Gustavo Varallo 9abba006a9
style(theme): Added "react" theme (#423)
Made with the color scheme from [ReactJS Website](
2020-08-27 19:28:31 +05:30
index.js style(theme): Added "react" theme (#423) 2020-08-27 19:28:31 +05:30 docs(theme): Auto update theme readme (#389) 2020-08-14 21:23:14 +05:30

Available Themes

With inbuilt themes you can customize the look of the card without doing any manual customization.

Use ?theme=THEME_NAME parameter like so :-

![Anurag's github stats](


These themes work both for the Stats Card and Repo Card.

default default dark dark radical radical
merko merko gruvbox gruvbox tokyonight tokyonight
onedark onedark cobalt cobalt synthwave synthwave
highcontrast highcontrast dracula dracula prussian prussian
monokai monokai vue vue shades-of-purple shades-of-purple
nightowl nightowl buefy buefy blue-green blue-green
algolia algolia great-gatsby great-gatsby darcula darcula
bear bear solarized-dark solarized-dark solarized-light solarized-light
chartreuse-dark chartreuse-dark nord nord gotham gotham
material-palenight material-palenight graywhite graywhite vision-friendly-dark vision-friendly-dark
vue-dark vue-dark ayu-mirage ayu-mirage calm calm
Add your theme

Repo Card

These themes work both for the Stats Card and Repo Card.

default_repocard default_repocard dark dark radical radical
merko merko gruvbox gruvbox tokyonight tokyonight
onedark onedark cobalt cobalt synthwave synthwave
highcontrast highcontrast dracula dracula prussian prussian
monokai monokai vue vue shades-of-purple shades-of-purple
nightowl nightowl buefy buefy blue-green blue-green
algolia algolia great-gatsby great-gatsby darcula darcula
bear bear solarized-dark solarized-dark solarized-light solarized-light
chartreuse-dark chartreuse-dark nord nord gotham gotham
material-palenight material-palenight graywhite graywhite vision-friendly-dark vision-friendly-dark
vue-dark vue-dark ayu-mirage ayu-mirage calm calm
Add your theme

Wanted to add a new theme? Consider reading the contribution guidelines :D