require("@testing-library/jest-dom"); const axios = require("axios"); const MockAdapter = require("axios-mock-adapter"); const pin = require("../api/pin"); const renderRepoCard = require("../src/renderRepoCard"); const { renderError } = require("../src/utils"); const data_repo = { repository: { username: "anuraghazra", name: "convoychat", stargazers: { totalCount: 38000 }, description: "Help us take over the world! React + TS + GraphQL Chat App", primaryLanguage: { color: "#2b7489", id: "MDg6TGFuZ3VhZ2UyODc=", name: "TypeScript", }, forkCount: 100, isTemplate: false }, }; const data_user = { data: { user: { repository: data_repo.repository }, organization: null, }, }; const mock = new MockAdapter(axios); afterEach(() => { mock.reset(); }); describe("Test /api/pin", () => { it("should test the request", async () => { const req = { query: { username: "anuraghazra", repo: "convoychat", }, }; const res = { setHeader: jest.fn(), send: jest.fn(), }; mock.onPost("").reply(200, data_user); await pin(req, res); expect(res.setHeader).toBeCalledWith("Content-Type", "image/svg+xml"); expect(res.send).toBeCalledWith(renderRepoCard(data_repo.repository)); }); it("should get the query options", async () => { const req = { query: { username: "anuraghazra", repo: "convoychat", title_color: "fff", icon_color: "fff", text_color: "fff", bg_color: "fff", full_name: "1", }, }; const res = { setHeader: jest.fn(), send: jest.fn(), }; mock.onPost("").reply(200, data_user); await pin(req, res); expect(res.setHeader).toBeCalledWith("Content-Type", "image/svg+xml"); expect(res.send).toBeCalledWith( renderRepoCard(data_repo.repository, { ...req.query }) ); }); it("should render error card if user repo not found", async () => { const req = { query: { username: "anuraghazra", repo: "convoychat", }, }; const res = { setHeader: jest.fn(), send: jest.fn(), }; mock .onPost("") .reply(200, { data: { user: { repository: null }, organization: null } }); await pin(req, res); expect(res.setHeader).toBeCalledWith("Content-Type", "image/svg+xml"); expect(res.send).toBeCalledWith(renderError("User Repository Not found")); }); it("should render error card if org repo not found", async () => { const req = { query: { username: "anuraghazra", repo: "convoychat", }, }; const res = { setHeader: jest.fn(), send: jest.fn(), }; mock .onPost("") .reply(200, { data: { user: null, organization: { repository: null } } }); await pin(req, res); expect(res.setHeader).toBeCalledWith("Content-Type", "image/svg+xml"); expect(res.send).toBeCalledWith( renderError("Organization Repository Not found") ); }); });