mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 13:17:19 +08:00
This patch updates files coming from tzcode to tzcode 2020a. This is mostly for better support for Internet RFC 8536, by adding support to zic for the Expires line (new to tzcode 2020a), the -b option (new to 2019b) and the -r option (new to 2019a). One trivial change to other glibc was needed. * time/tzfile.c (__tzfile_read): Adjust to tzcode private.h renaming. * timezone/private.h, timezone/tzfile.h, timezone/version: * timezone/zdump.c, timezone/zic.c: Update from tzcode 2020a.
3489 lines
87 KiB
3489 lines
87 KiB
/* Compile .zi time zone data into TZif binary files. */
** This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
** 2006-07-17 by Arthur David Olson.
#include "version.h"
#include "private.h"
#include "tzfile.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define ZIC_VERSION_PRE_2013 '2'
#define ZIC_VERSION '3'
typedef int_fast64_t zic_t;
#define PRIdZIC PRIdFAST64
#define SCNdZIC SCNdFAST64
#endif /* !defined ZIC_MAX_ABBR_LEN_WO_WARN */
# include <direct.h>
# include <io.h>
# undef mkdir
# define mkdir(name, mode) _mkdir(name)
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifdef S_IRUSR
#define MKDIR_UMASK 0755
/* Port to native MS-Windows and to ancient UNIX. */
#if !defined S_ISDIR && defined S_IFDIR && defined S_IFMT
# define S_ISDIR(mode) (((mode) & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
#include <sys/wait.h> /* for WIFEXITED and WEXITSTATUS */
#endif /* HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H */
#define WIFEXITED(status) (((status) & 0xff) == 0)
#endif /* !defined WIFEXITED */
#define WEXITSTATUS(status) (((status) >> 8) & 0xff)
#endif /* !defined WEXITSTATUS */
/* The maximum ptrdiff_t value, for pre-C99 platforms. */
static ptrdiff_t const PTRDIFF_MAX = MAXVAL(ptrdiff_t, TYPE_BIT(ptrdiff_t));
/* The minimum alignment of a type, for pre-C11 platforms. */
#if __STDC_VERSION__ < 201112
# define _Alignof(type) offsetof(struct { char a; type b; }, b)
/* The type for line numbers. Use PRIdMAX to format them; formerly
there was also "#define PRIdLINENO PRIdMAX" and formats used
PRIdLINENO, but xgettext cannot grok that. */
typedef intmax_t lineno;
struct rule {
const char * r_filename;
lineno r_linenum;
const char * r_name;
zic_t r_loyear; /* for example, 1986 */
zic_t r_hiyear; /* for example, 1986 */
const char * r_yrtype;
bool r_lowasnum;
bool r_hiwasnum;
int r_month; /* 0..11 */
int r_dycode; /* see below */
int r_dayofmonth;
int r_wday;
zic_t r_tod; /* time from midnight */
bool r_todisstd; /* is r_tod standard time? */
bool r_todisut; /* is r_tod UT? */
bool r_isdst; /* is this daylight saving time? */
zic_t r_save; /* offset from standard time */
const char * r_abbrvar; /* variable part of abbreviation */
bool r_todo; /* a rule to do (used in outzone) */
zic_t r_temp; /* used in outzone */
** r_dycode r_dayofmonth r_wday
#define DC_DOM 0 /* 1..31 */ /* unused */
#define DC_DOWGEQ 1 /* 1..31 */ /* 0..6 (Sun..Sat) */
#define DC_DOWLEQ 2 /* 1..31 */ /* 0..6 (Sun..Sat) */
struct zone {
const char * z_filename;
lineno z_linenum;
const char * z_name;
zic_t z_stdoff;
char * z_rule;
const char * z_format;
char z_format_specifier;
bool z_isdst;
zic_t z_save;
struct rule * z_rules;
ptrdiff_t z_nrules;
struct rule z_untilrule;
zic_t z_untiltime;
extern int getopt(int argc, char * const argv[],
const char * options);
extern int link(const char * fromname, const char * toname);
extern char * optarg;
extern int optind;
# define link(from, to) (errno = ENOTSUP, -1)
# define readlink(file, buf, size) (errno = ENOTSUP, -1)
# define symlink(from, to) (errno = ENOTSUP, -1)
# define S_ISLNK(m) 0
# define linkat(fromdir, from, todir, to, flag) \
(itssymlink(from) ? (errno = ENOTSUP, -1) : link(from, to))
static void addtt(zic_t starttime, int type);
static int addtype(zic_t, char const *, bool, bool, bool);
static void leapadd(zic_t, int, int);
static void adjleap(void);
static void associate(void);
static void dolink(const char *, const char *, bool);
static char ** getfields(char * buf);
static zic_t gethms(const char * string, const char * errstring);
static zic_t getsave(char *, bool *);
static void inexpires(char **, int);
static void infile(const char * filename);
static void inleap(char ** fields, int nfields);
static void inlink(char ** fields, int nfields);
static void inrule(char ** fields, int nfields);
static bool inzcont(char ** fields, int nfields);
static bool inzone(char ** fields, int nfields);
static bool inzsub(char **, int, bool);
static bool itsdir(char const *);
static bool itssymlink(char const *);
static bool is_alpha(char a);
static char lowerit(char);
static void mkdirs(char const *, bool);
static void newabbr(const char * abbr);
static zic_t oadd(zic_t t1, zic_t t2);
static void outzone(const struct zone * zp, ptrdiff_t ntzones);
static zic_t rpytime(const struct rule * rp, zic_t wantedy);
static void rulesub(struct rule * rp,
const char * loyearp, const char * hiyearp,
const char * typep, const char * monthp,
const char * dayp, const char * timep);
static zic_t tadd(zic_t t1, zic_t t2);
static bool yearistype(zic_t year, const char * type);
/* Bound on length of what %z can expand to. */
enum { PERCENT_Z_LEN_BOUND = sizeof "+995959" - 1 };
/* If true, work around a bug in Qt 5.6.1 and earlier, which mishandles
TZif files whose POSIX-TZ-style strings contain '<'; see
QTBUG-53071 <https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-53071>. This
workaround will no longer be needed when Qt 5.6.1 and earlier are
obsolete, say in the year 2021. */
#ifndef WORK_AROUND_QTBUG_53071
enum { WORK_AROUND_QTBUG_53071 = true };
static int charcnt;
static bool errors;
static bool warnings;
static const char * filename;
static int leapcnt;
static bool leapseen;
static zic_t leapminyear;
static zic_t leapmaxyear;
static lineno linenum;
static int max_abbrvar_len = PERCENT_Z_LEN_BOUND;
static int max_format_len;
static zic_t max_year;
static zic_t min_year;
static bool noise;
static const char * rfilename;
static lineno rlinenum;
static const char * progname;
static ptrdiff_t timecnt;
static ptrdiff_t timecnt_alloc;
static int typecnt;
** Line codes.
#define LC_RULE 0
#define LC_ZONE 1
#define LC_LINK 2
#define LC_LEAP 3
#define LC_EXPIRES 4
** Which fields are which on a Zone line.
#define ZF_NAME 1
#define ZF_STDOFF 2
#define ZF_RULE 3
#define ZF_FORMAT 4
#define ZF_TILYEAR 5
#define ZF_TILMONTH 6
#define ZF_TILDAY 7
#define ZF_TILTIME 8
** Which fields are which on a Zone continuation line.
#define ZFC_STDOFF 0
#define ZFC_RULE 1
#define ZFC_FORMAT 2
#define ZFC_TILYEAR 3
#define ZFC_TILMONTH 4
#define ZFC_TILDAY 5
#define ZFC_TILTIME 6
** Which files are which on a Rule line.
#define RF_NAME 1
#define RF_LOYEAR 2
#define RF_HIYEAR 3
#define RF_COMMAND 4
#define RF_MONTH 5
#define RF_DAY 6
#define RF_TOD 7
#define RF_SAVE 8
#define RF_ABBRVAR 9
#define RULE_FIELDS 10
** Which fields are which on a Link line.
#define LF_FROM 1
#define LF_TO 2
#define LINK_FIELDS 3
** Which fields are which on a Leap line.
#define LP_YEAR 1
#define LP_MONTH 2
#define LP_DAY 3
#define LP_TIME 4
#define LP_CORR 5
#define LP_ROLL 6
#define LEAP_FIELDS 7
/* Expires lines are like Leap lines, except without CORR and ROLL fields. */
** Year synonyms.
#define YR_MINIMUM 0
#define YR_MAXIMUM 1
#define YR_ONLY 2
static struct rule * rules;
static ptrdiff_t nrules; /* number of rules */
static ptrdiff_t nrules_alloc;
static struct zone * zones;
static ptrdiff_t nzones; /* number of zones */
static ptrdiff_t nzones_alloc;
struct link {
const char * l_filename;
lineno l_linenum;
const char * l_from;
const char * l_to;
static struct link * links;
static ptrdiff_t nlinks;
static ptrdiff_t nlinks_alloc;
struct lookup {
const char * l_word;
const int l_value;
static struct lookup const * byword(const char * string,
const struct lookup * lp);
static struct lookup const zi_line_codes[] = {
{ "Rule", LC_RULE },
{ "Zone", LC_ZONE },
{ "Link", LC_LINK },
{ NULL, 0 }
static struct lookup const leap_line_codes[] = {
{ "Leap", LC_LEAP },
{ "Expires", LC_EXPIRES },
{ NULL, 0}
static struct lookup const mon_names[] = {
{ "January", TM_JANUARY },
{ "February", TM_FEBRUARY },
{ "March", TM_MARCH },
{ "April", TM_APRIL },
{ "May", TM_MAY },
{ "June", TM_JUNE },
{ "July", TM_JULY },
{ "August", TM_AUGUST },
{ "September", TM_SEPTEMBER },
{ "October", TM_OCTOBER },
{ "November", TM_NOVEMBER },
{ "December", TM_DECEMBER },
{ NULL, 0 }
static struct lookup const wday_names[] = {
{ "Sunday", TM_SUNDAY },
{ "Monday", TM_MONDAY },
{ "Tuesday", TM_TUESDAY },
{ "Wednesday", TM_WEDNESDAY },
{ "Thursday", TM_THURSDAY },
{ "Friday", TM_FRIDAY },
{ "Saturday", TM_SATURDAY },
{ NULL, 0 }
static struct lookup const lasts[] = {
{ "last-Sunday", TM_SUNDAY },
{ "last-Monday", TM_MONDAY },
{ "last-Tuesday", TM_TUESDAY },
{ "last-Wednesday", TM_WEDNESDAY },
{ "last-Thursday", TM_THURSDAY },
{ "last-Friday", TM_FRIDAY },
{ "last-Saturday", TM_SATURDAY },
{ NULL, 0 }
static struct lookup const begin_years[] = {
{ "minimum", YR_MINIMUM },
{ "maximum", YR_MAXIMUM },
{ NULL, 0 }
static struct lookup const end_years[] = {
{ "minimum", YR_MINIMUM },
{ "maximum", YR_MAXIMUM },
{ "only", YR_ONLY },
{ NULL, 0 }
static struct lookup const leap_types[] = {
{ "Rolling", true },
{ "Stationary", false },
{ NULL, 0 }
static const int len_months[2][MONSPERYEAR] = {
{ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 },
{ 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }
static const int len_years[2] = {
static struct attype {
zic_t at;
bool dontmerge;
unsigned char type;
} * attypes;
static zic_t utoffs[TZ_MAX_TYPES];
static char isdsts[TZ_MAX_TYPES];
static unsigned char desigidx[TZ_MAX_TYPES];
static bool ttisstds[TZ_MAX_TYPES];
static bool ttisuts[TZ_MAX_TYPES];
static char chars[TZ_MAX_CHARS];
static zic_t trans[TZ_MAX_LEAPS];
static zic_t corr[TZ_MAX_LEAPS];
static char roll[TZ_MAX_LEAPS];
