2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
/* renames_map_3_to_4.cpp */
/* This file is part of: */
/* https://godotengine.org */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */
/* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
/* */
/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
/* the following conditions: */
/* */
/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
/* */
# include "renames_map_3_to_4.h"
const char * RenamesMap3To4 : : enum_renames [ ] [ 2 ] = {
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
// Constants
// @GlobalScope
{ " KEY_CONTROL " , " KEY_CTRL " } ,
{ " SIDE_LEFT " , " MARGIN_LEFT " } ,
{ " SIDE_TOP " , " MARGIN_TOP " } ,
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " TYPE_REAL " , " TYPE_FLOAT " } ,
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
// { "FLAG_MAX", "PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX" }, // CPUParticles2D -- Used in more classes.
{ " ALIGN_BEGIN " , " ALIGNMENT_BEGIN " } , // AspectRatioContainer
{ " ALIGN_CENTER " , " ALIGNMENT_CENTER " } , // AspectRatioContainer
{ " ALIGN_END " , " ALIGNMENT_END " } , // AspectRatioContainer
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " ARVR_AR " , " XR_AR " } , // XRInterface
{ " ARVR_EXTERNAL " , " XR_EXTERNAL " } , // XRInterface
{ " ARVR_MONO " , " XR_MONO " } , // XRInterface
{ " ARVR_NONE " , " XR_NONE " } , // XRInterface
{ " ARVR_NOT_TRACKING " , " XR_NOT_TRACKING " } , // XRInterface
{ " ARVR_STEREO " , " XR_STEREO " } , // XRInterface
{ " COMPRESS_PVRTC4 " , " COMPRESS_PVRTC1_4 " } , // Image
{ " CONNECT_ONESHOT " , " CONNECT_ONE_SHOT " } , // Object
{ " CUBEMAP_BACK " , " CUBEMAP_LAYER_BACK " } , // RenderingServer
{ " CUBEMAP_BOTTOM " , " CUBEMAP_LAYER_BOTTOM " } , // RenderingServer
{ " CUBEMAP_FRONT " , " CUBEMAP_LAYER_FRONT " } , // RenderingServer
{ " CUBEMAP_LEFT " , " CUBEMAP_LAYER_LEFT " } , // RenderingServer
{ " CUBEMAP_RIGHT " , " CUBEMAP_LAYER_RIGHT " } , // RenderingServer
{ " CUBEMAP_TOP " , " CUBEMAP_LAYER_TOP " } , // RenderingServer
{ " FLAG_ROTATE_Y " , " PARTICLE_FLAG_ROTATE_Y " } , // CPUParticles2D
{ " FLAG_USE_BAKED_LIGHT " , " GI_MODE_BAKED " } , // GeometryInstance3D
{ " FORMAT_PVRTC2 " , " FORMAT_PVRTC1_2 " } , // Image
{ " FORMAT_PVRTC2A " , " FORMAT_PVRTC1_2A " } , // Image
{ " FORMAT_PVRTC4 " , " FORMAT_PVRTC1_4 " } , // Image
{ " FORMAT_PVRTC4A " , " FORMAT_PVRTC1_4A " } , // Image
{ " FUNC_FRAC " , " FUNC_FRACT " } , // VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc
{ " JOINT_6DOF " , " JOINT_TYPE_6DOF " } , // PhysicsServer3D
{ " JOINT_CONE_TWIST " , " JOINT_TYPE_CONE_TWIST " } , // PhysicsServer3D
{ " JOINT_GROOVE " , " JOINT_TYPE_GROOVE " } , // PhysicsServer2D
{ " JOINT_HINGE " , " JOINT_TYPE_HINGE " } , // PhysicsServer3D
{ " JOINT_PIN " , " JOINT_TYPE_PIN " } , // PhysicsServer2D
{ " JOINT_SLIDER " , " JOINT_TYPE_SLIDER " } , // PhysicsServer3D
{ " LOOP_PING_PONG " , " LOOP_PINGPONG " } , // AudioStreamWAV
{ " MODE_OPEN_ANY " , " FILE_MODE_OPEN_ANY " } , // FileDialog
{ " MODE_OPEN_DIR " , " FILE_MODE_OPEN_DIR " } , // FileDialog
{ " MODE_OPEN_FILE " , " FILE_MODE_OPEN_FILE " } , // FileDialog
{ " MODE_OPEN_FILES " , " FILE_MODE_OPEN_FILES " } , // FileDialog
{ " MODE_SAVE_FILE " , " FILE_MODE_SAVE_FILE " } , // FileDialog
{ " MODE_STATIC " , " FREEZE_MODE_STATIC " } , // RigidBody
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " TEXTURE_TYPE_2D_ARRAY " , " TEXTURE_LAYERED_2D_ARRAY " } , // RenderingServer
{ " TRACKER_LEFT_HAND " , " TRACKER_HAND_LEFT " } , // XRPositionalTracker
{ " TRACKER_RIGHT_HAND " , " TRACKER_HAND_RIGHT " } , // XRPositionalTracker
{ " TYPE_NORMALMAP " , " TYPE_NORMAL_MAP " } , // VisualShaderNodeCubemap
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
// Enums
{ " AlignMode " , " AlignmentMode " } , // AspectRatioContainer
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " AnimationProcessMode " , " AnimationProcessCallback " } , // AnimationTree, AnimationPlayer
{ " Camera2DProcessMode " , " Camera2DProcessCallback " } , // Camera2D
{ " CubeMapSide " , " CubeMapLayer " } , // RenderingServer
{ " DampedStringParam " , " DampedSpringParam " } , // PhysicsServer2D
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " FFT_Size " , " FFTSize " } , // AudioEffectPitchShift, AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzer
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " PauseMode " , " ProcessMode " } , // Node
{ " TimerProcessMode " , " TimerProcessCallback " } , // Timer
{ " Tracking_status " , " TrackingStatus " } , // XRInterface
{ nullptr , nullptr } ,
} ;
const char * RenamesMap3To4 : : gdscript_function_renames [ ] [ 2 ] = {
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
// NOTE: Commented out renames are disabled because deemed not suitable for
// the current way the regex-based converter works.
// When uncommenting any of those as suitable for conversion, please move it
// to the block with other enabled conversions, ordered alphabetically, and
// make sure to add it to the C# rename map too.
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
// { "_set_name", "get_tracker_name" }, // XRPositionalTracker -- CameraFeed uses this.
// { "_unhandled_input", "_unhandled_key_input" }, // BaseButton, ViewportContainer -- Breaks Node, FileDialog, SubViewportContainer.
// { "create_gizmo", "_create_gizmo" }, // EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin -- May be used.
// { "get_dependencies", "_get_dependencies" }, // ResourceFormatLoader -- Breaks ResourceLoader.
// { "get_extents", "get_size" }, // BoxShape, RectangleShape -- Breaks Decal, VoxelGI, GPUParticlesCollisionBox, GPUParticlesCollisionSDF, GPUParticlesCollisionHeightField, GPUParticlesAttractorBox, GPUParticlesAttractorVectorField, FogVolume
// { "get_h_offset", "get_drag_horizontal_offset" }, // Camera2D -- Breaks PathFollow, Camera.
// { "get_mode", "get_file_mode" }, // FileDialog -- Breaks Panel, Shader, CSGPolygon, TileMap.
// { "get_motion", "get_travel" }, // PhysicsTestMotionResult2D -- Breaks ParallaxLayer.
// { "get_name", "get_tracker_name" }, // XRPositionalTracker -- Breaks OS, Node
// { "get_network_connected_peers", "get_peers" }, // MultiplayerAPI -- Breaks SceneTree.
// { "get_network_peer", "has_multiplayer_peer" }, // MultiplayerAPI -- Breaks SceneTree.
// { "get_network_unique_id", "get_unique_id"}, // MultiplayerAPI -- Breaks SceneTree.
// { "get_offset", "get_position_offset" }, // GraphNode -- Breaks Gradient.
// { "get_peer_port", "get_peer" }, // ENetMultiplayerPeer -- Breaks WebSocketServer.
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
// { "get_points", "get_points_id" }, // AStar -- Breaks Line2D, ConvexPolygonShape.
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
// { "get_process_mode", "get_process_callback" }, // ClippedCamera3D -- Breaks Node, Sky.
// { "get_render_info", "get_rendering_info" }, // RenderingServer -- Breaks Viewport.
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
// { "get_stylebox", "get_theme_stylebox" }, // Control -- Would rename the method in Theme as well, skipping.
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
// { "get_type", "get_tracker_type" }, // XRPositionalTracker -- Breaks GLTFAccessor, GLTFLight.
// { "get_v_offset", "get_drag_vertical_offset" }, // Camera2D -- Breaks PathFollow, Camera.
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
// { "get_v_scroll", "get_v_scroll_bar" }, // ItemList -- Breaks TextView.
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
// { "has_network_peer", "has_multiplayer_peer" }, // MultiplayerAPI -- Breaks SceneTree.
// { "instance", "instantiate" }, // PackedScene, ClassDB -- Breaks FileSystemDock signal, and also .tscn files ("[instance=ExtResource( 17 )]"). This is implemented as custom rule.
// { "is_listening", "is_bound"}, // PacketPeerUDP -- Breaks TCPServer, UDPServer.
// { "is_refusing_new_network_connections", "is_refusing_new_connections"}, // MultiplayerAPI -- Breaks SceneTree.
// { "is_valid", "has_valid_event" }, // Shortcut -- Breaks Callable, and more.
// { "listen", "bound"}, // PacketPeerUDP -- Breaks TCPServer, UDPServer.
// { "load", "_load"}, // ResourceFormatLoader -- Breaks ConfigFile, Image, StreamTexture2D.
// { "make_current", "set_current" }, // Camera2D -- Breaks Camera3D, Listener2D.
// { "process", "_process" }, // AnimationNode -- This word is too commonly used.
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
// { "raise", "move_to_front" }, // CanvasItem -- Too common.
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
// { "save", "_save"}, // ResourceFormatLoader -- Breaks ConfigFile, Image, StreamTexture2D.
// { "set_autowrap", "set_autowrap_mode" }, // AcceptDialog -- Breaks Label, also a cyclic rename.
// { "set_color", "surface_set_color"}, // ImmediateMesh -- Breaks Light2D, Theme, SurfaceTool.
// { "set_event", "set_shortcut" }, // BaseButton -- Cyclic rename.
// { "set_extents", "set_size"}, // BoxShape, RectangleShape -- Breaks ReflectionProbe.
// { "set_flag", "set_particle_flag"}, // ParticleProcessMaterial -- Breaks Window, HingeJoint3D.
// { "set_h_offset", "set_drag_horizontal_offset" }, // Camera2D -- Breaks Camera3D, PathFollow3D, PathFollow2D.
// { "set_margin", "set_offset" }, // Control -- Breaks Shape3D, AtlasTexture.
// { "set_mode", "set_mode_file_mode" }, // FileDialog -- Breaks Panel, Shader, CSGPolygon, TileMap.
// { "set_normal", "surface_set_normal"}, // ImmediateGeometry -- Breaks SurfaceTool, WorldMarginShape2D.
// { "set_offset", "set_progress" }, // PathFollow2D, PathFollow3D -- Too common.
// { "set_process_mode", "set_process_callback" }, // AnimationTree -- Breaks Node, Tween, Sky.
// { "set_refuse_new_network_connections", "set_refuse_new_connections"}, // MultiplayerAPI -- Breaks SceneTree.
// { "set_tooltip", "set_tooltip_text" }, // Control -- Breaks TreeItem, at least for now.
// { "set_uv", "surface_set_uv" }, // ImmediateMesh -- Breaks Polygon2D.
// { "set_v_offset", "set_drag_vertical_offset" }, // Camera2D -- Breaks Camera3D, PathFollow3D, PathFollow2D.
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " _about_to_show " , " _about_to_popup " } , // ColorPickerButton
{ " _get_configuration_warning " , " _get_configuration_warnings " } , // Node
{ " _set_current " , " set_current " } , // Camera2D
{ " _set_editor_description " , " set_editor_description " } , // Node
{ " _toplevel_raise_self " , " _top_level_raise_self " } , // CanvasItem
{ " _update_wrap_at " , " _update_wrap_at_column " } , // TextEdit
{ " add_animation " , " add_animation_library " } , // AnimationPlayer
{ " add_cancel " , " add_cancel_button " } , // AcceptDialog
{ " add_central_force " , " apply_central_force " } , //RigidBody2D
{ " add_child_below_node " , " add_sibling " } , // Node
{ " add_color_override " , " add_theme_color_override " } , // Control
{ " add_constant_override " , " add_theme_constant_override " } , // Control
{ " add_font_override " , " add_theme_font_override " } , // Control
{ " add_force " , " apply_force " } , //RigidBody2D
{ " add_icon_override " , " add_theme_icon_override " } , // Control
{ " add_scene_import_plugin " , " add_scene_format_importer_plugin " } , //EditorPlugin
{ " add_spatial_gizmo_plugin " , " add_node_3d_gizmo_plugin " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " add_stylebox_override " , " add_theme_stylebox_override " } , // Control
{ " add_torque " , " apply_torque " } , //RigidBody2D
{ " agent_set_neighbor_dist " , " agent_set_neighbor_distance " } , // NavigationServer2D, NavigationServer3D
{ " apply_changes " , " _apply_changes " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " body_add_force " , " body_apply_force " } , // PhysicsServer2D
{ " body_add_torque " , " body_apply_torque " } , // PhysicsServer2D
{ " bumpmap_to_normalmap " , " bump_map_to_normal_map " } , // Image
{ " can_be_hidden " , " _can_be_hidden " } , // EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin
{ " can_drop_data " , " _can_drop_data " } , // Control
{ " can_generate_small_preview " , " _can_generate_small_preview " } , // EditorResourcePreviewGenerator
{ " can_instance " , " can_instantiate " } , // PackedScene, Script
{ " canvas_light_set_scale " , " canvas_light_set_texture_scale " } , // RenderingServer
{ " capture_get_device " , " get_input_device " } , // AudioServer
{ " capture_get_device_list " , " get_input_device_list " } , // AudioServer
{ " capture_set_device " , " set_input_device " } , // AudioServer
{ " center_viewport_to_cursor " , " center_viewport_to_caret " } , // TextEdit
{ " change_scene " , " change_scene_to_file " } , // SceneTree
{ " change_scene_to " , " change_scene_to_packed " } , // SceneTree
{ " clip_polygons_2d " , " clip_polygons " } , // Geometry2D
{ " clip_polyline_with_polygon_2d " , " clip_polyline_with_polygon " } , //Geometry2D
{ " commit_handle " , " _commit_handle " } , // EditorNode3DGizmo
{ " convex_hull_2d " , " convex_hull " } , // Geometry2D
{ " create_gizmo " , " _create_gizmo " } , // EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin
{ " cursor_get_blink_speed " , " get_caret_blink_interval " } , // TextEdit
{ " cursor_get_column " , " get_caret_column " } , // TextEdit
{ " cursor_get_line " , " get_caret_line " } , // TextEdit
{ " cursor_set_blink_enabled " , " set_caret_blink_enabled " } , // TextEdit
{ " cursor_set_blink_speed " , " set_caret_blink_interval " } , // TextEdit
{ " cursor_set_column " , " set_caret_column " } , // TextEdit
{ " cursor_set_line " , " set_caret_line " } , // TextEdit
{ " damped_spring_joint_create " , " joint_make_damped_spring " } , // PhysicsServer2D
{ " damped_string_joint_get_param " , " damped_spring_joint_get_param " } , // PhysicsServer2D
{ " damped_string_joint_set_param " , " damped_spring_joint_set_param " } , // PhysicsServer2D
{ " dectime " , " move_toward " } , // GDScript, Math functions
{ " delete_char_at_cursor " , " delete_char_at_caret " } , // LineEdit
{ " deselect_items " , " deselect_all " } , // FileDialog
{ " disable_plugin " , " _disable_plugin " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " drop_data " , " _drop_data " } , // Control
{ " exclude_polygons_2d " , " exclude_polygons " } , // Geometry2D
{ " find_node " , " find_child " } , // Node
{ " find_scancode_from_string " , " find_keycode_from_string " } , // OS
{ " forward_canvas_draw_over_viewport " , " _forward_canvas_draw_over_viewport " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " forward_canvas_force_draw_over_viewport " , " _forward_canvas_force_draw_over_viewport " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " forward_canvas_gui_input " , " _forward_canvas_gui_input " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " forward_spatial_draw_over_viewport " , " _forward_3d_draw_over_viewport " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " forward_spatial_force_draw_over_viewport " , " _forward_3d_force_draw_over_viewport " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " forward_spatial_gui_input " , " _forward_3d_gui_input " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " generate_from_path " , " _generate_from_path " } , // EditorResourcePreviewGenerator
{ " generate_small_preview_automatically " , " _generate_small_preview_automatically " } , // EditorResourcePreviewGenerator
{ " get_action_list " , " action_get_events " } , // InputMap
{ " get_alt " , " is_alt_pressed " } , // InputEventWithModifiers
{ " get_animation_process_mode " , " get_process_callback " } , // AnimationPlayer
{ " get_applied_force " , " get_constant_force " } , //RigidBody2D
{ " get_applied_torque " , " get_constant_torque " } , //RigidBody2D
{ " get_audio_bus " , " get_audio_bus_name " } , // Area3D
{ " get_bound_child_nodes_to_bone " , " get_bone_children " } , // Skeleton3D
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " get_camera " , " get_camera_3d " } , // Viewport -- This is also convertible to get_camera_2d. Breaks GLTFNode.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " get_cancel " , " get_cancel_button " } , // ConfirmationDialog
{ " get_caption " , " _get_caption " } , // AnimationNode
{ " get_cast_to " , " get_target_position " } , // RayCast2D, RayCast3D
{ " get_child_by_name " , " _get_child_by_name " } , // AnimationNode
{ " get_child_nodes " , " _get_child_nodes " } , // AnimationNode
{ " get_closest_point_to_segment_2d " , " get_closest_point_to_segment " } , // Geometry2D
{ " get_closest_point_to_segment_uncapped_2d " , " get_closest_point_to_segment_uncapped " } , // Geometry2D
{ " get_closest_points_between_segments_2d " , " get_closest_point_to_segment " } , // Geometry2D
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " get_collision_layer_bit " , " get_collision_layer_value " } , // CSGShape3D, and a lot of others like GridMap.
