Geert Bosch bcea76b65d 1aexcept.adb, [...]: Merge header, formatting and other trivial changes from ACT.
* 1aexcept.adb, 1aexcept.ads, 1ic.ads, 1ssecsta.adb,
	1ssecsta.ads, 31soccon.ads, 31soliop.ads, 3asoccon.ads,
	3bsoccon.ads, 3gsoccon.ads, 3hsoccon.ads, 3ssoccon.ads,
	3ssoliop.ads, 3wsoccon.ads, 3wsocthi.adb, 3wsocthi.ads,
	3wsoliop.ads, 41intnam.ads, 42intnam.ads, 4aintnam.ads,
	4cintnam.ads, 4dintnam.ads, 4gintnam.ads, 4hexcpol.adb,
	4hintnam.ads, 4lintnam.ads, 4mintnam.ads, 4nintnam.ads,
	4ointnam.ads, 4onumaux.ads, 4pintnam.ads, 4rintnam.ads,
	4sintnam.ads, 4uintnam.ads, 4vcaldel.adb, 4vcalend.adb,
	4vcalend.ads, 4vintnam.ads, 4wcalend.adb, 4wexcpol.adb,
	4wintnam.ads, 4zintnam.ads, 4znumaux.ads, 4zsytaco.adb,
	4zsytaco.ads, 51osinte.adb, 51osinte.ads, 52osinte.adb,
	52osinte.ads, 52system.ads, 53osinte.ads, 54osinte.ads,
	5amastop.adb, 5aosinte.adb, 5aosinte.ads, 5asystem.ads,
	5ataprop.adb, 5atasinf.ads, 5ataspri.ads, 5atpopsp.adb,
	5avxwork.ads, 5bosinte.adb, 5bosinte.ads, 5bsystem.ads,
	5cosinte.ads, 5dosinte.ads, 5esystem.ads, 5etpopse.adb,
	5fintman.adb, 5fosinte.ads, 5fsystem.ads, 5ftaprop.adb,
	5ftasinf.ads, 5ginterr.adb, 5gintman.adb, 5gmastop.adb,
	5gosinte.ads, 5gproinf.adb, 5gproinf.ads, 5gsystem.ads,
	5gtaprop.adb, 5gtasinf.adb, 5gtasinf.ads, 5gtpgetc.adb,
	5hosinte.adb, 5hosinte.ads, 5hparame.ads, 5hsystem.ads,
	5htaprop.adb, 5htaspri.ads, 5htraceb.adb, 5iosinte.adb,
	5iosinte.ads, 5itaprop.adb, 5itaspri.ads, 5ksystem.ads,
	5kvxwork.ads, 5lintman.adb, 5lml-tgt.adb, 5losinte.ads,
	5lsystem.ads, 5mosinte.ads, 5mvxwork.ads, 5ninmaop.adb,
	5nintman.adb, 5nosinte.ads, 5ntaprop.adb, 5ntaspri.ads,
	5ointerr.adb, 5omastop.adb, 5oosinte.adb, 5oosinte.ads,
	5oosprim.adb, 5oparame.adb, 5osystem.ads, 5otaprop.adb,
	5otaspri.ads, 5posinte.ads, 5posprim.adb, 5pvxwork.ads,
	5qosinte.adb, 5qosinte.ads, 5qstache.adb, 5qtaprop.adb,
	5qtaspri.ads, 5rosinte.adb, 5rosinte.ads, 5rparame.adb,
	5sintman.adb, 5sosinte.adb, 5sosinte.ads, 5sparame.adb,
	5ssystem.ads, 5staprop.adb, 5stasinf.adb, 5stasinf.ads,
	5staspri.ads, 5stpopse.adb, 5svxwork.ads, 5tosinte.ads,
	5uintman.adb, 5uosinte.ads, 5vasthan.adb, 5vinmaop.adb,
	5vinterr.adb, 5vintman.adb, 5vintman.ads, 5vmastop.adb,
	5vosinte.adb, 5vosinte.ads, 5vosprim.adb, 5vosprim.ads,
	5vparame.ads, 5vsystem.ads, 5vtaprop.adb, 5vtaspri.ads,
	5vtpopde.adb, 5vtpopde.ads, 5vvaflop.adb, 5wgloloc.adb,
	5wintman.adb, 5wmemory.adb, 5wosinte.ads, 5wosprim.adb,
	5wsystem.ads, 5wtaprop.adb, 5wtaspri.ads, 5ysystem.ads,
	5zinterr.adb, 5zintman.adb, 5zosinte.adb, 5zosinte.ads,
	5zosprim.adb, 5zsystem.ads, 5ztaprop.adb, 6vcpp.adb,
	6vcstrea.adb, 6vinterf.ads, 7sinmaop.adb, 7sintman.adb,
	7sosinte.adb, 7sosprim.adb, 7staprop.adb, 7staspri.ads,
	7stpopsp.adb, 7straceb.adb, 86numaux.adb, 86numaux.ads,
	9drpc.adb, a-astaco.adb, a-astaco.ads, a-caldel.adb,
	a-caldel.ads, a-calend.adb, a-calend.ads, a-chahan.adb,
	a-chahan.ads, a-charac.ads, a-chlat1.ads, a-chlat9.ads,
	a-colien.adb, a-colien.ads, a-colire.adb, a-colire.ads,
	a-comlin.adb, a-comlin.ads, a-cwila1.ads, a-cwila9.ads,
	a-decima.adb, a-decima.ads, a-diocst.adb, a-diocst.ads,
	a-direio.adb, a-direio.ads, a-dynpri.adb, a-dynpri.ads,
	a-einuoc.adb, a-einuoc.ads, a-except.adb, a-except.ads,
	a-excpol.adb, a-exctra.adb, a-exctra.ads, a-filico.adb,
	a-filico.ads, a-finali.adb, a-finali.ads, a-flteio.ads,
	a-fwteio.ads, a-inteio.ads, a-interr.adb, a-interr.ads,
	a-intnam.ads, a-intsig.adb, a-intsig.ads, a-ioexce.ads,
	a-iwteio.ads, a-lfteio.ads, a-lfwtio.ads, a-liteio.ads,
	a-liwtio.ads, a-llftio.ads, a-llfwti.ads, a-llitio.ads,
	a-lliwti.ads, a-ncelfu.ads, a-ngcefu.adb, a-ngcefu.ads,
	a-ngcoty.adb, a-ngcoty.ads, a-ngelfu.adb, a-ngelfu.ads,
	a-nlcefu.ads, a-nlcoty.ads, a-nlelfu.ads, a-nllcef.ads,
	a-nllcty.ads, a-nllefu.ads, a-nscefu.ads, a-nscoty.ads,
	a-nselfu.ads, a-nucoty.ads, a-nudira.adb, a-nudira.ads,
	a-nuelfu.ads, a-nuflra.adb, a-nuflra.ads, a-numaux.ads,
	a-numeri.ads, a-reatim.adb, a-reatim.ads, a-retide.adb,
	a-retide.ads, a-sequio.adb, a-sequio.ads, a-sfteio.ads,
	a-sfwtio.ads, a-siocst.adb, a-siocst.ads, a-siteio.ads,
	a-siwtio.ads, a-ssicst.adb, a-ssicst.ads, a-ssitio.ads,
	a-ssiwti.ads, a-stmaco.ads, a-storio.adb, a-storio.ads,
	a-strbou.adb, a-strbou.ads, a-stream.ads, a-strfix.adb,
	a-strfix.ads, a-string.ads, a-strmap.adb, a-strmap.ads,
	a-strsea.adb, a-strsea.ads, a-strunb.adb, a-strunb.ads,
	a-ststio.adb, a-ststio.ads, a-stunau.adb, a-stunau.ads,
	a-stwibo.adb, a-stwibo.ads, a-stwifi.adb, a-stwifi.ads,
	a-stwima.adb, a-stwima.ads, a-stwise.adb, a-stwise.ads,
	a-stwiun.adb, a-stwiun.ads, a-suteio.adb, a-suteio.ads,
	a-swmwco.ads, a-swuwti.adb, a-swuwti.ads, a-sytaco.adb,
	a-sytaco.ads, a-tags.adb, a-tags.ads, a-tasatt.adb,
	a-tasatt.ads, a-taside.adb, a-taside.ads, a-teioed.adb,
	a-teioed.ads, a-textio.adb, a-textio.ads, a-ticoau.adb,
	a-ticoau.ads, a-ticoio.adb, a-ticoio.ads, a-tideau.adb,
	a-tideau.ads, a-tideio.adb, a-tideio.ads, a-tienau.adb,
	a-tienau.ads, a-tienio.adb, a-tienio.ads, a-tifiio.adb,
	a-tifiio.ads, a-tiflau.adb, a-tiflau.ads, a-tiflio.adb,
	a-tiflio.ads, a-tigeau.adb, a-tigeau.ads, a-tiinau.adb,
	a-tiinau.ads, a-tiinio.adb, a-tiinio.ads, a-timoau.adb,
	a-timoau.ads, a-timoio.adb, a-timoio.ads, a-tiocst.adb,
	a-tiocst.ads, a-titest.adb, a-titest.ads, a-unccon.ads,
	a-uncdea.ads, a-witeio.adb, a-witeio.ads, a-wtcoau.adb,
	a-wtcoau.ads, a-wtcoio.adb, a-wtcoio.ads, a-wtcstr.adb,
	a-wtcstr.ads, a-wtdeau.adb, a-wtdeau.ads, a-wtdeio.adb,
	a-wtdeio.ads, a-wtedit.adb, a-wtedit.ads, a-wtenau.adb,
	a-wtenau.ads, a-wtenio.adb, a-wtenio.ads, a-wtfiio.adb,
	a-wtfiio.ads, a-wtflau.adb, a-wtflau.ads, a-wtflio.adb,
	a-wtflio.ads, a-wtgeau.adb, a-wtgeau.ads, a-wtinau.adb,
	a-wtinau.ads, a-wtinio.adb, a-wtinio.ads, a-wtmoau.adb,
	a-wtmoau.ads, a-wtmoio.adb, a-wtmoio.ads, a-wttest.adb,
	a-wttest.ads, ada-tree.h, ada.ads, ada.h,
	adadecode.c, adadecode.h, ali-util.adb, ali-util.ads,
	ali.adb, ali.ads, alloc.ads, argv.c,
	atree.adb, atree.ads, atree.h, aux-io.c,
	back_end.adb, back_end.ads, bcheck.adb, bcheck.ads,
	binde.adb, binde.ads, binderr.adb, binderr.ads,
	bindgen.adb, bindgen.ads, bindusg.adb, bindusg.ads,
