/** * @file Script that can be used to close stale theme PRs that have a `invalid` label. */ import * as dotenv from "dotenv"; dotenv.config(); import { debug, setFailed } from "@actions/core"; import github from "@actions/github"; import { RequestError } from "@octokit/request-error"; import { getGithubToken, getRepoInfo } from "./helpers.js"; // Script parameters const CLOSING_COMMENT = ` \rThis PR has been automatically closed due to inactivity. Please feel free to reopen it if you need to continue working on it.\ \rThank you for your contributions. `; /** * Fetch open PRs from a given repository. * @param user The user name of the repository owner. * @param repo The name of the repository. * @returns The open PRs. */ export const fetchOpenPRs = async (octokit, user, repo) => { const openPRs = []; let hasNextPage = true; let endCursor; while (hasNextPage) { try { const { repository } = await octokit.graphql( ` { repository(owner: "${user}", name: "${repo}") { open_prs: pullRequests(${ endCursor ? `after: "${endCursor}", ` : "" } first: 100, states: OPEN, orderBy: {field: CREATED_AT, direction: DESC}) { nodes { number commits(last:1){ nodes{ commit{ pushedDate } } } labels(first: 100, orderBy:{field: CREATED_AT, direction: DESC}) { nodes { name } } reviews(first: 1, states: CHANGES_REQUESTED, author: "github-actions[bot]") { nodes { updatedAt } } } pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage } } } } `, ); openPRs.push(...repository.open_prs.nodes); hasNextPage = repository.open_prs.pageInfo.hasNextPage; endCursor = repository.open_prs.pageInfo.endCursor; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof RequestError) { setFailed(`Could not retrieve top PRs using GraphQl: ${error.message}`); } throw error; } } return openPRs; }; /** * Retrieve pull requests that have a given label. * @param pull The pull requests to check. * @param label The label to check for. */ export const pullsWithLabel = (pulls, label) => { return pulls.filter((pr) => { return pr.labels.nodes.some((lab) => lab.name === label); }); }; /** * Check if PR is stale. Meaning that it hasn't been updated in a given time. * @param {Object} pullRequest request object. * @param {number} days number of days. * @returns Boolean indicating if PR is stale. */ const isStale = (pullRequest, staleDays) => { const lastCommitDate = new Date( pullRequest.commits.nodes[0].commit.pushedDate, ); if (pullRequest.reviews.nodes[0]) { const lastReviewDate = new Date(pullRequest.reviews.nodes[0].updatedAt); const lastUpdateDate = lastCommitDate >= lastReviewDate ? lastCommitDate : lastReviewDate; const now = new Date(); return now - lastUpdateDate > 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * staleDays; } else { return false; } }; /** * Main function. */ const run = async () => { try { // Create octokit client. const dryRun = process.env.DRY_RUN === "true" || false; const staleDays = process.env.STALE_DAYS || 15; debug("Creating octokit client..."); const octokit = github.getOctokit(getGithubToken()); const { owner, repo } = getRepoInfo(github.context); // Retrieve all theme pull requests. debug("Retrieving all theme pull requests..."); const prs = await fetchOpenPRs(octokit, owner, repo); const themePRs = pullsWithLabel(prs, "themes"); const invalidThemePRs = pullsWithLabel(themePRs, "invalid"); debug("Retrieving stale theme PRs..."); const staleThemePRs = invalidThemePRs.filter((pr) => isStale(pr, staleDays), ); const staleThemePRsNumbers = staleThemePRs.map((pr) => pr.number); debug(`Found ${staleThemePRs.length} stale theme PRs`); // Loop through all stale invalid theme pull requests and close them. for (const prNumber of staleThemePRsNumbers) { debug(`Closing #${prNumber} because it is stale...`); if (!dryRun) { await octokit.issues.createComment({ owner, repo, issue_number: prNumber, body: CLOSING_COMMENT, }); await octokit.pulls.update({ owner, repo, pull_number: prNumber, state: "closed", }); } else { debug("Dry run enabled, skipping..."); } } } catch (error) { setFailed(error.message); } }; run();