{ " get_collision_mask_bit " , " get_collision_mask_value " } , // CSGShape3D, and a lot of others like GridMap.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " get_color_types " , " get_color_type_list " } , // Theme
{ " get_command " , " is_command_or_control_pressed " } , // InputEventWithModifiers
{ " get_constant_types " , " get_constant_type_list " } , // Theme
{ " get_control " , " is_ctrl_pressed " } , // InputEventWithModifiers
{ " get_cull_mask_bit " , " get_cull_mask_value " } , // Camera3D
{ " get_cursor_position " , " get_caret_column " } , // LineEdit
{ " get_d " , " get_distance " } , // LineShape2D
2023-02-18 00:58:07 +08:00
{ " get_default_length " , " get_length " } , // Bone2D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " get_depth_bias_enable " , " get_depth_bias_enabled " } , // RDPipelineRasterizationState
{ " get_device " , " get_output_device " } , // AudioServer
{ " get_device_list " , " get_output_device_list " } , // AudioServer
{ " get_drag_data " , " _get_drag_data " } , // Control
{ " get_editor_viewport " , " get_editor_main_screen " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " get_enabled_focus_mode " , " get_focus_mode " } , // BaseButton
{ " get_endian_swap " , " is_big_endian " } , // File
{ " get_error_string " , " get_error_message " } , // JSON
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " get_filename " , " get_scene_file_path " } , // Node -- WARNING: This may be used in a lot of other places.
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " get_final_location " , " get_final_position " } , // NavigationAgent2D, NavigationAgent3D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " get_focus_neighbour " , " get_focus_neighbor " } , // Control
{ " get_follow_smoothing " , " get_position_smoothing_speed " } , // Camera2D
{ " get_font_types " , " get_font_type_list " } , // Theme
{ " get_frame_color " , " get_color " } , // ColorRect
{ " get_global_rate_scale " , " get_playback_speed_scale " } , // AudioServer
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " get_gravity_distance_scale " , " get_gravity_point_unit_distance " } , // Area2D, Area3D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " get_gravity_vector " , " get_gravity_direction " } , // Area(2D/3D)
{ " get_h_scrollbar " , " get_h_scroll_bar " } , //ScrollContainer
{ " get_hand " , " get_tracker_hand " } , // XRPositionalTracker
{ " get_handle_name " , " _get_handle_name " } , // EditorNode3DGizmo
{ " get_handle_value " , " _get_handle_value " } , // EditorNode3DGizmo
{ " get_icon_align " , " get_icon_alignment " } , // Button
{ " get_icon_types " , " get_icon_type_list " } , // Theme
{ " get_idle_frames " , " get_process_frames " } , // Engine
{ " get_import_options " , " _get_import_options " } , // EditorImportPlugin
{ " get_import_order " , " _get_import_order " } , // EditorImportPlugin
{ " get_importer_name " , " _get_importer_name " } , // EditorImportPlugin
{ " get_interior_ambient " , " get_ambient_color " } , // ReflectionProbe
{ " get_interior_ambient_energy " , " get_ambient_color_energy " } , // ReflectionProbe
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " get_item_navmesh " , " get_item_navigation_mesh " } , // MeshLibrary
{ " get_item_navmesh_transform " , " get_item_navigation_mesh_transform " } , // MeshLibrary
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " get_iterations_per_second " , " get_physics_ticks_per_second " } , // Engine
{ " get_last_mouse_speed " , " get_last_mouse_velocity " } , // Input
{ " get_layer_mask_bit " , " get_layer_mask_value " } , // VisualInstance3D
{ " get_len " , " get_length " } , // File
{ " get_max_atlas_size " , " get_max_texture_size " } , // LightmapGI
{ " get_metakey " , " is_meta_pressed " } , // InputEventWithModifiers
{ " get_mid_height " , " get_height " } , // CapsuleMesh
{ " get_motion_remainder " , " get_remainder " } , // PhysicsTestMotionResult2D
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " get_nav_path " , " get_current_navigation_path " } , // NavigationAgent2D, NavigationAgent3D
{ " get_nav_path_index " , " get_current_navigation_path_index " } , // NavigationAgent2D, NavigationAgent3D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " get_neighbor_dist " , " get_neighbor_distance " } , // NavigationAgent2D, NavigationAgent3D
{ " get_network_connected_peers " , " get_peers " } , // Multiplayer API
{ " get_network_master " , " get_multiplayer_authority " } , // Node
{ " get_network_peer " , " get_multiplayer_peer " } , // Multiplayer API
{ " get_network_unique_id " , " get_unique_id " } , // Multiplayer API
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " get_next_location " , " get_next_path_position " } , // NavigationAgent2D, NavigationAgent3D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " get_ok " , " get_ok_button " } , // AcceptDialog
{ " get_oneshot " , " get_one_shot " } , // AnimatedTexture
{ " get_option_visibility " , " _get_option_visibility " } , // EditorImportPlugin
{ " get_parameter_default_value " , " _get_parameter_default_value " } , // AnimationNode
{ " get_parameter_list " , " _get_parameter_list " } , // AnimationNode
{ " get_parent_spatial " , " get_parent_node_3d " } , // Node3D
{ " get_pause_mode " , " get_process_mode " } , // Node
{ " get_physical_scancode " , " get_physical_keycode " } , // InputEventKey
{ " get_physical_scancode_with_modifiers " , " get_physical_keycode_with_modifiers " } , // InputEventKey
{ " get_plugin_icon " , " _get_plugin_icon " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " get_plugin_name " , " _get_plugin_name " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " get_preset_count " , " _get_preset_count " } , // EditorImportPlugin
{ " get_preset_name " , " _get_preset_name " } , // EditorImportPlugin
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " get_recognized_extensions " , " _get_recognized_extensions " } , // ResourceFormatLoader, EditorImportPlugin -- Breaks ResourceSaver.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " get_render_info " , " get_rendering_info " } , // RenderingServer
{ " get_render_targetsize " , " get_render_target_size " } , // XRInterface
{ " get_resource_type " , " _get_resource_type " } , // ResourceFormatLoader
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " get_result " , " get_data " } , // JSON
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " get_reverb_bus " , " set_reverb_bus_name " } , // Area3D
{ " get_rpc_sender_id " , " get_remote_sender_id " } , // Multiplayer API
{ " get_save_extension " , " _get_save_extension " } , // EditorImportPlugin
{ " get_scancode " , " get_keycode " } , // InputEventKey
{ " get_scancode_string " , " get_keycode_string " } , // OS
{ " get_scancode_with_modifiers " , " get_keycode_with_modifiers " } , // InputEventKey
{ " get_selected_path " , " get_current_directory " } , // EditorInterface
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
{ " get_shader_param " , " get_shader_parameter " } , // ShaderMaterial
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " get_shift " , " is_shift_pressed " } , // InputEventWithModifiers
{ " get_size_override " , " get_size_2d_override " } , // SubViewport
{ " get_slide_count " , " get_slide_collision_count " } , // CharacterBody2D, CharacterBody3D
{ " get_slips_on_slope " , " get_slide_on_slope " } , // SeparationRayShape2D, SeparationRayShape3D
{ " get_space_override_mode " , " get_gravity_space_override_mode " } , // Area2D
{ " get_spatial_node " , " get_node_3d " } , // EditorNode3DGizmo
{ " get_speed " , " get_velocity " } , // InputEventMouseMotion
{ " get_stylebox_types " , " get_stylebox_type_list " } , // Theme
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " get_surface_material " , " get_surface_override_material " } , // MeshInstance3D -- Breaks ImporterMesh.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " get_surface_material_count " , " get_surface_override_material_count " } , // MeshInstance3D
{ " get_tab_disabled " , " is_tab_disabled " } , // Tab
{ " get_tab_hidden " , " is_tab_hidden " } , // Tab
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " get_target_location " , " get_target_position " } , // NavigationAgent2D, NavigationAgent3D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " get_text_align " , " get_text_alignment " } , // Button
{ " get_theme_item_types " , " get_theme_item_type_list " } , // Theme
{ " get_timer_process_mode " , " get_timer_process_callback " } , // Timer
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " get_translation " , " get_position " } , // Node3D -- Breaks GLTFNode, but it is used rarely.
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
{ " get_uniform_name " , " get_parameter_name " } , // ParameterRef
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " get_unit_db " , " get_volume_db " } , // AudioStreamPlayer3D
{ " get_unit_offset " , " get_progress_ratio " } , // PathFollow2D, PathFollow3D
{ " get_use_in_baked_light " , " is_baking_navigation " } , // GridMap
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " get_verts_per_poly " , " get_vertices_per_polygon " } , // NavigationMesh
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " get_v_scrollbar " , " get_v_scroll_bar " } , // ScrollContainer
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " get_visible_name " , " _get_visible_name " } , // EditorImportPlugin
{ " get_window_layout " , " _get_window_layout " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " get_word_under_cursor " , " get_word_under_caret " } , // TextEdit
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " get_world " , " get_world_3d " } , // Viewport, Node3D
{ " get_zfar " , " get_far " } , // Camera3D -- Breaks GLTFCamera
{ " get_znear " , " get_near " } , // Camera3D -- Breaks GLTFCamera
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " groove_joint_create " , " joint_make_groove " } , // PhysicsServer2D
{ " handle_menu_selected " , " _handle_menu_selected " } , // EditorResourcePicker
{ " handles_type " , " _handles_type " } , // ResourceFormatLoader
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " has_color " , " has_theme_color " } , // Control -- Breaks Theme
{ " has_color_override " , " has_theme_color_override " } , // Control -- Breaks Theme
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " has_constant " , " has_theme_constant " } , // Control
{ " has_constant_override " , " has_theme_constant_override " } , // Control
{ " has_filter " , " _has_filter " } , // AnimationNode
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " has_font " , " has_theme_font " } , // Control -- Breaks Theme
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " has_font_override " , " has_theme_font_override " } , // Control
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " has_icon " , " has_theme_icon " } , // Control -- Breaks Theme
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " has_icon_override " , " has_theme_icon_override " } , // Control
{ " has_main_screen " , " _has_main_screen " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " has_network_peer " , " has_multiplayer_peer " } , // Multiplayer API
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " has_stylebox " , " has_theme_stylebox " } , // Control -- Breaks Theme
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " has_stylebox_override " , " has_theme_stylebox_override " } , // Control
{ " http_escape " , " uri_encode " } , // String
{ " http_unescape " , " uri_decode " } , // String
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " import_scene_from_other_importer " , " _import_scene " } , // EditorSceneFormatImporter
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " instance_set_surface_material " , " instance_set_surface_override_material " } , // RenderingServer
{ " interpolate " , " sample " } , // Curve, Curve2D, Curve3D, Gradient
{ " intersect_polygons_2d " , " intersect_polygons " } , // Geometry2D
{ " intersect_polyline_with_polygon_2d " , " intersect_polyline_with_polygon " } , // Geometry2D
{ " is_a_parent_of " , " is_ancestor_of " } , // Node
{ " is_commiting_action " , " is_committing_action " } , // UndoRedo
{ " is_doubleclick " , " is_double_click " } , // InputEventMouseButton
{ " is_draw_red " , " is_draw_warning " } , // EditorProperty
{ " is_follow_smoothing_enabled " , " is_position_smoothing_enabled " } , // Camera2D
{ " is_h_drag_enabled " , " is_drag_horizontal_enabled " } , // Camera2D
{ " is_handle_highlighted " , " _is_handle_highlighted " } , // EditorNode3DGizmo, EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin
{ " is_inverting_faces " , " get_flip_faces " } , // CSGPrimitive3D
{ " is_network_master " , " is_multiplayer_authority " } , // Node
{ " is_network_server " , " is_server " } , // Multiplayer API
{ " is_normalmap " , " is_normal_map " } , // NoiseTexture
{ " is_refusing_new_network_connections " , " is_refusing_new_connections " } , // Multiplayer API
{ " is_region " , " is_region_enabled " } , // Sprite2D
{ " is_rotating " , " is_ignoring_rotation " } , // Camera2D
{ " is_scancode_unicode " , " is_keycode_unicode " } , // OS
{ " is_selectable_when_hidden " , " _is_selectable_when_hidden " } , // EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin
{ " is_set_as_toplevel " , " is_set_as_top_level " } , // CanvasItem
{ " is_shortcut " , " matches_event " } , // Shortcut
{ " is_size_override_stretch_enabled " , " is_size_2d_override_stretch_enabled " } , // SubViewport
{ " is_sort_enabled " , " is_y_sort_enabled " } , // Node2D
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " is_static_body " , " is_able_to_sleep " } , // PhysicalBone3D -- Not sure.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " is_v_drag_enabled " , " is_drag_vertical_enabled " } , // Camera2D
{ " joint_create_cone_twist " , " joint_make_cone_twist " } , // PhysicsServer3D
{ " joint_create_generic_6dof " , " joint_make_generic_6dof " } , // PhysicsServer3D
{ " joint_create_hinge " , " joint_make_hinge " } , // PhysicsServer3D
{ " joint_create_pin " , " joint_make_pin " } , // PhysicsServer3D
{ " joint_create_slider " , " joint_make_slider " } , // PhysicsServer3D
{ " line_intersects_line_2d " , " line_intersects_line " } , // Geometry2D
{ " load_from_globals " , " load_from_project_settings " } , // InputMap
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " load_interactive " , " load_threaded_request " } , // ResourceLoader -- "load_threaded_request" could be an alternative, but it is used differently.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " make_convex_from_brothers " , " make_convex_from_siblings " } , // CollisionShape3D
{ " make_visible " , " _make_visible " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " merge_polygons_2d " , " merge_polygons " } , // Geometry2D
{ " mesh_surface_get_format " , " mesh_surface_get_format_attribute_stride " } , // RenderingServer
{ " mesh_surface_update_region " , " mesh_surface_update_attribute_region " } , // RenderingServer
{ " move_to_bottom " , " move_after " } , // Skeleton3D
{ " move_to_top " , " move_before " } , // Skeleton3D
{ " multimesh_allocate " , " multimesh_allocate_data " } , // RenderingServer
{ " normalmap_to_xy " , " normal_map_to_xy " } , // Image
{ " offset_polygon_2d " , " offset_polygon " } , // Geometry2D
{ " offset_polyline_2d " , " offset_polyline " } , // Geometry2D
{ " percent_decode " , " uri_decode " } , // String
{ " percent_encode " , " uri_encode " } , // String
{ " pin_joint_create " , " joint_make_pin " } , // PhysicsServer2D
{ " popup_centered_minsize " , " popup_centered_clamped " } , // Window
{ " post_import " , " _post_import " } , // EditorScenePostImport
{ " print_stray_nodes " , " print_orphan_nodes " } , // Node
{ " property_list_changed_notify " , " notify_property_list_changed " } , // Object
{ " recognize " , " _recognize " } , // ResourceFormatLoader
{ " regen_normalmaps " , " regen_normal_maps " } , // ArrayMesh
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " region_bake_navmesh " , " region_bake_navigation_mesh " } , // Navigation3DServer
{ " region_set_navmesh " , " region_set_navigation_mesh " } , // Navigation3DServer
{ " region_set_navpoly " , " region_set_navigation_polygon " } , // Navigation2DServer
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " remove_animation " , " remove_animation_library " } , // AnimationPlayer
{ " remove_color_override " , " remove_theme_color_override " } , // Control
{ " remove_constant_override " , " remove_theme_constant_override " } , // Control
{ " remove_font_override " , " remove_theme_font_override " } , // Control
{ " remove_icon_override " , " remove_theme_icon_override " } , // Control
{ " remove_scene_import_plugin " , " remove_scene_format_importer_plugin " } , //EditorPlugin
{ " remove_spatial_gizmo_plugin " , " remove_node_3d_gizmo_plugin " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " remove_stylebox_override " , " remove_theme_stylebox_override " } , // Control
{ " rename_animation " , " rename_animation_library " } , // AnimationPlayer
{ " rename_dependencies " , " _rename_dependencies " } , // ResourceFormatLoader
{ " save_external_data " , " _save_external_data " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " segment_intersects_segment_2d " , " segment_intersects_segment " } , // Geometry2D
{ " set_adjustment_enable " , " set_adjustment_enabled " } , // Environment
{ " set_alt " , " set_alt_pressed " } , // InputEventWithModifiers
{ " set_anchor_and_margin " , " set_anchor_and_offset " } , // Control
{ " set_anchors_and_margins_preset " , " set_anchors_and_offsets_preset " } , // Control
{ " set_animation_process_mode " , " set_process_callback " } , // AnimationPlayer
{ " set_as_bulk_array " , " set_buffer " } , // MultiMesh
{ " set_as_normalmap " , " set_as_normal_map " } , // NoiseTexture
{ " set_as_toplevel " , " set_as_top_level " } , // CanvasItem
{ " set_audio_bus " , " set_audio_bus_name " } , // Area3D
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " set_autowrap " , " set_autowrap_mode " } , // Label -- Breaks AcceptDialog.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " set_cast_to " , " set_target_position " } , // RayCast2D, RayCast3D
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " set_collision_layer_bit " , " set_collision_layer_value " } , // CSGShape3D, and a lot of others like GridMap.