	butil.adb, butil.ads, cal.c, calendar.ads,
	casing.adb, casing.ads, ceinfo.adb, checks.adb,
	checks.ads, cio.c, comperr.adb, comperr.ads,
	config-lang.in, csets.adb, csets.ads, csinfo.adb,
	cstand.adb, cstand.ads, cuintp.c, debug.adb,
	debug.ads, debug_a.adb, debug_a.ads, dec-io.adb,
	dec-io.ads, dec.ads, deftarg.c, directio.ads,
	einfo.adb, einfo.ads, elists.adb, elists.ads,
	elists.h, errno.c, errout.adb, errout.ads,
	eval_fat.adb, eval_fat.ads, exit.c, exp_aggr.adb,
	exp_aggr.ads, exp_attr.adb, exp_attr.ads, exp_ch10.ads,
	exp_ch11.adb, exp_ch11.ads, exp_ch12.adb, exp_ch12.ads,
	exp_ch13.adb, exp_ch13.ads, exp_ch2.adb, exp_ch2.ads,
	exp_ch3.adb, exp_ch3.ads, exp_ch4.adb, exp_ch4.ads,
	exp_ch5.adb, exp_ch5.ads, exp_ch6.adb, exp_ch6.ads,
	exp_ch7.adb, exp_ch7.ads, exp_ch8.adb, exp_ch8.ads,
	exp_ch9.adb, exp_ch9.ads, exp_code.adb, exp_code.ads,
	exp_dbug.adb, exp_dbug.ads, exp_disp.adb, exp_disp.ads,
	exp_dist.adb, exp_dist.ads, exp_fixd.adb, exp_fixd.ads,
	exp_imgv.adb, exp_imgv.ads, exp_intr.adb, exp_intr.ads,
	exp_pakd.adb, exp_pakd.ads, exp_prag.adb, exp_prag.ads,
	exp_smem.adb, exp_smem.ads, exp_strm.adb, exp_strm.ads,
	exp_tss.adb, exp_tss.ads, exp_util.adb, exp_util.ads,
	exp_vfpt.adb, exp_vfpt.ads, expander.adb, expander.ads,
	fmap.adb, fmap.ads, fname-sf.adb, fname-sf.ads,
	fname-uf.adb, fname-uf.ads, fname.adb, fname.ads,
	freeze.adb, freeze.ads, frontend.adb, frontend.ads,
	g-awk.adb, g-awk.ads, g-busora.adb, g-busora.ads,
	g-busorg.adb, g-busorg.ads, g-calend.adb, g-calend.ads,
	g-casuti.adb, g-casuti.ads, g-catiio.adb, g-catiio.ads,
	g-cgi.adb, g-cgi.ads, g-cgicoo.adb, g-cgicoo.ads,
	g-cgideb.adb, g-cgideb.ads, g-comlin.adb, g-comlin.ads,
	g-crc32.adb, g-crc32.ads, g-curexc.ads, g-debpoo.adb,
	g-debpoo.ads, g-debuti.adb, g-debuti.ads, g-diopit.adb,
	g-diopit.ads, g-dirope.adb, g-dirope.ads, g-dyntab.adb,
	g-dyntab.ads, g-enblsp.adb, g-except.ads, g-exctra.adb,
	g-exctra.ads, g-expect.adb, g-expect.ads, g-flocon.ads,
	g-hesora.adb, g-hesora.ads, g-hesorg.adb, g-hesorg.ads,
	g-htable.adb, g-htable.ads, g-io.adb, g-io.ads,
	g-io_aux.adb, g-io_aux.ads, g-locfil.ads, g-md5.adb,
	g-md5.ads, g-moreex.adb, g-moreex.ads, g-os_lib.adb,
	g-os_lib.ads, g-regexp.adb, g-regexp.ads, g-regist.ads,
	g-regpat.adb, g-regpat.ads, g-soccon.ads, g-socket.adb,
	g-socket.ads, g-socthi.adb, g-socthi.ads, g-soliop.ads,
	g-souinf.ads, g-speche.adb, g-speche.ads, g-spipat.adb,
	g-spipat.ads, g-spitbo.adb, g-spitbo.ads, g-sptabo.ads,
	g-sptain.ads, g-sptavs.ads, g-table.adb, g-table.ads,
	g-tasloc.adb, g-tasloc.ads, g-thread.adb, g-thread.ads,
	g-traceb.adb, g-traceb.ads, g-trasym.adb, g-trasym.ads,
	get_targ.adb, get_targ.ads, gnat-style.texi, gnat.ads,
	gnat1drv.adb, gnat1drv.ads, gnatbind.adb, gnatbind.ads,
	gnatbl.c, gnatchop.adb, gnatcmd.adb, gnatcmd.ads,
	gnatdll.adb, gnatfind.adb, gnatkr.adb, gnatkr.ads,
	gnatlbr.adb, gnatlink.adb, gnatlink.ads, gnatls.adb,
	gnatls.ads, gnatmake.adb, gnatmake.ads, gnatmem.adb,
	gnatname.adb, gnatname.ads, gnatprep.adb, gnatprep.ads,
	gnatpsta.adb, gnatvsn.adb, gnatvsn.ads, gnatxref.adb,
	hlo.adb, hlo.ads, hostparm.ads, i-c.adb,
	i-c.ads, i-cexten.ads, i-cobol.adb, i-cobol.ads,
	i-cpoint.adb, i-cpoint.ads, i-cpp.adb, i-cpp.ads,
	i-cstrea.adb, i-cstrea.ads, i-cstrin.adb, i-cstrin.ads,
	i-fortra.adb, i-fortra.ads, i-os2err.ads, i-os2lib.adb,
	i-os2lib.ads, i-os2syn.ads, i-os2thr.ads, i-pacdec.adb,
	i-pacdec.ads, i-vxwork.ads, impunit.adb, impunit.ads,
	inline.adb, inline.ads, interfac.ads, ioexcept.ads,
	itypes.adb, itypes.ads, krunch.adb, krunch.ads,
	layout.adb, layout.ads, lib-list.adb, lib-load.adb,
	lib-load.ads, lib-sort.adb, lib-util.adb, lib-util.ads,
	lib-writ.adb, lib-writ.ads, lib-xref.adb, lib-xref.ads,
	lib.adb, lib.ads, live.adb, live.ads,
	machcode.ads, make.adb, make.ads, makeusg.adb,
	makeusg.ads, math_lib.adb, mdll-fil.adb, mdll-fil.ads,
	mdll-utl.adb, mdll-utl.ads, mdll.adb, mdll.ads,
	memroot.adb, memroot.ads, memtrack.adb, mlib-fil.adb,
	mlib-fil.ads, mlib-prj.adb, mlib-prj.ads, mlib-tgt.adb,
	mlib-tgt.ads, mlib-utl.adb, mlib-utl.ads, mlib.adb,
	mlib.ads, namet.adb, namet.ads, nlists.adb,
	nlists.ads, opt.adb, opt.ads, osint-b.adb,
	osint-b.ads, osint-c.adb, osint-c.ads, osint-l.adb,
	osint-l.ads, osint-m.adb, osint-m.ads, osint.adb,
	osint.ads, output.adb, output.ads, par-ch10.adb,
	par-ch11.adb, par-ch12.adb, par-ch13.adb, par-ch2.adb,
	par-ch3.adb, par-ch4.adb, par-ch5.adb, par-ch6.adb,
	par-ch7.adb, par-ch8.adb, par-ch9.adb, par-endh.adb,
	par-labl.adb, par-load.adb, par-prag.adb, par-sync.adb,
	par-tchk.adb, par-util.adb, par.adb, par.ads,
	prj-attr.adb, prj-attr.ads, prj-com.adb, prj-com.ads,
	prj-dect.adb, prj-dect.ads, prj-env.adb, prj-env.ads,
	prj-ext.adb, prj-ext.ads, prj-makr.adb, prj-makr.ads,
	prj-nmsc.adb, prj-nmsc.ads, prj-pars.adb, prj-pars.ads,
	prj-part.adb, prj-part.ads, prj-pp.adb, prj-pp.ads,
	prj-proc.adb, prj-proc.ads, prj-strt.adb, prj-strt.ads,
	prj-tree.adb, prj-tree.ads, prj-util.adb, prj-util.ads,
	prj.adb, prj.ads, repinfo.adb, repinfo.ads,
	restrict.adb, restrict.ads, rident.ads, rtsfind.adb,
	rtsfind.ads, s-addima.adb, s-addima.ads, s-arit64.adb,
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	s-crc32.adb, s-crc32.ads, s-direio.adb, s-direio.ads,
	s-errrep.adb, s-errrep.ads, s-except.ads, s-exctab.adb,
	s-exctab.ads, s-exnflt.ads, s-exngen.adb, s-exngen.ads,
	s-exnint.ads, s-exnlfl.ads, s-exnlin.ads, s-exnllf.ads,
	s-exnlli.ads, s-exnsfl.ads, s-exnsin.ads, s-exnssi.ads,
	s-expflt.ads, s-expgen.adb, s-expgen.ads, s-expint.ads,
	s-explfl.ads, s-explin.ads, s-expllf.ads, s-explli.ads,
	s-expllu.adb, s-expllu.ads, s-expmod.adb, s-expmod.ads,
	s-expsfl.ads, s-expsin.ads, s-expssi.ads, s-expuns.adb,
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	s-fatlfl.ads, s-fatllf.ads, s-fatsfl.ads, s-ficobl.ads,
	s-fileio.adb, s-fileio.ads, s-finimp.adb, s-finimp.ads,
	s-finroo.adb, s-finroo.ads, s-fore.adb, s-fore.ads,
	s-gloloc.adb, s-gloloc.ads, s-imgbiu.adb, s-imgbiu.ads,
	s-imgboo.adb, s-imgboo.ads, s-imgcha.adb, s-imgcha.ads,
	s-imgdec.adb, s-imgdec.ads, s-imgenu.adb, s-imgenu.ads,
	s-imgint.adb, s-imgint.ads, s-imgllb.adb, s-imgllb.ads,