** Memory allocation.
static _Noreturn void
memory_exhausted(const char *msg)
fprintf(stderr, _("%s: Memory exhausted: %s\n"), progname, msg);
static ATTRIBUTE_PURE size_t
size_product(size_t nitems, size_t itemsize)
if (SIZE_MAX / itemsize < nitems)
memory_exhausted(_("size overflow"));
return nitems * itemsize;
static ATTRIBUTE_PURE size_t
align_to(size_t size, size_t alignment)
size_t aligned_size = size + alignment - 1;
aligned_size -= aligned_size % alignment;
if (aligned_size < size)
memory_exhausted(_("alignment overflow"));
return aligned_size;
static char *
strdup(char const *str)
char *result = malloc(strlen(str) + 1);
return result ? strcpy(result, str) : result;
static void *
memcheck(void *ptr)
if (ptr == NULL)
return ptr;
static void * ATTRIBUTE_MALLOC
emalloc(size_t size)
return memcheck(malloc(size));
static void *
erealloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
return memcheck(realloc(ptr, size));
static char * ATTRIBUTE_MALLOC
ecpyalloc (char const *str)
return memcheck(strdup(str));
static void *
growalloc(void *ptr, size_t itemsize, ptrdiff_t nitems, ptrdiff_t *nitems_alloc)
if (nitems < *nitems_alloc)
return ptr;
else {
ptrdiff_t nitems_max = PTRDIFF_MAX - WORK_AROUND_QTBUG_53071;
ptrdiff_t amax = nitems_max < SIZE_MAX ? nitems_max : SIZE_MAX;
if ((amax - 1) / 3 * 2 < *nitems_alloc)
memory_exhausted(_("integer overflow"));
*nitems_alloc += (*nitems_alloc >> 1) + 1;
return erealloc(ptr, size_product(*nitems_alloc, itemsize));
** Error handling.
static void
eats(char const *name, lineno num, char const *rname, lineno rnum)
filename = name;
linenum = num;
rfilename = rname;
rlinenum = rnum;
static void
eat(char const *name, lineno num)
eats(name, num, NULL, -1);
static void ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT((printf, 1, 0))
verror(const char *const string, va_list args)
** Match the format of "cc" to allow sh users to
** zic ... 2>&1 | error -t "*" -v
** on BSD systems.
if (filename)
fprintf(stderr, _("\"%s\", line %"PRIdMAX": "), filename, linenum);
vfprintf(stderr, string, args);
if (rfilename != NULL)
fprintf(stderr, _(" (rule from \"%s\", line %"PRIdMAX")"),
rfilename, rlinenum);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
static void ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT((printf, 1, 2))
error(const char *const string, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, string);
verror(string, args);
errors = true;
static void ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT((printf, 1, 2))
warning(const char *const string, ...)
va_list args;
fprintf(stderr, _("warning: "));
va_start(args, string);
verror(string, args);
warnings = true;
static void
close_file(FILE *stream, char const *dir, char const *name)
char const *e = (ferror(stream) ? _("I/O error")
: fclose(stream) != 0 ? strerror(errno) : NULL);
if (e) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s%s%s%s%s\n", progname,
dir ? dir : "", dir ? "/" : "",
name ? name : "", name ? ": " : "",
static _Noreturn void
usage(FILE *stream, int status)
_("%s: usage is %s [ --version ] [ --help ] [ -v ] \\\n"
"\t[ -b {slim|fat} ] [ -d directory ] [ -l localtime ]"
" [ -L leapseconds ] \\\n"
"\t[ -p posixrules ] [ -r '[@lo][/@hi]' ] [ -t localtime-link ] \\\n"
"\t[ filename ... ]\n\n"
"Report bugs to %s.\n"),
progname, progname, REPORT_BUGS_TO);
if (status == EXIT_SUCCESS)
close_file(stream, NULL, NULL);
/* Change the working directory to DIR, possibly creating DIR and its
ancestors. After this is done, all files are accessed with names
relative to DIR. */
static void
change_directory (char const *dir)
if (chdir(dir) != 0) {
int chdir_errno = errno;
if (chdir_errno == ENOENT) {
mkdirs(dir, false);
chdir_errno = chdir(dir) == 0 ? 0 : errno;
if (chdir_errno != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, _("%s: Can't chdir to %s: %s\n"),
progname, dir, strerror(chdir_errno));
#define TIME_T_BITS_IN_FILE 64
/* The minimum and maximum values representable in a TZif file. */
static zic_t const min_time = MINVAL(zic_t, TIME_T_BITS_IN_FILE);
static zic_t const max_time = MAXVAL(zic_t, TIME_T_BITS_IN_FILE);
/* The minimum, and one less than the maximum, values specified by
the -r option. These default to MIN_TIME and MAX_TIME. */
static zic_t lo_time = MINVAL(zic_t, TIME_T_BITS_IN_FILE);
static zic_t hi_time = MAXVAL(zic_t, TIME_T_BITS_IN_FILE);
/* The time specified by an Expires line, or negative if no such line. */
static zic_t leapexpires = -1;
/* The time specified by an #expires comment, or negative if no such line. */
static zic_t comment_leapexpires = -1;
/* Set the time range of the output to TIMERANGE.
Return true if successful. */
static bool
timerange_option(char *timerange)
intmax_t lo = min_time, hi = max_time;
char *lo_end = timerange, *hi_end;
if (*timerange == '@') {
errno = 0;
lo = strtoimax (timerange + 1, &lo_end, 10);
if (lo_end == timerange + 1 || (lo == INTMAX_MAX && errno == ERANGE))
return false;
hi_end = lo_end;
if (lo_end[0] == '/' && lo_end[1] == '@') {
errno = 0;
hi = strtoimax (lo_end + 2, &hi_end, 10);
if (hi_end == lo_end + 2 || hi == INTMAX_MIN)
return false;
hi -= ! (hi == INTMAX_MAX && errno == ERANGE);
if (*hi_end || hi < lo || max_time < lo || hi < min_time)
return false;
lo_time = lo < min_time ? min_time : lo;
hi_time = max_time < hi ? max_time : hi;
return true;
static const char * psxrules;
static const char * lcltime;
static const char * directory;
static const char * leapsec;
static const char * tzdefault;
static const char * yitcommand;
/* -1 if the TZif output file should be slim, 0 if default, 1 if the
output should be fat for backward compatibility. Currently the
default is fat, although this may change. */
static int bloat;
static bool
return 0 <= bloat;
# define ZIC_BLOAT_DEFAULT "fat"
main(int argc, char **argv)
register int c, k;
register ptrdiff_t i, j;
bool timerange_given = false;
#ifdef S_IWGRP
umask(umask(S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH) | (S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH));
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
bindtextdomain(TZ_DOMAIN, TZ_DOMAINDIR);
#endif /* defined TEXTDOMAINDIR */
#endif /* HAVE_GETTEXT */
progname = argv[0];
if (TYPE_BIT(zic_t) < 64) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", progname,
_("wild compilation-time specification of zic_t"));
for (k = 1; k < argc; k++)
if (strcmp(argv[k], "--version") == 0) {
printf("zic %s%s\n", PKGVERSION, TZVERSION);
close_file(stdout, NULL, NULL);
} else if (strcmp(argv[k], "--help") == 0) {
usage(stdout, EXIT_SUCCESS);
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "b:d:l:L:p:r:st:vy:")) != EOF && c != -1)
switch (c) {
usage(stderr, EXIT_FAILURE);
case 'b':
if (strcmp(optarg, "slim") == 0) {
if (0 < bloat)
error(_("incompatible -b options"));
bloat = -1;
} else if (strcmp(optarg, "fat") == 0) {
if (bloat < 0)
error(_("incompatible -b options"));
bloat = 1;
} else
error(_("invalid option: -b '%s'"), optarg);
case 'd':
if (directory == NULL)
directory = optarg;
else {
_("%s: More than one -d option specified\n"),
case 'l':
if (lcltime == NULL)
lcltime = optarg;
else {
_("%s: More than one -l option specified\n"),
case 'p':
if (psxrules == NULL)
psxrules = optarg;
else {
_("%s: More than one -p option specified\n"),
case 't':
if (tzdefault != NULL) {
_("%s: More than one -t option"
" specified\n"),
tzdefault = optarg;
case 'y':
if (yitcommand == NULL) {
warning(_("-y is obsolescent"));
yitcommand = optarg;
} else {
_("%s: More than one -y option specified\n"),
case 'L':
if (leapsec == NULL)
leapsec = optarg;
else {
_("%s: More than one -L option specified\n"),
case 'v':
noise = true;
case 'r':
if (timerange_given) {
_("%s: More than one -r option specified\n"),
if (! timerange_option(optarg)) {
_("%s: invalid time range: %s\n"),
progname, optarg);
timerange_given = true;
case 's':
warning(_("-s ignored"));
if (optind == argc - 1 && strcmp(argv[optind], "=") == 0)
usage(stderr, EXIT_FAILURE); /* usage message by request */
if (bloat == 0)
bloat = strcmp(ZIC_BLOAT_DEFAULT, "slim") == 0 ? -1 : 1;
if (directory == NULL)
directory = TZDIR;
if (tzdefault == NULL)
tzdefault = TZDEFAULT;
if (yitcommand == NULL)
yitcommand = "yearistype";
if (optind < argc && leapsec != NULL) {
for (k = optind; k < argc; k++)
if (errors)
for (i = 0; i < nzones; i = j) {
** Find the next non-continuation zone entry.
for (j = i + 1; j < nzones && zones[j].z_name == NULL; ++j)
outzone(&zones[i], j - i);
