mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 23:37:30 +08:00
* Makefile.in (install): Some of HEADERS come from the stl dir now. * algorithm, deque, functional, iterator, list, map, memory, numeric, queue, set, stack, utility, vector: Now in stl dir. stl/: * algo.h, algobase.h, alloc.h, bvector.h, defalloc.h, deque.h, function.h, hash_map.h, hash_set.h, hashtable.h, heap.h, iterator.h, list.h, map.h, multimap.h, multiset.h, pair.h, pthread_alloc.h, rope.h, ropeimpl.h, set.h, slist.h, stack.h, stl_config.h, tempbuf.h, tree.h, type_traits.h, vector.h: Update to October 27 SGI snapshot. * algorithm, deque, functional, hash_map, hash_set, iterator, list, map, memory, numeric, pthread_alloc, queue, rope, set, slist, stack, stl_algo.h, stl_algobase.h, stl_alloc.h, stl_bvector.h, stl_construct.h, stl_deque.h, stl_function.h, stl_hash_fun.h, stl_hash_map.h, stl_hash_set.h, stl_hashtable.h, stl_heap.h, stl_iterator.h, stl_list.h, stl_map.h, stl_multimap.h, stl_multiset.h, stl_numeric.h, stl_pair.h, stl_queue.h, stl_raw_storage_iter.h, stl_relops.h, stl_rope.h, stl_set.h, stl_slist.h, stl_stack.h, stl_tempbuf.h, stl_tree.h, stl_uninitialized.h, stl_vector.h, utility, vector: New files in October 27 SGI snapshot. From-SVN: r16277
618 lines
17 KiB
618 lines
17 KiB
* Copyright (c) 1994
* Hewlett-Packard Company
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
* and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
* that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
* in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
* representations about the suitability of this software for any
* purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
* Copyright (c) 1996,1997
* Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
* and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
* that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
* in supporting documentation. Silicon Graphics makes no
* representations about the suitability of this software for any
* purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
/* NOTE: This is an internal header file, included by other STL headers.
* You should not attempt to use it directly.
#if defined(__sgi) && !defined(__GNUC__) && (_MIPS_SIM != _MIPS_SIM_ABI32)
#pragma set woff 1174
template <class T>
struct __list_node {
typedef void* void_pointer;
void_pointer next;
void_pointer prev;
T data;
template<class T, class Ref, class Ptr>
struct __list_iterator {
typedef __list_iterator<T, T&, T*> iterator;
typedef __list_iterator<T, const T&, const T*> const_iterator;
typedef __list_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr> self;
typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef T value_type;
typedef Ptr pointer;
typedef Ref reference;
typedef __list_node<T>* link_type;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
link_type node;
__list_iterator(link_type x) : node(x) {}
__list_iterator() {}
__list_iterator(const iterator& x) : node(x.node) {}
bool operator==(const self& x) const { return node == x.node; }
bool operator!=(const self& x) const { return node != x.node; }
reference operator*() const { return (*node).data; }
pointer operator->() const { return &(operator*()); }
self& operator++() {
node = (link_type)((*node).next);
return *this;
self operator++(int) {
self tmp = *this;
return tmp;
self& operator--() {
node = (link_type)((*node).prev);
return *this;
self operator--(int) {
self tmp = *this;
return tmp;
template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr>
inline bidirectional_iterator_tag
iterator_category(const __list_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr>&) {
return bidirectional_iterator_tag();
template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr>
inline T*
value_type(const __list_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr>&) {
return 0;
template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr>
inline ptrdiff_t*
distance_type(const __list_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr>&) {
return 0;
template <class T, class Alloc = alloc>
class list {
typedef void* void_pointer;
typedef __list_node<T> list_node;
typedef simple_alloc<list_node, Alloc> list_node_allocator;
typedef T value_type;
typedef value_type* pointer;
typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
typedef value_type& reference;
typedef const value_type& const_reference;
typedef list_node* link_type;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef __list_iterator<T, T&, T*> iterator;
typedef __list_iterator<T, const T&, const T*> const_iterator;
typedef reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
typedef reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
typedef reverse_bidirectional_iterator<const_iterator, value_type,
const_reference, difference_type>
typedef reverse_bidirectional_iterator<iterator, value_type, reference,
link_type get_node() { return list_node_allocator::allocate(); }
void put_node(link_type p) { list_node_allocator::deallocate(p); }
link_type create_node(const T& x) {
link_type p = get_node();
construct(&p->data, x);
return p;
void destroy_node(link_type p) {
void empty_initialize() {
node = get_node();
node->next = node;
node->prev = node;