	s-imglld.adb, s-imglld.ads, s-imglli.adb, s-imglli.ads,
	s-imgllu.adb, s-imgllu.ads, s-imgllw.adb, s-imgllw.ads,
	s-imgrea.adb, s-imgrea.ads, s-imguns.adb, s-imguns.ads,
	s-imgwch.adb, s-imgwch.ads, s-imgwiu.adb, s-imgwiu.ads,
	s-inmaop.ads, s-interr.adb, s-interr.ads, s-intman.ads,
	s-io.adb, s-io.ads, s-maccod.ads, s-mantis.adb,
	s-mantis.ads, s-mastop.adb, s-mastop.ads, s-memory.adb,
	s-memory.ads, s-osprim.ads, s-pack03.adb, s-pack03.ads,
	s-pack05.adb, s-pack05.ads, s-pack06.adb, s-pack06.ads,
	s-pack07.adb, s-pack07.ads, s-pack09.adb, s-pack09.ads,
	s-pack10.adb, s-pack10.ads, s-pack11.adb, s-pack11.ads,
	s-pack12.adb, s-pack12.ads, s-pack13.adb, s-pack13.ads,
	s-pack14.adb, s-pack14.ads, s-pack15.adb, s-pack15.ads,
	s-pack17.adb, s-pack17.ads, s-pack18.adb, s-pack18.ads,
	s-pack19.adb, s-pack19.ads, s-pack20.adb, s-pack20.ads,
	s-pack21.adb, s-pack21.ads, s-pack22.adb, s-pack22.ads,
	s-pack23.adb, s-pack23.ads, s-pack24.adb, s-pack24.ads,
	s-pack25.adb, s-pack25.ads, s-pack26.adb, s-pack26.ads,
	s-pack27.adb, s-pack27.ads, s-pack28.adb, s-pack28.ads,
	s-pack29.adb, s-pack29.ads, s-pack30.adb, s-pack30.ads,
	s-pack31.adb, s-pack31.ads, s-pack33.adb, s-pack33.ads,
	s-pack34.adb, s-pack34.ads, s-pack35.adb, s-pack35.ads,
	s-pack36.adb, s-pack36.ads, s-pack37.adb, s-pack37.ads,
	s-pack38.adb, s-pack38.ads, s-pack39.adb, s-pack39.ads,
	s-pack40.adb, s-pack40.ads, s-pack41.adb, s-pack41.ads,
	s-pack42.adb, s-pack42.ads, s-pack43.adb, s-pack43.ads,
	s-pack44.adb, s-pack44.ads, s-pack45.adb, s-pack45.ads,
	s-pack46.adb, s-pack46.ads, s-pack47.adb, s-pack47.ads,
	s-pack48.adb, s-pack48.ads, s-pack49.adb, s-pack49.ads,
	s-pack50.adb, s-pack50.ads, s-pack51.adb, s-pack51.ads,
	s-pack52.adb, s-pack52.ads, s-pack53.adb, s-pack53.ads,
	s-pack54.adb, s-pack54.ads, s-pack55.adb, s-pack55.ads,
	s-pack56.adb, s-pack56.ads, s-pack57.adb, s-pack57.ads,
	s-pack58.adb, s-pack58.ads, s-pack59.adb, s-pack59.ads,
	s-pack60.adb, s-pack60.ads, s-pack61.adb, s-pack61.ads,
	s-pack62.adb, s-pack62.ads, s-pack63.adb, s-pack63.ads,
	s-parame.adb, s-parame.ads, s-parint.adb, s-parint.ads,
	s-pooglo.adb, s-pooglo.ads, s-pooloc.adb, s-pooloc.ads,
	s-poosiz.adb, s-poosiz.ads, s-powtab.ads, s-proinf.adb,
	s-proinf.ads, s-rpc.adb, s-rpc.ads, s-scaval.ads,
	s-secsta.adb, s-secsta.ads, s-sequio.adb, s-sequio.ads,
	s-shasto.adb, s-shasto.ads, s-soflin.adb, s-soflin.ads,
	s-sopco3.adb, s-sopco3.ads, s-sopco4.adb, s-sopco4.ads,
	s-sopco5.adb, s-sopco5.ads, s-stache.adb, s-stache.ads,
	s-stalib.adb, s-stalib.ads, s-stoele.adb, s-stoele.ads,
	s-stopoo.ads, s-stratt.adb, s-stratt.ads, s-strops.adb,
	s-strops.ads, s-taasde.adb, s-taasde.ads, s-tadeca.adb,
	s-tadeca.ads, s-tadert.adb, s-tadert.ads, s-taenca.adb,
	s-taenca.ads, s-taprob.adb, s-taprob.ads, s-taprop.ads,
	s-tarest.adb, s-tarest.ads, s-tasdeb.adb, s-tasdeb.ads,
	s-tasinf.adb, s-tasinf.ads, s-tasini.adb, s-tasini.ads,
	s-taskin.adb, s-taskin.ads, s-tasque.adb, s-tasque.ads,
	s-tasren.adb, s-tasren.ads, s-tasres.ads, s-tassta.adb,
	s-tassta.ads, s-tasuti.adb, s-tasuti.ads, s-tataat.adb,
	s-tataat.ads, s-tpinop.adb, s-tpinop.ads, s-tpoben.adb,
	s-tpoben.ads, s-tpobop.adb, s-tpobop.ads, s-tposen.adb,
	s-tposen.ads, s-traceb.adb, s-traceb.ads, s-traces.adb,
	s-traces.ads, s-tratas.adb, s-tratas.ads, s-unstyp.ads,
	s-vaflop.adb, s-vaflop.ads, s-valboo.adb, s-valboo.ads,
	s-valcha.adb, s-valcha.ads, s-valdec.adb, s-valdec.ads,
	s-valenu.adb, s-valenu.ads, s-valint.adb, s-valint.ads,
	s-vallld.adb, s-vallld.ads, s-vallli.adb, s-vallli.ads,
	s-valllu.adb, s-valllu.ads, s-valrea.adb, s-valrea.ads,
	s-valuns.adb, s-valuns.ads, s-valuti.adb, s-valuti.ads,
	s-valwch.adb, s-valwch.ads, s-vercon.adb, s-vercon.ads,
	s-vmexta.adb, s-vmexta.ads, s-wchcnv.adb, s-wchcnv.ads,
	s-wchcon.ads, s-wchjis.adb, s-wchjis.ads, s-wchstw.adb,
	s-wchstw.ads, s-wchwts.adb, s-wchwts.ads, s-widboo.adb,
	s-widboo.ads, s-widcha.adb, s-widcha.ads, s-widenu.adb,
	s-widenu.ads, s-widlli.adb, s-widlli.ads, s-widllu.adb,
	s-widllu.ads, s-widwch.adb, s-widwch.ads, s-wwdcha.adb,
	s-wwdcha.ads, s-wwdenu.adb, s-wwdenu.ads, s-wwdwch.adb,
	s-wwdwch.ads, scans.adb, scans.ads, scn-nlit.adb,
	scn-slit.adb, scn.adb, scn.ads, sdefault.ads,
	sem.adb, sem.ads, sem_aggr.adb, sem_aggr.ads,
	sem_attr.adb, sem_attr.ads, sem_case.adb, sem_case.ads,
	sem_cat.adb, sem_cat.ads, sem_ch10.adb, sem_ch10.ads,
	sem_ch11.adb, sem_ch11.ads, sem_ch12.adb, sem_ch12.ads,
	sem_ch13.adb, sem_ch13.ads, sem_ch2.adb, sem_ch2.ads,
	sem_ch3.adb, sem_ch3.ads, sem_ch4.adb, sem_ch4.ads,
	sem_ch5.adb, sem_ch5.ads, sem_ch6.adb, sem_ch6.ads,
	sem_ch7.adb, sem_ch7.ads, sem_ch8.adb, sem_ch8.ads,
	sem_ch9.adb, sem_ch9.ads, sem_disp.adb, sem_disp.ads,
	sem_dist.adb, sem_dist.ads, sem_elab.adb, sem_elab.ads,
	sem_elim.adb, sem_elim.ads, sem_eval.adb, sem_eval.ads,
	sem_intr.adb, sem_intr.ads, sem_maps.adb, sem_maps.ads,
	sem_mech.adb, sem_mech.ads, sem_prag.adb, sem_prag.ads,
	sem_res.adb, sem_res.ads, sem_smem.adb, sem_smem.ads,
	sem_type.adb, sem_type.ads, sem_util.adb, sem_util.ads,
	sem_vfpt.adb, sem_vfpt.ads, sem_warn.adb, sem_warn.ads,
	sequenio.ads, sfn_scan.adb, sfn_scan.ads, sinfo-cn.adb,
	sinfo-cn.ads, sinfo.adb, sinfo.ads, sinput-d.adb,
	sinput-d.ads, sinput-l.adb, sinput-l.ads, sinput-p.adb,
	sinput-p.ads, sinput.adb, sinput.ads, snames.adb,
	snames.ads, sprint.adb, sprint.ads, stand.adb,
	stand.ads, stringt.adb, stringt.ads, style.adb,
	style.ads, stylesw.adb, stylesw.ads, switch-b.adb,
	switch-b.ads, switch-c.adb, switch-c.ads, switch-m.adb,
	switch-m.ads, switch.adb, switch.ads, system.ads,
	table.adb, table.ads, targparm.adb, targparm.ads,
	tbuild.adb, tbuild.ads, text_io.ads, trans.c,
	tree_gen.adb, tree_gen.ads, tree_in.adb, tree_in.ads,
	tree_io.adb, tree_io.ads, treepr.adb, treepr.ads,
	ttypef.ads, ttypes.ads, types.adb, types.ads,
	uintp.adb, uintp.ads, uname.adb, uname.ads,
	unchconv.ads, unchdeal.ads, urealp.adb, urealp.ads,
	usage.adb, usage.ads, validsw.adb, validsw.ads,
	widechar.adb, widechar.ads, xeinfo.adb, xnmake.adb,
	xr_tabls.adb, xr_tabls.ads, xref_lib.adb, xref_lib.ads,
	xsinfo.adb, xsnames.adb, xtreeprs.adb : Merge header,
	formatting and other trivial changes from ACT.