** Make links.
for (i = 0; i < nlinks; ++i) {
eat(links[i].l_filename, links[i].l_linenum);
dolink(links[i].l_from, links[i].l_to, false);
if (noise)
for (j = 0; j < nlinks; ++j)
if (strcmp(links[i].l_to,
links[j].l_from) == 0)
warning(_("link to link"));
if (lcltime != NULL) {
eat(_("command line"), 1);
dolink(lcltime, tzdefault, true);
if (psxrules != NULL) {
eat(_("command line"), 1);
dolink(psxrules, TZDEFRULES, true);
if (warnings && (ferror(stderr) || fclose(stderr) != 0))
return errors ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;
static bool
componentcheck(char const *name, char const *component,
char const *component_end)
enum { component_len_max = 14 };
ptrdiff_t component_len = component_end - component;
if (component_len == 0) {
if (!*name)
error (_("empty file name"));
error (_(component == name
? "file name '%s' begins with '/'"
: *component_end
? "file name '%s' contains '//'"
: "file name '%s' ends with '/'"),
return false;
if (0 < component_len && component_len <= 2
&& component[0] == '.' && component_end[-1] == '.') {
int len = component_len;
error(_("file name '%s' contains '%.*s' component"),
name, len, component);
return false;
if (noise) {
if (0 < component_len && component[0] == '-')
warning(_("file name '%s' component contains leading '-'"),
if (component_len_max < component_len)
warning(_("file name '%s' contains overlength component"
" '%.*s...'"),
name, component_len_max, component);
return true;
static bool
namecheck(const char *name)
register char const *cp;
/* Benign characters in a portable file name. */
static char const benign[] =
/* Non-control chars in the POSIX portable character set,
excluding the benign characters. */
static char const printable_and_not_benign[] =
" !\"#$%&'()*+,.0123456789:;<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~";
register char const *component = name;
for (cp = name; *cp; cp++) {
unsigned char c = *cp;
if (noise && !strchr(benign, c)) {
warning((strchr(printable_and_not_benign, c)
? _("file name '%s' contains byte '%c'")
: _("file name '%s' contains byte '\\%o'")),
name, c);
if (c == '/') {
if (!componentcheck(name, component, cp))
return false;
component = cp + 1;
return componentcheck(name, component, cp);
/* Create symlink contents suitable for symlinking FROM to TO, as a
freshly allocated string. FROM should be a relative file name, and
is relative to the global variable DIRECTORY. TO can be either
relative or absolute. */
static char *
relname(char const *from, char const *to)
size_t i, taillen, dotdotetcsize;
size_t dir_len = 0, dotdots = 0, linksize = SIZE_MAX;
char const *f = from;
char *result = NULL;
if (*to == '/') {
/* Make F absolute too. */
size_t len = strlen(directory);
bool needslash = len && directory[len - 1] != '/';
linksize = len + needslash + strlen(from) + 1;
f = result = emalloc(linksize);
strcpy(result, directory);
result[len] = '/';
strcpy(result + len + needslash, from);
for (i = 0; f[i] && f[i] == to[i]; i++)
if (f[i] == '/')
dir_len = i + 1;
for (; to[i]; i++)
dotdots += to[i] == '/' && to[i - 1] != '/';
taillen = strlen(f + dir_len);
dotdotetcsize = 3 * dotdots + taillen + 1;
if (dotdotetcsize <= linksize) {
if (!result)
result = emalloc(dotdotetcsize);
for (i = 0; i < dotdots; i++)
memcpy(result + 3 * i, "../", 3);
memmove(result + 3 * dotdots, f + dir_len, taillen + 1);
return result;
/* Hard link FROM to TO, following any symbolic links.
Return 0 if successful, an error number otherwise. */
static int
hardlinkerr(char const *from, char const *to)
int r = linkat(AT_FDCWD, from, AT_FDCWD, to, AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW);
return r == 0 ? 0 : errno;
static void
dolink(char const *fromfield, char const *tofield, bool staysymlink)
bool todirs_made = false;
int link_errno;
** We get to be careful here since
** there's a fair chance of root running us.
if (itsdir(fromfield)) {
fprintf(stderr, _("%s: link from %s/%s failed: %s\n"),
progname, directory, fromfield, strerror(EPERM));
if (staysymlink)
staysymlink = itssymlink(tofield);
if (remove(tofield) == 0)
todirs_made = true;
else if (errno != ENOENT) {
char const *e = strerror(errno);
fprintf(stderr, _("%s: Can't remove %s/%s: %s\n"),
progname, directory, tofield, e);
link_errno = staysymlink ? ENOTSUP : hardlinkerr(fromfield, tofield);
if (link_errno == ENOENT && !todirs_made) {
mkdirs(tofield, true);
todirs_made = true;
link_errno = hardlinkerr(fromfield, tofield);
if (link_errno != 0) {
bool absolute = *fromfield == '/';
char *linkalloc = absolute ? NULL : relname(fromfield, tofield);
char const *contents = absolute ? fromfield : linkalloc;
int symlink_errno = symlink(contents, tofield) == 0 ? 0 : errno;
if (!todirs_made
&& (symlink_errno == ENOENT || symlink_errno == ENOTSUP)) {
mkdirs(tofield, true);
if (symlink_errno == ENOENT)
symlink_errno = symlink(contents, tofield) == 0 ? 0 : errno;
if (symlink_errno == 0) {
if (link_errno != ENOTSUP)
warning(_("symbolic link used because hard link failed: %s"),
} else {
FILE *fp, *tp;
int c;
fp = fopen(fromfield, "rb");
if (!fp) {
char const *e = strerror(errno);
fprintf(stderr, _("%s: Can't read %s/%s: %s\n"),
progname, directory, fromfield, e);
tp = fopen(tofield, "wb");
if (!tp) {
char const *e = strerror(errno);
fprintf(stderr, _("%s: Can't create %s/%s: %s\n"),
progname, directory, tofield, e);
while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF)
putc(c, tp);
close_file(fp, directory, fromfield);
close_file(tp, directory, tofield);
if (link_errno != ENOTSUP)
warning(_("copy used because hard link failed: %s"),
else if (symlink_errno != ENOTSUP)
warning(_("copy used because symbolic link failed: %s"),
/* Return true if NAME is a directory. */
static bool
itsdir(char const *name)
struct stat st;
int res = stat(name, &st);
#ifdef S_ISDIR
if (res == 0)
return S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) != 0;
if (res == 0 || errno == EOVERFLOW) {
size_t n = strlen(name);
char *nameslashdot = emalloc(n + 3);
bool dir;
memcpy(nameslashdot, name, n);
strcpy(&nameslashdot[n], &"/."[! (n && name[n - 1] != '/')]);
dir = stat(nameslashdot, &st) == 0 || errno == EOVERFLOW;
return dir;
return false;
/* Return true if NAME is a symbolic link. */
static bool
itssymlink(char const *name)
char c;
return 0 <= readlink(name, &c, 1);
** Associate sets of rules with zones.
** Sort by rule name.
static int
rcomp(const void *cp1, const void *cp2)
return strcmp(((const struct rule *) cp1)->r_name,
((const struct rule *) cp2)->r_name);
static void
register struct zone * zp;
register struct rule * rp;
register ptrdiff_t i, j, base, out;
if (nrules != 0) {
qsort(rules, nrules, sizeof *rules, rcomp);
for (i = 0; i < nrules - 1; ++i) {
if (strcmp(rules[i].r_name,
rules[i + 1].r_name) != 0)
if (strcmp(rules[i].r_filename,
rules[i + 1].r_filename) == 0)
eat(rules[i].r_filename, rules[i].r_linenum);
warning(_("same rule name in multiple files"));
eat(rules[i + 1].r_filename, rules[i + 1].r_linenum);
warning(_("same rule name in multiple files"));
for (j = i + 2; j < nrules; ++j) {
if (strcmp(rules[i].r_name,
rules[j].r_name) != 0)
if (strcmp(rules[i].r_filename,
rules[j].r_filename) == 0)
if (strcmp(rules[i + 1].r_filename,
rules[j].r_filename) == 0)
i = j - 1;
for (i = 0; i < nzones; ++i) {
zp = &zones[i];
zp->z_rules = NULL;
zp->z_nrules = 0;
for (base = 0; base < nrules; base = out) {
rp = &rules[base];
for (out = base + 1; out < nrules; ++out)
if (strcmp(rp->r_name, rules[out].r_name) != 0)
for (i = 0; i < nzones; ++i) {
zp = &zones[i];
if (strcmp(zp->z_rule, rp->r_name) != 0)
zp->z_rules = rp;
zp->z_nrules = out - base;
for (i = 0; i < nzones; ++i) {
zp = &zones[i];
if (zp->z_nrules == 0) {
** Maybe we have a local standard time offset.
eat(zp->z_filename, zp->z_linenum);
zp->z_save = getsave(zp->z_rule, &zp->z_isdst);
** Note, though, that if there's no rule,
** a '%s' in the format is a bad thing.
if (zp->z_format_specifier == 's')
error("%s", _("%s in ruleless zone"));
if (errors)
static void
infile(const char *name)
register FILE * fp;
register char ** fields;
register char * cp;
register const struct lookup * lp;
register int nfields;
register bool wantcont;
register lineno num;
char buf[BUFSIZ];
if (strcmp(name, "-") == 0) {
name = _("standard input");
fp = stdin;
} else if ((fp = fopen(name, "r")) == NULL) {
const char *e = strerror(errno);
fprintf(stderr, _("%s: Can't open %s: %s\n"),
progname, name, e);
wantcont = false;
for (num = 1; ; ++num) {
eat(name, num);
if (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp) != buf)
cp = strchr(buf, '\n');
if (cp == NULL) {
error(_("line too long"));
*cp = '\0';
fields = getfields(buf);
nfields = 0;
while (fields[nfields] != NULL) {
static char nada;
if (strcmp(fields[nfields], "-") == 0)
fields[nfields] = &nada;
if (nfields == 0) {
if (name == leapsec && *buf == '#')
sscanf(buf, "#expires %"SCNdZIC, &comment_leapexpires);
} else if (wantcont) {
wantcont = inzcont(fields, nfields);
} else {
struct lookup const *line_codes
= name == leapsec ? leap_line_codes : zi_line_codes;
lp = byword(fields[0], line_codes);
if (lp == NULL)
error(_("input line of unknown type"));
else switch (lp->l_value) {
case LC_RULE:
inrule(fields, nfields);
wantcont = false;
case LC_ZONE:
wantcont = inzone(fields, nfields);
case LC_LINK:
inlink(fields, nfields);
wantcont = false;
case LC_LEAP:
inleap(fields, nfields);
wantcont = false;
inexpires(fields, nfields);
wantcont = false;
default: /* "cannot happen" */
_("%s: panic: Invalid l_value %d\n"),
progname, lp->l_value);
close_file(fp, NULL, filename);
if (wantcont)
error(_("expected continuation line not found"));
