Get dynamically generated GitHub stats on your readmes!
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# Features
- [GitHub Stats Card](#github-stats-card)
- [GitHub Extra Pins](#github-extra-pins)
- [Themes](#themes)
- [Customization](#customization)
- [Deploy Yourself](#deploy-on-your-own-vercel-instance)
# GitHub Stats Card
Copy paste this into your markdown content, and that's it. Simple!
Change the `?username=` value to your GitHub's username.
_Note: Ranks are calculated based on user's stats, see [src/calculateRank.js](./src/calculateRank.js)_
### Hiding individual stats
To hide any specific stats, you can pass a query parameter `?hide=` with an array of items you wanna hide.
> Options: `&hide=["stars","commits","prs","issues","contribs"]`

### Showing icons
To enable icons, you can pass `show_icons=true` in the query param, like so:

### Themes
With inbuilt themes you can customize the look of the card without doing any [manual customization](#customization).
Use `?theme=THEME_NAME` parameter like so :-

#### All inbuilt themes :-
dark, radical, merko, gruvbox, tokyonight, onedark, cobalt, synthwave, highcontrast, dracula
You can look at a preview for [all available themes](./themes/ or checkout the [theme config file](./themes/index.js) & **you can also contribute new themes** if you like :D
### Customization
You can customize the appearance of your `Stats Card` or `Repo Card` however you want with URL params.
Customization Options:
| Option | type | description | Stats Card (default) | Repo Card (default) |
| ----------- | --------- | ------------------------------------ | -------------------- | ------------------- |
| title_color | hex color | title color | 2f80ed | 2f80ed |
| text_color | hex color | body color | 333 | 333 |
| icon_color | hex color | icon color | 4c71f2 | 586069 |
| bg_color | hex color | card bg color | FFFEFE | FFFEFE |
| line_height | number | control the line-height between text | 30 | N/A |
| hide_rank | boolean | hides the ranking | false | N/A |
| hide_title | boolean | hides the stats title | false | N/A |
| hide_border | boolean | hides the stats card border | false | N/A |
| show_owner | boolean | shows owner name in repo card | N/A | false |
| show_icons | boolean | shows icons | false | N/A |
| theme | string | sets inbuilt theme | 'default' | 'default_repocard' |
### Demo
- Default

- Hiding specific stats

- Showing icons

- Themes
Choose from any of the [default themes](#themes)

- Customizing stats card

- Customizing repo card

# GitHub Extra Pins
GitHub extra pins allow you to pin more than 6 repositories in your profile using a GitHub readme profile.
Yey! You are no longer limited to 6 pinned repositories.
### Usage
Copy-paste this code into your readme and change the links.
Endpoint: `api/pin?username=anuraghazra&repo=github-readme-stats`
### Demo
Use [show_owner](#customization) variable to include the repo's owner username
### Quick Tip (Align The Repo Cards)
You usually won't be able to layout the images side by side. To do that you can use this approach:
## Deploy on your own Vercel instance
Since the GitHub API only allows 5k requests per hour, it is possible that my `` could hit the rate limiter. If you host it on your own Vercel server, then you don't have to worry about anything. Click on the deploy button to get started!
NOTE: Since [#58]( we should be able to handle more than 5k requests and have no issues with downtime :D
Guide on setting up Vercel
1. Go to [](
1. Click on `Log in`

1. Sign in with GitHub by pressing `Continue with GitHub`

1. Sign into GitHub and allow access to all repositories, if prompted
1. Fork this repo
1. Go back to your [Vercel dashboard](
1. Select `Import Project`

1. Select `Import Git Repository`

1. Select root and keep everything as is, just add your environment variable named PAT_1 (as shown), which will contain a personal access token (PAT), which you can easily create [here]( (leave everything as is, just name it something, it can be anything you want)

1. Click deploy, and you're good to go. See your domains to use the API!