From-SVN: r66044
2003-04-24 19:54:20 +02:00

1947 lines
57 KiB

-- --
-- --
-- S Y S T E M . T A S K _ P R I M I T I V E S . O P E R A T I O N S --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2002, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNARL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNARL; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
-- --
-- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc. --
-- --
-- This is a Solaris (native) version of this package
-- This package contains all the GNULL primitives that interface directly
-- with the underlying OS.
pragma Polling (Off);
-- Turn off polling, we do not want ATC polling to take place during
-- tasking operations. It causes infinite loops and other problems.
with System.Tasking.Debug;
-- used for Known_Tasks
with Ada.Exceptions;
-- used for Raise_Exception
with GNAT.OS_Lib;
-- used for String_Access, Getenv
with Interfaces.C;
-- used for int
-- size_t
with System.Interrupt_Management;
-- used for Keep_Unmasked
-- Abort_Task_Interrupt
-- Interrupt_ID
with System.Interrupt_Management.Operations;
-- used for Set_Interrupt_Mask
-- All_Tasks_Mask
pragma Elaborate_All (System.Interrupt_Management.Operations);
with System.Parameters;
-- used for Size_Type
with System.Tasking;
-- used for Ada_Task_Control_Block
-- Task_ID
-- ATCB components and types
with System.Task_Info;
-- to initialize Task_Info for a C thread, in function Self
with System.Soft_Links;
-- used for Defer/Undefer_Abort
-- to initialize TSD for a C thread, in function Self
-- Note that we do not use System.Tasking.Initialization directly since
-- this is a higher level package that we shouldn't depend on. For example
-- when using the restricted run time, it is replaced by
-- System.Tasking.Restricted.Initialization
with System.OS_Primitives;
-- used for Delay_Modes
with Unchecked_Conversion;
with Unchecked_Deallocation;
package body System.Task_Primitives.Operations is
use System.Tasking.Debug;
use System.Tasking;
use Interfaces.C;
use System.OS_Interface;
use System.Parameters;
use Ada.Exceptions;
use System.OS_Primitives;
package SSL renames System.Soft_Links;
-- Local Data --
-- The following are logically constants, but need to be initialized
-- at run time.
Environment_Task_ID : Task_ID;
-- A variable to hold Task_ID for the environment task.
-- If we use this variable to get the Task_ID, we need the following
-- ATCB_Key only for non-Ada threads.
Unblocked_Signal_Mask : aliased sigset_t;
-- The set of signals that should unblocked in all tasks
ATCB_Key : aliased thread_key_t;
-- Key used to find the Ada Task_ID associated with a thread,
-- at least for C threads unknown to the Ada run-time system.
Single_RTS_Lock : aliased RTS_Lock;
-- This is a lock to allow only one thread of control in the RTS at
-- a time; it is used to execute in mutual exclusion from all other tasks.
-- Used mainly in Single_Lock mode, but also to protect All_Tasks_List
Next_Serial_Number : Task_Serial_Number := 100;
-- We start at 100, to reserve some special values for
-- using in error checking.
-- The following are internal configuration constants needed.
-- Priority Support --
Priority_Ceiling_Emulation : constant Boolean := True;
-- controls whether we emulate priority ceiling locking
-- To get a scheduling close to annex D requirements, we use the real-time
-- class provided for LWP's and map each task/thread to a specific and
-- unique LWP (there is 1 thread per LWP, and 1 LWP per thread).
-- The real time class can only be set when the process has root
-- priviledges, so in the other cases, we use the normal thread scheduling
-- and priority handling.
Using_Real_Time_Class : Boolean := False;
-- indicates wether the real time class is being used (i.e the process
-- has root priviledges).
Prio_Param : aliased struct_pcparms;
-- Hold priority info (Real_Time) initialized during the package
-- elaboration.
-- External Configuration Values --
Time_Slice_Val : Interfaces.C.long;
pragma Import (C, Time_Slice_Val, "__gl_time_slice_val");
Locking_Policy : Character;
pragma Import (C, Locking_Policy, "__gl_locking_policy");
Dispatching_Policy : Character;
pragma Import (C, Dispatching_Policy, "__gl_task_dispatching_policy");
-- Foreign Threads Detection --
-- The following are used to allow the Self function to
-- automatically generate ATCB's for C threads that happen to call
-- Ada procedure, which in turn happen to call the Ada run-time system.
type Fake_ATCB;
type Fake_ATCB_Ptr is access Fake_ATCB;
type Fake_ATCB is record
Stack_Base : Interfaces.C.unsigned := 0;
-- A value of zero indicates the node is not in use.
Next : Fake_ATCB_Ptr;
Real_ATCB : aliased Ada_Task_Control_Block (0);
end record;
Fake_ATCB_List : Fake_ATCB_Ptr;
-- A linear linked list.
-- The list is protected by Single_RTS_Lock;
-- Nodes are added to this list from the front.
-- Once a node is added to this list, it is never removed.
Fake_Task_Elaborated : aliased Boolean := True;
-- Used to identified fake tasks (i.e., non-Ada Threads).
Next_Fake_ATCB : Fake_ATCB_Ptr;
-- Used to allocate one Fake_ATCB in advance. See comment in New_Fake_ATCB
-- Checks --
Check_Count : Integer := 0;
Old_Owner : Task_ID;
Lock_Count : Integer := 0;
Unlock_Count : Integer := 0;
function To_Lock_Ptr is
new Unchecked_Conversion (RTS_Lock_Ptr, Lock_Ptr);
function To_Task_ID is
new Unchecked_Conversion (Owner_ID, Task_ID);
function To_Owner_ID is
new Unchecked_Conversion (Task_ID, Owner_ID);
-- Local Subprograms --
function sysconf (name : System.OS_Interface.int)
return processorid_t;
pragma Import (C, sysconf, "sysconf");
SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF : constant System.OS_Interface.int := 14;
function Num_Procs (name : System.OS_Interface.int := SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF)
return processorid_t renames sysconf;
procedure Abort_Handler
(Sig : Signal;
Code : access siginfo_t;
Context : access ucontext_t);
function To_thread_t is new Unchecked_Conversion
(Integer, System.OS_Interface.thread_t);
function To_Task_ID is new Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Task_ID);
function To_Address is new Unchecked_Conversion (Task_ID, System.Address);
function Thread_Body_Access is
new Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Thread_Body);
function New_Fake_ATCB (Stack_Base : Interfaces.C.unsigned) return Task_ID;
-- Allocate and Initialize a new ATCB. This code can safely be called from
-- a foreign thread, as it doesn't access implicitly or explicitly
-- "self" before having initialized the new ATCB.
pragma Warnings (Off, New_Fake_ATCB);
-- Disable warning on this function, since the Solaris x86 version does
-- not use it.
-- Checks --
function Check_Initialize_Lock (L : Lock_Ptr; Level : Lock_Level)
return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Check_Initialize_Lock);
function Check_Lock (L : Lock_Ptr) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Check_Lock);
function Record_Lock (L : Lock_Ptr) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Record_Lock);
function Check_Sleep (Reason : Task_States) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Check_Sleep);
function Record_Wakeup
(L : Lock_Ptr;
Reason : Task_States) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Record_Wakeup);
function Check_Wakeup
(T : Task_ID;
Reason : Task_States) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Check_Wakeup);
function Check_Unlock (L : Lock_Ptr) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Check_Lock);
function Check_Finalize_Lock (L : Lock_Ptr) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Check_Finalize_Lock);
-- New_Fake_ATCB --
function New_Fake_ATCB (Stack_Base : Interfaces.C.unsigned)
return Task_ID
Self_ID : Task_ID;
P, Q : Fake_ATCB_Ptr;
Succeeded : Boolean;
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
-- This section is ticklish.