** Convert a string of one of the forms
** h -h hh:mm -hh:mm hh:mm:ss -hh:mm:ss
** into a number of seconds.
** A null string maps to zero.
** Call error with errstring and return zero on errors.
static zic_t
gethms(char const *string, char const *errstring)
zic_t hh;
int sign, mm = 0, ss = 0;
char hhx, mmx, ssx, xr = '0', xs;
int tenths = 0;
bool ok = true;
if (string == NULL || *string == '\0')
return 0;
if (*string == '-') {
sign = -1;
} else sign = 1;
switch (sscanf(string,
&hh, &hhx, &mm, &mmx, &ss, &ssx, &tenths, &xr, &xs)) {
default: ok = false; break;
case 8:
ok = '0' <= xr && xr <= '9';
/* fallthrough */
case 7:
ok &= ssx == '.';
if (ok && noise)
warning(_("fractional seconds rejected by"
" pre-2018 versions of zic"));
/* fallthrough */
case 5: ok &= mmx == ':'; /* fallthrough */
case 3: ok &= hhx == ':'; /* fallthrough */
case 1: break;
if (!ok) {
error("%s", errstring);
return 0;
if (hh < 0 ||
mm < 0 || mm >= MINSPERHOUR ||
ss < 0 || ss > SECSPERMIN) {
error("%s", errstring);
return 0;
error(_("time overflow"));
return 0;
ss += 5 + ((ss ^ 1) & (xr == '0')) <= tenths; /* Round to even. */
if (noise && (hh > HOURSPERDAY ||
(hh == HOURSPERDAY && (mm != 0 || ss != 0))))
warning(_("values over 24 hours not handled by pre-2007 versions of zic"));
return oadd(sign * hh * SECSPERHOUR,
sign * (mm * SECSPERMIN + ss));
static zic_t
getsave(char *field, bool *isdst)
int dst = -1;
zic_t save;
size_t fieldlen = strlen(field);
if (fieldlen != 0) {
char *ep = field + fieldlen - 1;
switch (*ep) {
case 'd': dst = 1; *ep = '\0'; break;
case 's': dst = 0; *ep = '\0'; break;
save = gethms(field, _("invalid saved time"));
*isdst = dst < 0 ? save != 0 : dst;
return save;
static void
inrule(char **fields, int nfields)
static struct rule r;
if (nfields != RULE_FIELDS) {
error(_("wrong number of fields on Rule line"));
switch (*fields[RF_NAME]) {
case '\0':
case ' ': case '\f': case '\n': case '\r': case '\t': case '\v':
case '+': case '-':
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
error(_("Invalid rule name \"%s\""), fields[RF_NAME]);
r.r_filename = filename;
r.r_linenum = linenum;
r.r_save = getsave(fields[RF_SAVE], &r.r_isdst);
rulesub(&r, fields[RF_LOYEAR], fields[RF_HIYEAR], fields[RF_COMMAND],
fields[RF_MONTH], fields[RF_DAY], fields[RF_TOD]);
r.r_name = ecpyalloc(fields[RF_NAME]);
r.r_abbrvar = ecpyalloc(fields[RF_ABBRVAR]);
if (max_abbrvar_len < strlen(r.r_abbrvar))
max_abbrvar_len = strlen(r.r_abbrvar);
rules = growalloc(rules, sizeof *rules, nrules, &nrules_alloc);
rules[nrules++] = r;
static bool
inzone(char **fields, int nfields)
register ptrdiff_t i;
if (nfields < ZONE_MINFIELDS || nfields > ZONE_MAXFIELDS) {
error(_("wrong number of fields on Zone line"));
return false;
if (lcltime != NULL && strcmp(fields[ZF_NAME], tzdefault) == 0) {
_("\"Zone %s\" line and -l option are mutually exclusive"),
return false;
if (strcmp(fields[ZF_NAME], TZDEFRULES) == 0 && psxrules != NULL) {
_("\"Zone %s\" line and -p option are mutually exclusive"),
return false;
for (i = 0; i < nzones; ++i)
if (zones[i].z_name != NULL &&
strcmp(zones[i].z_name, fields[ZF_NAME]) == 0) {
error(_("duplicate zone name %s"
" (file \"%s\", line %"PRIdMAX")"),
return false;
return inzsub(fields, nfields, false);
static bool
inzcont(char **fields, int nfields)
if (nfields < ZONEC_MINFIELDS || nfields > ZONEC_MAXFIELDS) {
error(_("wrong number of fields on Zone continuation line"));
return false;
return inzsub(fields, nfields, true);
static bool
inzsub(char **fields, int nfields, bool iscont)
register char * cp;
char * cp1;
static struct zone z;
register int i_stdoff, i_rule, i_format;
register int i_untilyear, i_untilmonth;
register int i_untilday, i_untiltime;
register bool hasuntil;
if (iscont) {
i_stdoff = ZFC_STDOFF;
i_rule = ZFC_RULE;
i_format = ZFC_FORMAT;
i_untilyear = ZFC_TILYEAR;
i_untilmonth = ZFC_TILMONTH;
i_untilday = ZFC_TILDAY;
i_untiltime = ZFC_TILTIME;
z.z_name = NULL;
} else if (!namecheck(fields[ZF_NAME]))
return false;
else {
i_stdoff = ZF_STDOFF;
i_rule = ZF_RULE;
i_format = ZF_FORMAT;
i_untilyear = ZF_TILYEAR;
i_untilmonth = ZF_TILMONTH;
i_untilday = ZF_TILDAY;
i_untiltime = ZF_TILTIME;
z.z_name = ecpyalloc(fields[ZF_NAME]);
z.z_filename = filename;
z.z_linenum = linenum;
z.z_stdoff = gethms(fields[i_stdoff], _("invalid UT offset"));
if ((cp = strchr(fields[i_format], '%')) != 0) {
if ((*++cp != 's' && *cp != 'z') || strchr(cp, '%')
|| strchr(fields[i_format], '/')) {
error(_("invalid abbreviation format"));
return false;
z.z_rule = ecpyalloc(fields[i_rule]);
z.z_format = cp1 = ecpyalloc(fields[i_format]);
z.z_format_specifier = cp ? *cp : '\0';
if (z.z_format_specifier == 'z') {
if (noise)
warning(_("format '%s' not handled by pre-2015 versions of zic"),
cp1[cp - fields[i_format]] = 's';
if (max_format_len < strlen(z.z_format))
max_format_len = strlen(z.z_format);
hasuntil = nfields > i_untilyear;
if (hasuntil) {
z.z_untilrule.r_filename = filename;
z.z_untilrule.r_linenum = linenum;
(nfields > i_untilmonth) ?
fields[i_untilmonth] : "Jan",
(nfields > i_untilday) ? fields[i_untilday] : "1",
(nfields > i_untiltime) ? fields[i_untiltime] : "0");
z.z_untiltime = rpytime(&z.z_untilrule,
if (iscont && nzones > 0 &&
z.z_untiltime > min_time &&
z.z_untiltime < max_time &&
zones[nzones - 1].z_untiltime > min_time &&
zones[nzones - 1].z_untiltime < max_time &&
zones[nzones - 1].z_untiltime >= z.z_untiltime) {
"Zone continuation line end time is not after end time of previous line"
return false;
zones = growalloc(zones, sizeof *zones, nzones, &nzones_alloc);
zones[nzones++] = z;
** If there was an UNTIL field on this line,
** there's more information about the zone on the next line.
return hasuntil;
static zic_t
getleapdatetime(char **fields, int nfields, bool expire_line)
register const char * cp;
register const struct lookup * lp;
register zic_t i, j;
zic_t year;
int month, day;
zic_t dayoff, tod;
zic_t t;
char xs;
dayoff = 0;
cp = fields[LP_YEAR];
if (sscanf(cp, "%"SCNdZIC"%c", &year, &xs) != 1) {
** Leapin' Lizards!
error(_("invalid leaping year"));
return -1;
if (!expire_line) {
if (!leapseen || leapmaxyear < year)
leapmaxyear = year;
if (!leapseen || leapminyear > year)
leapminyear = year;
leapseen = true;
while (j != year) {
if (year > j) {
i = len_years[isleap(j)];
} else {
i = -len_years[isleap(j)];
dayoff = oadd(dayoff, i);
if ((lp = byword(fields[LP_MONTH], mon_names)) == NULL) {
error(_("invalid month name"));
return -1;
month = lp->l_value;
while (j != month) {
i = len_months[isleap(year)][j];
dayoff = oadd(dayoff, i);
cp = fields[LP_DAY];
if (sscanf(cp, "%d%c", &day, &xs) != 1 ||
day <= 0 || day > len_months[isleap(year)][month]) {
error(_("invalid day of month"));
return -1;
dayoff = oadd(dayoff, day - 1);
if (dayoff < min_time / SECSPERDAY) {
error(_("time too small"));
return -1;
if (dayoff > max_time / SECSPERDAY) {
error(_("time too large"));
return -1;
t = dayoff * SECSPERDAY;
tod = gethms(fields[LP_TIME], _("invalid time of day"));
t = tadd(t, tod);
if (t < 0)
error(_("leap second precedes Epoch"));
return t;
static void
inleap(char **fields, int nfields)
if (nfields != LEAP_FIELDS)
error(_("wrong number of fields on Leap line"));
else {
zic_t t = getleapdatetime(fields, nfields, false);
if (0 <= t) {
struct lookup const *lp = byword(fields[LP_ROLL], leap_types);
if (!lp)
error(_("invalid Rolling/Stationary field on Leap line"));
else {
int correction = 0;
if (!fields[LP_CORR][0]) /* infile() turns "-" into "". */
correction = -1;
else if (strcmp(fields[LP_CORR], "+") == 0)
correction = 1;
error(_("invalid CORRECTION field on Leap line"));
if (correction)
leapadd(t, correction, lp->l_value);
static void
inexpires(char **fields, int nfields)
if (nfields != EXPIRES_FIELDS)
error(_("wrong number of fields on Expires line"));
else if (0 <= leapexpires)
error(_("multiple Expires lines"));
leapexpires = getleapdatetime(fields, nfields, true);
static void
inlink(char **fields, int nfields)
struct link l;
if (nfields != LINK_FIELDS) {
error(_("wrong number of fields on Link line"));
if (*fields[LF_FROM] == '\0') {
error(_("blank FROM field on Link line"));
if (! namecheck(fields[LF_TO]))
l.l_filename = filename;
l.l_linenum = linenum;
l.l_from = ecpyalloc(fields[LF_FROM]);
l.l_to = ecpyalloc(fields[LF_TO]);
links = growalloc(links, sizeof *links, nlinks, &nlinks_alloc);
links[nlinks++] = l;
static void
rulesub(struct rule *rp, const char *loyearp, const char *hiyearp,
const char *typep, const char *monthp, const char *dayp,
const char *timep)
register const struct lookup * lp;
register const char * cp;
register char * dp;
register char * ep;
char xs;
if ((lp = byword(monthp, mon_names)) == NULL) {
error(_("invalid month name"));
rp->r_month = lp->l_value;
rp->r_todisstd = false;
rp->r_todisut = false;
dp = ecpyalloc(timep);
if (*dp != '\0') {
ep = dp + strlen(dp) - 1;
switch (lowerit(*ep)) {
case 's': /* Standard */
rp->r_todisstd = true;
rp->r_todisut = false;
*ep = '\0';
case 'w': /* Wall */
rp->r_todisstd = false;
rp->r_todisut = false;
*ep = '\0';
case 'g': /* Greenwich */
case 'u': /* Universal */
case 'z': /* Zulu */
rp->r_todisstd = true;
rp->r_todisut = true;
*ep = '\0';
rp->r_tod = gethms(dp, _("invalid time of day"));
** Year work.
cp = loyearp;
lp = byword(cp, begin_years);
rp->r_lowasnum = lp == NULL;
if (!rp->r_lowasnum) switch (lp->l_value) {
rp->r_loyear = ZIC_MIN;
rp->r_loyear = ZIC_MAX;
default: /* "cannot happen" */
_("%s: panic: Invalid l_value %d\n"),
progname, lp->l_value);
} else if (sscanf(cp, "%"SCNdZIC"%c", &rp->r_loyear, &xs) != 1) {
error(_("invalid starting year"));
cp = hiyearp;
lp = byword(cp, end_years);
rp->r_hiwasnum = lp == NULL;
if (!rp->r_hiwasnum) switch (lp->l_value) {
rp->r_hiyear = ZIC_MIN;
rp->r_hiyear = ZIC_MAX;
case YR_ONLY:
rp->r_hiyear = rp->r_loyear;
default: /* "cannot happen" */
_("%s: panic: Invalid l_value %d\n"),
progname, lp->l_value);
} else if (sscanf(cp, "%"SCNdZIC"%c", &rp->r_hiyear, &xs) != 1) {
error(_("invalid ending year"));
if (rp->r_loyear > rp->r_hiyear) {
error(_("starting year greater than ending year"));
if (*typep == '\0')
rp->r_yrtype = NULL;
else {
if (rp->r_loyear == rp->r_hiyear) {
error(_("typed single year"));
warning(_("year type \"%s\" is obsolete; use \"-\" instead"),
rp->r_yrtype = ecpyalloc(typep);