void fill_initialize(size_type n, const T& value) {
insert(begin(), n, value);
__STL_UNWIND(clear(); put_node(node));
template <class InputIterator>
void range_initialize(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) {
insert(begin(), first, last);
__STL_UNWIND(clear(); put_node(node));
void range_initialize(const T* first, const T* last) {
insert(begin(), first, last);
__STL_UNWIND(clear(); put_node(node));
void range_initialize(const_iterator first, const_iterator last) {
insert(begin(), first, last);
__STL_UNWIND(clear(); put_node(node));
link_type node;
list() { empty_initialize(); }
iterator begin() { return (link_type)((*node).next); }
const_iterator begin() const { return (link_type)((*node).next); }
iterator end() { return node; }
const_iterator end() const { return node; }
reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(end()); }
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
return const_reverse_iterator(end());
reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
return const_reverse_iterator(begin());
bool empty() const { return node->next == node; }
size_type size() const {
size_type result = 0;
distance(begin(), end(), result);
return result;
size_type max_size() const { return size_type(-1); }
reference front() { return *begin(); }
const_reference front() const { return *begin(); }
reference back() { return *(--end()); }
const_reference back() const { return *(--end()); }
void swap(list<T, Alloc>& x) { __STD::swap(node, x.node); }
iterator insert(iterator position, const T& x) {
link_type tmp = create_node(x);
tmp->next = position.node;
tmp->prev = position.node->prev;
(link_type(position.node->prev))->next = tmp;
position.node->prev = tmp;
return tmp;
iterator insert(iterator position) { return insert(position, T()); }
template <class InputIterator>
void insert(iterator position, InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
void insert(iterator position, const T* first, const T* last);
void insert(iterator position,
const_iterator first, const_iterator last);
void insert(iterator pos, size_type n, const T& x);
void insert(iterator pos, int n, const T& x) {
insert(pos, (size_type)n, x);
void insert(iterator pos, long n, const T& x) {
insert(pos, (size_type)n, x);
void push_front(const T& x) { insert(begin(), x); }
void push_back(const T& x) { insert(end(), x); }
iterator erase(iterator position) {
link_type next_node = link_type(position.node->next);
link_type prev_node = link_type(position.node->prev);
prev_node->next = next_node;
next_node->prev = prev_node;
return iterator(next_node);
iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last);
void resize(size_type new_size, const T& x);
void resize(size_type new_size) { resize(new_size, T()); }
void clear();
void pop_front() { erase(begin()); }
void pop_back() {
iterator tmp = end();
list(size_type n, const T& value) { fill_initialize(n, value); }
list(int n, const T& value) { fill_initialize(n, value); }
list(long n, const T& value) { fill_initialize(n, value); }
explicit list(size_type n) { fill_initialize(n, T()); }
template <class InputIterator>
list(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) {
range_initialize(first, last);
list(const T* first, const T* last) { range_initialize(first, last); }
list(const_iterator first, const_iterator last) {
range_initialize(first, last);
list(const list<T, Alloc>& x) {
range_initialize(x.begin(), x.end());
~list() {
list<T, Alloc>& operator=(const list<T, Alloc>& x);
void transfer(iterator position, iterator first, iterator last) {
if (position != last) {
(*(link_type((*last.node).prev))).next = position.node;
(*(link_type((*first.node).prev))).next = last.node;
(*(link_type((*position.node).prev))).next = first.node;
link_type tmp = link_type((*position.node).prev);
(*position.node).prev = (*last.node).prev;
(*last.node).prev = (*first.node).prev;
(*first.node).prev = tmp;
void splice(iterator position, list& x) {
if (!x.empty())
transfer(position, x.begin(), x.end());
void splice(iterator position, list&, iterator i) {
iterator j = i;
if (position == i || position == j) return;
transfer(position, i, j);
void splice(iterator position, list&, iterator first, iterator last) {
if (first != last)
transfer(position, first, last);
void remove(const T& value);
void unique();
void merge(list& x);
void reverse();
void sort();
template <class Predicate> void remove_if(Predicate);
template <class BinaryPredicate> void unique(BinaryPredicate);
template <class StrictWeakOrdering> void merge(list&, StrictWeakOrdering);
template <class StrictWeakOrdering> void sort(StrictWeakOrdering);
friend bool operator== __STL_NULL_TMPL_ARGS (const list& x, const list& y);
template <class T, class Alloc>
inline bool operator==(const list<T,Alloc>& x, const list<T,Alloc>& y) {
typedef typename list<T,Alloc>::link_type link_type;
link_type e1 = x.node;
link_type e2 = y.node;
link_type n1 = (link_type) e1->next;
link_type n2 = (link_type) e2->next;
for ( ; n1 != e1 && n2 != e2 ;
n1 = (link_type) n1->next, n2 = (link_type) n2->next)
if (n1->data != n2->data)
return false;
return n1 == e1 && n2 == e2;
template <class T, class Alloc>
inline bool operator<(const list<T, Alloc>& x, const list<T, Alloc>& y) {