{ " set_collision_mask_bit " , " set_collision_mask_value " } , // CSGShape3D, and a lot of others like GridMap.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " set_column_min_width " , " set_column_custom_minimum_width " } , // Tree
{ " set_command " , " set_meta_pressed " } , // InputEventWithModifiers
{ " set_control " , " set_ctrl_pressed " } , // InputEventWithModifiers
{ " set_create_options " , " _set_create_options " } , // EditorResourcePicker
{ " set_cull_mask_bit " , " set_cull_mask_value " } , // Camera3D
{ " set_cursor_position " , " set_caret_column " } , // LineEdit
{ " set_d " , " set_distance " } , // WorldMarginShape2D
2023-02-18 00:58:07 +08:00
{ " set_default_length " , " set_length " } , // Bone2D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " set_depth_bias_enable " , " set_depth_bias_enabled " } , // RDPipelineRasterizationState
{ " set_device " , " set_output_device " } , // AudioServer
{ " set_doubleclick " , " set_double_click " } , // InputEventMouseButton
{ " set_draw_red " , " set_draw_warning " } , // EditorProperty
{ " set_enable_follow_smoothing " , " set_position_smoothing_enabled " } , // Camera2D
{ " set_enabled_focus_mode " , " set_focus_mode " } , // BaseButton
{ " set_endian_swap " , " set_big_endian " } , // File
{ " set_expand_to_text_length " , " set_expand_to_text_length_enabled " } , // LineEdit
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " set_filename " , " set_scene_file_path " } , // Node -- WARNING: This may be used in a lot of other places.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " set_focus_neighbour " , " set_focus_neighbor " } , // Control
{ " set_follow_smoothing " , " set_position_smoothing_speed " } , // Camera2D
{ " set_frame_color " , " set_color " } , // ColorRect
{ " set_global_rate_scale " , " set_playback_speed_scale " } , // AudioServer
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " set_gravity_distance_scale " , " set_gravity_point_unit_distance " } , // Area2D, Area3D
{ " set_gravity_vector " , " set_gravity_direction " } , // Area2D, Area3D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " set_h_drag_enabled " , " set_drag_horizontal_enabled " } , // Camera2D
{ " set_icon_align " , " set_icon_alignment " } , // Button
{ " set_interior_ambient " , " set_ambient_color " } , // ReflectionProbe
{ " set_interior_ambient_energy " , " set_ambient_color_energy " } , // ReflectionProbe
{ " set_invert_faces " , " set_flip_faces " } , // CSGPrimitive3D
{ " set_is_initialized " , " _is_initialized " } , // XRInterface
{ " set_is_primary " , " set_primary " } , // XRInterface
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " set_item_navmesh " , " set_item_navigation_mesh " } , // MeshLibrary
{ " set_item_navmesh_transform " , " set_item_navigation_mesh_transform " } , // MeshLibrary
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " set_iterations_per_second " , " set_physics_ticks_per_second " } , // Engine
{ " set_layer_mask_bit " , " set_layer_mask_value " } , // VisualInstance3D
{ " set_margins_preset " , " set_offsets_preset " } , // Control
{ " set_max_atlas_size " , " set_max_texture_size " } , // LightmapGI
{ " set_metakey " , " set_meta_pressed " } , // InputEventWithModifiers
{ " set_mid_height " , " set_height " } , // CapsuleMesh
{ " set_neighbor_dist " , " set_neighbor_distance " } , // NavigationAgent2D, NavigationAgent3D
{ " set_network_master " , " set_multiplayer_authority " } , // Node
{ " set_network_peer " , " set_multiplayer_peer " } , // Multiplayer API
{ " set_oneshot " , " set_one_shot " } , // AnimatedTexture
{ " set_pause_mode " , " set_process_mode " } , // Node
{ " set_physical_scancode " , " set_physical_keycode " } , // InputEventKey
{ " set_proximity_fade " , " set_proximity_fade_enabled " } , // Material
{ " set_refuse_new_network_connections " , " set_refuse_new_connections " } , // Multiplayer API
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " set_region " , " set_region_enabled " } , // Sprite2D -- Sprite breaks AtlasTexture.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " set_region_filter_clip " , " set_region_filter_clip_enabled " } , // Sprite2D
{ " set_reverb_bus " , " set_reverb_bus_name " } , // Area3D
{ " set_rotate " , " set_rotates " } , // PathFollow2D
{ " set_scancode " , " set_keycode " } , // InputEventKey
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
{ " set_shader_param " , " set_shader_parameter " } , // ShaderMaterial
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " set_shift " , " set_shift_pressed " } , // InputEventWithModifiers
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " set_size_override " , " set_size_2d_override " } , // SubViewport -- Breaks ImageTexture.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " set_size_override_stretch " , " set_size_2d_override_stretch " } , // SubViewport
{ " set_slips_on_slope " , " set_slide_on_slope " } , // SeparationRayShape2D, SeparationRayShape3D
{ " set_sort_enabled " , " set_y_sort_enabled " } , // Node2D
{ " set_space_override_mode " , " set_gravity_space_override_mode " } , // Area2D
{ " set_spatial_node " , " set_node_3d " } , // EditorNode3DGizmo
{ " set_speed " , " set_velocity " } , // InputEventMouseMotion
{ " set_ssao_edge_sharpness " , " set_ssao_sharpness " } , // Environment
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " set_surface_material " , " set_surface_override_material " } , // MeshInstance3D -- Breaks ImporterMesh.
{ " set_tab_align " , " set_tab_alignment " } , // TabContainer
{ " set_tangent " , " surface_set_tangent " } , // ImmediateGeometry -- Breaks SurfaceTool.
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " set_target_location " , " set_target_position " } , // NavigationAgent2D, NavigationAgent3D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " set_text_align " , " set_text_alignment " } , // Button
{ " set_timer_process_mode " , " set_timer_process_callback " } , // Timer
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " set_translation " , " set_position " } , // Node3D -- This breaks GLTFNode, but it is used rarely.
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
{ " set_uniform_name " , " set_parameter_name " } , // ParameterRef
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " set_unit_db " , " set_volume_db " } , // AudioStreamPlayer3D
{ " set_unit_offset " , " set_progress_ratio " } , // PathFollow2D, PathFollow3D
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " set_uv2 " , " surface_set_uv2 " } , // ImmediateMesh -- Breaks SurfaceTool.
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " set_verts_per_poly " , " set_vertices_per_polygon " } , // NavigationMesh
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " set_v_drag_enabled " , " set_drag_vertical_enabled " } , // Camera2D
{ " set_valign " , " set_vertical_alignment " } , // Label
{ " set_window_layout " , " _set_window_layout " } , // EditorPlugin
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " set_zfar " , " set_far " } , // Camera3D -- Breaks GLTFCamera.
{ " set_znear " , " set_near " } , // Camera3D -- Breaks GLTFCamera.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " shortcut_match " , " is_match " } , // InputEvent
{ " skeleton_allocate " , " skeleton_allocate_data " } , // RenderingServer
{ " surface_update_region " , " surface_update_attribute_region " } , // ArrayMesh
{ " track_remove_key_at_position " , " track_remove_key_at_time " } , // Animation
{ " triangulate_delaunay_2d " , " triangulate_delaunay " } , // Geometry2D
{ " unselect " , " deselect " } , // ItemList
{ " unselect_all " , " deselect_all " } , // ItemList
{ " update_configuration_warning " , " update_configuration_warnings " } , // Node
{ " update_gizmo " , " update_gizmos " } , // Node3D
{ " viewport_set_use_arvr " , " viewport_set_use_xr " } , // RenderingServer
{ " warp_mouse_position " , " warp_mouse " } , // Input
{ " world_to_map " , " local_to_map " } , // TileMap, GridMap
// Builtin types
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
// Remember to add them to the builtin_types_excluded_functions variable, because for now these functions cannot be listed.
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
// { "empty", "is_empty" }, // Array -- Used as custom rule. Be careful, this will be used everywhere.
// { "invert", "reverse" }, // Array -- Give it a check. Be careful, this will be used everywhere.
// { "remove", "remove_at" }, // Array -- Breaks Directory and several more.
2023-02-26 19:09:30 +08:00
{ " clamped " , " limit_length " } , // Vector2
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " get_rotation_quat " , " get_rotation_quaternion " } , // Basis
{ " grow_margin " , " grow_side " } , // Rect2
{ " is_abs_path " , " is_absolute_path " } , // String
{ " is_valid_integer " , " is_valid_int " } , // String
{ " linear_interpolate " , " lerp " } , // Color
{ " find_last " , " rfind " } , // Array, String
{ " to_ascii " , " to_ascii_buffer " } , // String
{ " to_utf8 " , " to_utf8_buffer " } , // String
2023-02-13 22:18:12 +08:00
{ " to_wchar " , " to_wchar_buffer " } , // String
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
// @GlobalScope
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
// Remember to add them to the builtin_types_excluded_functions variable, because for now these functions cannot be listed.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " bytes2var " , " bytes_to_var " } ,
{ " bytes2var_with_objects " , " bytes_to_var_with_objects " } ,
{ " db2linear " , " db_to_linear " } ,
{ " deg2rad " , " deg_to_rad " } ,
{ " linear2db " , " linear_to_db " } ,
{ " rad2deg " , " rad_to_deg " } ,
{ " rand_range " , " randf_range " } ,
{ " range_lerp " , " remap " } ,
{ " stepify " , " snapped " } ,
{ " str2var " , " str_to_var " } ,
{ " var2str " , " var_to_str " } ,
{ " var2bytes " , " var_to_bytes " } ,
{ " var2bytes_with_objects " , " var_to_bytes_with_objects " } ,
// @GDScript
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
// Remember to add them to the builtin_types_excluded_functions variable, because for now these functions cannot be listed.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " dict2inst " , " dict_to_inst " } ,
{ " inst2dict " , " inst_to_dict " } ,
{ nullptr , nullptr } ,
} ;
// gdscript_function_renames clone with CamelCase
const char * RenamesMap3To4 : : csharp_function_renames [ ] [ 2 ] = {
{ " _AboutToShow " , " _AboutToPopup " } , // ColorPickerButton
{ " _GetConfigurationWarning " , " _GetConfigurationWarnings " } , // Node
{ " _SetCurrent " , " SetCurrent " } , // Camera2D
{ " _SetEditorDescription " , " SetEditorDescription " } , // Node
{ " _SetPlaying " , " SetPlaying " } , // AnimatedSprite3D
{ " _ToplevelRaiseSelf " , " _TopLevelRaiseSelf " } , // CanvasItem
{ " _UpdateWrapAt " , " _UpdateWrapAtColumn " } , // TextEdit
{ " AddAnimation " , " AddAnimationLibrary " } , // AnimationPlayer
{ " AddCancel " , " AddCancelButton " } , // AcceptDialog
{ " AddCentralForce " , " AddConstantCentralForce " } , //RigidBody2D
{ " AddChildBelowNode " , " AddSibling " } , // Node
{ " AddColorOverride " , " AddThemeColorOverride " } , // Control
{ " AddConstantOverride " , " AddThemeConstantOverride " } , // Control
{ " AddFontOverride " , " AddThemeFontOverride " } , // Control
{ " AddForce " , " AddConstantForce " } , //RigidBody2D
{ " AddIconOverride " , " AddThemeIconOverride " } , // Control
{ " AddSceneImportPlugin " , " AddSceneFormatImporterPlugin " } , //EditorPlugin
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " AddSpatialGizmoPlugin " , " AddNode3dGizmoPlugin " } , // EditorPlugin
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " AddStyleboxOverride " , " AddThemeStyleboxOverride " } , // Control
{ " AddTorque " , " AddConstantTorque " } , //RigidBody2D
{ " AgentSetNeighborDist " , " AgentSetNeighborDistance " } , // NavigationServer2D, NavigationServer3D
{ " BindChildNodeToBone " , " SetBoneChildren " } , // Skeleton3D
{ " BumpmapToNormalmap " , " BumpMapToNormalMap " } , // Image
{ " CanBeHidden " , " _CanBeHidden " } , // EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin
{ " CanDropData " , " _CanDropData " } , // Control
{ " CanDropDataFw " , " _CanDropDataFw " } , // ScriptEditor
{ " CanGenerateSmallPreview " , " _CanGenerateSmallPreview " } , // EditorResourcePreviewGenerator
{ " CanInstance " , " CanInstantiate " } , // PackedScene, Script
{ " CanvasLightSetScale " , " CanvasLightSetTextureScale " } , // RenderingServer
{ " CaptureGetDevice " , " GetInputDevice " } , // AudioServer
{ " CaptureGetDeviceList " , " GetInputDeviceList " } , // AudioServer
{ " CaptureSetDevice " , " SetInputDevice " } , // AudioServer
{ " CenterViewportToCursor " , " CenterViewportToCaret " } , // TextEdit
{ " ChangeScene " , " ChangeSceneToFile " } , // SceneTree
{ " ChangeSceneTo " , " ChangeSceneToPacked " } , // SceneTree
{ " ClipPolygons2d " , " ClipPolygons " } , // Geometry2D
{ " ClipPolylineWithPolygon2d " , " ClipPolylineWithPolygon " } , //Geometry2D
{ " CommitHandle " , " _CommitHandle " } , // EditorNode3DGizmo
{ " ConvexHull2d " , " ConvexHull " } , // Geometry2D
{ " CursorGetBlinkSpeed " , " GetCaretBlinkInterval " } , // TextEdit
{ " CursorGetColumn " , " GetCaretColumn " } , // TextEdit
{ " CursorGetLine " , " GetCaretLine " } , // TextEdit
{ " CursorSetBlinkEnabled " , " SetCaretBlinkEnabled " } , // TextEdit
{ " CursorSetBlinkSpeed " , " SetCaretBlinkInterval " } , // TextEdit
{ " CursorSetColumn " , " SetCaretColumn " } , // TextEdit
{ " CursorSetLine " , " SetCaretLine " } , // TextEdit
{ " DampedSpringJointCreate " , " JointMakeDampedSpring " } , // PhysicsServer2D
{ " DampedStringJointGetParam " , " DampedSpringJointGetParam " } , // PhysicsServer2D
{ " DampedStringJointSetParam " , " DampedSpringJointSetParam " } , // PhysicsServer2D
{ " DeleteCharAtCursor " , " DeleteCharAtCaret " } , // LineEdit
{ " DeselectItems " , " DeselectAll " } , // FileDialog
{ " DropData " , " _DropData " } , // Control
{ " DropDataFw " , " _DropDataFw " } , // ScriptEditor
{ " ExcludePolygons2d " , " ExcludePolygons " } , // Geometry2D
{ " FindScancodeFromString " , " FindKeycodeFromString " } , // OS
{ " ForwardCanvasDrawOverViewport " , " _ForwardCanvasDrawOverViewport " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " ForwardCanvasForceDrawOverViewport " , " _ForwardCanvasForceDrawOverViewport " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " ForwardCanvasGuiInput " , " _ForwardCanvasGuiInput " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " ForwardSpatialDrawOverViewport " , " _Forward3dDrawOverViewport " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " ForwardSpatialForceDrawOverViewport " , " _Forward3dForceDrawOverViewport " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " ForwardSpatialGuiInput " , " _Forward3dGuiInput " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " GenerateFromPath " , " _GenerateFromPath " } , // EditorResourcePreviewGenerator
{ " GenerateSmallPreviewAutomatically " , " _GenerateSmallPreviewAutomatically " } , // EditorResourcePreviewGenerator
{ " GetActionList " , " ActionGetEvents " } , // InputMap
{ " GetAlt " , " IsAltPressed " } , // InputEventWithModifiers
{ " GetAnimationProcessMode " , " GetProcessCallback " } , // AnimationPlayer
{ " GetAppliedForce " , " GetConstantForce " } , //RigidBody2D
{ " GetAppliedTorque " , " GetConstantTorque " } , //RigidBody2D
{ " GetAudioBus " , " GetAudioBusName " } , // Area3D
{ " GetBoundChildNodesToBone " , " GetBoneChildren " } , // Skeleton3D
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " GetCamera " , " GetCamera3d " } , // Viewport -- This is also convertible to GetCamera2d. Breaks GLTFNode.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " GetCancel " , " GetCancelButton " } , // ConfirmationDialog
{ " GetCaption " , " _GetCaption " } , // AnimationNode
{ " GetCastTo " , " GetTargetPosition " } , // RayCast2D, RayCast3D
{ " GetChildByName " , " _GetChildByName " } , // AnimationNode
{ " GetChildNodes " , " _GetChildNodes " } , // AnimationNode
{ " GetClosestPointToSegment2d " , " GetClosestPointToSegment " } , // Geometry2D
{ " GetClosestPointToSegmentUncapped2d " , " GetClosestPointToSegmentUncapped " } , // Geometry2D
{ " GetClosestPointsBetweenSegments2d " , " GetClosestPointToSegment " } , // Geometry2D
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " GetCollisionLayerBit " , " GetCollisionLayerValue " } , // CSGShape3D, and a lot of others like GridMap.
