/** * @file This script is used to preview the theme on theme PRs. */ import * as dotenv from "dotenv"; dotenv.config(); import { debug, setFailed } from "@actions/core"; import github from "@actions/github"; import ColorContrastChecker from "color-contrast-checker"; import { info } from "console"; import Hjson from "hjson"; import snakeCase from "lodash.snakecase"; import parse from "parse-diff"; import { inspect } from "util"; import { isValidHexColor } from "../src/common/utils.js"; import { themes } from "../themes/index.js"; import { getGithubToken, getRepoInfo } from "./helpers.js"; // Script variables. const COMMENTER = "github-actions[bot]"; const COMMENT_TITLE = "Automated Theme Preview"; const THEME_PR_FAIL_TEXT = ":x: Theme PR does not adhere to our guidelines."; const THEME_PR_SUCCESS_TEXT = ":heavy_check_mark: Theme PR does adhere to our guidelines."; const FAIL_TEXT = ` \rUnfortunately, your theme PR contains an error or does not adhere to our [theme guidelines](https://github.com/anuraghazra/github-readme-stats/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#themes-contribution). Please fix the issues below, and we will review your\ \r PR again. This pull request will **automatically close in 15 days** if no changes are made. After this time, you must re-open the PR for it to be reviewed. `; const THEME_CONTRIB_GUIDELINESS = ` \rHi, thanks for the theme contribution. Please read our theme [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/anuraghazra/github-readme-stats/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#themes-contribution). \rWe are currently only accepting color combinations from any VSCode theme or themes with good colour combinations to minimize bloating the themes collection. \r> Also, note that if this theme is exclusively for your personal use, then instead of adding it to our theme collection, you can use card [customization options](https://github.com/anuraghazra/github-readme-stats#customization). `; const COLOR_PROPS = { title_color: 6, icon_color: 6, text_color: 6, bg_color: 8, border_color: 6, }; const ACCEPTED_COLOR_PROPS = Object.keys(COLOR_PROPS); const REQUIRED_COLOR_PROPS = ACCEPTED_COLOR_PROPS.slice(0, 4); const INVALID_REVIEW_COMMENT = (commentUrl) => `Some themes are invalid. See the [Automated Theme Preview](${commentUrl}) comment above for more information.`; /** * Retrieve PR number from the event payload. * * @returns {number} PR number. */ const getPrNumber = () => { if (process.env.MOCK_PR_NUMBER) return process.env.MOCK_PR_NUMBER; // For testing purposes. const pullRequest = github.context.payload.pull_request; if (!pullRequest) { throw Error("Could not get pull request number from context"); } return pullRequest.number; }; /** * Retrieve the commenting user. * @returns {string} Commenting user. */ const getCommenter = () => { return process.env.COMMENTER ? process.env.COMMENTER : COMMENTER; }; /** * Returns whether the comment is a preview comment. * * @param {Object} inputs Action inputs. * @param {Object} comment Comment object. * @returns {boolean} Whether the comment is a preview comment. */ const isPreviewComment = (inputs, comment) => { return ( (inputs.commentAuthor && comment.user ? comment.user.login === inputs.commentAuthor : true) && (inputs.bodyIncludes && comment.body ? comment.body.includes(inputs.bodyIncludes) : true) ); }; /** * Find the preview theme comment. * * @param {Object} octokit Octokit instance. * @param {number} issueNumber Issue number. * @param {string} repo Repository name. * @param {string} owner Owner of the repository. * @returns {Object} The Github comment object. */ const findComment = async (octokit, issueNumber, owner, repo, commenter) => { const parameters = { owner, repo, issue_number: issueNumber, }; const inputs = { commentAuthor: commenter, bodyIncludes: COMMENT_TITLE, }; // Search each page for the comment for await (const { data: comments } of octokit.paginate.iterator( octokit.rest.issues.listComments, parameters, )) { const comment = comments.find((comment) => isPreviewComment(inputs, comment), ); if (comment) { debug(`Found theme preview comment: ${inspect(comment)}`); return comment; } else { debug(`No theme preview comment found.