import "@testing-library/jest-dom"; import axios from "axios"; import MockAdapter from "axios-mock-adapter"; import { fetchWakatimeStats } from "../src/fetchers/wakatime-fetcher.js"; import { expect, it, describe, afterEach } from "@jest/globals"; const mock = new MockAdapter(axios); afterEach(() => { mock.reset(); }); const wakaTimeData = { data: { categories: [ { digital: "22:40", hours: 22, minutes: 40, name: "Coding", percent: 100, text: "22 hrs 40 mins", total_seconds: 81643.570077, }, ], daily_average: 16095, daily_average_including_other_language: 16329, days_including_holidays: 7, days_minus_holidays: 5, editors: [ { digital: "22:40", hours: 22, minutes: 40, name: "VS Code", percent: 100, text: "22 hrs 40 mins", total_seconds: 81643.570077, }, ], holidays: 2, human_readable_daily_average: "4 hrs 28 mins", human_readable_daily_average_including_other_language: "4 hrs 32 mins", human_readable_total: "22 hrs 21 mins", human_readable_total_including_other_language: "22 hrs 40 mins", id: "random hash", is_already_updating: false, is_coding_activity_visible: true, is_including_today: false, is_other_usage_visible: true, is_stuck: false, is_up_to_date: true, languages: [ { digital: "0:19", hours: 0, minutes: 19, name: "Other", percent: 1.43, text: "19 mins", total_seconds: 1170.434361, }, { digital: "0:01", hours: 0, minutes: 1, name: "TypeScript", percent: 0.1, text: "1 min", total_seconds: 83.293809, }, { digital: "0:00", hours: 0, minutes: 0, name: "YAML", percent: 0.07, text: "0 secs", total_seconds: 54.975151, }, ], operating_systems: [ { digital: "22:40", hours: 22, minutes: 40, name: "Mac", percent: 100, text: "22 hrs 40 mins", total_seconds: 81643.570077, }, ], percent_calculated: 100, range: "last_7_days", status: "ok", timeout: 15, total_seconds: 80473.135716, total_seconds_including_other_language: 81643.570077, user_id: "random hash", username: "anuraghazra", writes_only: false, }, }; describe("WakaTime fetcher", () => { it("should fetch correct WakaTime data", async () => { const username = "anuraghazra"; mock .onGet( `${username}/stats?is_including_today=true`, ) .reply(200, wakaTimeData); const repo = await fetchWakatimeStats({ username }); expect(repo).toStrictEqual(; }); it("should throw error if username param missing", async () => { mock.onGet(/\/https:\/\/wakatime\.com\/api/).reply(404, wakaTimeData); await expect(fetchWakatimeStats("noone")).rejects.toThrow( 'Missing params "username" make sure you pass the parameters in URL', ); }); it("should throw error if username is not found", async () => { mock.onGet(/\/https:\/\/wakatime\.com\/api/).reply(404, wakaTimeData); await expect(fetchWakatimeStats({ username: "noone" })).rejects.toThrow( "Could not resolve to a User with the login of 'noone'", ); }); }); export { wakaTimeData };