A node that creates a window. The window can either be a native system window or embedded inside another [Window] (see [member Viewport.gui_embed_subwindows]).
At runtime, [Window]s will not close automatically when requested. You need to handle it manually using the [signal close_requested] signal (this applies both to pressing the close button and clicking outside of a popup).
Creates a local override for a theme [Color] with the specified [param name]. Local overrides always take precedence when fetching theme items for the control. An override can be removed with [method remove_theme_color_override].
See also [method get_theme_color] and [method Control.add_theme_color_override] for more details.
Creates a local override for a theme constant with the specified [param name]. Local overrides always take precedence when fetching theme items for the control. An override can be removed with [method remove_theme_constant_override].
See also [method get_theme_constant].
Creates a local override for a theme [Font] with the specified [param name]. Local overrides always take precedence when fetching theme items for the control. An override can be removed with [method remove_theme_font_override].
See also [method get_theme_font].
Creates a local override for a theme font size with the specified [param name]. Local overrides always take precedence when fetching theme items for the control. An override can be removed with [method remove_theme_font_size_override].
See also [method get_theme_font_size].
Creates a local override for a theme icon with the specified [param name]. Local overrides always take precedence when fetching theme items for the control. An override can be removed with [method remove_theme_icon_override].
See also [method get_theme_icon].
Creates a local override for a theme [StyleBox] with the specified [param name]. Local overrides always take precedence when fetching theme items for the control. An override can be removed with [method remove_theme_stylebox_override].
See also [method get_theme_stylebox] and [method Control.add_theme_stylebox_override] for more details.
Prevents [code]*_theme_*_override[/code] methods from emitting [constant NOTIFICATION_THEME_CHANGED] until [method end_bulk_theme_override] is called.
Returns the combined minimum size from the child [Control] nodes of the window. Use [method child_controls_changed] to update it when child nodes have changed.
Returns a constant from the first matching [Theme] in the tree if that [Theme] has a constant item with the specified [param name] and [param theme_type].
Returns a font size from the first matching [Theme] in the tree if that [Theme] has a font size item with the specified [param name] and [param theme_type].
Returns a [StyleBox] from the first matching [Theme] in the tree if that [Theme] has a stylebox item with the specified [param name] and [param theme_type].
Shows the [Window] and makes it transient (see [member transient]). If [param rect] is provided, it will be set as the [Window]'s size. Fails if called on the main window.
If [member ProjectSettings.display/window/subwindows/embed_subwindows] is [code]true[/code] (single-window mode), [param rect]'s coordinates are global and relative to the main window's top-left corner (excluding window decorations). If [param rect]'s position coordinates are negative, the window will be located outside the main window and may not be visible as a result.
If [member ProjectSettings.display/window/subwindows/embed_subwindows] is [code]false[/code] (multi-window mode), [param rect]'s coordinates are global and relative to the top-left corner of the leftmost screen. If [param rect]'s position coordinates are negative, the window will be placed at the top-left corner of the screen.
[b]Note:[/b] [param rect] must be in global coordinates if specified.
Popups the [Window] at the center of the current screen, with optionally given minimum size. If the [Window] is embedded, it will be centered in the parent [Viewport] instead.
Popups the [Window] centered inside its parent [Window]. [param fallback_ratio] determines the maximum size of the [Window], in relation to its parent.
If [Window] is embedded, popups the [Window] centered inside its embedder and sets its size as a [param ratio] of embedder's size.
If [Window] is a native window, popups the [Window] centered inside the screen of its parent [Window] and sets its size as a [param ratio] of the screen size.
Attempts to parent this dialog to the last exclusive window relative to [param from_node], and then calls [method Window.popup] on it. The dialog must have no current parent, otherwise the method fails.
See also [method set_unparent_when_invisible] and [method Node.get_last_exclusive_window].
Attempts to parent this dialog to the last exclusive window relative to [param from_node], and then calls [method Window.popup_centered] on it. The dialog must have no current parent, otherwise the method fails.
See also [method set_unparent_when_invisible] and [method Node.get_last_exclusive_window].
Attempts to parent this dialog to the last exclusive window relative to [param from_node], and then calls [method Window.popup_centered_clamped] on it. The dialog must have no current parent, otherwise the method fails.
See also [method set_unparent_when_invisible] and [method Node.get_last_exclusive_window].
Attempts to parent this dialog to the last exclusive window relative to [param from_node], and then calls [method Window.popup_centered_ratio] on it. The dialog must have no current parent, otherwise the method fails.
