send a specific "death pill" packet like this:
- [codeblocks]
- [gdscript]
- socket = PacketPeerUDP.new()
- # Server
- socket.set_dest_address("", 789)
- socket.put_packet("Time to stop".to_ascii())
+ [codeblocks]
+ [gdscript]
+ socket = PacketPeerUDP.new()
+ # Server
+ socket.set_dest_address("", 789)
+ socket.put_packet("Time to stop".to_ascii())
- # Client
- while socket.wait() == OK:
- var data = socket.get_packet().get_string_from_ascii()
- if data == "Time to stop":
- return
- [/gdscript]
- [csharp]
- var socket = new PacketPeerUDP();
- // Server
- socket.SetDestAddress("", 789);
- socket.PutPacket("Time to stop".ToAscii());
+ # Client
+ while socket.wait() == OK:
+ var data = socket.get_packet().get_string_from_ascii()
+ if data == "Time to stop":
+ return
+ [/gdscript]
+ [csharp]
+ var socket = new PacketPeerUDP();
+ // Server
+ socket.SetDestAddress("", 789);
+ socket.PutPacket("Time to stop".ToAscii());
- // Client
- while (socket.Wait() == OK)
- {
- string data = socket.GetPacket().GetStringFromASCII();
- if (data == "Time to stop")
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- [/csharp]
- [/codeblocks]
+ // Client
+ while (socket.Wait() == OK)
+ {
+ string data = socket.GetPacket().GetStringFromASCII();
+ if (data == "Time to stop")
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ [/csharp]
+ [/codeblocks]
diff --git a/doc/classes/PhysicsServer3D.xml b/doc/classes/PhysicsServer3D.xml
index 16c195c6dcc..cb90d84238c 100644
--- a/doc/classes/PhysicsServer3D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/PhysicsServer3D.xml
@@ -336,7 +336,6 @@
Returns the physics layer or layers a body can collide with.
diff --git a/doc/classes/RDFramebufferPass.xml b/doc/classes/RDFramebufferPass.xml
index 4469a5d447f..33e4248983e 100644
--- a/doc/classes/RDFramebufferPass.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/RDFramebufferPass.xml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
This class contains the list of attachment descriptions for a framebuffer pass. Each points with an index to a previously supplied list of texture attachments.
- Multipass framebuffers can optimize some configurations in mobile, on desktop they provide little to no advantage.
+ Multipass framebuffers can optimize some configurations in mobile, on desktop they provide little to no advantage.