return lexicographical_compare(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end());
template <class T, class Alloc>
inline void swap(list<T, Alloc>& x, list<T, Alloc>& y) {
template <class T, class Alloc> template <class InputIterator>
void list<T, Alloc>::insert(iterator position,
InputIterator first, InputIterator last) {
for ( ; first != last; ++first)
insert(position, *first);
template <class T, class Alloc>
void list<T, Alloc>::insert(iterator position, const T* first, const T* last) {
for ( ; first != last; ++first)
insert(position, *first);
template <class T, class Alloc>
void list<T, Alloc>::insert(iterator position,
const_iterator first, const_iterator last) {
for ( ; first != last; ++first)
insert(position, *first);
template <class T, class Alloc>
void list<T, Alloc>::insert(iterator position, size_type n, const T& x) {
for ( ; n > 0; --n)
insert(position, x);
template <class T, class Alloc>
list<T,Alloc>::iterator list<T, Alloc>::erase(iterator first, iterator last) {
while (first != last) erase(first++);
return last;
template <class T, class Alloc>
void list<T, Alloc>::resize(size_type new_size, const T& x)
iterator i = begin();
size_type len = 0;
for ( ; i != end() && len < new_size; ++i, ++len)
if (len == new_size)
erase(i, end());
else // i == end()
insert(end(), new_size - len, x);
template <class T, class Alloc>
void list<T, Alloc>::clear()
link_type cur = (link_type) node->next;
while (cur != node) {
link_type tmp = cur;
cur = (link_type) cur->next;
node->next = node;
node->prev = node;
template <class T, class Alloc>
list<T, Alloc>& list<T, Alloc>::operator=(const list<T, Alloc>& x) {
if (this != &x) {
iterator first1 = begin();
iterator last1 = end();
const_iterator first2 = x.begin();
const_iterator last2 = x.end();
while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2) *first1++ = *first2++;
if (first2 == last2)
erase(first1, last1);
insert(last1, first2, last2);
return *this;
template <class T, class Alloc>
void list<T, Alloc>::remove(const T& value) {
iterator first = begin();
iterator last = end();
while (first != last) {
iterator next = first;
if (*first == value) erase(first);
first = next;
template <class T, class Alloc>
void list<T, Alloc>::unique() {
iterator first = begin();
iterator last = end();
if (first == last) return;
iterator next = first;
while (++next != last) {
if (*first == *next)
first = next;
next = first;
template <class T, class Alloc>
void list<T, Alloc>::merge(list<T, Alloc>& x) {
iterator first1 = begin();
iterator last1 = end();
iterator first2 = x.begin();
iterator last2 = x.end();
while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
if (*first2 < *first1) {
iterator next = first2;
transfer(first1, first2, ++next);
first2 = next;
if (first2 != last2) transfer(last1, first2, last2);
template <class T, class Alloc>
void list<T, Alloc>::reverse() {
if (node->next == node || link_type(node->next)->next == node) return;
iterator first = begin();
while (first != end()) {
iterator old = first;
transfer(begin(), old, first);
template <class T, class Alloc>
void list<T, Alloc>::sort() {
if (node->next == node || link_type(node->next)->next == node) return;
list<T, Alloc> carry;
list<T, Alloc> counter[64];
int fill = 0;
while (!empty()) {
carry.splice(carry.begin(), *this, begin());
int i = 0;
while(i < fill && !counter[i].empty()) {
if (i == fill) ++fill;
for (int i = 1; i < fill; ++i) counter[i].merge(counter[i-1]);
template <class T, class Alloc> template <class Predicate>
void list<T, Alloc>::remove_if(Predicate pred) {
iterator first = begin();
iterator last = end();
while (first != last) {
iterator next = first;
if (pred(*first)) erase(first);
first = next;
template <class T, class Alloc> template <class BinaryPredicate>
void list<T, Alloc>::unique(BinaryPredicate binary_pred) {
iterator first = begin();
iterator last = end();
if (first == last) return;
iterator next = first;
while (++next != last) {
if (binary_pred(*first, *next))
first = next;
next = first;
template <class T, class Alloc> template <class StrictWeakOrdering>
void list<T, Alloc>::merge(list<T, Alloc>& x, StrictWeakOrdering comp) {
iterator first1 = begin();
iterator last1 = end();
iterator first2 = x.begin();
iterator last2 = x.end();
while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
if (comp(*first2, *first1)) {
iterator next = first2;
transfer(first1, first2, ++next);
first2 = next;
if (first2 != last2) transfer(last1, first2, last2);
template <class T, class Alloc> template <class StrictWeakOrdering>
void list<T, Alloc>::sort(StrictWeakOrdering comp) {
if (node->next == node || link_type(node->next)->next == node) return;
list<T, Alloc> carry;
list<T, Alloc> counter[64];
int fill = 0;
while (!empty()) {
carry.splice(carry.begin(), *this, begin());
int i = 0;
while(i < fill && !counter[i].empty()) {
counter[i].merge(carry, comp);
if (i == fill) ++fill;
for (int i = 1; i < fill; ++i) counter[i].merge(counter[i-1], comp);
#if defined(__sgi) && !defined(__GNUC__) && (_MIPS_SIM != _MIPS_SIM_ABI32)
#pragma reset woff 1174
#endif /* __SGI_STL_INTERNAL_LIST_H */
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// mode:C++
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