{ " GetCollisionMaskBit " , " GetCollisionMaskValue " } , // CSGShape3D, and a lot of others like GridMap.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " GetColorTypes " , " GetColorTypeList " } , // Theme
{ " GetCommand " , " IsCommandPressed " } , // InputEventWithModifiers
{ " GetConstantTypes " , " GetConstantTypeList " } , // Theme
{ " GetControl " , " IsCtrlPressed " } , // InputEventWithModifiers
{ " GetCullMaskBit " , " GetCullMaskValue " } , // Camera3D
{ " GetCursorPosition " , " GetCaretColumn " } , // LineEdit
{ " GetD " , " GetDistance " } , // LineShape2D
2023-02-18 00:58:07 +08:00
{ " GetDefaultLength " , " GetLength " } , // Bone2D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " GetDepthBiasEnable " , " GetDepthBiasEnabled " } , // RDPipelineRasterizationState
{ " GetDevice " , " GetOutputDevice " } , // AudioServer
{ " GetDeviceList " , " GetOutputDeviceList " } , // AudioServer
{ " GetDragDataFw " , " _GetDragDataFw " } , // ScriptEditor
{ " GetEditorViewport " , " GetViewport " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " GetEnabledFocusMode " , " GetFocusMode " } , // BaseButton
{ " GetEndianSwap " , " IsBigEndian " } , // File
{ " GetErrorString " , " GetErrorMessage " } , // JSON
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " GetFinalLocation " , " GetFinalPosition " } , // NavigationAgent2D, NavigationAgent3D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " GetFocusNeighbour " , " GetFocusNeighbor " } , // Control
2023-03-03 03:53:25 +08:00
{ " GetFollowSmoothing " , " GetPositionSmoothingSpeed " } , // Camera2D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " GetFontTypes " , " GetFontTypeList " } , // Theme
{ " GetFrameColor " , " GetColor " } , // ColorRect
{ " GetGlobalRateScale " , " GetPlaybackSpeedScale " } , // AudioServer
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " GetGravityDistanceScale " , " GetGravityPointDistanceScale " } , // Area2D
{ " GetGravityVector " , " GetGravityDirection " } , // Area2D
{ " GetHScrollbar " , " GetHScrollBar " } , // ScrollContainer
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " GetHand " , " GetTrackerHand " } , // XRPositionalTracker
{ " GetHandleName " , " _GetHandleName " } , // EditorNode3DGizmo
{ " GetHandleValue " , " _GetHandleValue " } , // EditorNode3DGizmo
{ " GetIconAlign " , " GetIconAlignment " } , // Button
{ " GetIconTypes " , " GetIconTypeList " } , // Theme
{ " GetIdleFrames " , " GetProcessFrames " } , // Engine
{ " GetImportOptions " , " _GetImportOptions " } , // EditorImportPlugin
{ " GetImportOrder " , " _GetImportOrder " } , // EditorImportPlugin
{ " GetImporterName " , " _GetImporterName " } , // EditorImportPlugin
{ " GetInteriorAmbient " , " GetAmbientColor " } , // ReflectionProbe
{ " GetInteriorAmbientEnergy " , " GetAmbientColorEnergy " } , // ReflectionProbe
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " GetItemNavmesh " , " GetItemMavigationMesh " } , // MeshLibrary
{ " GetItemNavmeshTransform " , " GetItemNavigationMeshTransform " } , // MeshLibrary
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " GetIterationsPerSecond " , " GetPhysicsTicksPerSecond " } , // Engine
{ " GetLastMouseSpeed " , " GetLastMouseVelocity " } , // Input
{ " GetLayerMaskBit " , " GetLayerMaskValue " } , // VisualInstance3D
{ " GetLen " , " GetLength " } , // File
{ " GetMaxAtlasSize " , " GetMaxTextureSize " } , // LightmapGI
{ " GetMetakey " , " IsMetaPressed " } , // InputEventWithModifiers
{ " GetMidHeight " , " GetHeight " } , // CapsuleMesh
{ " GetMotionRemainder " , " GetRemainder " } , // PhysicsTestMotionResult2D
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " GetNavPath " , " GetCurrentNavigationPath " } , // NavigationAgent2D, NavigationAgent3D
{ " GetNavPathIndex " , " GetCurrentNavigationPathIndex " } , // NavigationAgent2D, NavigationAgent3D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " GetNeighborDist " , " GetNeighborDistance " } , // NavigationAgent2D, NavigationAgent3D
{ " GetNetworkConnectedPeers " , " GetPeers " } , // Multiplayer API
{ " GetNetworkMaster " , " GetMultiplayerAuthority " } , // Node
{ " GetNetworkPeer " , " GetMultiplayerPeer " } , // Multiplayer API
{ " GetNetworkUniqueId " , " GetUniqueId " } , // Multiplayer API
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " GetNextLocation " , " GetNextPathPosition " } , // NavigationAgent2D, NavigationAgent3D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " GetOneshot " , " GetOneShot " } , // AnimatedTexture
{ " GetOk " , " GetOkButton " } , // AcceptDialog
{ " GetOptionVisibility " , " _GetOptionVisibility " } , // EditorImportPlugin
{ " GetParameterDefaultValue " , " _GetParameterDefaultValue " } , // AnimationNode
{ " GetParameterList " , " _GetParameterList " } , // AnimationNode
{ " GetParentSpatial " , " GetParentNode3d " } , // Node3D
{ " GetPhysicalScancode " , " GetPhysicalKeycode " } , // InputEventKey
{ " GetPhysicalScancodeWithModifiers " , " GetPhysicalKeycodeWithModifiers " } , // InputEventKey
{ " GetPluginIcon " , " _GetPluginIcon " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " GetPluginName " , " _GetPluginName " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " GetPresetCount " , " _GetPresetCount " } , // EditorImportPlugin
{ " GetPresetName " , " _GetPresetName " } , // EditorImportPlugin
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " GetRecognizedExtensions " , " _GetRecognizedExtensions " } , // ResourceFormatLoader, EditorImportPlugin -- Breaks ResourceSaver.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " GetRenderInfo " , " GetRenderingInfo " } , // RenderingServer
{ " GetRenderTargetsize " , " GetRenderTargetSize " } , // XRInterface
{ " GetResourceType " , " _GetResourceType " } , // ResourceFormatLoader
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " GetResult " , " GetData " } , // JSON
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " GetReverbBus " , " GetReverbBusName " } , // Area3D
{ " GetRpcSenderId " , " GetRemoteSenderId " } , // Multiplayer API
{ " GetSaveExtension " , " _GetSaveExtension " } , // EditorImportPlugin
{ " GetScancode " , " GetKeycode " } , // InputEventKey
{ " GetScancodeString " , " GetKeycodeString " } , // OS
{ " GetScancodeWithModifiers " , " GetKeycodeWithModifiers " } , // InputEventKey
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
{ " GetShaderParam " , " GetShaderParameter " } , // ShaderMaterial
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " GetShift " , " IsShiftPressed " } , // InputEventWithModifiers
{ " GetSizeOverride " , " GetSize2dOverride " } , // SubViewport
{ " GetSlipsOnSlope " , " GetSlideOnSlope " } , // SeparationRayShape2D, SeparationRayShape3D
{ " GetSpaceOverrideMode " , " GetGravitySpaceOverrideMode " } , // Area2D
{ " GetSpatialNode " , " GetNode3d " } , // EditorNode3DGizmo
{ " GetSpeed " , " GetVelocity " } , // InputEventMouseMotion
{ " GetStyleboxTypes " , " GetStyleboxTypeList " } , // Theme
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " GetSurfaceMaterial " , " GetSurfaceOverrideMaterial " } , // MeshInstance3D -- Breaks ImporterMesh.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " GetSurfaceMaterialCount " , " GetSurfaceOverrideMaterialCount " } , // MeshInstance3D
{ " GetTabDisabled " , " IsTabDisabled " } , // Tab
{ " GetTabHidden " , " IsTabHidden " } , // Tab
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " GetTargetLocation " , " GetTargetPosition " } , // NavigationAgent2D, NavigationAgent3D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " GetTextAlign " , " GetTextAlignment " } , // Button
{ " GetThemeItemTypes " , " GetThemeItemTypeList " } , // Theme
{ " GetTimerProcessMode " , " GetTimerProcessCallback " } , // Timer
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " GetTranslation " , " GetPosition " } , // Node3D -- Breaks GLTFNode, but it is used rarely.
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
{ " GetUniformName " , " GetParameterName " } , // ParameterRef
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " GetUnitDb " , " GetVolumeDb " } , // AudioStreamPlayer3D
{ " GetUnitOffset " , " GetProgressRatio " } , // PathFollow2D, PathFollow3D
{ " GetUseInBakedLight " , " IsBakingNavigation " } , // GridMap
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " GetVertsPerPoly " , " GetVerticesPerPolygon " } , // NavigationMesh
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " GetVScrollbar " , " GetVScrollBar " } , // ScrollContainer
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " GetVisibleName " , " _GetVisibleName " } , // EditorImportPlugin
{ " GetWindowLayout " , " _GetWindowLayout " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " GetWordUnderCursor " , " GetWordUnderCaret " } , // TextEdit
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " GetWorld " , " GetWorld3d " } , // Viewport, Node3D
{ " GetZfar " , " GetFar " } , // Camera3D -- Breaks GLTFCamera
{ " GetZnear " , " GetNear " } , // Camera3D -- Breaks GLTFCamera
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " GrooveJointCreate " , " JointMakeGroove " } , // PhysicsServer2D
{ " HandleMenuSelected " , " _HandleMenuSelected " } , // EditorResourcePicker
{ " HandlesType " , " _HandlesType " } , // ResourceFormatLoader
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " HasColor " , " HasThemeColor " } , // Control -- Breaks Theme
{ " HasColorOverride " , " HasThemeColorOverride " } , // Control -- Breaks Theme
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " HasConstant " , " HasThemeConstant " } , // Control
{ " HasConstantOverride " , " HasThemeConstantOverride " } , // Control
{ " HasFilter " , " _HasFilter " } , // AnimationNode
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " HasFont " , " HasThemeFont " } , // Control -- Breaks Theme
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " HasFontOverride " , " HasThemeFontOverride " } , // Control
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " HasIcon " , " HasThemeIcon " } , // Control -- Breaks Theme
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " HasIconOverride " , " HasThemeIconOverride " } , // Control
{ " HasMainScreen " , " _HasMainScreen " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " HasNetworkPeer " , " HasMultiplayerPeer " } , // Multiplayer API
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " HasStylebox " , " HasThemeStylebox " } , // Control -- Breaks Theme
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " HasStyleboxOverride " , " HasThemeStyleboxOverride " } , // Control
{ " HttpEscape " , " UriEncode " } , // String
{ " HttpUnescape " , " UriDecode " } , // String
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " ImportAnimationFromOtherImporter " , " _ImportAnimation " } , // EditorSceneFormatImporter
{ " ImportSceneFromOtherImporter " , " _ImportScene " } , // EditorSceneFormatImporter
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " InstanceSetSurfaceMaterial " , " InstanceSetSurfaceOverrideMaterial " } , // RenderingServer
{ " IntersectPolygons2d " , " IntersectPolygons " } , // Geometry2D
{ " IntersectPolylineWithPolygon2d " , " IntersectPolylineWithPolygon " } , // Geometry2D
{ " IsAParentOf " , " IsAncestorOf " } , // Node
{ " IsCommitingAction " , " IsCommittingAction " } , // UndoRedo
{ " IsDoubleclick " , " IsDoubleClick " } , // InputEventMouseButton
{ " IsFollowSmoothingEnabled " , " IsPositionSmoothingEnabled " } , // Camera2D
{ " IsHDragEnabled " , " IsDragHorizontalEnabled " } , // Camera2D
{ " IsHandleHighlighted " , " _IsHandleHighlighted " } , // EditorNode3DGizmo, EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin
{ " IsNetworkMaster " , " IsMultiplayerAuthority " } , // Node
{ " IsNetworkServer " , " IsServer " } , // Multiplayer API
{ " IsNormalmap " , " IsNormalMap " } , // NoiseTexture
{ " IsRefusingNewNetworkConnections " , " IsRefusingNewConnections " } , // Multiplayer API
{ " IsRegion " , " IsRegionEnabled " } , // Sprite2D
{ " IsRotating " , " IsIgnoringRotation " } , // Camera2D
{ " IsScancodeUnicode " , " IsKeycodeUnicode " } , // OS
{ " IsSelectableWhenHidden " , " _IsSelectableWhenHidden " } , // EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin
{ " IsSetAsToplevel " , " IsSetAsTopLevel " } , // CanvasItem
{ " IsShortcut " , " MatchesEvent " } , // Shortcut
{ " IsSizeOverrideStretchEnabled " , " IsSize2dOverrideStretchEnabled " } , // SubViewport
{ " IsSortEnabled " , " IsYSortEnabled " } , // Node2D
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " IsStaticBody " , " IsAbleToSleep " } , // PhysicalBone3D -- Not sure.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " IsVDragEnabled " , " IsDragVerticalEnabled " } , // Camera2D
{ " JointCreateConeTwist " , " JointMakeConeTwist " } , // PhysicsServer3D
{ " JointCreateGeneric6dof " , " JointMakeGeneric6dof " } , // PhysicsServer3D
{ " JointCreateHinge " , " JointMakeHinge " } , // PhysicsServer3D
{ " JointCreatePin " , " JointMakePin " } , // PhysicsServer3D
{ " JointCreateSlider " , " JointMakeSlider " } , // PhysicsServer3D
{ " LineIntersectsLine2d " , " LineIntersectsLine " } , // Geometry2D
{ " LoadFromGlobals " , " LoadFromProjectSettings " } , // InputMap
{ " MakeConvexFromBrothers " , " MakeConvexFromSiblings " } , // CollisionShape3D
{ " MergePolygons2d " , " MergePolygons " } , // Geometry2D
{ " MeshSurfaceGetFormat " , " MeshSurfaceGetFormatAttributeStride " } , // RenderingServer
{ " MeshSurfaceUpdateRegion " , " MeshSurfaceUpdateAttributeRegion " } , // RenderingServer
{ " MoveToBottom " , " MoveAfter " } , // Skeleton3D
{ " MoveToTop " , " MoveBefore " } , // Skeleton3D
{ " MultimeshAllocate " , " MultimeshAllocateData " } , // RenderingServer
{ " NormalmapToXy " , " NormalMapToXy " } , // Image
{ " OffsetPolygon2d " , " OffsetPolygon " } , // Geometry2D
{ " OffsetPolyline2d " , " OffsetPolyline " } , // Geometry2D
{ " PercentDecode " , " UriDecode " } , // String
{ " PercentEncode " , " UriEncode " } , // String
{ " PinJointCreate " , " JointMakePin " } , // PhysicsServer2D
{ " PopupCenteredMinsize " , " PopupCenteredClamped " } , // Window
{ " PostImport " , " _PostImport " } , // EditorScenePostImport
{ " PrintStrayNodes " , " PrintOrphanNodes " } , // Node
{ " PropertyListChangedNotify " , " NotifyPropertyListChanged " } , // Object
{ " Recognize " , " _Recognize " } , // ResourceFormatLoader
{ " RegenNormalmaps " , " RegenNormalMaps " } , // ArrayMesh
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " RegionBakeNavmesh " , " region_bake_navigation_mesh " } , // Navigation3DServer
{ " RegionSetNavmesh " , " RegionSetNavigationMesh " } , // Navigation3DServer
{ " RegionSetNavpoly " , " RegionSetNavigationPolygon " } , // Navigation2DServer
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " RemoveAnimation " , " RemoveAnimationLibrary " } , // AnimationPlayer
{ " RemoveColorOverride " , " RemoveThemeColorOverride " } , // Control
{ " RemoveConstantOverride " , " RemoveThemeConstantOverride " } , // Control
{ " RemoveFontOverride " , " RemoveThemeFontOverride " } , // Control
{ " RemoveSceneImportPlugin " , " RemoveSceneFormatImporterPlugin " } , //EditorPlugin
{ " RemoveSpatialGizmoPlugin " , " RemoveNode3dGizmoPlugin " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " RemoveStyleboxOverride " , " RemoveThemeStyleboxOverride " } , // Control
{ " RenameAnimation " , " RenameAnimationLibrary " } , // AnimationPlayer
{ " RenameDependencies " , " _RenameDependencies " } , // ResourceFormatLoader
{ " SaveExternalData " , " _SaveExternalData " } , // EditorPlugin
{ " SegmentIntersectsSegment2d " , " SegmentIntersectsSegment " } , // Geometry2D
{ " SetAdjustmentEnable " , " SetAdjustmentEnabled " } , // Environment
{ " SetAlt " , " SetAltPressed " } , // InputEventWithModifiers
{ " SetAnchorAndMargin " , " SetAnchorAndOffset " } , // Control
{ " SetAnchorsAndMarginsPreset " , " SetAnchorsAndOffsetsPreset " } , // Control
{ " SetAnimationProcessMode " , " SetProcessCallback " } , // AnimationPlayer
{ " SetAsBulkArray " , " SetBuffer " } , // MultiMesh
{ " SetAsNormalmap " , " SetAsNormalMap " } , // NoiseTexture
{ " SetAsToplevel " , " SetAsTopLevel " } , // CanvasItem
{ " SetAudioBus " , " SetAudioBusName " } , // Area3D
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " SetAutowrap " , " SetAutowrapMode " } , // Label -- Breaks AcceptDialog.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " SetCastTo " , " SetTargetPosition " } , // RayCast2D, RayCast3D
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " SetCollisionLayerBit " , " SetCollisionLayerValue " } , // CSGShape3D, and a lot of others like GridMap.