** Day work.
** Accept things such as:
** 1
** lastSunday
** last-Sunday (undocumented; warn about this)
** Sun<=20
** Sun>=7
dp = ecpyalloc(dayp);
if ((lp = byword(dp, lasts)) != NULL) {
rp->r_dycode = DC_DOWLEQ;
rp->r_wday = lp->l_value;
rp->r_dayofmonth = len_months[1][rp->r_month];
} else {
if ((ep = strchr(dp, '<')) != 0)
rp->r_dycode = DC_DOWLEQ;
else if ((ep = strchr(dp, '>')) != 0)
rp->r_dycode = DC_DOWGEQ;
else {
ep = dp;
rp->r_dycode = DC_DOM;
if (rp->r_dycode != DC_DOM) {
*ep++ = 0;
if (*ep++ != '=') {
error(_("invalid day of month"));
if ((lp = byword(dp, wday_names)) == NULL) {
error(_("invalid weekday name"));
rp->r_wday = lp->l_value;
if (sscanf(ep, "%d%c", &rp->r_dayofmonth, &xs) != 1 ||
rp->r_dayofmonth <= 0 ||
(rp->r_dayofmonth > len_months[1][rp->r_month])) {
error(_("invalid day of month"));
static void
convert(const int_fast32_t val, char *const buf)
register int i;
register int shift;
unsigned char *const b = (unsigned char *) buf;
for (i = 0, shift = 24; i < 4; ++i, shift -= 8)
b[i] = val >> shift;
static void
convert64(const zic_t val, char *const buf)
register int i;
register int shift;
unsigned char *const b = (unsigned char *) buf;
for (i = 0, shift = 56; i < 8; ++i, shift -= 8)
b[i] = val >> shift;
static void
puttzcode(const int_fast32_t val, FILE *const fp)
char buf[4];
convert(val, buf);
fwrite(buf, sizeof buf, 1, fp);
static void
puttzcodepass(zic_t val, FILE *fp, int pass)
if (pass == 1)
puttzcode(val, fp);
else {
char buf[8];
convert64(val, buf);
fwrite(buf, sizeof buf, 1, fp);
static int
atcomp(const void *avp, const void *bvp)
const zic_t a = ((const struct attype *) avp)->at;
const zic_t b = ((const struct attype *) bvp)->at;
return (a < b) ? -1 : (a > b);
struct timerange {
int defaulttype;
ptrdiff_t base, count;
int leapbase, leapcount;
static struct timerange
limitrange(struct timerange r, zic_t lo, zic_t hi,
zic_t const *ats, unsigned char const *types)
while (0 < r.count && ats[r.base] < lo) {
r.defaulttype = types[r.base];
while (0 < r.leapcount && trans[r.leapbase] < lo) {
if (hi < ZIC_MAX) {
while (0 < r.count && hi + 1 < ats[r.base + r.count - 1])
while (0 < r.leapcount && hi + 1 < trans[r.leapbase + r.leapcount - 1])
return r;
static void
writezone(const char *const name, const char *const string, char version,
int defaulttype)
register FILE * fp;
register ptrdiff_t i, j;
register int pass;
static const struct tzhead tzh0;
static struct tzhead tzh;
bool dir_checked = false;
zic_t one = 1;
zic_t y2038_boundary = one << 31;
ptrdiff_t nats = timecnt + WORK_AROUND_QTBUG_53071;
/* Allocate the ATS and TYPES arrays via a single malloc,
as this is a bit faster. */
zic_t *ats = emalloc(align_to(size_product(nats, sizeof *ats + 1),
void *typesptr = ats + nats;
unsigned char *types = typesptr;
struct timerange rangeall, range32, range64;
** Sort.
if (timecnt > 1)
qsort(attypes, timecnt, sizeof *attypes, atcomp);
** Optimize.
ptrdiff_t fromi, toi;
toi = 0;
fromi = 0;
for ( ; fromi < timecnt; ++fromi) {
if (toi != 0
&& ((attypes[fromi].at
+ utoffs[attypes[toi - 1].type])
<= (attypes[toi - 1].at
+ utoffs[toi == 1 ? 0
: attypes[toi - 2].type]))) {
attypes[toi - 1].type =
if (toi == 0
|| attypes[fromi].dontmerge
|| (utoffs[attypes[toi - 1].type]
!= utoffs[attypes[fromi].type])
|| (isdsts[attypes[toi - 1].type]
!= isdsts[attypes[fromi].type])
|| (desigidx[attypes[toi - 1].type]
!= desigidx[attypes[fromi].type]))
attypes[toi++] = attypes[fromi];
timecnt = toi;
if (noise && timecnt > 1200) {
if (timecnt > TZ_MAX_TIMES)
warning(_("reference clients mishandle"
" more than %d transition times"),
warning(_("pre-2014 clients may mishandle"
" more than 1200 transition times"));
** Transfer.
for (i = 0; i < timecnt; ++i) {
ats[i] = attypes[i].at;
types[i] = attypes[i].type;
** Correct for leap seconds.
for (i = 0; i < timecnt; ++i) {
j = leapcnt;
while (--j >= 0)
if (ats[i] > trans[j] - corr[j]) {
ats[i] = tadd(ats[i], corr[j]);
/* Work around QTBUG-53071 for timestamps less than y2038_boundary - 1,
by inserting a no-op transition at time y2038_boundary - 1.
This works only for timestamps before the boundary, which
should be good enough in practice as QTBUG-53071 should be
long-dead by 2038. Do this after correcting for leap
seconds, as the idea is to insert a transition just before
32-bit time_t rolls around, and this occurs at a slightly
different moment if transitions are leap-second corrected. */
if (WORK_AROUND_QTBUG_53071 && timecnt != 0 && want_bloat()
&& ats[timecnt - 1] < y2038_boundary - 1 && strchr(string, '<')) {
ats[timecnt] = y2038_boundary - 1;
types[timecnt] = types[timecnt - 1];
rangeall.defaulttype = defaulttype;
rangeall.base = rangeall.leapbase = 0;
rangeall.count = timecnt;
rangeall.leapcount = leapcnt;
range64 = limitrange(rangeall, lo_time, hi_time, ats, types);
range32 = limitrange(range64, INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX, ats, types);
** Remove old file, if any, to snap links.
if (remove(name) == 0)
dir_checked = true;
else if (errno != ENOENT) {
const char *e = strerror(errno);
fprintf(stderr, _("%s: Can't remove %s/%s: %s\n"),
progname, directory, name, e);
fp = fopen(name, "wb");
if (!fp) {
int fopen_errno = errno;
if (fopen_errno == ENOENT && !dir_checked) {
mkdirs(name, true);
fp = fopen(name, "wb");
fopen_errno = errno;
if (!fp) {
fprintf(stderr, _("%s: Can't create %s/%s: %s\n"),
progname, directory, name, strerror(fopen_errno));
for (pass = 1; pass <= 2; ++pass) {
register ptrdiff_t thistimei, thistimecnt, thistimelim;
register int thisleapi, thisleapcnt, thisleaplim;
int currenttype, thisdefaulttype;
bool locut, hicut;
zic_t lo;
int old0;
char omittype[TZ_MAX_TYPES];
int typemap[TZ_MAX_TYPES];
int thistypecnt, stdcnt, utcnt;
char thischars[TZ_MAX_CHARS];
int thischarcnt;
bool toomanytimes;
int indmap[TZ_MAX_CHARS];
if (pass == 1) {
/* Arguably the default time type in the 32-bit data
should be range32.defaulttype, which is suited for
timestamps just before INT32_MIN. However, zic
traditionally used the time type of the indefinite
past instead. Internet RFC 8532 says readers should
ignore 32-bit data, so this discrepancy matters only
to obsolete readers where the traditional type might
be more appropriate even if it's "wrong". So, use
the historical zic value, unless -r specifies a low
cutoff that excludes some 32-bit timestamps. */
thisdefaulttype = (lo_time <= INT32_MIN
? range64.defaulttype
: range32.defaulttype);
thistimei = range32.base;
thistimecnt = range32.count;
toomanytimes = thistimecnt >> 31 >> 1 != 0;
thisleapi = range32.leapbase;
thisleapcnt = range32.leapcount;
locut = INT32_MIN < lo_time;
hicut = hi_time < INT32_MAX;
} else {
thisdefaulttype = range64.defaulttype;
thistimei = range64.base;
thistimecnt = range64.count;
toomanytimes = thistimecnt >> 31 >> 31 >> 2 != 0;
thisleapi = range64.leapbase;
thisleapcnt = range64.leapcount;
locut = min_time < lo_time;
hicut = hi_time < max_time;
if (toomanytimes)
error(_("too many transition times"));
/* Keep the last too-low transition if no transition is
exactly at LO. The kept transition will be output as
a LO "transition"; see "Output a LO_TIME transition"
below. This is needed when the output is truncated at
the start, and is also useful when catering to buggy
32-bit clients that do not use time type 0 for
timestamps before the first transition. */
if (0 < thistimei && ats[thistimei] != lo_time) {
locut = false;
thistimelim = thistimei + thistimecnt;
thisleaplim = thisleapi + thisleapcnt;
if (thistimecnt != 0) {
if (ats[thistimei] == lo_time)
locut = false;
if (hi_time < ZIC_MAX && ats[thistimelim - 1] == hi_time + 1)
hicut = false;
memset(omittype, true, typecnt);
omittype[thisdefaulttype] = false;
for (i = thistimei; i < thistimelim; i++)
omittype[types[i]] = false;
/* Reorder types to make THISDEFAULTTYPE type 0.
Use TYPEMAP to swap OLD0 and THISDEFAULTTYPE so that
THISDEFAULTTYPE appears as type 0 in the output instead
of OLD0. TYPEMAP also omits unused types. */
old0 = strlen(omittype);
** For some pre-2011 systems: if the last-to-be-written
** standard (or daylight) type has an offset different from the
** most recently used offset,
** append an (unused) copy of the most recently used type
** (to help get global "altzone" and "timezone" variables
** set correctly).
if (want_bloat()) {
register int mrudst, mrustd, hidst, histd, type;
hidst = histd = mrudst = mrustd = -1;
for (i = thistimei; i < thistimelim; ++i)
if (isdsts[types[i]])
mrudst = types[i];
else mrustd = types[i];
for (i = old0; i < typecnt; i++) {
int h = (i == old0 ? thisdefaulttype
: i == thisdefaulttype ? old0 : i);
if (!omittype[h]) {
if (isdsts[h])
hidst = i;
histd = i;
if (hidst >= 0 && mrudst >= 0 && hidst != mrudst &&
utoffs[hidst] != utoffs[mrudst]) {
isdsts[mrudst] = -1;
type = addtype(utoffs[mrudst],
isdsts[mrudst] = 1;
omittype[type] = false;
if (histd >= 0 && mrustd >= 0 && histd != mrustd &&
utoffs[histd] != utoffs[mrustd]) {
isdsts[mrustd] = -1;
type = addtype(utoffs[mrustd],
isdsts[mrustd] = 0;
omittype[type] = false;
#endif /* !defined LEAVE_SOME_PRE_2011_SYSTEMS_IN_THE_LURCH */
thistypecnt = 0;
for (i = old0; i < typecnt; i++)
if (!omittype[i])
typemap[i == old0 ? thisdefaulttype
: i == thisdefaulttype ? old0 : i]
= thistypecnt++;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof indmap / sizeof indmap[0]; ++i)
indmap[i] = -1;
thischarcnt = stdcnt = utcnt = 0;
for (i = old0; i < typecnt; i++) {
register char * thisabbr;
if (omittype[i])
if (ttisstds[i])
stdcnt = thistypecnt;
if (ttisuts[i])
utcnt = thistypecnt;
if (indmap[desigidx[i]] >= 0)
thisabbr = &chars[desigidx[i]];
for (j = 0; j < thischarcnt; ++j)
if (strcmp(&thischars[j], thisabbr) == 0)
if (j == thischarcnt) {
strcpy(&thischars[thischarcnt], thisabbr);
thischarcnt += strlen(thisabbr) + 1;
indmap[desigidx[i]] = j;
if (pass == 1 && !want_bloat()) {
utcnt = stdcnt = thisleapcnt = 0;
thistimecnt = - (locut + hicut);
thistypecnt = thischarcnt = 1;
thistimelim = thistimei;
#define DO(field) fwrite(tzh.field, sizeof tzh.field, 1, fp)
tzh = tzh0;
memcpy(tzh.tzh_magic, TZ_MAGIC, sizeof tzh.tzh_magic);
tzh.tzh_version[0] = version;
convert(utcnt, tzh.tzh_ttisutcnt);
convert(stdcnt, tzh.tzh_ttisstdcnt);
convert(thisleapcnt, tzh.tzh_leapcnt);
convert(locut + thistimecnt + hicut, tzh.tzh_timecnt);
convert(thistypecnt, tzh.tzh_typecnt);
convert(thischarcnt, tzh.tzh_charcnt);
#undef DO
if (pass == 1 && !want_bloat()) {
/* Output a minimal data block with just one time type. */
puttzcode(0, fp); /* utoff */
putc(0, fp); /* dst */
putc(0, fp); /* index of abbreviation */
putc(0, fp); /* empty-string abbreviation */
/* Output a LO_TIME transition if needed; see limitrange.