See also [method set_unparent_when_invisible] and [method Node.get_last_exclusive_window].
Attempts to parent this dialog to the last exclusive window relative to [param from_node], and then calls [method Window.popup_on_parent] on it. The dialog must have no current parent, otherwise the method fails.
See also [method set_unparent_when_invisible] and [method Node.get_last_exclusive_window].
Removes a local override for a theme [Color] with the specified [param name] previously added by [method add_theme_color_override] or via the Inspector dock.
Removes a local override for a theme constant with the specified [param name] previously added by [method add_theme_constant_override] or via the Inspector dock.
Removes a local override for a theme [Font] with the specified [param name] previously added by [method add_theme_font_override] or via the Inspector dock.
Removes a local override for a theme font size with the specified [param name] previously added by [method add_theme_font_size_override] or via the Inspector dock.
Removes a local override for a theme icon with the specified [param name] previously added by [method add_theme_icon_override] or via the Inspector dock.
Removes a local override for a theme [StyleBox] with the specified [param name] previously added by [method add_theme_stylebox_override] or via the Inspector dock.
Tells the OS that the [Window] needs an attention. This makes the window stand out in some way depending on the system, e.g. it might blink on the task bar.
Resets the size to the minimum size, which is the max of [member min_size] and (if [member wrap_controls] is enabled) [method get_contents_minimum_size]. This is equivalent to calling [code]set_size(Vector2i())[/code] (or any size below the minimum).
If [param unparent] is [code]true[/code], the window is automatically unparented when going invisible.
[b]Note:[/b] Make sure to keep a reference to the node, otherwise it will be orphaned. You also need to manually call [method Node.queue_free] to free the window if it's not parented.
Makes the [Window] appear. This enables interactions with the [Window] and doesn't change any of its property other than visibility (unlike e.g. [method popup]).
Base size of the content (i.e. nodes that are drawn inside the window). If non-zero, [Window]'s content will be scaled when the window is resized to a different size.
The policy to use to determine the final scale factor for 2D elements. This affects how [member content_scale_factor] is applied, in addition to the automatic scale factor determined by [member content_scale_size].
If [code]true[/code], the [Window] will be in exclusive mode. Exclusive windows are always on top of their parent and will block all input going to the parent [Window].
[b]Note:[/b] This property will be ignored in favor of [method get_contents_minimum_size] if [member wrap_controls] is enabled and if its size is bigger.
[b]Note:[/b] This method only works with native windows, i.e. the main window and [Window]-derived nodes when [member Viewport.gui_embed_subwindows] is disabled in the main viewport.
If [code]true[/code], the [Window] will be considered a popup. Popups are sub-windows that don't show as separate windows in system's window manager's window list and will send close request when anything is clicked outside of them (unless [member exclusive] is enabled).
If [member ProjectSettings.display/window/subwindows/embed_subwindows] is [code]false[/code], the position is in absolute screen coordinates. This typically applies to editor plugins. If the setting is [code]true[/code], the window's position is in the coordinates of its parent [Viewport].
[b]Note:[/b] This property only works if [member initial_position] is set to [constant WINDOW_INITIAL_POSITION_ABSOLUTE].
The [Theme] resource this node and all its [Control] and [Window] children use. If a child node has its own [Theme] resource set, theme items are merged with child's definitions having higher priority.
[b]Note:[/b] [Window] styles will have no effect unless the window is embedded.
If [code]true[/code], the [Window] is transient, i.e. it's considered a child of another [Window]. The transient window will be destroyed with its transient parent and will return focus to their parent when closed. The transient window is displayed on top of a non-exclusive full-screen parent window. Transient windows can't enter full-screen mode.
If [code]true[/code], and the [Window] is [member transient], this window will (at the time of becoming visible) become transient to the currently focused window instead of the immediate parent window in the hierarchy. Note that the transient parent is assigned at the time this window becomes visible, so changing it afterwards has no effect until re-shown.
[b]Note:[/b] Transparency support is implemented on Linux, macOS and Windows, but availability might vary depending on GPU driver, display manager, and compositor capabilities.
If [code]true[/code], the window's size will automatically update when a child node is added or removed, ignoring [member min_size] if the new size is bigger.
[b]Note:[/b] This signal only works with native windows, i.e. the main window and [Window]-derived nodes when [member Viewport.gui_embed_subwindows] is disabled in the main viewport.