{ " SetCollisionMaskBit " , " SetCollisionMaskValue " } , // CSGShape3D, and a lot of others like GridMap.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " SetColumnMinWidth " , " SetColumnCustomMinimumWidth " } , // Tree
{ " SetCommand " , " SetCommandPressed " } , // InputEventWithModifiers
{ " SetControl " , " SetCtrlPressed " } , // InputEventWithModifiers
{ " SetCreateOptions " , " _SetCreateOptions " } , // EditorResourcePicker
{ " SetCullMaskBit " , " SetCullMaskValue " } , // Camera3D
{ " SetCursorPosition " , " SetCaretColumn " } , // LineEdit
{ " SetD " , " SetDistance " } , // WorldMarginShape2D
2023-02-18 00:58:07 +08:00
{ " SetDefaultLength " , " SetLength " } , // Bone2D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " SetDepthBiasEnable " , " SetDepthBiasEnabled " } , // RDPipelineRasterizationState
{ " SetDevice " , " SetOutputDevice " } , // AudioServer
{ " SetDoubleclick " , " SetDoubleClick " } , // InputEventMouseButton
2023-03-03 03:53:25 +08:00
{ " SetEnableFollowSmoothing " , " SetPositionSmoothingEnabled " } , // Camera2D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " SetEnabledFocusMode " , " SetFocusMode " } , // BaseButton
{ " SetEndianSwap " , " SetBigEndian " } , // File
{ " SetExpandToTextLength " , " SetExpandToTextLengthEnabled " } , // LineEdit
{ " SetFocusNeighbour " , " SetFocusNeighbor " } , // Control
2023-03-03 03:53:25 +08:00
{ " SetFollowSmoothing " , " SetPositionSmoothingSpeed " } , // Camera2D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " SetFrameColor " , " SetColor " } , // ColorRect
{ " SetGlobalRateScale " , " SetPlaybackSpeedScale " } , // AudioServer
{ " SetGravityDistanceScale " , " SetGravityPointDistanceScale " } , // Area2D
{ " SetGravityVector " , " SetGravityDirection " } , // Area2D
{ " SetHDragEnabled " , " SetDragHorizontalEnabled " } , // Camera2D
{ " SetIconAlign " , " SetIconAlignment " } , // Button
{ " SetInteriorAmbient " , " SetAmbientColor " } , // ReflectionProbe
{ " SetInteriorAmbientEnergy " , " SetAmbientColorEnergy " } , // ReflectionProbe
{ " SetIsInitialized " , " _IsInitialized " } , // XRInterface
{ " SetIsPrimary " , " SetPrimary " } , // XRInterface
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " SetItemNavmesh " , " SetItemNavigationMesh " } , // MeshLibrary
{ " SetItemNavmeshTransform " , " SetItemNavigationMeshTransform " } , // MeshLibrary
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " SetIterationsPerSecond " , " SetPhysicsTicksPerSecond " } , // Engine
{ " SetLayerMaskBit " , " SetLayerMaskValue " } , // VisualInstance3D
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " SetMarginsPreset " , " SetOffsetsPreset " } , // Control
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " SetMaxAtlasSize " , " SetMaxTextureSize " } , // LightmapGI
{ " SetMetakey " , " SetMetaPressed " } , // InputEventWithModifiers
{ " SetMidHeight " , " SetHeight " } , // CapsuleMesh
{ " SetNeighborDist " , " SetNeighborDistance " } , // NavigationAgent2D, NavigationAgent3D
{ " SetNetworkMaster " , " SetMultiplayerAuthority " } , // Node
{ " SetNetworkPeer " , " SetMultiplayerPeer " } , // Multiplayer API
{ " SetOneshot " , " SetOneShot " } , // AnimatedTexture
{ " SetPhysicalScancode " , " SetPhysicalKeycode " } , // InputEventKey
{ " SetProximityFade " , " SetProximityFadeEnabled " } , // Material
{ " SetRefuseNewNetworkConnections " , " SetRefuseNewConnections " } , // Multiplayer API
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " SetRegion " , " SetRegionEnabled " } , // Sprite2D -- Sprite breaks AtlasTexture.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " SetRegionFilterClip " , " SetRegionFilterClipEnabled " } , // Sprite2D
{ " SetReverbBus " , " SetReverbBusName " } , // Area3D
{ " SetRotate " , " SetRotates " } , // PathFollow2D
{ " SetScancode " , " SetKeycode " } , // InputEventKey
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
{ " SetShaderParam " , " SetShaderParameter " } , // ShaderMaterial
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " SetShift " , " SetShiftPressed " } , // InputEventWithModifiers
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " SetSizeOverride " , " SetSize2dOverride " } , // SubViewport -- Breaks ImageTexture.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " SetSizeOverrideStretch " , " SetSize2dOverrideStretch " } , // SubViewport
{ " SetSlipsOnSlope " , " SetSlideOnSlope " } , // SeparationRayShape2D, SeparationRayShape3D
{ " SetSortEnabled " , " SetYSortEnabled " } , // Node2D
{ " SetSpaceOverrideMode " , " SetGravitySpaceOverrideMode " } , // Area2D
{ " SetSpatialNode " , " SetNode3d " } , // EditorNode3DGizmo
{ " SetSpeed " , " SetVelocity " } , // InputEventMouseMotion
{ " SetSsaoEdgeSharpness " , " SetSsaoSharpness " } , // Environment
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " SetSurfaceMaterial " , " SetSurfaceOverrideMaterial " } , // MeshInstance3D -- Breaks ImporterMesh.
{ " SetTabAlign " , " SetTabAlignment " } , // TabContainer
{ " SetTangent " , " SurfaceSetTangent " } , // ImmediateGeometry -- Breaks SurfaceTool.
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " SetTargetLocation " , " SetTargetPosition " } , // NavigationAgent2D, NavigationAgent3D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " SetTextAlign " , " SetTextAlignment " } , // Button
{ " SetTimerProcessMode " , " SetTimerProcessCallback " } , // Timer
{ " SetTonemapAutoExposure " , " SetTonemapAutoExposureEnabled " } , // Environment
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " SetTranslation " , " SetPosition " } , // Node3D -- This breaks GLTFNode, but it is used rarely.
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
{ " SetUniformName " , " SetParameterName " } , // ParameterRef
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " SetUnitDb " , " SetVolumeDb " } , // AudioStreamPlayer3D
{ " SetUnitOffset " , " SetProgressRatio " } , // PathFollow2D, PathFollow3D
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " SetUv2 " , " SurfaceSetUv2 " } , // ImmediateMesh -- Breaks SurfaceTool.
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " SetVertsPerPoly " , " SetVerticesPerPolygon " } , // NavigationMesh
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " SetVDragEnabled " , " SetDragVerticalEnabled " } , // Camera2D
{ " SetValign " , " SetVerticalAlignment " } , // Label
{ " SetWindowLayout " , " _SetWindowLayout " } , // EditorPlugin
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " SetZfar " , " SetFar " } , // Camera3D -- Breaks GLTFCamera.
{ " SetZnear " , " SetNear " } , // Camera3D -- Breaks GLTFCamera.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " ShortcutMatch " , " IsMatch " } , // InputEvent
{ " SkeletonAllocate " , " SkeletonAllocateData " } , // RenderingServer
{ " SurfaceUpdateRegion " , " SurfaceUpdateAttributeRegion " } , // ArrayMesh
{ " TrackRemoveKeyAtPosition " , " TrackRemoveKeyAtTime " } , // Animation
{ " TriangulateDelaunay2d " , " TriangulateDelaunay " } , // Geometry2D
{ " UnbindChildNodeFromBone " , " RemoveBoneChild " } , // Skeleton3D
{ " Unselect " , " Deselect " } , // ItemList
{ " UnselectAll " , " DeselectAll " } , // ItemList
{ " UpdateConfigurationWarning " , " UpdateConfigurationWarnings " } , // Node
{ " UpdateGizmo " , " UpdateGizmos " } , // Node3D
{ " ViewportSetUseArvr " , " ViewportSetUseXr " } , // RenderingServer
{ " WarpMousePosition " , " WarpMouse " } , // Input
{ " WorldToMap " , " LocalToMap " } , // TileMap, GridMap
// Builtin types
2023-02-26 19:09:30 +08:00
{ " Clamped " , " LimitLength " } , // Vector2
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " GetRotationQuat " , " GetRotationQuaternion " } , // Basis
{ " GrowMargin " , " GrowSide " } , // Rect2
{ " IsAbsPath " , " IsAbsolutePath " } , // String
{ " IsValidInteger " , " IsValidInt " } , // String
{ " LinearInterpolate " , " Lerp " } , // Color
{ " ToAscii " , " ToAsciiBuffer " } , // String
{ " ToUtf8 " , " ToUtf8Buffer " } , // String
// @GlobalScope
{ " Bytes2Var " , " BytesToVar " } ,
{ " Bytes2VarWithObjects " , " BytesToVarWithObjects " } ,
{ " Db2Linear " , " DbToLinear " } ,
{ " Deg2Rad " , " DegToRad " } ,
{ " Linear2Db " , " LinearToDb " } ,
{ " Rad2Deg " , " RadToDeg " } ,
{ " RandRange " , " RandfRange " } ,
{ " RangeLerp " , " Remap " } ,
{ " Stepify " , " Snapped " } ,
{ " Str2Var " , " StrToVar " } ,
{ " Var2Str " , " VarToStr " } ,
{ " Var2Bytes " , " VarToBytes " } ,
{ " Var2BytesWithObjects " , " VarToBytesWithObjects " } ,
// @GDScript
{ " Dict2Inst " , " DictToInst " } ,
{ " Inst2Dict " , " InstToDict " } ,
{ nullptr , nullptr } ,
} ;
const char * RenamesMap3To4 : : gdscript_properties_renames [ ] [ 2 ] = {
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
// NOTE: Commented out renames are disabled because deemed not suitable for
// the current way the regex-based converter works.
// When uncommenting any of those as suitable for conversion, please move it
// to the block with other enabled conversions, ordered alphabetically, and
// make sure to add it to the C# rename map too.
// Too common words, users may use these names for variables or in comments.
// { "bg", "panel" }, // Theme
// { "alt", "alt_pressed" }, // InputEventWithModifiers
// { "command", "command_pressed" }, // InputEventWithModifiers
// { "control", "ctrl_pressed" }, // InputEventWithModifiers
// { "d", "distance" }, // WorldMarginShape2D
// { "device", "output_device" }, // AudioServer
// { "doubleclick", "double_click" }, // InputEventMouseButton
// { "filename", "scene_file_path" }, // Node
// { "group", "button_group" }, // BaseButton
// { "meta", "meta_pressed" }, // InputEventWithModifiers
// { "rotate", "rotates" }, // PathFollow2D
// { "off", "unchecked" }, // Theme
// { "ofs", "offset" }, // Theme
// { "offset", "progress" }, // PathFollow2D, PathFollow3D
// { "on", "checked" }, // Theme
// { "shift", "shift_pressed" }, // InputEventWithModifiers
// { "window_title", "title" }, // Window
// { "zfar", "far" }, // Camera3D
// { "znear", "near" }, // Camera3D
// Would need bespoke solution.
// { "autowrap", "autowrap_mode" }, // Label -- Changed from bool to enum.
2023-10-04 06:01:09 +08:00
// { "extents", "size" }, // BoxShape3D, LightmapGI, ReflectionProbe
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
// { "frames", "sprite_frames" }, // AnimatedSprite2D, AnimatedSprite3D -- GH-73696
// { "percent_visible, "show_percentage }, // ProgressBar -- Breaks Label and RichTextLabel.
// { "pressed", "button_pressed" }, // BaseButton -- Would also rename the signal.
// { "process_mode", "process_callback" }, // AnimationTree, Camera2D -- conflicts with Node.
// { "wrap_enabled", "wrap_mode" }, // TextEdit -- Changed from bool to enum.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " as_normalmap " , " as_normal_map " } , // NoiseTexture
{ " bbcode_text " , " text " } , // RichTextLabel
{ " bg_focus " , " focus " } , // Theme
{ " capture_device " , " input_device " } , // AudioServer
{ " caret_blink_speed " , " caret_blink_interval " } , // TextEdit, LineEdit
{ " caret_moving_by_right_click " , " caret_move_on_right_click " } , // TextEdit
{ " caret_position " , " caret_column " } , // LineEdit
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
{ " cast_to " , " target_position " } , // RayCast2D, RayCast3D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " check_vadjust " , " check_v_offset " } , // Theme
{ " close_h_ofs " , " close_h_offset " } , // Theme
{ " close_v_ofs " , " close_v_offset " } , // Theme
{ " commentfocus " , " comment_focus " } , // Theme
{ " contacts_reported " , " max_contacts_reported " } , // RigidBody
{ " depth_bias_enable " , " depth_bias_enabled " } , // RDPipelineRasterizationState
{ " drag_margin_bottom " , " drag_bottom_margin " } , // Camera2D
{ " drag_margin_h_enabled " , " drag_horizontal_enabled " } , // Camera2D
{ " drag_margin_left " , " drag_left_margin " } , // Camera2D
{ " drag_margin_right " , " drag_right_margin " } , // Camera2D
{ " drag_margin_top " , " drag_top_margin " } , // Camera2D
{ " drag_margin_v_enabled " , " drag_vertical_enabled " } , // Camera2D
{ " enabled_focus_mode " , " focus_mode " } , // BaseButton - Removed
{ " extra_spacing_bottom " , " spacing_bottom " } , // Font
{ " extra_spacing_top " , " spacing_top " } , // Font
{ " focus_neighbour_bottom " , " focus_neighbor_bottom " } , // Control
{ " focus_neighbour_left " , " focus_neighbor_left " } , // Control
{ " focus_neighbour_right " , " focus_neighbor_right " } , // Control
{ " focus_neighbour_top " , " focus_neighbor_top " } , // Control
{ " follow_viewport_enable " , " follow_viewport_enabled " } , // CanvasItem
{ " file_icon_modulate " , " file_icon_color " } , // Theme
{ " files_disabled " , " file_disabled_color " } , // Theme
{ " folder_icon_modulate " , " folder_icon_color " } , // Theme
{ " global_rate_scale " , " playback_speed_scale " } , // AudioServer
2023-03-07 07:16:35 +08:00
{ " global_translation " , " global_position " } , // Node3D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " gravity_distance_scale " , " gravity_point_unit_distance " } , // Area(2D/3D)
{ " gravity_vec " , " gravity_direction " } , // Area(2D/3D)
{ " hint_tooltip " , " tooltip_text " } , // Control
{ " hseparation " , " h_separation " } , // Theme
{ " icon_align " , " icon_alignment " } , // Button
{ " iterations_per_second " , " physics_ticks_per_second " } , // Engine
{ " invert_enable " , " invert_enabled " } , // Polygon2D
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " margin_bottom " , " offset_bottom " } , // Control -- Breaks NinePatchRect, StyleBox.