But do not go below the minimum representable value
for this pass. */
lo = pass == 1 && lo_time < INT32_MIN ? INT32_MIN : lo_time;
if (locut)
puttzcodepass(lo, fp, pass);
for (i = thistimei; i < thistimelim; ++i) {
zic_t at = ats[i] < lo ? lo : ats[i];
puttzcodepass(at, fp, pass);
if (hicut)
puttzcodepass(hi_time + 1, fp, pass);
currenttype = 0;
if (locut)
putc(currenttype, fp);
for (i = thistimei; i < thistimelim; ++i) {
currenttype = typemap[types[i]];
putc(currenttype, fp);
if (hicut)
putc(currenttype, fp);
for (i = old0; i < typecnt; i++) {
int h = (i == old0 ? thisdefaulttype
: i == thisdefaulttype ? old0 : i);
if (!omittype[h]) {
puttzcode(utoffs[h], fp);
putc(isdsts[h], fp);
putc(indmap[desigidx[h]], fp);
if (thischarcnt != 0)
fwrite(thischars, sizeof thischars[0],
thischarcnt, fp);
for (i = thisleapi; i < thisleaplim; ++i) {
register zic_t todo;
if (roll[i]) {
if (timecnt == 0 || trans[i] < ats[0]) {
j = 0;
while (isdsts[j])
if (++j >= typecnt) {
j = 0;
} else {
j = 1;
while (j < timecnt &&
trans[i] >= ats[j])
j = types[j - 1];
todo = tadd(trans[i], -utoffs[j]);
} else todo = trans[i];
puttzcodepass(todo, fp, pass);
puttzcode(corr[i], fp);
if (stdcnt != 0)
for (i = old0; i < typecnt; i++)
if (!omittype[i])
putc(ttisstds[i], fp);
if (utcnt != 0)
for (i = old0; i < typecnt; i++)
if (!omittype[i])
putc(ttisuts[i], fp);
fprintf(fp, "\n%s\n", string);
close_file(fp, directory, name);
static char const *
abbroffset(char *buf, zic_t offset)
char sign = '+';
int seconds, minutes;
if (offset < 0) {
offset = -offset;
sign = '-';
seconds = offset % SECSPERMIN;
offset /= SECSPERMIN;
minutes = offset % MINSPERHOUR;
offset /= MINSPERHOUR;
if (100 <= offset) {
error(_("%%z UT offset magnitude exceeds 99:59:59"));
return "%z";
} else {
char *p = buf;
*p++ = sign;
*p++ = '0' + offset / 10;
*p++ = '0' + offset % 10;
if (minutes | seconds) {
*p++ = '0' + minutes / 10;
*p++ = '0' + minutes % 10;
if (seconds) {
*p++ = '0' + seconds / 10;
*p++ = '0' + seconds % 10;
*p = '\0';
return buf;
static size_t
doabbr(char *abbr, struct zone const *zp, char const *letters,
bool isdst, zic_t save, bool doquotes)
register char * cp;
register char * slashp;
register size_t len;
char const *format = zp->z_format;
slashp = strchr(format, '/');
if (slashp == NULL) {
char letterbuf[PERCENT_Z_LEN_BOUND + 1];
if (zp->z_format_specifier == 'z')
letters = abbroffset(letterbuf, zp->z_stdoff + save);
else if (!letters)
letters = "%s";
sprintf(abbr, format, letters);
} else if (isdst) {
strcpy(abbr, slashp + 1);
} else {
memcpy(abbr, format, slashp - format);
abbr[slashp - format] = '\0';
len = strlen(abbr);
if (!doquotes)
return len;
for (cp = abbr; is_alpha(*cp); cp++)
if (len > 0 && *cp == '\0')
return len;
abbr[len + 2] = '\0';
abbr[len + 1] = '>';
memmove(abbr + 1, abbr, len);
abbr[0] = '<';
return len + 2;
static void
updateminmax(const zic_t x)
if (min_year > x)
min_year = x;
if (max_year < x)
max_year = x;
static int
stringoffset(char *result, zic_t offset)
register int hours;
register int minutes;
register int seconds;
bool negative = offset < 0;
int len = negative;
if (negative) {
offset = -offset;
result[0] = '-';
seconds = offset % SECSPERMIN;
offset /= SECSPERMIN;
minutes = offset % MINSPERHOUR;
offset /= MINSPERHOUR;
hours = offset;
result[0] = '\0';
return 0;
len += sprintf(result + len, "%d", hours);
if (minutes != 0 || seconds != 0) {
len += sprintf(result + len, ":%02d", minutes);
if (seconds != 0)
len += sprintf(result + len, ":%02d", seconds);
return len;
static int
stringrule(char *result, struct rule *const rp, zic_t save, zic_t stdoff)
register zic_t tod = rp->r_tod;
register int compat = 0;
if (rp->r_dycode == DC_DOM) {
register int month, total;
if (rp->r_dayofmonth == 29 && rp->r_month == TM_FEBRUARY)
return -1;
total = 0;
for (month = 0; month < rp->r_month; ++month)
total += len_months[0][month];
/* Omit the "J" in Jan and Feb, as that's shorter. */
if (rp->r_month <= 1)
result += sprintf(result, "%d", total + rp->r_dayofmonth - 1);
result += sprintf(result, "J%d", total + rp->r_dayofmonth);
} else {
register int week;
register int wday = rp->r_wday;
register int wdayoff;
if (rp->r_dycode == DC_DOWGEQ) {
wdayoff = (rp->r_dayofmonth - 1) % DAYSPERWEEK;
if (wdayoff)
compat = 2013;
wday -= wdayoff;
tod += wdayoff * SECSPERDAY;
week = 1 + (rp->r_dayofmonth - 1) / DAYSPERWEEK;
} else if (rp->r_dycode == DC_DOWLEQ) {
if (rp->r_dayofmonth == len_months[1][rp->r_month])
week = 5;
else {
wdayoff = rp->r_dayofmonth % DAYSPERWEEK;
if (wdayoff)
compat = 2013;
wday -= wdayoff;
tod += wdayoff * SECSPERDAY;
week = rp->r_dayofmonth / DAYSPERWEEK;
} else return -1; /* "cannot happen" */
if (wday < 0)
result += sprintf(result, "M%d.%d.%d",
rp->r_month + 1, week, wday);
if (rp->r_todisut)
tod += stdoff;
if (rp->r_todisstd && !rp->r_isdst)
tod += save;
if (tod != 2 * SECSPERMIN * MINSPERHOUR) {
*result++ = '/';
if (! stringoffset(result, tod))
return -1;
if (tod < 0) {
if (compat < 2013)
compat = 2013;
} else if (SECSPERDAY <= tod) {
if (compat < 1994)
compat = 1994;
return compat;
static int
rule_cmp(struct rule const *a, struct rule const *b)
if (!a)
return -!!b;
if (!b)
return 1;
if (a->r_hiyear != b->r_hiyear)
return a->r_hiyear < b->r_hiyear ? -1 : 1;
if (a->r_month - b->r_month != 0)
return a->r_month - b->r_month;
return a->r_dayofmonth - b->r_dayofmonth;
static int
stringzone(char *result, struct zone const *zpfirst, ptrdiff_t zonecount)
register const struct zone * zp;
register struct rule * rp;
register struct rule * stdrp;
register struct rule * dstrp;
register ptrdiff_t i;
register const char * abbrvar;
register int compat = 0;
register int c;
size_t len;
int offsetlen;
struct rule stdr, dstr;
result[0] = '\0';
/* Internet RFC 8536 section 5.1 says to use an empty TZ string if
future timestamps are truncated. */
if (hi_time < max_time)
return -1;
zp = zpfirst + zonecount - 1;
stdrp = dstrp = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < zp->z_nrules; ++i) {
rp = &zp->z_rules[i];
if (rp->r_hiwasnum || rp->r_hiyear != ZIC_MAX)
if (rp->r_yrtype != NULL)
if (!rp->r_isdst) {
if (stdrp == NULL)
stdrp = rp;
else return -1;
} else {
if (dstrp == NULL)
dstrp = rp;
else return -1;
if (stdrp == NULL && dstrp == NULL) {
** There are no rules running through "max".
** Find the latest std rule in stdabbrrp
** and latest rule of any type in stdrp.
register struct rule *stdabbrrp = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < zp->z_nrules; ++i) {
rp = &zp->z_rules[i];
if (!rp->r_isdst && rule_cmp(stdabbrrp, rp) < 0)
stdabbrrp = rp;
if (rule_cmp(stdrp, rp) < 0)
stdrp = rp;
if (stdrp != NULL && stdrp->r_isdst) {
/* Perpetual DST. */
dstr.r_month = TM_JANUARY;
dstr.r_dycode = DC_DOM;
dstr.r_dayofmonth = 1;
dstr.r_tod = 0;
dstr.r_todisstd = dstr.r_todisut = false;
dstr.r_isdst = stdrp->r_isdst;
dstr.r_save = stdrp->r_save;
dstr.r_abbrvar = stdrp->r_abbrvar;
stdr.r_month = TM_DECEMBER;
stdr.r_dycode = DC_DOM;
stdr.r_dayofmonth = 31;
stdr.r_tod = SECSPERDAY + stdrp->r_save;
stdr.r_todisstd = stdr.r_todisut = false;
stdr.r_isdst = false;
stdr.r_save = 0;
= (stdabbrrp ? stdabbrrp->r_abbrvar : "");
dstrp = &dstr;
stdrp = &stdr;
if (stdrp == NULL && (zp->z_nrules != 0 || zp->z_isdst))
return -1;
abbrvar = (stdrp == NULL) ? "" : stdrp->r_abbrvar;
len = doabbr(result, zp, abbrvar, false, 0, true);
offsetlen = stringoffset(result + len, - zp->z_stdoff);
if (! offsetlen) {
result[0] = '\0';
return -1;
len += offsetlen;
if (dstrp == NULL)
return compat;
len += doabbr(result + len, zp, dstrp->r_abbrvar,
dstrp->r_isdst, dstrp->r_save, true);
if (dstrp->r_save != SECSPERMIN * MINSPERHOUR) {
offsetlen = stringoffset(result + len,
- (zp->z_stdoff + dstrp->r_save));
if (! offsetlen) {
result[0] = '\0';
return -1;
len += offsetlen;
result[len++] = ',';
c = stringrule(result + len, dstrp, dstrp->r_save, zp->z_stdoff);
if (c < 0) {
result[0] = '\0';
return -1;
if (compat < c)
compat = c;
len += strlen(result + len);
result[len++] = ',';
c = stringrule(result + len, stdrp, dstrp->r_save, zp->z_stdoff);
if (c < 0) {
result[0] = '\0';
return -1;
if (compat < c)
compat = c;
return compat;
static void
outzone(const struct zone *zpfirst, ptrdiff_t zonecount)
register const struct zone * zp;
register struct rule * rp;
register ptrdiff_t i, j;
register bool usestart, useuntil;
register zic_t starttime, untiltime;
register zic_t stdoff;
register zic_t save;
register zic_t year;
register zic_t startoff;
register bool startttisstd;
register bool startttisut;
register int type;
register char * startbuf;
register char * ab;
register char * envvar;
register int max_abbr_len;
register int max_envvar_len;
register bool prodstic; /* all rules are min to max */
register int compat;
register bool do_extend;
register char version;
ptrdiff_t lastatmax = -1;
zic_t one = 1;
zic_t y2038_boundary = one << 31;
zic_t max_year0;
int defaulttype = -1;
max_abbr_len = 2 + max_format_len + max_abbrvar_len;
max_envvar_len = 2 * max_abbr_len + 5 * 9;
startbuf = emalloc(max_abbr_len + 1);
ab = emalloc(max_abbr_len + 1);
envvar = emalloc(max_envvar_len + 1);