`); } } }; /** * Create or update the preview comment. * * @param {Object} octokit Octokit instance. * @param {Object} props Comment properties. * @return {string} The comment URL. */ const upsertComment = async (octokit, props) => { let resp; if (props.comment_id !== undefined) { resp = await octokit.issues.updateComment(props); } else { resp = await octokit.issues.createComment(props); } return resp.data.html_url; }; /** * Adds a review to the pull request. * * @param {Object} octokit Octokit instance. * @param {number} prNumber Pull request number. * @param {string} owner Owner of the repository. * @param {string} repo Repository name. * @param {string} reviewState The review state. Options are (APPROVE, REQUEST_CHANGES, COMMENT, PENDING). * @param {string} reason The reason for the review. */ const addReview = async ( octokit, prNumber, owner, repo, reviewState, reason, ) => { await octokit.pulls.createReview({ owner, repo, pull_number: prNumber, event: reviewState, body: reason, }); }; /** * Add label to pull request. * * @param {Object} octokit Octokit instance. * @param {number} prNumber Pull request number. * @param {string} owner Repository owner. * @param {string} repo Repository name. * @param {string[]} labels Labels to add. */ const addLabel = async (octokit, prNumber, owner, repo, labels) => { await octokit.issues.addLabels({ owner, repo, issue_number: prNumber, labels, }); }; /** * Remove label from the pull request. * * @param {Object} octokit Octokit instance. * @param {number} prNumber Pull request number. * @param {string} owner Repository owner. * @param {string} repo Repository name. * @param {string} label Label to add or remove. */ const removeLabel = async (octokit, prNumber, owner, repo, label) => { await octokit.issues.removeLabel({ owner, repo, issue_number: prNumber, name: label, }); }; /** * Adds or removes a label from the pull request. * * @param {Object} octokit Octokit instance. * @param {number} prNumber Pull request number. * @param {string} owner Repository owner. * @param {string} repo Repository name. * @param {string} label Label to add or remove. * @param {boolean} add Whether to add or remove the label. */ const addRemoveLabel = async (octokit, prNumber, owner, repo, label, add) => { const res = await octokit.pulls.get({ owner, repo, pull_number: prNumber, }); if (add) { if (!res.data.labels.find((l) => l.name === label)) { await addLabel(octokit, prNumber, owner, repo, [label]); } } else { if (res.data.labels.find((l) => l.name === label)) { await removeLabel(octokit, prNumber, owner, repo, label); } } }; /** * Retrieve webAim contrast color check link. * * @param {string} color1 First color. * @param {string} color2 Second color. * @returns {string} WebAim contrast color check link. */ const getWebAimLink = (color1, color2) => { return `https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/?fcolor=${color1}&bcolor=${color2}`; }; /** * Retrieves the theme GRS url. * * @param {Object} colors The theme colors. * @returns {string} GRS theme url. */ const getGRSLink = (colors) => { const url = `https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api?username=anuraghazra`; const colorString = Object.keys(colors) .map((colorKey) => `${colorKey}=${colors[colorKey]}`) .join("&"); return `${url}&${colorString}&show_icons=true`; }; /** * Retrieve javascript object from json string. * * @description Wraps the Hjson parse function to fix several known json syntax errors. * * @param {string} json The json to parse. * @returns {Object} Object parsed from the json. */ const parseJSON = (json) => { try { const parsedJson = Hjson.parse(json); if (typeof parsedJson === "object") { return parsedJson; } else { throw new Error("PR diff is not a valid theme JSON object."); } } catch (error) { let parsedJson = json .split(/([\s\r\s]*}[\s\r\s]*,[\s\r\s]*)(?