const theme = require("../themes/index"); const fs = require("fs"); const TARGET_FILE = "./themes/"; const REPO_CARD_LINKS_FLAG = ""; const STAT_CARD_LINKS_FLAG = ""; const STAT_CARD_TABLE_FLAG = ""; const REPO_CARD_TABLE_FLAG = ""; const THEME_TEMPLATE = `## Available Themes With inbuilt themes you can customize the look of the card without doing any manual customization. Use \`?theme=THEME_NAME\` parameter like so :- \`\`\`md ![Anurag's github stats]( \`\`\` ## Stats > These themes work both for the Stats Card and Repo Card. | | | | | :--: | :--: | :--: | ${STAT_CARD_TABLE_FLAG} ## Repo Card > These themes work both for the Stats Card and Repo Card. | | | | | :--: | :--: | :--: | ${REPO_CARD_TABLE_FLAG} ${STAT_CARD_LINKS_FLAG} ${REPO_CARD_LINKS_FLAG} [add-theme]: Wanted to add a new theme? Consider reading the [contribution guidelines](../ :D `; const createRepoMdLink = (theme) => { return `\n[${theme}_repo]:${theme}`; }; const createStatMdLink = (theme) => { return `\n[${theme}]:,prs&cache_seconds=86400&theme=${theme}`; }; const generateLinks = (fn) => { return Object.keys(theme) .map((name) => fn(name)) .join(""); }; const createTableItem = ({ link, label, isRepoCard }) => { if (!link || !label) return ""; return `\`${label}\` ![${link}][${link}${isRepoCard ? "_repo" : ""}]`; }; const generateTable = ({ isRepoCard }) => { const rows = []; const themes = Object.keys(theme).filter( (name) => name !== (!isRepoCard ? "default_repocard" : "default") ); for (let i = 0; i < themes.length; i += 3) { const one = themes[i]; const two = themes[i + 1]; const three = themes[i + 2]; let tableItem1 = createTableItem({ link: one, label: one, isRepoCard }); let tableItem2 = createTableItem({ link: two, label: two, isRepoCard }); let tableItem3 = createTableItem({ link: three, label: three, isRepoCard }); if (three === undefined) { tableItem3 = `[Add your theme][add-theme]`; } rows.push(`| ${tableItem1} | ${tableItem2} | ${tableItem3} |`); // if it's the last row & the row has no empty space push a new row if (three && i + 3 === themes.length) { rows.push(`| [Add your theme][add-theme] | | |`); } } return rows.join("\n"); }; const buildReadme = () => { return THEME_TEMPLATE.split("\n") .map((line) => { if (line.includes(REPO_CARD_LINKS_FLAG)) { return generateLinks(createRepoMdLink); } if (line.includes(STAT_CARD_LINKS_FLAG)) { return generateLinks(createStatMdLink); } if (line.includes(REPO_CARD_TABLE_FLAG)) { return generateTable({ isRepoCard: true }); } if (line.includes(STAT_CARD_TABLE_FLAG)) { return generateTable({ isRepoCard: false }); } return line; }) .join("\n"); }; fs.writeFileSync(TARGET_FILE, buildReadme());