Improved a lot of icons, and some style fixes

This commit is contained in:
Daniel J. Ramirez 2017-09-21 15:55:07 -05:00
parent d7468fea5b
commit 29d3ecf29a
29 changed files with 69 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -168,6 +168,11 @@ void editor_register_and_generate_icons(Ref<Theme> p_theme, bool dark_theme = tr
clock_t begin_time = clock();
@ -528,7 +533,9 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) {
theme->set_icon("unchecked", "PopupMenu", theme->get_icon("GuiUnchecked", "EditorIcons"));
theme->set_icon("radio_checked", "PopupMenu", theme->get_icon("GuiChecked", "EditorIcons"));
theme->set_icon("radio_unchecked", "PopupMenu", theme->get_icon("GuiUnchecked", "EditorIcons"));
theme->set_icon("submenu", "PopupMenu", theme->get_icon("ArrowRight", "EditorIcons"));
theme->set_constant("vseparation", "PopupMenu", (extra_spacing + default_margin_size) * EDSCALE);
// Tree & ItemList background
Ref<StyleBoxFlat> style_tree_bg = style_default->duplicate();
@ -548,6 +555,9 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) {
theme->set_color("custom_button_font_highlight", "Tree", font_color_hl);
theme->set_color("font_color", "Tree", font_color);
theme->set_color("font_color_selected", "Tree", font_color);
theme->set_color("title_button_color", "Tree", font_color);
theme->set_color("guide_color", "Tree", Color(mono_color.r, mono_color.g, mono_color.b, 0.05));
theme->set_color("drop_position_color", "Tree", accent_color);
theme->set_constant("vseparation", "Tree", (extra_spacing + default_margin_size) * EDSCALE);
Ref<StyleBoxFlat> style_tree_btn = style_default->duplicate();

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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View File

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View File

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@ -2595,12 +2595,12 @@ void CanvasItemEditor::_draw_locks_and_groups(Node *p_node, const Transform2D &p
if (ci) {
Ref<Texture> lock = get_icon("Lock", "EditorIcons");
Ref<Texture> lock = get_icon("LockViewport", "EditorIcons");
if (p_node->has_meta("_edit_lock_")) {
lock->draw(viewport_ci, transform_ci.xform(Point2(0, 0)));
Ref<Texture> group = get_icon("Group", "EditorIcons");
Ref<Texture> group = get_icon("GroupViewport", "EditorIcons");
if (ci->has_meta("_edit_group_")) {
Vector2 ofs = transform_ci.xform(Point2(0, 0));
if (ci->has_meta("_edit_lock_"))