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Github Readme stats

Get dynamically generated github stats on your readmes!

How to use

Copy paste this into your markdown content and thats it. simple!

change the ?username= value to your GitHubs's username

![Anurag's github stats](

Hiding certain stats

To hide any specific stats you can pass a query parameter ?hide= with an array of items you wanna hide.

Options: &hide=["stars","prs","issues","contribs"]

![Anurag's github stats](["contribs","prs"])

Showing icons

To enable icons you can pass show_icons=true in the query param like so

![Anurag's github stats](

Other options:

  • &hide_border=true hide the border box if you don't like it :D.
  • &line_height=30 control the line-height between text.


  • Default

Anurag's github stats

  • Hiding specific stats

Anurag's github stats

  • Showing icons

Anurag's github stats

Contributions are welcomed! <3

Made with ❤️ and javascript.