-- We dare not call anything that might require an ATCB, until
-- we have the new ATCB in place.
-- Note: we don't use Lock_RTS because we don't yet have an ATCB, and
-- so can't pass the safety check.
Result := mutex_lock (Single_RTS_Lock.L'Access);
Q := null;
P := Fake_ATCB_List;
while P /= null loop
if P.Stack_Base = 0 then
Q := P;
elsif thr_kill (P.Real_ATCB.Common.LL.Thread, 0) /= 0 then
-- ????
-- If a C thread that has dependent Ada tasks terminates
-- abruptly, e.g. as a result of cancellation, any dependent
-- tasks are likely to hang up in termination.
P.Stack_Base := 0;
Q := P;
end if;
P := P.Next;
end loop;
if Q = null then
-- Create a new ATCB with zero entries.
Self_ID := Next_Fake_ATCB.Real_ATCB'Access;
Next_Fake_ATCB.Stack_Base := Stack_Base;
Next_Fake_ATCB.Next := Fake_ATCB_List;
Fake_ATCB_List := Next_Fake_ATCB;
Next_Fake_ATCB := null;
-- Reuse an existing fake ATCB.
Self_ID := Q.Real_ATCB'Access;
Q.Stack_Base := Stack_Base;
end if;
-- Do the standard initializations
(Self_ID, null, Null_Address, Null_Task, Fake_Task_Elaborated'Access,
System.Priority'First, Task_Info.Unspecified_Task_Info, 0, Self_ID,
pragma Assert (Succeeded);
-- Record this as the Task_ID for the current thread.
Self_ID.Common.LL.Thread := thr_self;
Result := thr_setspecific (ATCB_Key, To_Address (Self_ID));
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
-- Finally, it is safe to use an allocator in this thread.
if Next_Fake_ATCB = null then
Next_Fake_ATCB := new Fake_ATCB;
end if;
Self_ID.Master_of_Task := 0;
Self_ID.Master_Within := Self_ID.Master_of_Task + 1;
for L in Self_ID.Entry_Calls'Range loop
Self_ID.Entry_Calls (L).Self := Self_ID;
Self_ID.Entry_Calls (L).Level := L;
end loop;
Self_ID.Common.State := Runnable;
Self_ID.Awake_Count := 1;
-- Since this is not an ordinary Ada task, we will start out undeferred
Self_ID.Deferral_Level := 0;
-- Give the task a unique serial number.
Self_ID.Serial_Number := Next_Serial_Number;
Next_Serial_Number := Next_Serial_Number + 1;
pragma Assert (Next_Serial_Number /= 0);
System.Soft_Links.Create_TSD (Self_ID.Common.Compiler_Data);
-- ????
-- The following call is commented out to avoid dependence on
-- the System.Tasking.Initialization package.
-- It seems that if we want Ada.Task_Attributes to work correctly
-- for C threads we will need to raise the visibility of this soft
-- link to System.Soft_Links.
-- We are putting that off until this new functionality is otherwise
-- stable.
-- System.Tasking.Initialization.Initialize_Attributes_Link.all (T);
-- Must not unlock until Next_ATCB is again allocated.
for J in Known_Tasks'Range loop
if Known_Tasks (J) = null then
Known_Tasks (J) := Self_ID;
Self_ID.Known_Tasks_Index := J;
end if;
end loop;
Result := mutex_unlock (Single_RTS_Lock.L'Access);
-- We cannot use Unlock_RTS because we did not use Write_Lock, and so
-- would not pass the checks.
return Self_ID;
end New_Fake_ATCB;
-- Abort_Handler --
-- Target-dependent binding of inter-thread Abort signal to
-- the raising of the Abort_Signal exception.
-- The technical issues and alternatives here are essentially
-- the same as for raising exceptions in response to other
-- signals (e.g. Storage_Error). See code and comments in
-- the package body System.Interrupt_Management.
-- Some implementations may not allow an exception to be propagated
-- out of a handler, and others might leave the signal or
-- interrupt that invoked this handler masked after the exceptional
-- return to the application code.
-- GNAT exceptions are originally implemented using setjmp()/longjmp().
-- On most UNIX systems, this will allow transfer out of a signal handler,
-- which is usually the only mechanism available for implementing
-- asynchronous handlers of this kind. However, some
-- systems do not restore the signal mask on longjmp(), leaving the
-- abort signal masked.
-- Alternative solutions include:
-- 1. Change the PC saved in the system-dependent Context
-- parameter to point to code that raises the exception.
-- Normal return from this handler will then raise
-- the exception after the mask and other system state has
-- been restored (see example below).
-- 2. Use siglongjmp()/sigsetjmp() to implement exceptions.
-- 3. Unmask the signal in the Abortion_Signal exception handler
-- (in the RTS).
-- The following procedure would be needed if we can't longjmp out of
-- a signal handler. (See below.)
-- procedure Raise_Abort_Signal is
-- begin
-- raise Standard'Abort_Signal;
-- end if;
-- ???
-- The comments above need revising. They are partly obsolete.
procedure Abort_Handler
(Sig : Signal;
Code : access siginfo_t;
Context : access ucontext_t)
Self_ID : Task_ID := Self;
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
Old_Set : aliased sigset_t;
-- Assuming it is safe to longjmp out of a signal handler, the
-- following code can be used:
if Self_ID.Deferral_Level = 0
and then Self_ID.Pending_ATC_Level < Self_ID.ATC_Nesting_Level
and then not Self_ID.Aborting
-- You can comment the following out,
-- to make all aborts synchronous, for debugging.
Self_ID.Aborting := True;
-- Make sure signals used for RTS internal purpose are unmasked
Result := thr_sigsetmask (SIG_UNBLOCK,
Unblocked_Signal_Mask'Unchecked_Access, Old_Set'Unchecked_Access);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
raise Standard'Abort_Signal;
-- ?????
-- Must be certain that the implementation of "raise"
-- does not make any OS/thread calls, or at least that
-- if it makes any, they are safe for interruption by
-- async. signals.
end if;
-- Otherwise, something like this is required:
-- if not Abort_Is_Deferred.all then
-- -- Overwrite the return PC address with the address of the
-- -- special raise routine, and "return" to that routine's
-- -- starting address.
-- Context.PC := Raise_Abort_Signal'Address;
-- return;
-- end if;
end Abort_Handler;
-- Stack_Guard --
-- The underlying thread system sets a guard page at the
-- bottom of a thread stack, so nothing is needed.
procedure Stack_Guard (T : ST.Task_ID; On : Boolean) is
end Stack_Guard;
-- Get_Thread_Id --
function Get_Thread_Id (T : ST.Task_ID) return OSI.Thread_Id is
return T.Common.LL.Thread;
end Get_Thread_Id;
-- Self --
function Self return Task_ID is separate;
-- Initialize_Lock --
-- Note: mutexes and cond_variables needed per-task basis are
-- initialized in Initialize_TCB and the Storage_Error is
-- handled. Other mutexes (such as RTS_Lock, Memory_Lock...)
-- used in RTS is initialized before any status change of RTS.
-- Therefore rasing Storage_Error in the following routines
-- should be able to be handled safely.