=[\w"-]+:)/) .filter((x) => typeof x !== "string" || !!x.trim()); if (parsedJson[0].replace(/\s+/g, "") === "},") { parsedJson[0] = "},"; if (!/\s*}\s*,?\s*$/.test(parsedJson[1])) { parsedJson.push(parsedJson.shift()); } else { parsedJson.shift(); } return Hjson.parse(parsedJson.join("")); } else { throw error; } } }; /** * Check whether the theme name is still available. * @param {string} name Theme name. * @returns {boolean} Whether the theme name is available. */ const themeNameAlreadyExists = (name) => { return themes[name] !== undefined; }; /** * Main function. */ export const run = async (prNumber) => { try { const dryRun = process.env.DRY_RUN === "true" || false; debug("Retrieve action information from context..."); debug(`Context: ${inspect(github.context)}`); let commentBody = ` \r# ${COMMENT_TITLE} \r${THEME_CONTRIB_GUIDELINESS} `; const ccc = new ColorContrastChecker(); const octokit = github.getOctokit(getGithubToken()); const pullRequestId = prNumber ? prNumber : getPrNumber(); const commenter = getCommenter(); const { owner, repo } = getRepoInfo(github.context); debug(`Owner: ${owner}`); debug(`Repo: ${repo}`); debug(`Commenter: ${commenter}`); // Retrieve the PR diff and preview-theme comment. debug("Retrieve PR diff..."); const res = await octokit.pulls.get({ owner, repo, pull_number: pullRequestId, mediaType: { format: "diff", }, }); debug("Retrieve preview-theme comment..."); const comment = await findComment( octokit, pullRequestId, owner, repo, commenter, ); // Retrieve theme changes from the PR diff. debug("Retrieve themes..."); const diff = parse(res.data); const content = diff .find((file) => file.to === "themes/index.js") .chunks[0].changes.filter((c) => c.type === "add") .map((c) => c.content.replace("+", "")) .join(""); const themeObject = parseJSON(content); if ( Object.keys(themeObject).every( (key) => typeof themeObject[key] !== "object", ) ) { throw new Error("PR diff is not a valid theme JSON object."); } // Loop through themes and create theme preview body. debug("Create theme preview body..."); const themeValid = Object.fromEntries( Object.keys(themeObject).map((name) => [name, true]), ); let previewBody = ""; for (const theme in themeObject) { debug(`Create theme preview for ${theme}...`); const themeName = theme; const colors = themeObject[theme]; const warnings = []; const errors = []; // Check if the theme name is valid. debug("Theme preview body: Check if the theme name is valid..."); if (themeNameAlreadyExists(themeName)) { warnings.push("Theme name already taken"); themeValid[theme] = false; } if (themeName !== snakeCase(themeName)) { warnings.push("Theme name isn't in snake_case"); themeValid[theme] = false; } // Check if the theme colors are valid. debug("Theme preview body: Check if the theme colors are valid..."); let invalidColors = false; if (!colors) { warning.push("Theme colors are missing"); invalidColors = true; } else { const missingKeys = REQUIRED_COLOR_PROPS.filter( (x) => !Object.keys(colors).includes(x), ); const extraKeys = Object.keys(colors).filter( (x) => !ACCEPTED_COLOR_PROPS.includes(x), ); if (missingKeys.length > 0 || extraKeys.length > 0) { for (const missingKey of missingKeys) { errors.push(`Theme color properties \`${missingKey}\` are missing`); } for (const extraKey of extraKeys) { warnings.push( `Theme color properties \`${extraKey}\` is not supported`, ); } invalidColors = true; } else { for (const [colorKey, colorValue] of Object.entries(colors)) { if (colorValue[0] === "#") { errors.push( `Theme color property \`${colorKey}\` should not start with '#'`, ); invalidColors = true; } else if (colorValue.length > COLOR_PROPS[colorKey]) { errors.push( `Theme color property \`${colorKey}\` can not be longer than \`${COLOR_PROPS[colorKey]}\` characters`, ); invalidColors = true; } else if (!isValidHexColor(colorValue)) { errors.push( `Theme color property \`${colorKey}\` is not a valid hex color: #${colorValue}`, ); invalidColors = true; } } } } if (invalidColors) { themeValid[theme] = false; previewBody += ` \r### ${ themeName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + themeName.slice(1) } theme preview \r${warnings.map((warning) => `- :warning: ${warning}.