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# Features
- [GitHub Stats Card](#github-stats-card)
- [GitHub Extra Pins](#github-extra-pins)
- [Top Languages Card](#top-languages-card)
- [Wakatime Week Stats](#wakatime-week-stats)
- [Themes](#themes)
- [Responsive Card Theme](#responsive-card-theme)
- [Customization](#customization)
- [Common Options](#common-options)
- [Stats Card Exclusive Options](#stats-card-exclusive-options)
- [Repo Card Exclusive Options](#repo-card-exclusive-options)
- [Language Card Exclusive Options](#language-card-exclusive-options)
- [Wakatime Card Exclusive Option](#wakatime-card-exclusive-options)
- [Deploy Yourself](#deploy-on-your-own)
- [On Vercel](#on-vercel)
- [On other platforms](#on-other-platforms)
- [Keep your fork up to date](#keep-your-fork-up-to-date)
# GitHub Stats Card
Copy-paste this into your markdown content, and that is it. Simple!
Change the `?username=` value to your GitHub username.
[![Anurag's GitHub stats](](
> **Note**
> Available ranks are S+ (top 1%), S (top 25%), A++ (top 45%), A+ (top 60%), and B+ (everyone). The values are calculated by using the [cumulative distribution function]( using commits, contributions, issues, stars, pull requests, followers, and owned repositories. The implementation can be investigated at [src/calculateRank.js](./src/calculateRank.js).
### Hiding individual stats
You can pass a query parameter `&hide=` to hide any specific stats with comma-separated values.
> Options: `&hide=stars,commits,prs,issues,contribs`
![Anurag's GitHub stats](,prs)
### Showing icons
To enable icons, you can pass `&show_icons=true` in the query param, like so:
![Anurag's GitHub stats](
### Themes
With inbuilt themes, you can customize the look of the card without doing any [manual customization](#customization).
Use `&theme=THEME_NAME` parameter like so :
![Anurag's GitHub stats](
#### All inbuilt themes
GitHub readme stats comes with several built-in themes (e.g. `dark`, `radical`, `merko`, `gruvbox`, `tokyonight`, `onedark`, `cobalt`, `synthwave`, `highcontrast`, `dracula`).
You can look at a preview for [all available themes](./themes/ or checkout the [theme config file](./themes/index.js) & **you can also contribute new themes** if you like :D
#### Responsive Card Theme
[![Anurag's GitHub stats-Dark](](
[![Anurag's GitHub stats-Light](](
Since GitHub will re-upload the cards and serve them from their [CDN](, we can not infer the browser/GitHub theme on the server side. There are, however, four methods you can use to create dynamics themes on the client side.
##### Use the transparent theme
We have included a `transparent` theme that has a transparent background. This theme is optimized to look good on GitHub's dark and light default themes. You can enable this theme using the `&theme=transparent` parameter like so:
![Anurag's GitHub stats](
:eyes: Show example
![Anurag's GitHub stats](
##### Add transparent alpha channel to a themes bg_color
You can use the `bg_color` parameter to make any of [the available themes](./themes/ transparent. This is done by setting the `bg_color` to a color with a transparent alpha channel (i.e. `bg_color=00000000`):
![Anurag's GitHub stats](
:eyes: Show example
![Anurag's GitHub stats](
##### Use GitHub's theme context tag
You can use [GitHub's theme context]( tags to switch the theme based on the user GitHub theme automatically. This is done by appending `#gh-dark-mode-only` or `#gh-light-mode-only` to the end of an image URL. This tag will define whether the image specified in the markdown is only shown to viewers using a light or a dark GitHub theme:
[![Anurag's GitHub stats-Dark](](
[![Anurag's GitHub stats-Light](](
:eyes: Show example
[![Anurag's GitHub stats-Dark](](
[![Anurag's GitHub stats-Light](](
##### Use GitHub's new media feature
You can use [GitHub's new media feature]( in HTML to specify whether to display images for light or dark themes. This is done using the HTML `