{ " margin_left " , " offset_left " } , // Control -- Breaks NinePatchRect, StyleBox.
{ " margin_right " , " offset_right " } , // Control -- Breaks NinePatchRect, StyleBox.
{ " margin_top " , " offset_top " } , // Control -- Breaks NinePatchRect, StyleBox.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " mid_height " , " height " } , // CapsuleMesh
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " navpoly " , " navigation_polygon " } , // NavigationRegion2D
{ " navmesh " , " navigation_mesh " } , // NavigationRegion3D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " neighbor_dist " , " neighbor_distance " } , // NavigationAgent2D, NavigationAgent3D
2023-03-07 05:18:43 +08:00
{ " octaves " , " fractal_octaves " } , // OpenSimplexNoise -> FastNoiseLite
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " offset_h " , " drag_horizontal_offset " } , // Camera2D
{ " offset_v " , " drag_vertical_offset " } , // Camera2D
{ " off_disabled " , " unchecked_disabled " } , // Theme
{ " on_disabled " , " checked_disabled " } , // Theme
{ " oneshot " , " one_shot " } , // AnimatedTexture
{ " out_of_range_mode " , " max_polyphony " } , // AudioStreamPlayer3D
{ " pause_mode " , " process_mode " } , // Node
{ " physical_scancode " , " physical_keycode " } , // InputEventKey
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " polygon_verts_per_poly " , " polygon_vertices_per_polyon " } , // NavigationMesh
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " popup_exclusive " , " exclusive " } , // Window
{ " proximity_fade_enable " , " proximity_fade_enabled " } , // Material
{ " rect_position " , " position " } , // Control
{ " rect_global_position " , " global_position " } , // Control
{ " rect_size " , " size " } , // Control
{ " rect_min_size " , " custom_minimum_size " } , // Control
{ " rect_rotation " , " rotation " } , // Control
{ " rect_scale " , " scale " } , // Control
{ " rect_pivot_offset " , " pivot_offset " } , // Control
{ " rect_clip_content " , " clip_contents " } , // Control
{ " refuse_new_network_connections " , " refuse_new_connections " } , // MultiplayerAPI
{ " region_filter_clip " , " region_filter_clip_enabled " } , // Sprite2D
{ " reverb_bus_enable " , " reverb_bus_enabled " } , // Area3D
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
{ " scancode " , " keycode " } , // InputEventKey
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " selectedframe " , " selected_frame " } , // Theme
{ " size_override_stretch " , " size_2d_override_stretch " } , // SubViewport
{ " slips_on_slope " , " slide_on_slope " } , // SeparationRayShape2D
2023-03-03 03:53:25 +08:00
{ " smoothing_enabled " , " position_smoothing_enabled " } , // Camera2D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " smoothing_speed " , " position_smoothing_speed " } , // Camera2D
{ " ss_reflections_depth_tolerance " , " ssr_depth_tolerance " } , // Environment
{ " ss_reflections_enabled " , " ssr_enabled " } , // Environment
{ " ss_reflections_fade_in " , " ssr_fade_in " } , // Environment
{ " ss_reflections_fade_out " , " ssr_fade_out " } , // Environment
{ " ss_reflections_max_steps " , " ssr_max_steps " } , // Environment
{ " state_machine_selectedframe " , " state_machine_selected_frame " } , // Theme
{ " syntax_highlighting " , " syntax_highlighter " } , // TextEdit
{ " tab_align " , " tab_alignment " } , // TabContainer
{ " table_hseparation " , " table_h_separation " } , // Theme
{ " table_vseparation " , " table_v_separation " } , // Theme
2023-03-07 05:28:15 +08:00
{ " tangent " , " orthogonal " } , // Vector2
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " target_location " , " target_position " } , // NavigationAgent2D, NavigationAgent3D
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
{ " toplevel " , " top_level " } , // Node
{ " translation " , " position " } , // Node3D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " unit_db " , " volume_db " } , // AudioStreamPlayer3D
{ " unit_offset " , " progress_ratio " } , // PathFollow2D, PathFollow3D
{ " vseparation " , " v_separation " } , // Theme
{ nullptr , nullptr } ,
} ;
const char * RenamesMap3To4 : : csharp_properties_renames [ ] [ 2 ] = {
{ " AsNormalmap " , " AsNormalMap " } , // NoiseTexture
{ " BbcodeText " , " Text " } , // RichTextLabel
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
{ " BgFocus " , " Focus " } , // Theme
{ " CaptureDevice " , " InputDevice " } , // AudioServer
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " CaretBlinkSpeed " , " CaretBlinkInterval " } , // TextEdit, LineEdit
{ " CaretMovingByRightClick " , " CaretMoveOnRightClick " } , // TextEdit
{ " CaretPosition " , " CaretColumn " } , // LineEdit
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
{ " CastTo " , " TargetPosition " } , // RayCast2D, RayCast3D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " CheckVadjust " , " CheckVAdjust " } , // Theme
{ " CloseHOfs " , " CloseHOffset " } , // Theme
{ " CloseVOfs " , " CloseVOffset " } , // Theme
{ " Commentfocus " , " CommentFocus " } , // Theme
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
{ " ContactsReported " , " MaxContactsReported " } , // RigidBody
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " DepthBiasEnable " , " DepthBiasEnabled " } , // RDPipelineRasterizationState
{ " DragMarginBottom " , " DragBottomMargin " } , // Camera2D
{ " DragMarginHEnabled " , " DragHorizontalEnabled " } , // Camera2D
{ " DragMarginLeft " , " DragLeftMargin " } , // Camera2D
{ " DragMarginRight " , " DragRightMargin " } , // Camera2D
{ " DragMarginTop " , " DragTopMargin " } , // Camera2D
{ " DragMarginVEnabled " , " DragVerticalEnabled " } , // Camera2D
{ " EnabledFocusMode " , " FocusMode " } , // BaseButton - Removed
{ " ExtraSpacingBottom " , " SpacingBottom " } , // Font
{ " ExtraSpacingTop " , " SpacingTop " } , // Font
{ " FocusNeighbourBottom " , " FocusNeighborBottom " } , // Control
{ " FocusNeighbourLeft " , " FocusNeighborLeft " } , // Control
{ " FocusNeighbourRight " , " FocusNeighborRight " } , // Control
{ " FocusNeighbourTop " , " FocusNeighborTop " } , // Control
{ " FollowViewportEnable " , " FollowViewportEnabled " } , // CanvasItem
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
{ " FileIconModulate " , " FileIconColor " } , // Theme
{ " FilesDisabled " , " FileDisabledColor " } , // Theme
{ " FolderIconModulate " , " FolderIconColor " } , // Theme
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " GlobalRateScale " , " PlaybackSpeedScale " } , // AudioServer
{ " GravityDistanceScale " , " GravityPointDistanceScale " } , // Area2D
{ " GravityVec " , " GravityDirection " } , // Area2D
{ " HintTooltip " , " TooltipText " } , // Control
{ " Hseparation " , " HSeparation " } , // Theme
{ " IconAlign " , " IconAlignment " } , // Button
{ " IterationsPerSecond " , " PhysicsTicksPerSecond " } , // Engine
{ " InvertEnable " , " InvertEnabled " } , // Polygon2D
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " MarginBottom " , " OffsetBottom " } , // Control -- Breaks NinePatchRect, StyleBox.
{ " MarginLeft " , " OffsetLeft " } , // Control -- Breaks NinePatchRect, StyleBox.
{ " MarginRight " , " OffsetRight " } , // Control -- Breaks NinePatchRect, StyleBox.
{ " MarginTop " , " OffsetTop " } , // Control -- Breaks NinePatchRect, StyleBox.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " MidHeight " , " Height " } , // CapsuleMesh
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " Navpoly " , " NavigationPolygon " } , // NavigationRegion2D
{ " Navmesh " , " NavigationMesh " } , // NavigationRegion3D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " NeighborDist " , " NeighborDistance " } , // NavigationAgent2D, NavigationAgent3D
2023-03-07 05:18:43 +08:00
{ " Octaves " , " FractalOctaves " } , // OpenSimplexNoise -> FastNoiseLite
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " OffsetH " , " DragHorizontalOffset " } , // Camera2D
{ " OffsetV " , " DragVerticalOffset " } , // Camera2D
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
{ " OffDisabled " , " UncheckedDisabled " } , // Theme
{ " OnDisabled " , " CheckedDisabled " } , // Theme
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " Oneshot " , " OneShot " } , // AnimatedTexture
{ " OutOfRangeMode " , " MaxPolyphony " } , // AudioStreamPlayer3D
{ " PauseMode " , " ProcessMode " } , // Node
2023-03-07 05:28:15 +08:00
{ " Perpendicular " , " Orthogonal " } , // Vector2 - Only exists in C#
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " PhysicalScancode " , " PhysicalKeycode " } , // InputEventKey
{ " PopupExclusive " , " Exclusive " } , // Window
{ " ProximityFadeEnable " , " ProximityFadeEnabled " } , // Material
{ " RectPosition " , " Position " } , // Control
{ " RectGlobalPosition " , " GlobalPosition " } , // Control
{ " RectSize " , " Size " } , // Control
{ " RectMinSize " , " CustomMinimumSize " } , // Control
{ " RectRotation " , " Rotation " } , // Control
{ " RectScale " , " Scale " } , // Control
{ " RectPivotOffset " , " PivotOffset " } , // Control
{ " RectClipContent " , " ClipContents " } , // Control
{ " RefuseNewNetworkConnections " , " RefuseNewConnections " } , // MultiplayerAPI
{ " RegionFilterClip " , " RegionFilterClipEnabled " } , // Sprite2D
{ " ReverbBusEnable " , " ReverbBusEnabled " } , // Area3D
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
{ " Scancode " , " Keycode " } , // InputEventKey
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " Selectedframe " , " SelectedFrame " } , // Theme
{ " SizeOverrideStretch " , " Size2dOverrideStretch " } , // SubViewport
{ " SlipsOnSlope " , " SlideOnSlope " } , // SeparationRayShape2D
2023-03-03 03:53:25 +08:00
{ " SmoothingEnabled " , " PositionSmoothingEnabled " } , // Camera2D
{ " SmoothingSpeed " , " PositionSmoothingSpeed " } , // Camera2D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " SsReflectionsDepthTolerance " , " SsrDepthTolerance " } , // Environment
{ " SsReflectionsEnabled " , " SsrEnabled " } , // Environment
{ " SsReflectionsFadeIn " , " SsrFadeIn " } , // Environment
{ " SsReflectionsFadeOut " , " SsrFadeOut " } , // Environment
{ " SsReflectionsMaxSteps " , " SsrMaxSteps " } , // Environment
{ " StateMachineSelectedframe " , " StateMachineSelectedFrame " } , // Theme
{ " SyntaxHighlighting " , " SyntaxHighlighter " } , // TextEdit
{ " TabAlign " , " TabAlignment " } , // TabContainer
{ " TableHseparation " , " TableHSeparation " } , // Theme
{ " TableVseparation " , " TableVSeparation " } , // Theme
2023-03-07 05:28:15 +08:00
{ " Tangent " , " Orthogonal " } , // Vector2
2023-03-31 05:17:08 +08:00
{ " TargetLocation " , " TargetPosition " } , // NavigationAgent2D, NavigationAgent3D
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
{ " Toplevel " , " TopLevel " } , // Node
{ " Translation " , " Position " } , // Node3D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " UnitDb " , " VolumeDb " } , // AudioStreamPlayer3D
{ " UnitOffset " , " ProgressRatio " } , // PathFollow2D, PathFollow3D
{ " Vseparation " , " VSeparation " } , // Theme
{ nullptr , nullptr } ,
} ;
const char * RenamesMap3To4 : : gdscript_signals_renames [ ] [ 2 ] = {
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
// NOTE: Commented out renames are disabled because deemed not suitable for
// the current way the regex-based converter works.
// When uncommenting any of those as suitable for conversion, please move it
// to the block with other enabled conversions, ordered alphabetically, and
// make sure to add it to the C# rename map too.
// Too common words, users may use these names for variables or in comments.
// { "hide", "hidden" }, // CanvasItem
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
// { "changed", "settings_changed" }, // EditorSettings
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " about_to_show " , " about_to_popup " } , // Popup
{ " button_release " , " button_released " } , // XRController3D
{ " cancelled " , " canceled " } , // AcceptDialog
{ " item_double_clicked " , " item_icon_double_clicked " } , // Tree
{ " network_peer_connected " , " peer_connected " } , // MultiplayerAPI
{ " network_peer_disconnected " , " peer_disconnected " } , // MultiplayerAPI
{ " network_peer_packet " , " peer_packet " } , // MultiplayerAPI
{ " node_unselected " , " node_deselected " } , // GraphEdit
{ " offset_changed " , " position_offset_changed " } , // GraphNode
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " settings_changed " , " changed " } , // TileMap -- Breaks EditorSettings
{ " skeleton_updated " , " pose_updated " } , // Skeleton3D
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " tab_close " , " tab_closed " } , // TextEdit
{ " tab_hover " , " tab_hovered " } , // TextEdit
{ " text_entered " , " text_submitted " } , // LineEdit
{ nullptr , nullptr } ,
} ;
const char * RenamesMap3To4 : : csharp_signals_renames [ ] [ 2 ] = {
{ " AboutToShow " , " AboutToPopup " } , // Popup
{ " ButtonRelease " , " ButtonReleased " } , // XRController3D
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
{ " Cancelled " , " Canceled " } , // AcceptDialog
{ " ItemDoubleClicked " , " ItemIconDoubleClicked " } , // Tree
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " NetworkPeerConnected " , " PeerConnected " } , // MultiplayerAPI
{ " NetworkPeerDisconnected " , " PeerDisconnected " } , // MultiplayerAPI
{ " NetworkPeerPacket " , " PeerPacket " } , // MultiplayerAPI
{ " NodeUnselected " , " NodeDeselected " } , // GraphEdit
{ " OffsetChanged " , " PositionOffsetChanged " } , // GraphNode
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " SettingsChanged " , " Changed " } , // TileMap -- Breaks EditorSettings
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " SkeletonUpdated " , " PoseUpdated " } , //
{ " TabClose " , " TabClosed " } , // TextEdit
{ " TabHover " , " TabHovered " } , // TextEdit
{ " TextEntered " , " TextSubmitted " } , // LineEdit
{ nullptr , nullptr } ,
} ;
const char * RenamesMap3To4 : : project_settings_renames [ ] [ 2 ] = {
2023-02-27 20:34:35 +08:00
// Project setting paths in scripts include the category, but in project.godot,
// the category is the section delimiter, so we need to support the paths without it.
// The project.godot remaps are defined in the project_godot_renames, keep them in sync!
