import { jest } from "@jest/globals"; import "@testing-library/jest-dom"; import axios from "axios"; import MockAdapter from "axios-mock-adapter"; import topLangs from "../api/top-langs.js"; import { renderTopLanguages } from "../src/cards/top-languages-card.js"; import { renderError, CONSTANTS } from "../src/common/utils.js"; import { expect, it, describe, afterEach } from "@jest/globals"; const data_langs = { data: { user: { repositories: { nodes: [ { languages: { edges: [{ size: 150, node: { color: "#0f0", name: "HTML" } }], }, }, { languages: { edges: [{ size: 100, node: { color: "#0f0", name: "HTML" } }], }, }, { languages: { edges: [ { size: 100, node: { color: "#0ff", name: "javascript" } }, ], }, }, { languages: { edges: [ { size: 100, node: { color: "#0ff", name: "javascript" } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, }, }; const error = { errors: [ { type: "NOT_FOUND", path: ["user"], locations: [], message: "Could not fetch user", }, ], }; const langs = { HTML: { color: "#0f0", name: "HTML", size: 250, }, javascript: { color: "#0ff", name: "javascript", size: 200, }, }; const mock = new MockAdapter(axios); afterEach(() => { mock.reset(); }); describe("Test /api/top-langs", () => { it("should test the request", async () => { const req = { query: { username: "anuraghazra", }, }; const res = { setHeader: jest.fn(), send: jest.fn(), }; mock.onPost("").reply(200, data_langs); await topLangs(req, res); expect(res.setHeader).toBeCalledWith("Content-Type", "image/svg+xml"); expect(res.send).toBeCalledWith(renderTopLanguages(langs)); }); it("should work with the query options", async () => { const req = { query: { username: "anuraghazra", hide_title: true, card_width: 100, title_color: "fff", icon_color: "fff", text_color: "fff", bg_color: "fff", }, }; const res = { setHeader: jest.fn(), send: jest.fn(), }; mock.onPost("").reply(200, data_langs); await topLangs(req, res); expect(res.setHeader).toBeCalledWith("Content-Type", "image/svg+xml"); expect(res.send).toBeCalledWith( renderTopLanguages(langs, { hide_title: true, card_width: 100, title_color: "fff", icon_color: "fff", text_color: "fff", bg_color: "fff", }), ); }); it("should render error card on user data fetch error", async () => { const req = { query: { username: "anuraghazra", }, }; const res = { setHeader: jest.fn(), send: jest.fn(), }; mock.onPost("").reply(200, error); await topLangs(req, res); expect(res.setHeader).toBeCalledWith("Content-Type", "image/svg+xml"); expect(res.send).toBeCalledWith( renderError( error.errors[0].message, "Make sure the provided username is not an organization", ), ); }); it("should render error card on incorrect layout input", async () => { const req = { query: { username: "anuraghazra", layout: ["pie"], }, }; const res = { setHeader: jest.fn(), send: jest.fn(), }; mock.onPost("").reply(200, data_langs); await topLangs(req, res); expect(res.setHeader).toBeCalledWith("Content-Type", "image/svg+xml"); expect(res.send).toBeCalledWith( renderError("Something went wrong", "Incorrect layout input"), ); }); it("should render error card if username in blacklist", async () => { const req = { query: { username: "renovate-bot", }, }; const res = { setHeader: jest.fn(), send: jest.fn(), }; mock.onPost("").reply(200, data_langs); await topLangs(req, res); expect(res.setHeader).toBeCalledWith("Content-Type", "image/svg+xml"); expect(res.send).toBeCalledWith( renderError("Something went wrong", "This username is blacklisted"), ); }); it("should render error card if wrong locale provided", async () => { const req = { query: { username: "anuraghazra", locale: "asdf", }, }; const res = { setHeader: jest.fn(), send: jest.fn(), }; mock.onPost("").reply(200, data_langs); await topLangs(req, res); expect(res.setHeader).toBeCalledWith("Content-Type", "image/svg+xml"); expect(res.send).toBeCalledWith( renderError("Something went wrong", "Locale not found"), ); }); it("should have proper cache", async () => { const req = { query: { username: "anuraghazra", }, }; const res = { setHeader: jest.fn(), send: jest.fn(), }; mock.onPost("").reply(200, data_langs); await topLangs(req, res); expect(res.setHeader).toBeCalledWith("Content-Type", "image/svg+xml"); expect(res.setHeader).toBeCalledWith( "Cache-Control", `max-age=${CONSTANTS.SIX_HOURS / 2}, s-maxage=${ CONSTANTS.SIX_HOURS }, stale-while-revalidate=${CONSTANTS.ONE_DAY}`, ); }); });