procedure Initialize_Lock
(Prio : System.Any_Priority;
L : access Lock)
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
pragma Assert (Check_Initialize_Lock (Lock_Ptr (L), PO_Level));
if Priority_Ceiling_Emulation then
L.Ceiling := Prio;
end if;
Result := mutex_init (L.L'Access, USYNC_THREAD, System.Null_Address);
pragma Assert (Result = 0 or else Result = ENOMEM);
if Result = ENOMEM then
Raise_Exception (Storage_Error'Identity, "Failed to allocate a lock");
end if;
end Initialize_Lock;
procedure Initialize_Lock
(L : access RTS_Lock;
Level : Lock_Level)
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
pragma Assert (Check_Initialize_Lock
(To_Lock_Ptr (RTS_Lock_Ptr (L)), Level));
Result := mutex_init (L.L'Access, USYNC_THREAD, System.Null_Address);
pragma Assert (Result = 0 or else Result = ENOMEM);
if Result = ENOMEM then
Raise_Exception (Storage_Error'Identity, "Failed to allocate a lock");
end if;
end Initialize_Lock;
-- Finalize_Lock --
procedure Finalize_Lock (L : access Lock) is
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
pragma Assert (Check_Finalize_Lock (Lock_Ptr (L)));
Result := mutex_destroy (L.L'Access);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
end Finalize_Lock;
procedure Finalize_Lock (L : access RTS_Lock) is
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
pragma Assert (Check_Finalize_Lock (To_Lock_Ptr (RTS_Lock_Ptr (L))));
Result := mutex_destroy (L.L'Access);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
end Finalize_Lock;
-- Write_Lock --
procedure Write_Lock (L : access Lock; Ceiling_Violation : out Boolean) is
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
pragma Assert (Check_Lock (Lock_Ptr (L)));
if Priority_Ceiling_Emulation and then Locking_Policy = 'C' then
Self_Id : constant Task_ID := Self;
Saved_Priority : System.Any_Priority;
if Self_Id.Common.LL.Active_Priority > L.Ceiling then
Ceiling_Violation := True;
end if;
Saved_Priority := Self_Id.Common.LL.Active_Priority;
if Self_Id.Common.LL.Active_Priority < L.Ceiling then
Set_Priority (Self_Id, L.Ceiling);
end if;
Result := mutex_lock (L.L'Access);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
Ceiling_Violation := False;
L.Saved_Priority := Saved_Priority;
Result := mutex_lock (L.L'Access);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
Ceiling_Violation := False;
end if;
pragma Assert (Record_Lock (Lock_Ptr (L)));
end Write_Lock;
procedure Write_Lock
(L : access RTS_Lock; Global_Lock : Boolean := False)
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
if not Single_Lock or else Global_Lock then
pragma Assert (Check_Lock (To_Lock_Ptr (RTS_Lock_Ptr (L))));
Result := mutex_lock (L.L'Access);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
pragma Assert (Record_Lock (To_Lock_Ptr (RTS_Lock_Ptr (L))));
end if;
end Write_Lock;
procedure Write_Lock (T : Task_ID) is
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
if not Single_Lock then
pragma Assert (Check_Lock (To_Lock_Ptr (T.Common.LL.L'Access)));
Result := mutex_lock (T.Common.LL.L.L'Access);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
pragma Assert (Record_Lock (To_Lock_Ptr (T.Common.LL.L'Access)));
end if;
end Write_Lock;
-- Read_Lock --
procedure Read_Lock (L : access Lock; Ceiling_Violation : out Boolean) is
Write_Lock (L, Ceiling_Violation);
end Read_Lock;
-- Unlock --
procedure Unlock (L : access Lock) is
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
pragma Assert (Check_Unlock (Lock_Ptr (L)));
if Priority_Ceiling_Emulation and then Locking_Policy = 'C' then
Self_Id : constant Task_ID := Self;
Result := mutex_unlock (L.L'Access);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
if Self_Id.Common.LL.Active_Priority > L.Saved_Priority then
Set_Priority (Self_Id, L.Saved_Priority);
end if;
Result := mutex_unlock (L.L'Access);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
end if;
end Unlock;
procedure Unlock (L : access RTS_Lock; Global_Lock : Boolean := False) is
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
if not Single_Lock or else Global_Lock then
pragma Assert (Check_Unlock (To_Lock_Ptr (RTS_Lock_Ptr (L))));
Result := mutex_unlock (L.L'Access);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
end if;
end Unlock;
procedure Unlock (T : Task_ID) is
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
if not Single_Lock then
pragma Assert (Check_Unlock (To_Lock_Ptr (T.Common.LL.L'Access)));
Result := mutex_unlock (T.Common.LL.L.L'Access);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
end if;
end Unlock;
-- For the time delay implementation, we need to make sure we
-- achieve following criteria:
-- 1) We have to delay at least for the amount requested.
-- 2) We have to give up CPU even though the actual delay does not
-- result in blocking.
-- 3) Except for restricted run-time systems that do not support
-- ATC or task abort, the delay must be interrupted by the
-- abort_task operation.
-- 4) The implementation has to be efficient so that the delay overhead
-- is relatively cheap.
-- (1)-(3) are Ada requirements. Even though (2) is an Annex-D
-- requirement we still want to provide the effect in all cases.
-- The reason is that users may want to use short delays to implement
-- their own scheduling effect in the absence of language provided
-- scheduling policies.
-- Monotonic_Clock --
function Monotonic_Clock return Duration is
TS : aliased timespec;
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
Result := clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, TS'Unchecked_Access);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
return To_Duration (TS);
end Monotonic_Clock;
-- RT_Resolution --
function RT_Resolution return Duration is
return 10#1.0#E-6;
end RT_Resolution;
-- Yield --
procedure Yield (Do_Yield : Boolean := True) is
if Do_Yield then
end if;
end Yield;
-- Set_Priority --
procedure Set_Priority
(T : Task_ID;
Prio : System.Any_Priority;
Loss_Of_Inheritance : Boolean := False)
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
Param : aliased struct_pcparms;
use Task_Info;
T.Common.Current_Priority := Prio;
if Priority_Ceiling_Emulation then
T.Common.LL.Active_Priority := Prio;
end if;
if Using_Real_Time_Class then
Param.pc_cid := Prio_Param.pc_cid;
Param.rt_pri := pri_t (Prio);
Param.rt_tqsecs := Prio_Param.rt_tqsecs;
Param.rt_tqnsecs := Prio_Param.rt_tqnsecs;
Result := Interfaces.C.int (
if T.Common.Task_Info /= null
and then not T.Common.Task_Info.Bound_To_LWP
-- The task is not bound to a LWP, so use thr_setprio
Result :=
thr_setprio (T.Common.LL.Thread, Interfaces.C.int (Prio));
-- The task is bound to a LWP, use priocntl
-- ??? TBD
end if;
end if;
end Set_Priority;
-- Get_Priority --
function Get_Priority (T : Task_ID) return System.Any_Priority is
return T.Common.Current_Priority;
end Get_Priority;
-- Enter_Task --
procedure Enter_Task (Self_ID : Task_ID) is
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
Proc : processorid_t; -- User processor #
Last_Proc : processorid_t; -- Last processor #
use System.Task_Info;
Self_ID.Common.LL.Thread := thr_self;
Self_ID.Common.LL.LWP := lwp_self;
if Self_ID.Common.Task_Info /= null then
if Self_ID.Common.Task_Info.New_LWP
and then Self_ID.Common.Task_Info.CPU /= CPU_UNCHANGED
Last_Proc := Num_Procs - 1;
if Self_ID.Common.Task_Info.CPU = ANY_CPU then
Result := 0;
Proc := 0;
while Proc < Last_Proc loop
Result := p_online (Proc, PR_STATUS);
exit when Result = PR_ONLINE;
Proc := Proc + 1;
end loop;
Result := processor_bind (P_LWPID, P_MYID, Proc, null);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
-- Use specified processor
if Self_ID.Common.Task_Info.CPU < 0
or else Self_ID.Common.Task_Info.CPU > Last_Proc
raise Invalid_CPU_Number;
end if;
Result := processor_bind
(P_LWPID, P_MYID, Self_ID.Common.Task_Info.CPU, null);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
end if;
end if;
end if;
Result := thr_setspecific (ATCB_Key, To_Address (Self_ID));
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
-- We need the above code even if we do direct fetch of Task_ID in Self
-- for the main task on Sun, x86 Solaris and for gcc 2.7.2.
for J in Known_Tasks'Range loop
if Known_Tasks (J) = null then
Known_Tasks (J) := Self_ID;
Self_ID.Known_Tasks_Index := J;
end if;
end loop;
end Enter_Task;
-- New_ATCB --
function New_ATCB (Entry_Num : Task_Entry_Index) return Task_ID is
return new Ada_Task_Control_Block (Entry_Num);
end New_ATCB;
-- Initialize_TCB --
procedure Initialize_TCB (Self_ID : Task_ID; Succeeded : out Boolean) is
Result : Interfaces.C.int := 0;
-- Give the task a unique serial number.
Self_ID.Serial_Number := Next_Serial_Number;
Next_Serial_Number := Next_Serial_Number + 1;
pragma Assert (Next_Serial_Number /= 0);
Self_ID.Common.LL.Thread := To_thread_t (-1);
if not Single_Lock then
Result := mutex_init
(Self_ID.Common.LL.L.L'Access, USYNC_THREAD, System.Null_Address);
Self_ID.Common.LL.L.Level :=
Private_Task_Serial_Number (Self_ID.Serial_Number);
pragma Assert (Result = 0 or else Result = ENOMEM);
end if;
if Result = 0 then
Result := cond_init (Self_ID.Common.LL.CV'Access, USYNC_THREAD, 0);
pragma Assert (Result = 0 or else Result = ENOMEM);
end if;
if Result = 0 then
Succeeded := True;
if not Single_Lock then
Result := mutex_destroy (Self_ID.Common.LL.L.L'Access);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
end if;
Succeeded := False;
end if;
end Initialize_TCB;
-- Create_Task --
procedure Create_Task
(T : Task_ID;
Wrapper : System.Address;
Stack_Size : System.Parameters.Size_Type;
Priority : System.Any_Priority;
Succeeded : out Boolean)
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
Adjusted_Stack_Size : Interfaces.C.size_t;
Opts : Interfaces.C.int := THR_DETACHED;
Page_Size : constant System.Parameters.Size_Type := 4096;
-- This constant is for reserving extra space at the
-- end of the stack, which can be used by the stack
-- checking as guard page. The idea is that we need
-- to have at least Stack_Size bytes available for
-- actual use.
use System.Task_Info;
if Stack_Size = System.Parameters.Unspecified_Size then
Adjusted_Stack_Size :=
Interfaces.C.size_t (Default_Stack_Size + Page_Size);
elsif Stack_Size < Minimum_Stack_Size then
Adjusted_Stack_Size :=
Interfaces.C.size_t (Minimum_Stack_Size + Page_Size);
Adjusted_Stack_Size :=
Interfaces.C.size_t (Stack_Size + Page_Size);
end if;
-- Since the initial signal mask of a thread is inherited from the
-- creator, and the Environment task has all its signals masked, we
-- do not need to manipulate caller's signal mask at this point.