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " audio/channel_disable_threshold_db " , " audio/buses/channel_disable_threshold_db " } ,
{ " audio/channel_disable_time " , " audio/buses/channel_disable_time " } ,
{ " audio/default_bus_layout " , " audio/buses/default_bus_layout " } ,
{ " audio/driver " , " audio/driver/driver " } ,
{ " audio/enable_audio_input " , " audio/driver/enable_input " } ,
{ " audio/mix_rate " , " audio/driver/mix_rate " } ,
{ " audio/output_latency " , " audio/driver/output_latency " } ,
{ " audio/output_latency.web " , " audio/driver/output_latency.web " } ,
{ " audio/video_delay_compensation_ms " , " audio/video/video_delay_compensation_ms " } ,
2023-02-27 20:34:35 +08:00
{ " display/window/size/width " , " display/window/size/viewport_width " } ,
{ " display/window/size/height " , " display/window/size/viewport_height " } ,
{ " display/window/size/test_width " , " display/window/size/window_width_override " } ,
{ " display/window/size/test_height " , " display/window/size/window_height_override " } ,
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " display/window/vsync/use_vsync " , " display/window/vsync/vsync_mode " } ,
{ " editor/main_run_args " , " editor/run/main_run_args " } ,
{ " gui/common/swap_ok_cancel " , " gui/common/swap_cancel_ok " } ,
{ " network/limits/debugger_stdout/max_chars_per_second " , " network/limits/debugger/max_chars_per_second " } ,
{ " network/limits/debugger_stdout/max_errors_per_second " , " network/limits/debugger/max_errors_per_second " } ,
{ " network/limits/debugger_stdout/max_messages_per_frame " , " network/limits/debugger/max_queued_messages " } ,
{ " network/limits/debugger_stdout/max_warnings_per_second " , " network/limits/debugger/max_warnings_per_second " } ,
{ " network/ssl/certificates " , " network/tls/certificate_bundle_override " } ,
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " physics/2d/thread_model " , " physics/2d/run_on_thread " } , // TODO: Not sure.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " rendering/environment/default_clear_color " , " rendering/environment/defaults/default_clear_color " } ,
{ " rendering/environment/default_environment " , " rendering/environment/defaults/default_environment " } ,
{ " rendering/quality/depth_prepass/disable_for_vendors " , " rendering/driver/depth_prepass/disable_for_vendors " } ,
{ " rendering/quality/depth_prepass/enable " , " rendering/driver/depth_prepass/enable " } ,
{ " rendering/quality/shading/force_blinn_over_ggx " , " rendering/shading/overrides/force_blinn_over_ggx " } ,
{ " rendering/quality/shading/force_blinn_over_ggx.mobile " , " rendering/shading/overrides/force_blinn_over_ggx.mobile " } ,
{ " rendering/quality/shading/force_lambert_over_burley " , " rendering/shading/overrides/force_lambert_over_burley " } ,
{ " rendering/quality/shading/force_lambert_over_burley.mobile " , " rendering/shading/overrides/force_lambert_over_burley.mobile " } ,
{ " rendering/quality/shading/force_vertex_shading " , " rendering/shading/overrides/force_vertex_shading " } ,
{ " rendering/quality/shading/force_vertex_shading.mobile " , " rendering/shading/overrides/force_vertex_shading.mobile " } ,
{ " rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_0_subdiv " , " rendering/lights_and_shadows/shadow_atlas/quadrant_0_subdiv " } ,
{ " rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_1_subdiv " , " rendering/lights_and_shadows/shadow_atlas/quadrant_1_subdiv " } ,
{ " rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_2_subdiv " , " rendering/lights_and_shadows/shadow_atlas/quadrant_2_subdiv " } ,
{ " rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_3_subdiv " , " rendering/lights_and_shadows/shadow_atlas/quadrant_3_subdiv " } ,
{ " rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size " , " rendering/lights_and_shadows/shadow_atlas/size " } ,
{ " rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size.mobile " , " rendering/lights_and_shadows/shadow_atlas/size.mobile " } ,
{ " rendering/vram_compression/import_etc2 " , " rendering/textures/vram_compression/import_etc2_astc " } ,
{ " rendering/vram_compression/import_s3tc " , " rendering/textures/vram_compression/import_s3tc_bptc " } ,
2023-02-27 20:34:35 +08:00
{ nullptr , nullptr } ,
} ;
const char * RenamesMap3To4 : : project_godot_renames [ ] [ 2 ] = {
// Should be kept in sync with project_settings_renames.
{ " channel_disable_threshold_db " , " buses/channel_disable_threshold_db " } ,
{ " channel_disable_time " , " buses/channel_disable_time " } ,
{ " default_bus_layout " , " buses/default_bus_layout " } ,
// { "driver", "driver/driver" }, -- Risk of conflicts.
{ " enable_audio_input " , " driver/enable_input " } ,
// { "mix_rate", "driver/mix_rate" }, -- Risk of conflicts.
{ " output_latency " , " driver/output_latency " } ,
{ " output_latency.web " , " driver/output_latency.web " } ,
{ " video_delay_compensation_ms " , " video/video_delay_compensation_ms " } ,
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " window/size/width " , " window/size/viewport_width " } ,
{ " window/size/height " , " window/size/viewport_height " } ,
{ " window/size/test_width " , " window/size/window_width_override " } ,
{ " window/size/test_height " , " window/size/window_height_override " } ,
2023-02-27 20:34:35 +08:00
{ " window/vsync/use_vsync " , " window/vsync/vsync_mode " } ,
{ " main_run_args " , " run/main_run_args " } ,
{ " common/swap_ok_cancel " , " common/swap_cancel_ok " } ,
{ " limits/debugger_stdout/max_chars_per_second " , " limits/debugger/max_chars_per_second " } ,
{ " limits/debugger_stdout/max_errors_per_second " , " limits/debugger/max_errors_per_second " } ,
{ " limits/debugger_stdout/max_messages_per_frame " , " limits/debugger/max_queued_messages " } ,
{ " limits/debugger_stdout/max_warnings_per_second " , " limits/debugger/max_warnings_per_second " } ,
{ " ssl/certificates " , " tls/certificate_bundle_override " } ,
{ " 2d/thread_model " , " 2d/run_on_thread " } , // TODO: Not sure.
{ " environment/default_clear_color " , " environment/defaults/default_clear_color " } ,
{ " environment/default_environment " , " environment/defaults/default_environment " } ,
{ " quality/depth_prepass/disable_for_vendors " , " driver/depth_prepass/disable_for_vendors " } ,
{ " quality/depth_prepass/enable " , " driver/depth_prepass/enable " } ,
{ " quality/shading/force_blinn_over_ggx " , " shading/overrides/force_blinn_over_ggx " } ,
{ " quality/shading/force_blinn_over_ggx.mobile " , " shading/overrides/force_blinn_over_ggx.mobile " } ,
{ " quality/shading/force_lambert_over_burley " , " shading/overrides/force_lambert_over_burley " } ,
{ " quality/shading/force_lambert_over_burley.mobile " , " shading/overrides/force_lambert_over_burley.mobile " } ,
{ " quality/shading/force_vertex_shading " , " shading/overrides/force_vertex_shading " } ,
{ " quality/shading/force_vertex_shading.mobile " , " shading/overrides/force_vertex_shading.mobile " } ,
{ " quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_0_subdiv " , " lights_and_shadows/shadow_atlas/quadrant_0_subdiv " } ,
{ " quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_1_subdiv " , " lights_and_shadows/shadow_atlas/quadrant_1_subdiv " } ,
{ " quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_2_subdiv " , " lights_and_shadows/shadow_atlas/quadrant_2_subdiv " } ,
{ " quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_3_subdiv " , " lights_and_shadows/shadow_atlas/quadrant_3_subdiv " } ,
{ " quality/shadow_atlas/size " , " lights_and_shadows/shadow_atlas/size " } ,
{ " quality/shadow_atlas/size.mobile " , " lights_and_shadows/shadow_atlas/size.mobile " } ,
{ " vram_compression/import_etc2 " , " textures/vram_compression/import_etc2_astc " } ,
{ " vram_compression/import_s3tc " , " textures/vram_compression/import_s3tc_bptc " } ,
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ nullptr , nullptr } ,
} ;
const char * RenamesMap3To4 : : input_map_renames [ ] [ 2 ] = {
{ " , \" alt \" : " , " , \" alt_pressed \" : " } ,
{ " , \" shift \" : " , " , \" shift_pressed \" : " } ,
{ " , \" control \" : " , " , \" ctrl_pressed \" : " } ,
{ " , \" meta \" : " , " , \" meta_pressed \" : " } ,
{ " , \" scancode \" : " , " , \" keycode \" : " } ,
{ " , \" physical_scancode \" : " , " , \" physical_keycode \" : " } ,
{ " , \" doubleclick \" : " , " , \" double_click \" : " } ,
{ nullptr , nullptr } ,
} ;
const char * RenamesMap3To4 : : builtin_types_renames [ ] [ 2 ] = {
{ " PoolByteArray " , " PackedByteArray " } ,
{ " PoolColorArray " , " PackedColorArray " } ,
{ " PoolIntArray " , " PackedInt32Array " } ,
{ " PoolRealArray " , " PackedFloat32Array " } ,
{ " PoolStringArray " , " PackedStringArray " } ,
{ " PoolVector2Array " , " PackedVector2Array " } ,
{ " PoolVector3Array " , " PackedVector3Array " } ,
{ " Quat " , " Quaternion " } ,
{ " Transform " , " Transform3D " } ,
{ nullptr , nullptr } ,
} ;
const char * RenamesMap3To4 : : shaders_renames [ ] [ 2 ] = {
{ " NORMALMAP " , " NORMAL_MAP " } ,
2023-10-21 08:40:06 +08:00
{ " depth_draw_alpha_prepass " , " depth_prepass_alpha " } ,
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " hint_albedo " , " source_color " } ,
{ " hint_aniso " , " hint_anisotropy " } ,
{ " hint_black " , " hint_default_black " } ,
{ " hint_black_albedo " , " hint_default_black " } ,
{ " hint_color " , " source_color " } ,
{ " hint_white " , " hint_default_white " } ,
{ nullptr , nullptr } ,
} ;
const char * RenamesMap3To4 : : class_renames [ ] [ 2 ] = {
2023-02-27 19:12:13 +08:00
// { "Particles", "GPUParticles3D" }, // Common word, and incompatible class.
// { "World", "World3D" }, // Too common.
// Risky as fairly common words, but worth it given how ubiquitous they are.
{ " Area " , " Area3D " } ,
{ " Camera " , " Camera3D " } ,
{ " Path " , " Path3D " } ,
{ " Reference " , " RefCounted " } ,
{ " Shape " , " Shape3D " } ,
{ " Tabs " , " TabBar " } ,
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " ARVRAnchor " , " XRAnchor3D " } ,
{ " ARVRCamera " , " XRCamera3D " } ,
{ " ARVRController " , " XRController3D " } ,
{ " ARVRInterface " , " XRInterface " } ,
{ " ARVRInterfaceGDNative " , " Node3D " } ,
{ " ARVROrigin " , " XROrigin3D " } ,
{ " ARVRPositionalTracker " , " XRPositionalTracker " } ,
{ " ARVRServer " , " XRServer " } ,
{ " AStar " , " AStar3D " } ,
{ " AnimatedSprite " , " AnimatedSprite2D " } ,
{ " AudioStreamOGGVorbis " , " AudioStreamOggVorbis " } ,
{ " AudioStreamRandomPitch " , " AudioStreamRandomizer " } ,
{ " AudioStreamSample " , " AudioStreamWAV " } ,
{ " BakedLightmap " , " LightmapGI " } ,
{ " BakedLightmapData " , " LightmapGIData " } ,
{ " BitmapFont " , " FontFile " } ,
{ " BoneAttachment " , " BoneAttachment3D " } ,
{ " BoxShape " , " BoxShape3D " } ,
{ " CPUParticles " , " CPUParticles3D " } ,
{ " CSGBox " , " CSGBox3D " } ,
{ " CSGCombiner " , " CSGCombiner3D " } ,
{ " CSGCylinder " , " CSGCylinder3D " } ,
{ " CSGMesh " , " CSGMesh3D " } ,
{ " CSGPolygon " , " CSGPolygon3D " } ,
{ " CSGPrimitive " , " CSGPrimitive3D " } ,
{ " CSGShape " , " CSGShape3D " } ,
{ " CSGSphere " , " CSGSphere3D " } ,
{ " CSGTorus " , " CSGTorus3D " } ,
{ " CapsuleShape " , " CapsuleShape3D " } ,
{ " ClippedCamera " , " Camera3D " } ,
{ " CollisionObject " , " CollisionObject3D " } ,
{ " CollisionPolygon " , " CollisionPolygon3D " } ,
{ " CollisionShape " , " CollisionShape3D " } ,
{ " ConcavePolygonShape " , " ConcavePolygonShape3D " } ,
{ " ConeTwistJoint " , " ConeTwistJoint3D " } ,
{ " ConvexPolygonShape " , " ConvexPolygonShape3D " } ,
{ " CubeMap " , " Cubemap " } ,
{ " CubeMesh " , " BoxMesh " } ,
{ " CylinderShape " , " CylinderShape3D " } ,
{ " DirectionalLight " , " DirectionalLight3D " } ,
2023-03-07 07:16:35 +08:00
{ " Directory " , " DirAccess " } ,
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " DynamicFont " , " FontFile " } ,
{ " DynamicFontData " , " FontFile " } ,
{ " EditorNavigationMeshGenerator " , " NavigationMeshGenerator " } ,
{ " EditorSceneImporter " , " EditorSceneFormatImporter " } ,
{ " EditorSceneImporterFBX " , " EditorSceneFormatImporterFBX " } ,
{ " EditorSceneImporterGLTF " , " EditorSceneFormatImporterGLTF " } ,
{ " EditorSpatialGizmo " , " EditorNode3DGizmo " } ,
{ " EditorSpatialGizmoPlugin " , " EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin " } ,
{ " ExternalTexture " , " ImageTexture " } ,
{ " GIProbe " , " VoxelGI " } ,
{ " GIProbeData " , " VoxelGIData " } ,
{ " Generic6DOFJoint " , " Generic6DOFJoint3D " } ,
{ " GeometryInstance " , " GeometryInstance3D " } ,
{ " GradientTexture " , " GradientTexture2D " } ,
{ " HeightMapShape " , " HeightMapShape3D " } ,
{ " HingeJoint " , " HingeJoint3D " } ,
{ " IP_Unix " , " IPUnix " } ,
{ " ImmediateGeometry " , " ImmediateMesh " } ,
{ " ImmediateGeometry3D " , " ImmediateMesh " } ,
{ " InterpolatedCamera " , " Camera3D " } ,
{ " InterpolatedCamera3D " , " Camera3D " } ,
{ " JSONParseResult " , " JSON " } ,
{ " Joint " , " Joint3D " } ,
{ " KinematicBody " , " CharacterBody3D " } ,
{ " KinematicBody2D " , " CharacterBody2D " } ,
{ " KinematicCollision " , " KinematicCollision3D " } ,
{ " LargeTexture " , " ImageTexture " } ,
{ " Light " , " Light3D " } ,
{ " Light2D " , " PointLight2D " } ,
{ " LineShape2D " , " WorldBoundaryShape2D " } ,
{ " Listener " , " AudioListener3D " } ,
{ " Listener2D " , " AudioListener2D " } ,
{ " MeshInstance " , " MeshInstance3D " } ,
{ " MultiMeshInstance " , " MultiMeshInstance3D " } ,
{ " MultiplayerPeerGDNative " , " MultiplayerPeerExtension " } ,
{ " Navigation2DServer " , " NavigationServer2D " } ,
{ " NavigationAgent " , " NavigationAgent3D " } ,
{ " NavigationMeshInstance " , " NavigationRegion3D " } ,
{ " NavigationObstacle " , " NavigationObstacle3D " } ,
{ " NavigationPolygonInstance " , " NavigationRegion2D " } ,
{ " NavigationRegion " , " NavigationRegion3D " } ,
{ " NavigationServer " , " NavigationServer3D " } ,
2023-03-07 07:16:35 +08:00
{ " NetworkedMultiplayerCustom " , " MultiplayerPeerExtension " } ,
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " NetworkedMultiplayerENet " , " ENetMultiplayerPeer " } ,
{ " NetworkedMultiplayerPeer " , " MultiplayerPeer " } ,
{ " Occluder " , " OccluderInstance3D " } ,
{ " OmniLight " , " OmniLight3D " } ,
2023-03-07 05:18:43 +08:00
{ " OpenSimplexNoise " , " FastNoiseLite " } ,
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " PHashTranslation " , " OptimizedTranslation " } ,
{ " PacketPeerGDNative " , " PacketPeerExtension " } ,
{ " PanoramaSky " , " Sky " } ,
{ " Particles2D " , " GPUParticles2D " } ,
{ " ParticlesMaterial " , " ParticleProcessMaterial " } ,