** Now. . .finally. . .generate some useful data!
timecnt = 0;
typecnt = 0;
charcnt = 0;
prodstic = zonecount == 1;
** Thanks to Earl Chew
** for noting the need to unconditionally initialize startttisstd.
startttisstd = false;
startttisut = false;
min_year = max_year = EPOCH_YEAR;
if (leapseen) {
updateminmax(leapmaxyear + (leapmaxyear < ZIC_MAX));
for (i = 0; i < zonecount; ++i) {
zp = &zpfirst[i];
if (i < zonecount - 1)
for (j = 0; j < zp->z_nrules; ++j) {
rp = &zp->z_rules[j];
if (rp->r_lowasnum)
if (rp->r_hiwasnum)
if (rp->r_lowasnum || rp->r_hiwasnum)
prodstic = false;
** Generate lots of data if a rule can't cover all future times.
compat = stringzone(envvar, zpfirst, zonecount);
version = compat < 2013 ? ZIC_VERSION_PRE_2013 : ZIC_VERSION;
do_extend = compat < 0;
if (noise) {
if (!*envvar)
warning("%s %s",
_("no POSIX environment variable for zone"),
else if (compat != 0) {
/* Circa-COMPAT clients, and earlier clients, might
not work for this zone when given dates before
1970 or after 2038. */
warning(_("%s: pre-%d clients may mishandle"
" distant timestamps"),
zpfirst->z_name, compat);
if (do_extend) {
** Search through a couple of extra years past the obvious
** 400, to avoid edge cases. For example, suppose a non-POSIX
** rule applies from 2012 onwards and has transitions in March
** and September, plus some one-off transitions in November
** 2013. If zic looked only at the last 400 years, it would
** set max_year=2413, with the intent that the 400 years 2014
** through 2413 will be repeated. The last transition listed
** in the tzfile would be in 2413-09, less than 400 years
** after the last one-off transition in 2013-11. Two years
** might be overkill, but with the kind of edge cases
** available we're not sure that one year would suffice.
enum { years_of_observations = YEARSPERREPEAT + 2 };
if (min_year >= ZIC_MIN + years_of_observations)
min_year -= years_of_observations;
else min_year = ZIC_MIN;
if (max_year <= ZIC_MAX - years_of_observations)
max_year += years_of_observations;
else max_year = ZIC_MAX;
** Regardless of any of the above,
** for a "proDSTic" zone which specifies that its rules
** always have and always will be in effect,
** we only need one cycle to define the zone.
if (prodstic) {
min_year = 1900;
max_year = min_year + years_of_observations;
max_year0 = max_year;
if (want_bloat()) {
/* For the benefit of older systems,
generate data from 1900 through 2038. */
if (min_year > 1900)
min_year = 1900;
if (max_year < 2038)
max_year = 2038;
for (i = 0; i < zonecount; ++i) {
struct rule *prevrp = NULL;
** A guess that may well be corrected later.
save = 0;
zp = &zpfirst[i];
usestart = i > 0 && (zp - 1)->z_untiltime > min_time;
useuntil = i < (zonecount - 1);
if (useuntil && zp->z_untiltime <= min_time)
stdoff = zp->z_stdoff;
eat(zp->z_filename, zp->z_linenum);
*startbuf = '\0';
startoff = zp->z_stdoff;
if (zp->z_nrules == 0) {
save = zp->z_save;
doabbr(startbuf, zp, NULL, zp->z_isdst, save, false);
type = addtype(oadd(zp->z_stdoff, save),
startbuf, zp->z_isdst, startttisstd,
if (usestart) {
addtt(starttime, type);
usestart = false;
} else
defaulttype = type;
} else for (year = min_year; year <= max_year; ++year) {
if (useuntil && year > zp->z_untilrule.r_hiyear)
** Mark which rules to do in the current year.
** For those to do, calculate rpytime(rp, year);
for (j = 0; j < zp->z_nrules; ++j) {
rp = &zp->z_rules[j];
eats(zp->z_filename, zp->z_linenum,
rp->r_filename, rp->r_linenum);
rp->r_todo = year >= rp->r_loyear &&
year <= rp->r_hiyear &&
yearistype(year, rp->r_yrtype);
if (rp->r_todo) {
rp->r_temp = rpytime(rp, year);
= (rp->r_temp < y2038_boundary
|| year <= max_year0);
for ( ; ; ) {
register ptrdiff_t k;
register zic_t jtime, ktime;
register zic_t offset;
if (useuntil) {
** Turn untiltime into UT
** assuming the current stdoff and
** save values.
untiltime = zp->z_untiltime;
if (!zp->z_untilrule.r_todisut)
untiltime = tadd(untiltime,
if (!zp->z_untilrule.r_todisstd)
untiltime = tadd(untiltime,
** Find the rule (of those to do, if any)
** that takes effect earliest in the year.
k = -1;
for (j = 0; j < zp->z_nrules; ++j) {
rp = &zp->z_rules[j];
if (!rp->r_todo)
eats(zp->z_filename, zp->z_linenum,
rp->r_filename, rp->r_linenum);
offset = rp->r_todisut ? 0 : stdoff;
if (!rp->r_todisstd)
offset = oadd(offset, save);
jtime = rp->r_temp;
if (jtime == min_time ||
jtime == max_time)
jtime = tadd(jtime, -offset);
if (k < 0 || jtime < ktime) {
k = j;
ktime = jtime;
} else if (jtime == ktime) {
char const *dup_rules_msg =
_("two rules for same instant");
eats(zp->z_filename, zp->z_linenum,
rp->r_filename, rp->r_linenum);
warning("%s", dup_rules_msg);
rp = &zp->z_rules[k];
eats(zp->z_filename, zp->z_linenum,
rp->r_filename, rp->r_linenum);
error("%s", dup_rules_msg);
if (k < 0)
break; /* go on to next year */
rp = &zp->z_rules[k];
rp->r_todo = false;
if (useuntil && ktime >= untiltime)
save = rp->r_save;
if (usestart && ktime == starttime)
usestart = false;
if (usestart) {
if (ktime < starttime) {
startoff = oadd(zp->z_stdoff,
doabbr(startbuf, zp,
if (*startbuf == '\0'
&& startoff == oadd(zp->z_stdoff,
save)) {
eats(zp->z_filename, zp->z_linenum,
rp->r_filename, rp->r_linenum);
doabbr(ab, zp, rp->r_abbrvar,
rp->r_isdst, rp->r_save, false);
offset = oadd(zp->z_stdoff, rp->r_save);
if (!want_bloat() && !useuntil && !do_extend
&& prevrp
&& rp->r_hiyear == ZIC_MAX
&& prevrp->r_hiyear == ZIC_MAX)
type = addtype(offset, ab, rp->r_isdst,
rp->r_todisstd, rp->r_todisut);
if (defaulttype < 0 && !rp->r_isdst)
defaulttype = type;
if (rp->r_hiyear == ZIC_MAX
&& ! (0 <= lastatmax
&& ktime < attypes[lastatmax].at))
lastatmax = timecnt;
addtt(ktime, type);
prevrp = rp;
if (usestart) {
if (*startbuf == '\0' &&
zp->z_format != NULL &&
strchr(zp->z_format, '%') == NULL &&
strchr(zp->z_format, '/') == NULL)
strcpy(startbuf, zp->z_format);
eat(zp->z_filename, zp->z_linenum);
if (*startbuf == '\0')
error(_("can't determine time zone abbreviation to use just after until time"));
else {
bool isdst = startoff != zp->z_stdoff;
type = addtype(startoff, startbuf, isdst,
startttisstd, startttisut);
if (defaulttype < 0 && !isdst)
defaulttype = type;
addtt(starttime, type);
** Now we may get to set starttime for the next zone line.
if (useuntil) {
startttisstd = zp->z_untilrule.r_todisstd;
startttisut = zp->z_untilrule.r_todisut;
starttime = zp->z_untiltime;
if (!startttisstd)
starttime = tadd(starttime, -save);
if (!startttisut)
starttime = tadd(starttime, -stdoff);
if (defaulttype < 0)
defaulttype = 0;
if (0 <= lastatmax)
attypes[lastatmax].dontmerge = true;
if (do_extend) {
** If we're extending the explicitly listed observations
** for 400 years because we can't fill the POSIX-TZ field,
** check whether we actually ended up explicitly listing
** observations through that period. If there aren't any
** near the end of the 400-year period, add a redundant
** one at the end of the final year, to make it clear
** that we are claiming to have definite knowledge of
** the lack of transitions up to that point.
struct rule xr;
struct attype *lastat;
xr.r_month = TM_JANUARY;
xr.r_dycode = DC_DOM;
xr.r_dayofmonth = 1;
xr.r_tod = 0;
for (lastat = attypes, i = 1; i < timecnt; i++)
if (attypes[i].at > lastat->at)
lastat = &attypes[i];
if (!lastat || lastat->at < rpytime(&xr, max_year - 1)) {
addtt(rpytime(&xr, max_year + 1),
lastat ? lastat->type : defaulttype);
attypes[timecnt - 1].dontmerge = true;
writezone(zpfirst->z_name, envvar, version, defaulttype);
static void
addtt(zic_t starttime, int type)
attypes = growalloc(attypes, sizeof *attypes, timecnt, &timecnt_alloc);
attypes[timecnt].at = starttime;
attypes[timecnt].dontmerge = false;
attypes[timecnt].type = type;
static int
addtype(zic_t utoff, char const *abbr, bool isdst, bool ttisstd, bool ttisut)
register int i, j;
if (! (-1L - 2147483647L <= utoff && utoff <= 2147483647L)) {
error(_("UT offset out of range"));
if (!want_bloat())
ttisstd = ttisut = false;
for (j = 0; j < charcnt; ++j)
if (strcmp(&chars[j], abbr) == 0)
if (j == charcnt)
else {
/* If there's already an entry, return its index. */
for (i = 0; i < typecnt; i++)
if (utoff == utoffs[i] && isdst == isdsts[i] && j == desigidx[i]
&& ttisstd == ttisstds[i] && ttisut == ttisuts[i])
return i;