-- All tasks in RTS will have All_Tasks_Mask initially.
if T.Common.Task_Info /= null then
if T.Common.Task_Info.New_LWP then
Opts := Opts + THR_NEW_LWP;
end if;
if T.Common.Task_Info.Bound_To_LWP then
Opts := Opts + THR_BOUND;
end if;
end if;
Result := thr_create
Thread_Body_Access (Wrapper),
To_Address (T),
Succeeded := Result = 0;
pragma Assert
(Result = 0
or else Result = ENOMEM
or else Result = EAGAIN);
end Create_Task;
-- Finalize_TCB --
procedure Finalize_TCB (T : Task_ID) is
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
Tmp : Task_ID := T;
procedure Free is new
Unchecked_Deallocation (Ada_Task_Control_Block, Task_ID);
T.Common.LL.Thread := To_thread_t (0);
if not Single_Lock then
Result := mutex_destroy (T.Common.LL.L.L'Access);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
end if;
Result := cond_destroy (T.Common.LL.CV'Access);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
if T.Known_Tasks_Index /= -1 then
Known_Tasks (T.Known_Tasks_Index) := null;
end if;
Free (Tmp);
end Finalize_TCB;
-- Exit_Task --
-- This procedure must be called with abort deferred.
-- It can no longer call Self or access
-- the current task's ATCB, since the ATCB has been deallocated.
procedure Exit_Task is
thr_exit (System.Null_Address);
end Exit_Task;
-- Abort_Task --
procedure Abort_Task (T : Task_ID) is
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
pragma Assert (T /= Self);
Result := thr_kill (T.Common.LL.Thread,
Signal (System.Interrupt_Management.Abort_Task_Interrupt));
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
end Abort_Task;
-- Sleep --
procedure Sleep
(Self_ID : Task_ID;
Reason : Task_States)
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
pragma Assert (Check_Sleep (Reason));
if Dynamic_Priority_Support
and then Self_ID.Pending_Priority_Change
Self_ID.Pending_Priority_Change := False;
Self_ID.Common.Base_Priority := Self_ID.New_Base_Priority;
Set_Priority (Self_ID, Self_ID.Common.Base_Priority);
end if;
if Single_Lock then
Result := cond_wait
(Self_ID.Common.LL.CV'Access, Single_RTS_Lock.L'Access);
Result := cond_wait
(Self_ID.Common.LL.CV'Access, Self_ID.Common.LL.L.L'Access);
end if;
pragma Assert (Record_Wakeup
(To_Lock_Ptr (Self_ID.Common.LL.L'Access), Reason));
pragma Assert (Result = 0 or else Result = EINTR);
end Sleep;
-- Note that we are relying heaviliy here on the GNAT feature
-- that Calendar.Time, System.Real_Time.Time, Duration, and
-- System.Real_Time.Time_Span are all represented in the same
-- way, i.e., as a 64-bit count of nanoseconds.
-- This allows us to always pass the timeout value as a Duration.
-- ???
-- We are taking liberties here with the semantics of the delays.
-- That is, we make no distinction between delays on the Calendar clock
-- and delays on the Real_Time clock. That is technically incorrect, if
-- the Calendar clock happens to be reset or adjusted.
-- To solve this defect will require modification to the compiler
-- interface, so that it can pass through more information, to tell
-- us here which clock to use!
-- cond_timedwait will return if any of the following happens:
-- 1) some other task did cond_signal on this condition variable
-- In this case, the return value is 0
-- 2) the call just returned, for no good reason
-- This is called a "spurious wakeup".
-- In this case, the return value may also be 0.
-- 3) the time delay expires
-- In this case, the return value is ETIME
-- 4) this task received a signal, which was handled by some
-- handler procedure, and now the thread is resuming execution
-- UNIX calls this an "interrupted" system call.
-- In this case, the return value is EINTR
-- If the cond_timedwait returns 0 or EINTR, it is still
-- possible that the time has actually expired, and by chance
-- a signal or cond_signal occurred at around the same time.
-- We have also observed that on some OS's the value ETIME
-- will be returned, but the clock will show that the full delay
-- has not yet expired.
-- For these reasons, we need to check the clock after return
-- from cond_timedwait. If the time has expired, we will set
-- Timedout = True.
-- This check might be omitted for systems on which the
-- cond_timedwait() never returns early or wakes up spuriously.
-- Annex D requires that completion of a delay cause the task
-- to go to the end of its priority queue, regardless of whether
-- the task actually was suspended by the delay. Since
-- cond_timedwait does not do this on Solaris, we add a call
-- to thr_yield at the end. We might do this at the beginning,
-- instead, but then the round-robin effect would not be the
-- same; the delayed task would be ahead of other tasks of the
-- same priority that awoke while it was sleeping.
-- For Timed_Sleep, we are expecting possible cond_signals
-- to indicate other events (e.g., completion of a RV or
-- completion of the abortable part of an async. select),
-- we want to always return if interrupted. The caller will
-- be responsible for checking the task state to see whether
-- the wakeup was spurious, and to go back to sleep again
-- in that case. We don't need to check for pending abort
-- or priority change on the way in our out; that is the
-- caller's responsibility.
-- For Timed_Delay, we are not expecting any cond_signals or
-- other interruptions, except for priority changes and aborts.
-- Therefore, we don't want to return unless the delay has
-- actually expired, or the call has been aborted. In this
-- case, since we want to implement the entire delay statement
-- semantics, we do need to check for pending abort and priority
-- changes. We can quietly handle priority changes inside the
-- procedure, since there is no entry-queue reordering involved.
-- Timed_Sleep --
procedure Timed_Sleep
(Self_ID : Task_ID;
Time : Duration;
Mode : ST.Delay_Modes;
Reason : System.Tasking.Task_States;
Timedout : out Boolean;
Yielded : out Boolean)
Check_Time : constant Duration := Monotonic_Clock;
Abs_Time : Duration;
Request : aliased timespec;
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
pragma Assert (Check_Sleep (Reason));
Timedout := True;
Yielded := False;
if Mode = Relative then
Abs_Time := Duration'Min (Time, Max_Sensible_Delay) + Check_Time;
Abs_Time := Duration'Min (Check_Time + Max_Sensible_Delay, Time);
end if;
if Abs_Time > Check_Time then
Request := To_Timespec (Abs_Time);
exit when Self_ID.Pending_ATC_Level < Self_ID.ATC_Nesting_Level
or else (Dynamic_Priority_Support and then
if Single_Lock then
Result := cond_timedwait (Self_ID.Common.LL.CV'Access,
Single_RTS_Lock.L'Access, Request'Access);
Result := cond_timedwait (Self_ID.Common.LL.CV'Access,
Self_ID.Common.LL.L.L'Access, Request'Access);
end if;
Yielded := True;
exit when Abs_Time <= Monotonic_Clock;
if Result = 0 or Result = EINTR then
-- somebody may have called Wakeup for us
Timedout := False;
end if;
pragma Assert (Result = ETIME);
end loop;
end if;
pragma Assert (Record_Wakeup
(To_Lock_Ptr (Self_ID.Common.LL.L'Access), Reason));
end Timed_Sleep;
-- Timed_Delay --
procedure Timed_Delay
(Self_ID : Task_ID;
Time : Duration;
Mode : ST.Delay_Modes)
Check_Time : constant Duration := Monotonic_Clock;
Abs_Time : Duration;
Request : aliased timespec;
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
Yielded : Boolean := False;
-- Only the little window between deferring abort and
-- locking Self_ID is the reason we need to
-- check for pending abort and priority change below!
if Single_Lock then
end if;
Write_Lock (Self_ID);
if Mode = Relative then
Abs_Time := Time + Check_Time;
Abs_Time := Duration'Min (Check_Time + Max_Sensible_Delay, Time);
end if;
if Abs_Time > Check_Time then
Request := To_Timespec (Abs_Time);
Self_ID.Common.State := Delay_Sleep;
pragma Assert (Check_Sleep (Delay_Sleep));
if Dynamic_Priority_Support and then
Self_ID.Pending_Priority_Change then
Self_ID.Pending_Priority_Change := False;
Self_ID.Common.Base_Priority := Self_ID.New_Base_Priority;
Set_Priority (Self_ID, Self_ID.Common.Base_Priority);
end if;
exit when Self_ID.Pending_ATC_Level < Self_ID.ATC_Nesting_Level;
if Single_Lock then
Result := cond_timedwait (Self_ID.Common.LL.CV'Access,
Single_RTS_Lock.L'Access, Request'Access);
Result := cond_timedwait (Self_ID.Common.LL.CV'Access,
Self_ID.Common.LL.L.L'Access, Request'Access);
end if;
Yielded := True;
exit when Abs_Time <= Monotonic_Clock;
pragma Assert (Result = 0 or else
Result = ETIME or else
Result = EINTR);
end loop;
pragma Assert (Record_Wakeup
(To_Lock_Ptr (Self_ID.Common.LL.L'Access), Delay_Sleep));
Self_ID.Common.State := Runnable;
end if;
Unlock (Self_ID);
if Single_Lock then
end if;
if not Yielded then
end if;
end Timed_Delay;
-- Wakeup --
procedure Wakeup
(T : Task_ID;
Reason : Task_States)
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
pragma Assert (Check_Wakeup (T, Reason));
Result := cond_signal (T.Common.LL.CV'Access);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
end Wakeup;
-- Check_Initialize_Lock --
-- The following code is intended to check some of the invariant
-- assertions related to lock usage, on which we depend.
