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synced 2025-03-01 13:17:19 +08:00
The localedata collation test data is encoded in a particular character set. We rename the test data to match the full locale name with encoding, and adjust the Makefile and sort-test.sh script. This allows us to have a future C.UTF-8 test that is disambiguated from the built-in C locale. Signed-off-by: Carlos O'Donell <carlos@redhat.com>
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76 lines
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arg : wicked; malicious
ärger (comp. of "arg") : worse; more malicious
Ärger : annoyance; anger
ärgern : to annoy
arglos : unsuspecting; innocent
Aspirant : candidate
Ass. (Assessor) : apprentice teacher or judge
aß (praet. ind. of "essen") : [I / he] ate
Aß (alternative spelling of "As"): ace
Assel : slater, wood-louse
Ast : limb
Augiasstall : the Augean stables
Äuglein : little eye; little bud
Augment : augment
Base : [female] cousin
baß (archaic; poetic) : well; very
Baß : bass
Bast : phloem
Busen : bosom; breast; bay
Buße : atonement; fine
Bussen (da. pl. of "Bus") : [to the] buses
Bußen (no. pl. of "Buße") : atonements; fines
Busserl : kiss
Cordsamt : corduroy
Couleur : [shade of] color
Esel : donkey
esse (pres. conj. of "essen") : eat (e.g. in indirect speech)
Esse : chimney; forge
Eßecke : eating place
es sei denn, daß : unless
essen : to eat
Essen : Essen (town)
Essenszeit : meal-time
Essenz : essence
Estland : Estonia (state)
Fusel : cheap spirits
Fuß : foot
Füße (pl. of "Fuß") : feet
Fussel : fluff
fusseln : to wear of fluff
füßeln : play footsie [under the table]
fußen : to be based [on]
Füssen : Füssen (town)
Füßen (dat. pl. of "Fuß") : [to the] feet
in Massen : in large numbers
in Maßen : moderately
Masern : measels
Mass. (Massachusetts) : Massachusetts (state)
Maß : measure
Masse : mass
Massé : (particular billard stroke)
Maße (pl. of "Maß") : measures
mäße (pres. conj. of "messen") : take measure (e.g. in indirect speech)
Massen- : mass; wholesale; bulk (in compound nouns)
massig : massive
mäßig : moderate; modest
Miss. (Mississippi) : Mississippi (state)
Miß : Miss
Passe : yoke (of dress)
passé : over, gone
Schlagerforderung : claim, demanded in a pop song
Schlagerförderung : promotion of pop music
Schlägerforderung : demand of a hooligan
Schlägerförderung : promotion of hooliganism :-)
Schurz : apron
Schürze : apron
Schussel : fidget; distracted person
Schüssel : bowl
Schuster : shoemaker
Tropfen : drop
troß! (obsolete) : (?)
Troß : baggage train
Trosse : hawser
Trost : comfort; solace