\n`).join("")} \r${errors.map((error) => `- :x: ${error}.\n`).join("")} \r>:x: Cannot create theme preview. `; continue; } // Check color contrast. debug("Theme preview body: Check color contrast..."); const titleColor = colors.title_color; const iconColor = colors.icon_color; const textColor = colors.text_color; const bgColor = colors.bg_color; const borderColor = colors.border_color; const url = getGRSLink(colors); const colorPairs = { title_color: [titleColor, bgColor], icon_color: [iconColor, bgColor], text_color: [textColor, bgColor], }; Object.keys(colorPairs).forEach((item) => { let color1 = colorPairs[item][0]; let color2 = colorPairs[item][1]; color1 = color1.length === 4 ? color1.slice(0, 3) : color1.slice(0, 6); color2 = color2.length === 4 ? color2.slice(0, 3) : color2.slice(0, 6); if (!ccc.isLevelAA(`#${color1}`, `#${color2}`)) { const permalink = getWebAimLink(color1, color2); warnings.push( `\`${item}\` does not pass [AA contrast ratio](${permalink})`, ); themeValid[theme] = false; } }); // Create theme preview body. debug("Theme preview body: Create theme preview body..."); previewBody += ` \r### ${ themeName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + themeName.slice(1) } theme preview \r${warnings.map((warning) => `- :warning: ${warning}.\n`).join("")} \ntitle_color: #${titleColor} | icon_color: #${iconColor} | text_color: #${textColor} | bg_color: #${bgColor}${ borderColor ? ` | border_color: #${borderColor}` : "" } \r[Preview Link](${url}) \r[![](${url})](${url}) `; } // Create comment body. debug("Create comment body..."); commentBody += ` \r${ Object.values(themeValid).every((value) => value) ? THEME_PR_SUCCESS_TEXT : THEME_PR_FAIL_TEXT } \r## Test results \r${Object.entries(themeValid) .map( ([key, value]) => `- ${value ? ":heavy_check_mark:" : ":x:"} ${key}`, ) .join("\r")} \r${ Object.values(themeValid).every((value) => value) ? "**Result:** :heavy_check_mark: All themes are valid." : "**Result:** :x: Some themes are invalid.\n\n" + FAIL_TEXT } \r## Details \r${previewBody} `; // Create or update theme-preview comment. debug("Create or update theme-preview comment..."); let comment_url; if (!dryRun) { comment_url = await upsertComment(octokit, { comment_id: comment?.id, issue_number: pullRequestId, owner, repo, body: commentBody, }); } else { info(`DRY_RUN: Comment body: ${commentBody}`); comment_url = ""; } // Change review state and add/remove `invalid` label based on theme PR validity. debug( "Change review state and add/remove `invalid` label based on whether all themes passed...", ); const themesValid = Object.values(themeValid).every((value) => value); const reviewState = themesValid ? "APPROVE" : "REQUEST_CHANGES"; const reviewReason = themesValid ? undefined : INVALID_REVIEW_COMMENT(comment_url); if (!dryRun) { await addReview( octokit, pullRequestId, owner, repo, reviewState, reviewReason, ); await addRemoveLabel( octokit, pullRequestId, owner, repo, "invalid", !themesValid, ); } else { info(`DRY_RUN: Review state: ${reviewState}`); info(`DRY_RUN: Review reason: ${reviewReason}`); } } catch (error) { debug("Set review state to `REQUEST_CHANGES` and add `invalid` label..."); if (!dryRun) { await addReview( octokit, pullRequestId, owner, repo, "REQUEST_CHANGES", error.message, ); await addRemoveLabel( octokit, pullRequestId, owner, repo, "invalid", true, ); } else { info(`DRY_RUN: Review state: REQUEST_CHANGES`); info(`DRY_RUN: Review reason: ${error.message}`); } setFailed(error.message); } }; run();