MeshInstance3D is a node that takes a [Mesh] resource and adds it to the current scenario by creating an instance of it. This is the class most often used render 3D geometry and can be used to instance a single [Mesh] in many places. This allows reusing geometry, which can save on resources. When a [Mesh] has to be instantiated more than thousands of times at close proximity, consider using a [MultiMesh] in a [MultiMeshInstance3D] instead.
Takes a snapshot from the current [ArrayMesh] with all blend shapes applied according to their current weights and bakes it to the provided [param existing] mesh. If no [param existing] mesh is provided a new [ArrayMesh] is created, baked and returned. Mesh surface materials are not copied.
[b]Performance:[/b] [Mesh] data needs to be received from the GPU, stalling the [RenderingServer] in the process.
Takes a snapshot of the current animated skeleton pose of the skinned mesh and bakes it to the provided [param existing] mesh. If no [param existing] mesh is provided a new [ArrayMesh] is created, baked, and returned. Requires a skeleton with a registered skin to work. Blendshapes are ignored. Mesh surface materials are not copied.
[b]Performance:[/b] [Mesh] data needs to be retrieved from the GPU, stalling the [RenderingServer] in the process.
This helper creates a [StaticBody3D] child node with a [ConvexPolygonShape3D] collision shape calculated from the mesh geometry. It's mainly used for testing.
If [param clean] is [code]true[/code] (default), duplicate and interior vertices are removed automatically. You can set it to [code]false[/code] to make the process faster if not needed.
This helper creates a [StaticBody3D] child node with multiple [ConvexPolygonShape3D] collision shapes calculated from the mesh geometry via convex decomposition. The convex decomposition operation can be controlled with parameters from the optional [param settings].
This helper creates a [StaticBody3D] child node with a [ConcavePolygonShape3D] collision shape calculated from the mesh geometry. It's mainly used for testing.
Returns the index of the blend shape with the given [param name]. Returns [code]-1[/code] if no blend shape with this name exists, including when [member mesh] is [code]null[/code].
Returns the [Material] that will be used by the [Mesh] when drawing. This can return the [member GeometryInstance3D.material_override], the surface override [Material] defined in this [MeshInstance3D], or the surface [Material] defined in the [member mesh]. For example, if [member GeometryInstance3D.material_override] is used, all surfaces will return the override material.
Returns [code]null[/code] if no material is active, including when [member mesh] is [code]null[/code].
Returns the value of the blend shape at the given [param blend_shape_idx]. Returns [code]0.0[/code] and produces an error if [member mesh] is [code]null[/code] or doesn't have a blend shape at that index.
Returns the internal [SkinReference] containing the skeleton's [RID] attached to this RID. See also [method Resource.get_rid], [method SkinReference.get_skeleton], and [method RenderingServer.instance_attach_skeleton].
Returns the override [Material] for the specified [param surface] of the [Mesh] resource. See also [method get_surface_override_material_count].
[b]Note:[/b] This returns the [Material] associated to the [MeshInstance3D]'s Surface Material Override properties, not the material within the [Mesh] resource. To get the material within the [Mesh] resource, use [method Mesh.surface_get_material] instead.
Returns the number of surface override materials. This is equivalent to [method Mesh.get_surface_count]. See also [method get_surface_override_material].
Sets the value of the blend shape at [param blend_shape_idx] to [param value]. Produces an error if [member mesh] is [code]null[/code] or doesn't have a blend shape at that index.
Sets the override [param material] for the specified [param surface] of the [Mesh] resource. This material is associated with this [MeshInstance3D] rather than with [member mesh].
[b]Note:[/b] This assigns the [Material] associated to the [MeshInstance3D]'s Surface Material Override properties, not the material within the [Mesh] resource. To set the material within the [Mesh] resource, use [method Mesh.surface_set_material] instead.