Emitted when the mouse cursor enters the [Window]'s visible area, that is not occluded behind other [Control]s or windows, provided its [member Viewport.gui_disable_input] is [code]false[/code] and regardless if it's currently focused or not.
Emitted when the mouse cursor leaves the [Window]'s visible area, that is not occluded behind other [Control]s or windows, provided its [member Viewport.gui_disable_input] is [code]false[/code] and regardless if it's currently focused or not.
Emitted when the [Window] is currently focused and receives any input, passing the received event as an argument. The event's position, if present, is in the embedder's coordinate system.
Sent when the node needs to refresh its theme items. This happens in one of the following cases:
- The [member theme] property is changed on this node or any of its ancestors.
- The [member theme_type_variation] property is changed on this node.
- The node enters the scene tree.
[b]Note:[/b] As an optimization, this notification won't be sent from changes that occur while this node is outside of the scene tree. Instead, all of the theme item updates can be applied at once when the node enters the scene tree.
Minimized window mode, i.e. [Window] is not visible and available on window manager's window list. Normally happens when the minimize button is pressed.
Maximized window mode, i.e. [Window] will occupy whole screen area except task bar and still display its borders. Normally happens when the maximize button is pressed.
Full screen window covers the entire display area of a screen and has no decorations. The display's video mode is not changed.
[b]On Windows:[/b] Multi-window full-screen mode has a 1px border of the [member ProjectSettings.rendering/environment/defaults/default_clear_color] color.
[b]On macOS:[/b] A new desktop is used to display the running project.
[b]Note:[/b] Regardless of the platform, enabling full screen will change the window size to match the monitor's size. Therefore, make sure your project supports [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/rendering/multiple_resolutions.html]multiple resolutions[/url] when enabling full screen mode.
A single window full screen mode. This mode has less overhead, but only one window can be open on a given screen at a time (opening a child window or application switching will trigger a full screen transition).
Full screen window covers the entire display area of a screen and has no border or decorations. The display's video mode is not changed.
[b]On Windows:[/b] Depending on video driver, full screen transition might cause screens to go black for a moment.
[b]On macOS:[/b] A new desktop is used to display the running project. Exclusive full screen mode prevents Dock and Menu from showing up when the mouse pointer is hovering the edge of the screen.
[b]On Linux (X11):[/b] Exclusive full screen mode bypasses compositor.
[b]Note:[/b] Regardless of the platform, enabling full screen will change the window size to match the monitor's size. Therefore, make sure your project supports [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/rendering/multiple_resolutions.html]multiple resolutions[/url] when enabling full screen mode.
The window can't be resized by dragging its resize grip. It's still possible to resize the window using [member size]. This flag is ignored for full screen windows. Set with [member unresizable].
The window background can be transparent. Set with [member transparent].
[b]Note:[/b] This flag has no effect if either [member ProjectSettings.display/window/per_pixel_transparency/allowed], or the window's [member Viewport.transparent_bg] is set to [code]false[/code].
Window is part of menu or [OptionButton] dropdown. This flag can't be changed when the window is visible. An active popup window will exclusively receive all input, without stealing focus from its parent. Popup windows are automatically closed when uses click outside it, or when an application is switched. Popup window must have transient parent set (see [member transient]).
Window content is expanded to the full size of the window. Unlike borderless window, the frame is left intact and can be used to resize the window, title bar is transparent, but have minimize/maximize/close buttons. Set with [member extend_to_title].
The content will be rendered at the target size. This is more performance-expensive than [constant CONTENT_SCALE_MODE_VIEWPORT], but provides better results.
The content will be rendered at the base size and then scaled to the target size. More performant than [constant CONTENT_SCALE_MODE_CANVAS_ITEMS], but results in pixelated image.
The content's aspect will be preserved. If the target size has different aspect from the base one, the image will be centered and black bars will appear on left and right sides.
The content's aspect will be preserved. If the target size has different aspect from the base one, the content will stay in the top-left corner and add an extra visible area in the stretched space.
The content will be stretched according to a fractional factor. This fills all the space available in the window, but allows "pixel wobble" to occur due to uneven pixel scaling.
The content will be stretched only according to an integer factor, preserving sharp pixels. This may leave a black background visible on the window's edges depending on the window size.
The background style used when the [Window] is embedded. Note that this is drawn only under the window's content, excluding the title. For proper borders and title bar style, you can use [code]expand_margin_*[/code] properties of [StyleBoxFlat].
[b]Note:[/b] The content background will not be visible unless [member transparent] is enabled.