** There isn't one; add a new one, unless there are already too
** many.
if (typecnt >= TZ_MAX_TYPES) {
error(_("too many local time types"));
i = typecnt++;
utoffs[i] = utoff;
isdsts[i] = isdst;
ttisstds[i] = ttisstd;
ttisuts[i] = ttisut;
desigidx[i] = j;
return i;
static void
leapadd(zic_t t, int correction, int rolling)
register int i;
if (TZ_MAX_LEAPS <= leapcnt) {
error(_("too many leap seconds"));
for (i = 0; i < leapcnt; ++i)
if (t <= trans[i])
memmove(&trans[i + 1], &trans[i], (leapcnt - i) * sizeof *trans);
memmove(&corr[i + 1], &corr[i], (leapcnt - i) * sizeof *corr);
memmove(&roll[i + 1], &roll[i], (leapcnt - i) * sizeof *roll);
trans[i] = t;
corr[i] = correction;
roll[i] = rolling;
static void
register int i;
register zic_t last = 0;
register zic_t prevtrans = 0;
** propagate leap seconds forward
for (i = 0; i < leapcnt; ++i) {
if (trans[i] - prevtrans < 28 * SECSPERDAY) {
error(_("Leap seconds too close together"));
prevtrans = trans[i];
trans[i] = tadd(trans[i], last);
last = corr[i] += last;
if (leapexpires < 0) {
leapexpires = comment_leapexpires;
if (0 <= leapexpires)
warning(_("\"#expires\" is obsolescent; use \"Expires\""));
if (0 <= leapexpires) {
leapexpires = oadd(leapexpires, last);
if (! (leapcnt == 0 || (trans[leapcnt - 1] < leapexpires))) {
error(_("last Leap time does not precede Expires time"));
if (leapexpires <= hi_time)
hi_time = leapexpires - 1;
static char *
shellquote(char *b, char const *s)
*b++ = '\'';
while (*s) {
if (*s == '\'')
*b++ = '\'', *b++ = '\\', *b++ = '\'';
*b++ = *s++;
*b++ = '\'';
return b;
static bool
yearistype(zic_t year, const char *type)
char *buf;
char *b;
int result;
if (type == NULL || *type == '\0')
return true;
buf = emalloc(1 + 4 * strlen(yitcommand) + 2
+ INT_STRLEN_MAXIMUM(zic_t) + 2 + 4 * strlen(type) + 2);
b = shellquote(buf, yitcommand);
*b++ = ' ';
b += sprintf(b, "%"PRIdZIC, year);
*b++ = ' ';
b = shellquote(b, type);
*b = '\0';
result = system(buf);
if (WIFEXITED(result)) {
int status = WEXITSTATUS(result);
if (status <= 1) {
return status == 0;
error(_("Wild result from command execution"));
fprintf(stderr, _("%s: command was '%s', result was %d\n"),
progname, buf, result);
/* Is A a space character in the C locale? */
static bool
is_space(char a)
switch (a) {
return false;
case ' ': case '\f': case '\n': case '\r': case '\t': case '\v':
return true;
/* Is A an alphabetic character in the C locale? */
static bool
is_alpha(char a)
switch (a) {
return false;
case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G':
case 'H': case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L': case 'M': case 'N':
case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T': case 'U':
case 'V': case 'W': case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z':
case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g':
case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n':
case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u':
case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z':
return true;
/* If A is an uppercase character in the C locale, return its lowercase
counterpart. Otherwise, return A. */
static char
lowerit(char a)
switch (a) {
default: return a;
case 'A': return 'a'; case 'B': return 'b'; case 'C': return 'c';
case 'D': return 'd'; case 'E': return 'e'; case 'F': return 'f';
case 'G': return 'g'; case 'H': return 'h'; case 'I': return 'i';
case 'J': return 'j'; case 'K': return 'k'; case 'L': return 'l';
case 'M': return 'm'; case 'N': return 'n'; case 'O': return 'o';
case 'P': return 'p'; case 'Q': return 'q'; case 'R': return 'r';
case 'S': return 's'; case 'T': return 't'; case 'U': return 'u';
case 'V': return 'v'; case 'W': return 'w'; case 'X': return 'x';
case 'Y': return 'y'; case 'Z': return 'z';
/* case-insensitive equality */
static ATTRIBUTE_PURE bool
ciequal(register const char *ap, register const char *bp)
while (lowerit(*ap) == lowerit(*bp++))
if (*ap++ == '\0')
return true;
return false;
static ATTRIBUTE_PURE bool
itsabbr(register const char *abbr, register const char *word)
if (lowerit(*abbr) != lowerit(*word))
return false;
while (*++abbr != '\0')
do {
if (*word == '\0')
return false;
} while (lowerit(*word++) != lowerit(*abbr));
return true;
/* Return true if ABBR is an initial prefix of WORD, ignoring ASCII case. */
static ATTRIBUTE_PURE bool
ciprefix(char const *abbr, char const *word)
if (!*abbr)
return true;
while (lowerit(*abbr++) == lowerit(*word++));
return false;
static const struct lookup *
byword(const char *word, const struct lookup *table)
register const struct lookup * foundlp;
register const struct lookup * lp;
if (word == NULL || table == NULL)
return NULL;
/* If TABLE is LASTS and the word starts with "last" followed
by a non-'-', skip the "last" and look in WDAY_NAMES instead.
Warn about any usage of the undocumented prefix "last-". */
if (table == lasts && ciprefix("last", word) && word[4]) {
if (word[4] == '-')
warning(_("\"%s\" is undocumented; use \"last%s\" instead"),
word, word + 5);
else {
word += 4;
table = wday_names;
** Look for exact match.
for (lp = table; lp->l_word != NULL; ++lp)
if (ciequal(word, lp->l_word))
return lp;
** Look for inexact match.
foundlp = NULL;
for (lp = table; lp->l_word != NULL; ++lp)
if (ciprefix(word, lp->l_word)) {
if (foundlp == NULL)
foundlp = lp;
else return NULL; /* multiple inexact matches */
if (foundlp && noise) {
/* Warn about any backward-compatibility issue with pre-2017c zic. */
bool pre_2017c_match = false;
for (lp = table; lp->l_word; lp++)
if (itsabbr(word, lp->l_word)) {
if (pre_2017c_match) {
warning(_("\"%s\" is ambiguous in pre-2017c zic"), word);
pre_2017c_match = true;
return foundlp;
static char **
getfields(register char *cp)
register char * dp;
register char ** array;
register int nsubs;
if (cp == NULL)
return NULL;
array = emalloc(size_product(strlen(cp) + 1, sizeof *array));
nsubs = 0;
for ( ; ; ) {
while (is_space(*cp))
if (*cp == '\0' || *cp == '#')
array[nsubs++] = dp = cp;
do {
if ((*dp = *cp++) != '"')
else while ((*dp = *cp++) != '"')
if (*dp != '\0')
else {
error(_("Odd number of quotation marks"));
} while (*cp && *cp != '#' && !is_space(*cp));
if (is_space(*cp))
*dp = '\0';
array[nsubs] = NULL;
return array;
static _Noreturn void
error(_("time overflow"));
static ATTRIBUTE_PURE zic_t
oadd(zic_t t1, zic_t t2)
if (t1 < 0 ? t2 < ZIC_MIN - t1 : ZIC_MAX - t1 < t2)
return t1 + t2;
static ATTRIBUTE_PURE zic_t
tadd(zic_t t1, zic_t t2)
if (t1 < 0) {
if (t2 < min_time - t1) {
if (t1 != min_time)
return min_time;
} else {
if (max_time - t1 < t2) {
if (t1 != max_time)
return max_time;
return t1 + t2;
** Given a rule, and a year, compute the date (in seconds since January 1,
** 1970, 00:00 LOCAL time) in that year that the rule refers to.
static zic_t
rpytime(const struct rule *rp, zic_t wantedy)
register int m, i;
register zic_t dayoff; /* with a nod to Margaret O. */
register zic_t t, y;
if (wantedy == ZIC_MIN)
return min_time;
if (wantedy == ZIC_MAX)
return max_time;
dayoff = 0;
if (y < wantedy) {
wantedy -= y;
wantedy += y;
} else if (wantedy < 0) {
while (wantedy != y) {
if (wantedy > y) {
i = len_years[isleap(y)];
} else {
i = -len_years[isleap(y)];
dayoff = oadd(dayoff, i);
while (m != rp->r_month) {
i = len_months[isleap(y)][m];
dayoff = oadd(dayoff, i);
i = rp->r_dayofmonth;
if (m == TM_FEBRUARY && i == 29 && !isleap(y)) {
if (rp->r_dycode == DC_DOWLEQ)
else {
error(_("use of 2/29 in non leap-year"));
dayoff = oadd(dayoff, i);
if (rp->r_dycode == DC_DOWGEQ || rp->r_dycode == DC_DOWLEQ) {
register zic_t wday;
wday = EPOCH_WDAY;
** Don't trust mod of negative numbers.
if (dayoff >= 0)
wday = (wday + dayoff) % LDAYSPERWEEK;
else {
wday -= ((-dayoff) % LDAYSPERWEEK);
if (wday < 0)
while (wday != rp->r_wday)
if (rp->r_dycode == DC_DOWGEQ) {
dayoff = oadd(dayoff, 1);
if (++wday >= LDAYSPERWEEK)
wday = 0;
} else {
dayoff = oadd(dayoff, -1);
if (--wday < 0)
wday = LDAYSPERWEEK - 1;
if (i < 0 || i >= len_months[isleap(y)][m]) {
if (noise)
warning(_("rule goes past start/end of month; \
will not work with pre-2004 versions of zic"));
if (dayoff < min_time / SECSPERDAY)
return min_time;
if (dayoff > max_time / SECSPERDAY)
return max_time;
t = (zic_t) dayoff * SECSPERDAY;
return tadd(t, rp->r_tod);
static void
newabbr(const char *string)
register int i;
if (strcmp(string, GRANDPARENTED) != 0) {
register const char * cp;
const char * mp;
cp = string;
mp = NULL;
while (is_alpha(*cp) || ('0' <= *cp && *cp <= '9')
|| *cp == '-' || *cp == '+')
if (noise && cp - string < 3)
mp = _("time zone abbreviation has fewer than 3 characters");
if (cp - string > ZIC_MAX_ABBR_LEN_WO_WARN)
mp = _("time zone abbreviation has too many characters");
if (*cp != '\0')
mp = _("time zone abbreviation differs from POSIX standard");
if (mp != NULL)
warning("%s (%s)", mp, string);
i = strlen(string) + 1;
if (charcnt + i > TZ_MAX_CHARS) {
error(_("too many, or too long, time zone abbreviations"));
strcpy(&chars[charcnt], string);
charcnt += i;
/* Ensure that the directories of ARGNAME exist, by making any missing
ones. If ANCESTORS, do this only for ARGNAME's ancestors; otherwise,
do it for ARGNAME too. Exit with failure if there is trouble.
Do not consider an existing non-directory to be trouble. */
static void
mkdirs(char const *argname, bool ancestors)
register char * name;
register char * cp;
cp = name = ecpyalloc(argname);
/* On MS-Windows systems, do not worry about drive letters or
backslashes, as this should suffice in practice. Time zone
names do not use drive letters and backslashes. If the -d
option of zic does not name an already-existing directory,
it can use slashes to separate the already-existing
ancestor prefix from the to-be-created subdirectories. */
/* Do not mkdir a root directory, as it must exist. */
while (*cp == '/')
while (cp && ((cp = strchr(cp, '/')) || !ancestors)) {
if (cp)
*cp = '\0';
** Try to create it. It's OK if creation fails because
** the directory already exists, perhaps because some
** other process just created it. For simplicity do
** not check first whether it already exists, as that
** is checked anyway if the mkdir fails.
if (mkdir(name, MKDIR_UMASK) != 0) {
/* For speed, skip itsdir if errno == EEXIST. Since
mkdirs is called only after open fails with ENOENT
on a subfile, EEXIST implies itsdir here. */
int err = errno;
if (err != EEXIST && !itsdir(name)) {
error(_("%s: Can't create directory %s: %s"),
progname, name, strerror(err));
if (cp)
*cp++ = '/';