{ " PathFollow " , " PathFollow3D " } ,
{ " PhysicalBone " , " PhysicalBone3D " } ,
{ " Physics2DDirectBodyState " , " PhysicsDirectBodyState2D " } ,
{ " Physics2DDirectSpaceState " , " PhysicsDirectSpaceState2D " } ,
{ " Physics2DServer " , " PhysicsServer2D " } ,
{ " Physics2DServerSW " , " GodotPhysicsServer2D " } ,
{ " Physics2DShapeQueryParameters " , " PhysicsShapeQueryParameters2D " } ,
{ " Physics2DTestMotionResult " , " PhysicsTestMotionResult2D " } ,
{ " PhysicsBody " , " PhysicsBody3D " } ,
{ " PhysicsDirectBodyState " , " PhysicsDirectBodyState3D " } ,
{ " PhysicsDirectSpaceState " , " PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D " } ,
{ " PhysicsServer " , " PhysicsServer3D " } ,
{ " PhysicsShapeQueryParameters " , " PhysicsShapeQueryParameters3D " } ,
{ " PhysicsTestMotionResult " , " PhysicsTestMotionResult3D " } ,
{ " PinJoint " , " PinJoint3D " } ,
{ " PlaneShape " , " WorldBoundaryShape3D " } ,
{ " PopupDialog " , " Popup " } ,
{ " Position2D " , " Marker2D " } ,
{ " Position3D " , " Marker3D " } ,
{ " ProceduralSky " , " Sky " } ,
{ " RayCast " , " RayCast3D " } ,
{ " RayShape " , " SeparationRayShape3D " } ,
{ " RayShape2D " , " SeparationRayShape2D " } ,
{ " RemoteTransform " , " RemoteTransform3D " } ,
{ " ResourceInteractiveLoader " , " ResourceLoader " } ,
{ " RigidBody " , " RigidBody3D " } ,
{ " SceneTreeTween " , " Tween " } ,
{ " ShortCut " , " Shortcut " } ,
{ " Skeleton " , " Skeleton3D " } ,
{ " SkeletonIK " , " SkeletonIK3D " } ,
{ " SliderJoint " , " SliderJoint3D " } ,
{ " SoftBody " , " SoftBody3D " } ,
{ " Spatial " , " Node3D " } ,
{ " SpatialGizmo " , " Node3DGizmo " } ,
{ " SpatialMaterial " , " StandardMaterial3D " } ,
{ " SphereShape " , " SphereShape3D " } ,
{ " SpotLight " , " SpotLight3D " } ,
{ " SpringArm " , " SpringArm3D " } ,
{ " Sprite " , " Sprite2D " } ,
{ " StaticBody " , " StaticBody3D " } ,
{ " StreamCubemap " , " CompressedCubemap " } ,
{ " StreamCubemapArray " , " CompressedCubemapArray " } ,
{ " StreamPeerGDNative " , " StreamPeerExtension " } ,
{ " StreamPeerSSL " , " StreamPeerTLS " } ,
{ " StreamTexture " , " CompressedTexture2D " } ,
{ " StreamTexture2D " , " CompressedTexture2D " } ,
{ " StreamTexture2DArray " , " CompressedTexture2DArray " } ,
{ " StreamTextureLayered " , " CompressedTextureLayered " } ,
{ " TCP_Server " , " TCPServer " } ,
{ " TextFile " , " Node3D " } ,
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " Texture " , " Texture2D " } , // May break TextureRect.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ " TextureArray " , " Texture2DArray " } ,
{ " TextureProgress " , " TextureProgressBar " } ,
{ " ToolButton " , " Button " } ,
{ " VehicleBody " , " VehicleBody3D " } ,
{ " VehicleWheel " , " VehicleWheel3D " } ,
{ " VideoPlayer " , " VideoStreamPlayer " } ,
{ " Viewport " , " SubViewport " } ,
{ " ViewportContainer " , " SubViewportContainer " } ,
{ " VisibilityEnabler " , " VisibleOnScreenEnabler3D " } ,
{ " VisibilityEnabler2D " , " VisibleOnScreenEnabler2D " } ,
{ " VisibilityNotifier " , " VisibleOnScreenNotifier3D " } ,
{ " VisibilityNotifier2D " , " VisibleOnScreenNotifier2D " } ,
{ " VisibilityNotifier3D " , " VisibleOnScreenNotifier3D " } ,
{ " VisualInstance " , " VisualInstance3D " } ,
{ " VisualServer " , " RenderingServer " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeCubeMap " , " VisualShaderNodeCubemap " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeScalarClamp " , " VisualShaderNodeClamp " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeScalarConstant " , " VisualShaderNodeFloatConstant " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeScalarFunc " , " VisualShaderNodeFloatFunc " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeScalarInterp " , " VisualShaderNodeMix " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeScalarOp " , " VisualShaderNodeFloatOp " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeScalarSmoothStep " , " VisualShaderNodeSmoothStep " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeScalarSwitch " , " VisualShaderNodeSwitch " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeScalarTransformMult " , " VisualShaderNodeTransformOp " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeTransformMult " , " VisualShaderNode " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeVectorClamp " , " VisualShaderNodeClamp " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeVectorInterp " , " VisualShaderNodeMix " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeVectorScalarMix " , " VisualShaderNodeMix " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeVectorScalarSmoothStep " , " VisualShaderNodeSmoothStep " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeVectorScalarStep " , " VisualShaderNodeStep " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeVectorSmoothStep " , " VisualShaderNodeSmoothStep " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeBooleanUniform " , " VisualShaderNodeBooleanParameter " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeColorUniform " , " VisualShaderNodeColorParameter " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeScalarUniform " , " VisualShaderNodeFloatParameter " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeCubemapUniform " , " VisualShaderNodeCubemapParameter " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeTextureUniform " , " VisualShaderNodeTexture2DParameter " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeTextureUniformTriplanar " , " VisualShaderNodeTextureParameterTriplanar " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeTransformUniform " , " VisualShaderNodeTransformParameter " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeVec3Uniform " , " VisualShaderNodeVec3Parameter " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeUniform " , " VisualShaderNodeParameter " } ,
{ " VisualShaderNodeUniformRef " , " VisualShaderNodeParameterRef " } ,
{ " WebRTCDataChannelGDNative " , " WebRTCDataChannelExtension " } ,
{ " WebRTCMultiplayer " , " WebRTCMultiplayerPeer " } ,
{ " WebRTCPeerConnectionGDNative " , " WebRTCPeerConnectionExtension " } ,
{ " WindowDialog " , " Window " } ,
{ " XRAnchor " , " XRAnchor3D " } ,
{ " XRController " , " XRController3D " } ,
{ " XROrigin " , " XROrigin3D " } ,
2023-02-13 20:12:52 +08:00
{ " YSort " , " Node2D " } , // CanvasItem has a new "y_sort_enabled" property.
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00
{ nullptr , nullptr } ,
} ;
const char * RenamesMap3To4 : : color_renames [ ] [ 2 ] = {
{ " aliceblue " , " ALICE_BLUE " } ,
{ " antiquewhite " , " ANTIQUE_WHITE " } ,
{ " aqua " , " AQUA " } ,
{ " aquamarine " , " AQUAMARINE " } ,
{ " azure " , " AZURE " } ,
{ " beige " , " BEIGE " } ,
{ " bisque " , " BISQUE " } ,
{ " black " , " BLACK " } ,
{ " blanchedalmond " , " BLANCHED_ALMOND " } ,
{ " blue " , " BLUE " } ,
{ " blueviolet " , " BLUE_VIOLET " } ,
{ " brown " , " BROWN " } ,
{ " burlywood " , " BURLYWOOD " } ,
{ " cadetblue " , " CADET_BLUE " } ,
{ " chartreuse " , " CHARTREUSE " } ,
{ " chocolate " , " CHOCOLATE " } ,
{ " coral " , " CORAL " } ,
{ " cornflowerblue " , " CORNFLOWER_BLUE " } ,
{ " cornsilk " , " CORNSILK " } ,
{ " crimson " , " CRIMSON " } ,
{ " cyan " , " CYAN " } ,
{ " darkblue " , " DARK_BLUE " } ,
{ " darkcyan " , " DARK_CYAN " } ,
{ " darkgoldenrod " , " DARK_GOLDENROD " } ,
{ " darkgray " , " DARK_GRAY " } ,
{ " darkgreen " , " DARK_GREEN " } ,
{ " darkkhaki " , " DARK_KHAKI " } ,
{ " darkmagenta " , " DARK_MAGENTA " } ,
{ " darkolivegreen " , " DARK_OLIVE_GREEN " } ,
{ " darkorange " , " DARK_ORANGE " } ,
{ " darkorchid " , " DARK_ORCHID " } ,
{ " darkred " , " DARK_RED " } ,
{ " darksalmon " , " DARK_SALMON " } ,
{ " darkseagreen " , " DARK_SEA_GREEN " } ,
{ " darkslateblue " , " DARK_SLATE_BLUE " } ,
{ " darkslategray " , " DARK_SLATE_GRAY " } ,
{ " darkturquoise " , " DARK_TURQUOISE " } ,
{ " darkviolet " , " DARK_VIOLET " } ,
{ " deeppink " , " DEEP_PINK " } ,
{ " deepskyblue " , " DEEP_SKY_BLUE " } ,
{ " dimgray " , " DIM_GRAY " } ,
{ " dodgerblue " , " DODGER_BLUE " } ,
{ " firebrick " , " FIREBRICK " } ,
{ " floralwhite " , " FLORAL_WHITE " } ,
{ " forestgreen " , " FOREST_GREEN " } ,
{ " fuchsia " , " FUCHSIA " } ,
{ " gainsboro " , " GAINSBORO " } ,
{ " ghostwhite " , " GHOST_WHITE " } ,
{ " gold " , " GOLD " } ,
{ " goldenrod " , " GOLDENROD " } ,
{ " gray " , " GRAY " } ,
{ " green " , " GREEN " } ,
{ " greenyellow " , " GREEN_YELLOW " } ,
{ " honeydew " , " HONEYDEW " } ,
{ " hotpink " , " HOT_PINK " } ,
{ " indianred " , " INDIAN_RED " } ,
{ " indigo " , " INDIGO " } ,
{ " ivory " , " IVORY " } ,
{ " khaki " , " KHAKI " } ,
{ " lavender " , " LAVENDER " } ,
{ " lavenderblush " , " LAVENDER_BLUSH " } ,
{ " lawngreen " , " LAWN_GREEN " } ,
{ " lemonchiffon " , " LEMON_CHIFFON " } ,
{ " lightblue " , " LIGHT_BLUE " } ,
{ " lightcoral " , " LIGHT_CORAL " } ,
{ " lightcyan " , " LIGHT_CYAN " } ,
{ " lightgoldenrod " , " LIGHT_GOLDENROD " } ,
{ " lightgray " , " LIGHT_GRAY " } ,
{ " lightgreen " , " LIGHT_GREEN " } ,
{ " lightpink " , " LIGHT_PINK " } ,
{ " lightsalmon " , " LIGHT_SALMON " } ,
{ " lightseagreen " , " LIGHT_SEA_GREEN " } ,
{ " lightskyblue " , " LIGHT_SKY_BLUE " } ,
{ " lightslategray " , " LIGHT_SLATE_GRAY " } ,
{ " lightsteelblue " , " LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE " } ,
{ " lightyellow " , " LIGHT_YELLOW " } ,
{ " lime " , " LIME " } ,
{ " limegreen " , " LIME_GREEN " } ,
{ " linen " , " LINEN " } ,
{ " magenta " , " MAGENTA " } ,
{ " maroon " , " MAROON " } ,
{ " mediumaquamarine " , " MEDIUM_AQUAMARINE " } ,
{ " mediumblue " , " MEDIUM_BLUE " } ,
{ " mediumorchid " , " MEDIUM_ORCHID " } ,
{ " mediumpurple " , " MEDIUM_PURPLE " } ,
{ " mediumseagreen " , " MEDIUM_SEA_GREEN " } ,
{ " mediumslateblue " , " MEDIUM_SLATE_BLUE " } ,
{ " mediumspringgreen " , " MEDIUM_SPRING_GREEN " } ,
{ " mediumturquoise " , " MEDIUM_TURQUOISE " } ,
{ " mediumvioletred " , " MEDIUM_VIOLET_RED " } ,
{ " midnightblue " , " MIDNIGHT_BLUE " } ,
{ " mintcream " , " MINT_CREAM " } ,
{ " mistyrose " , " MISTY_ROSE " } ,
{ " moccasin " , " MOCCASIN " } ,
{ " navajowhite " , " NAVAJO_WHITE " } ,
{ " navyblue " , " NAVY_BLUE " } ,
{ " oldlace " , " OLD_LACE " } ,
{ " olive " , " OLIVE " } ,
{ " olivedrab " , " OLIVE_DRAB " } ,
{ " orange " , " ORANGE " } ,
{ " orangered " , " ORANGE_RED " } ,
{ " orchid " , " ORCHID " } ,
{ " palegoldenrod " , " PALE_GOLDENROD " } ,
{ " palegreen " , " PALE_GREEN " } ,
{ " paleturquoise " , " PALE_TURQUOISE " } ,
{ " palevioletred " , " PALE_VIOLET_RED " } ,
{ " papayawhip " , " PAPAYA_WHIP " } ,
{ " peachpuff " , " PEACH_PUFF " } ,
{ " peru " , " PERU " } ,
{ " pink " , " PINK " } ,
{ " plum " , " PLUM " } ,
{ " powderblue " , " POWDER_BLUE " } ,
{ " purple " , " PURPLE " } ,
{ " rebeccapurple " , " REBECCA_PURPLE " } ,
{ " red " , " RED " } ,
{ " rosybrown " , " ROSY_BROWN " } ,
{ " royalblue " , " ROYAL_BLUE " } ,
{ " saddlebrown " , " SADDLE_BROWN " } ,
{ " salmon " , " SALMON " } ,
{ " sandybrown " , " SANDY_BROWN " } ,
{ " seagreen " , " SEA_GREEN " } ,
{ " seashell " , " SEASHELL " } ,
{ " sienna " , " SIENNA " } ,
{ " silver " , " SILVER " } ,
{ " skyblue " , " SKY_BLUE " } ,
{ " slateblue " , " SLATE_BLUE " } ,
{ " slategray " , " SLATE_GRAY " } ,
{ " snow " , " SNOW " } ,
{ " springgreen " , " SPRING_GREEN " } ,
{ " steelblue " , " STEEL_BLUE " } ,
{ " tan " , " TAN " } ,
{ " teal " , " TEAL " } ,
{ " thistle " , " THISTLE " } ,
{ " tomato " , " TOMATO " } ,
{ " transparent " , " TRANSPARENT " } ,
{ " turquoise " , " TURQUOISE " } ,
{ " violet " , " VIOLET " } ,
{ " webgray " , " WEB_GRAY " } ,
{ " webgreen " , " WEB_GREEN " } ,
{ " webmaroon " , " WEB_MAROON " } ,
{ " webpurple " , " WEB_PURPLE " } ,
{ " wheat " , " WHEAT " } ,
{ " white " , " WHITE " } ,
{ " whitesmoke " , " WHITE_SMOKE " } ,
{ " yellow " , " YELLOW " } ,
{ " yellowgreen " , " YELLOW_GREEN " } ,
{ nullptr , nullptr } ,
} ;
2023-03-09 06:11:23 +08:00
const char * RenamesMap3To4 : : theme_override_renames [ ] [ 2 ] = {
// First rename the generic prefixes.
{ " custom_colors/ " , " theme_override_colors/ " } ,
{ " custom_constants/ " , " theme_override_constants/ " } ,
{ " custom_fonts/ " , " theme_override_fonts/ " } ,
{ " custom_icons/ " , " theme_override_icons/ " } ,
{ " custom_styles/ " , " theme_override_styles/ " } ,
// MarginContainer
// The margin_* properties are renamed to offset_* in a previous conversion step.
// This is fine everywhere except for the MarginContainer theme_override_constants.
{ " theme_override_constants/offset_right " , " theme_override_constants/margin_right " } ,
{ " theme_override_constants/offset_top " , " theme_override_constants/margin_top " } ,
{ " theme_override_constants/offset_left " , " theme_override_constants/margin_left " } ,
{ " theme_override_constants/offset_bottom " , " theme_override_constants/margin_bottom " } ,
// Panel/PanelContainer/TabContainer/PopupPanel/PopupMenu
{ " theme_override_styles/panel " , " theme_override_styles/panel " } ,
// TabContainer/Tabs(TabBar)
{ " theme_override_styles/tab_bg " , " theme_override_styles/tab_unselected " } ,
{ " theme_override_styles/tab_fg " , " theme_override_styles/tab_selected " } ,
// { "theme_override_styles/bg", "theme_override_styles/bg" }, // GraphEdit
// { "theme_override_styles/bg", "theme_override_styles/panel" }, // ScrollContainer
// { "theme_override_styles/bg", "theme_override_styles/background" }, // ProgressBar
// { "theme_override_styles/fg", "theme_override_styles/fill" }, // ProgressBar
{ " theme_override_colors/font_color_hover " , " theme_override_colors/font_hover_color " } ,
{ " theme_override_colors/font_color_pressed " , " theme_override_colors/font_pressed_color " } ,
{ " theme_override_colors/font_color_disabled " , " theme_override_colors/font_disabled_color " } ,
{ " theme_override_colors/font_color_focus " , " theme_override_colors/font_focus_color " } ,
{ " theme_override_colors/font_color_hover_pressed " , " theme_override_colors/font_hover_pressed_color " } ,
{ " theme_override_colors/font_outline_modulate " , " theme_override_colors/font_outline_color " } ,
{ " theme_override_colors/font_color_shadow " , " theme_override_colors/font_shadow_color " } ,
{ " theme_override_constants/shadow_as_outline " , " theme_override_constants/shadow_outline_size " } , // 0 or 1
{ " theme_override_constants/table_vseparation " , " theme_override_constants/table_v_separation " } ,
{ " theme_override_constants/table_hseparation " , " theme_override_constants/table_h_separation " } ,
{ nullptr , nullptr } ,
} ;
2023-02-10 16:07:01 +08:00