// The RDO encoder computes a smoothness factor, from [0,1], for each block. To do this it computes each block's maximum component variance, then it divides this by this factor and clamps the result.
// Larger values will result in more blocks being protected from too much distortion.
// The RDO encoder can artifically boost the error of smooth blocks, in order to suppress distortions on smooth areas of the texture.
// The encoder will use this value as the maximum error scale to use on smooth blocks. The larger this value, the better smooth bocks will look. Set to 1.0 to disable this completely.
// m_lz_dict_size: Size of LZ dictionary to simulate in bytes. The larger this value, the slower the encoder but the higher the quality per LZ compressed bit.
// m_lambda: The post-processor tries to reduce distortion+rate*lambda (rate is approximate LZ bits and distortion is scaled MS error).
// Larger values push the postprocessor towards optimizing more for lower rate, and smaller values more for distortion. 0=minimal distortion.
// m_max_allowed_rms_increase_ratio: How much the RMS error of a block is allowed to increase before a trial is rejected. 1.0=no increase allowed, 1.05=5% increase allowed, etc.
// m_skip_block_rms_thresh: Blocks with this much RMS error or more are completely skipped by the RDO encoder.
// m_endpoint_refinement: If true, the post-process will attempt to refine the endpoints of blocks with modified selectors.
// num_blocks, pBlocks: Number of blocks and pointer to UASTC blocks to process.
// pBlock_pixels: Pointer to an array of 4x4 blocks containing the original texture pixels. This is NOT a raster image, but a pointer to individual 4x4 blocks.
// flags: Pass in the same flags used to encode the UASTC blocks. The flags are used to reencode the transcode hints in the same way.