function Check_Initialize_Lock
(L : Lock_Ptr;
Level : Lock_Level)
return Boolean
Self_ID : constant Task_ID := Self;
-- Check that caller is abort-deferred
if Self_ID.Deferral_Level <= 0 then
return False;
end if;
-- Check that the lock is not yet initialized
if L.Level /= 0 then
return False;
end if;
L.Level := Lock_Level'Pos (Level) + 1;
return True;
end Check_Initialize_Lock;
-- Check_Lock --
function Check_Lock (L : Lock_Ptr) return Boolean is
Self_ID : Task_ID := Self;
P : Lock_Ptr;
-- Check that the argument is not null
if L = null then
return False;
end if;
-- Check that L is not frozen
if L.Frozen then
return False;
end if;
-- Check that caller is abort-deferred
if Self_ID.Deferral_Level <= 0 then
return False;
end if;
-- Check that caller is not holding this lock already
if L.Owner = To_Owner_ID (Self_ID) then
return False;
end if;
if Single_Lock then
return True;
end if;
-- Check that TCB lock order rules are satisfied
P := Self_ID.Common.LL.Locks;
if P /= null then
if P.Level >= L.Level
and then (P.Level > 2 or else L.Level > 2)
return False;
end if;
end if;
return True;
end Check_Lock;
-- Record_Lock --
function Record_Lock (L : Lock_Ptr) return Boolean is
Self_ID : Task_ID := Self;
P : Lock_Ptr;
Lock_Count := Lock_Count + 1;
-- There should be no owner for this lock at this point
if L.Owner /= null then
return False;
end if;
-- Record new owner
L.Owner := To_Owner_ID (Self_ID);
if Single_Lock then
return True;
end if;
-- Check that TCB lock order rules are satisfied
P := Self_ID.Common.LL.Locks;
if P /= null then
L.Next := P;
end if;
Self_ID.Common.LL.Locking := null;
Self_ID.Common.LL.Locks := L;
return True;
end Record_Lock;
-- Check_Sleep --
function Check_Sleep (Reason : Task_States) return Boolean is
Self_ID : Task_ID := Self;
P : Lock_Ptr;
-- Check that caller is abort-deferred
if Self_ID.Deferral_Level <= 0 then
return False;
end if;
if Single_Lock then
return True;
end if;
-- Check that caller is holding own lock, on top of list
if Self_ID.Common.LL.Locks /=
To_Lock_Ptr (Self_ID.Common.LL.L'Access)
return False;
end if;
-- Check that TCB lock order rules are satisfied
if Self_ID.Common.LL.Locks.Next /= null then
return False;
end if;
Self_ID.Common.LL.L.Owner := null;
P := Self_ID.Common.LL.Locks;
Self_ID.Common.LL.Locks := Self_ID.Common.LL.Locks.Next;
P.Next := null;
return True;
end Check_Sleep;
-- Record_Wakeup --
function Record_Wakeup
(L : Lock_Ptr;
Reason : Task_States)
return Boolean
Self_ID : Task_ID := Self;
P : Lock_Ptr;
-- Record new owner
L.Owner := To_Owner_ID (Self_ID);
if Single_Lock then
return True;
end if;
-- Check that TCB lock order rules are satisfied
P := Self_ID.Common.LL.Locks;
if P /= null then
L.Next := P;
end if;
Self_ID.Common.LL.Locking := null;
Self_ID.Common.LL.Locks := L;
return True;
end Record_Wakeup;
-- Check_Wakeup --
function Check_Wakeup
(T : Task_ID;
Reason : Task_States)
return Boolean
Self_ID : Task_ID := Self;
-- Is caller holding T's lock?
if T.Common.LL.L.Owner /= To_Owner_ID (Self_ID) then
return False;
end if;
-- Are reasons for wakeup and sleep consistent?
if T.Common.State /= Reason then
return False;
end if;
return True;
end Check_Wakeup;
-- Check_Unlock --
function Check_Unlock (L : Lock_Ptr) return Boolean is
Self_ID : Task_ID := Self;
P : Lock_Ptr;
Unlock_Count := Unlock_Count + 1;
if L = null then
return False;
end if;
if L.Buddy /= null then
return False;
end if;
if L.Level = 4 then
Check_Count := Unlock_Count;
end if;
if Unlock_Count - Check_Count > 1000 then
Check_Count := Unlock_Count;
Old_Owner := To_Task_ID (Single_RTS_Lock.Owner);
end if;
-- Check that caller is abort-deferred
if Self_ID.Deferral_Level <= 0 then
return False;
end if;
-- Check that caller is holding this lock, on top of list
if Self_ID.Common.LL.Locks /= L then
return False;
end if;
-- Record there is no owner now
L.Owner := null;
P := Self_ID.Common.LL.Locks;
Self_ID.Common.LL.Locks := Self_ID.Common.LL.Locks.Next;
P.Next := null;
return True;
end Check_Unlock;
-- Check_Finalize --
function Check_Finalize_Lock (L : Lock_Ptr) return Boolean is
Self_ID : Task_ID := Self;
-- Check that caller is abort-deferred
if Self_ID.Deferral_Level <= 0 then
return False;
end if;
-- Check that no one is holding this lock
if L.Owner /= null then
return False;
end if;
L.Frozen := True;
return True;
end Check_Finalize_Lock;
-- Check_Exit --
function Check_Exit (Self_ID : Task_ID) return Boolean is
-- Check that caller is just holding Global_Task_Lock
-- and no other locks
if Self_ID.Common.LL.Locks = null then
return False;
end if;
-- 2 = Global_Task_Level
if Self_ID.Common.LL.Locks.Level /= 2 then
return False;
end if;
if Self_ID.Common.LL.Locks.Next /= null then
return False;
end if;
-- Check that caller is abort-deferred
if Self_ID.Deferral_Level <= 0 then
return False;
end if;
return True;
end Check_Exit;
-- Check_No_Locks --
function Check_No_Locks (Self_ID : Task_ID) return Boolean is
return Self_ID.Common.LL.Locks = null;
end Check_No_Locks;
-- Environment_Task --
function Environment_Task return Task_ID is
return Environment_Task_ID;
end Environment_Task;
-- Lock_RTS --
procedure Lock_RTS is
Write_Lock (Single_RTS_Lock'Access, Global_Lock => True);
end Lock_RTS;
-- Unlock_RTS --
procedure Unlock_RTS is
Unlock (Single_RTS_Lock'Access, Global_Lock => True);
end Unlock_RTS;
-- Suspend_Task --
function Suspend_Task
(T : ST.Task_ID;
Thread_Self : Thread_Id) return Boolean is
if T.Common.LL.Thread /= Thread_Self then
return thr_suspend (T.Common.LL.Thread) = 0;
return True;
end if;
end Suspend_Task;
-- Resume_Task --
function Resume_Task
(T : ST.Task_ID;
Thread_Self : Thread_Id) return Boolean is
if T.Common.LL.Thread /= Thread_Self then
return thr_continue (T.Common.LL.Thread) = 0;
return True;
end if;
end Resume_Task;
-- Initialize --
procedure Initialize (Environment_Task : ST.Task_ID) is
act : aliased struct_sigaction;
old_act : aliased struct_sigaction;
Tmp_Set : aliased sigset_t;
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
procedure Configure_Processors;
-- Processors configuration
-- The user can specify a processor which the program should run
-- on to emulate a single-processor system. This can be easily
-- done by setting environment variable GNAT_PROCESSOR to one of
-- the following :
-- -2 : use the default configuration (run the program on all
-- available processors) - this is the same as having
-- -1 : let the RTS choose one processor and run the program on
-- that processor
-- 0 .. Last_Proc : run the program on the specified processor
-- Last_Proc is equal to the value of the system variable
-- _SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF, minus one.
procedure Configure_Processors is
Proc_Acc : constant GNAT.OS_Lib.String_Access :=
Proc : aliased processorid_t; -- User processor #
Last_Proc : processorid_t; -- Last processor #
if Proc_Acc.all'Length /= 0 then
-- Environment variable is defined
Last_Proc := Num_Procs - 1;
if Last_Proc /= -1 then
Proc := processorid_t'Value (Proc_Acc.all);
if Proc <= -2 or else Proc > Last_Proc then
-- Use the default configuration
elsif Proc = -1 then
-- Choose a processor
Result := 0;
while Proc < Last_Proc loop
Proc := Proc + 1;
Result := p_online (Proc, PR_STATUS);
exit when Result = PR_ONLINE;
end loop;
pragma Assert (Result = PR_ONLINE);
Result := processor_bind (P_PID, P_MYID, Proc, null);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
-- Use user processor
Result := processor_bind (P_PID, P_MYID, Proc, null);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
end if;
end if;
end if;
when Constraint_Error =>
-- Illegal environment variable GNAT_PROCESSOR - ignored
end Configure_Processors;
-- Start of processing for Initialize
Environment_Task_ID := Environment_Task;
-- This is done in Enter_Task, but this is too late for the
-- Environment Task, since we need to call Self in Check_Locks when
-- the run time is compiled with assertions on.
Result := thr_setspecific (ATCB_Key, To_Address (Environment_Task));
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
-- Initialize the lock used to synchronize chain of all ATCBs.
Initialize_Lock (Single_RTS_Lock'Access, RTS_Lock_Level);
Enter_Task (Environment_Task);
-- Install the abort-signal handler
-- Set sa_flags to SA_NODEFER so that during the handler execution
-- we do not change the Signal_Mask to be masked for the Abort_Signal.
-- This is a temporary fix to the problem that the Signal_Mask is
-- not restored after the exception (longjmp) from the handler.
-- The right fix should be made in sigsetjmp so that we save
-- the Signal_Set and restore it after a longjmp.
-- In that case, this field should be changed back to 0. ???
act.sa_flags := 16;
act.sa_handler := Abort_Handler'Address;
Result := sigemptyset (Tmp_Set'Access);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
act.sa_mask := Tmp_Set;
Result :=
sigaction (
Signal (System.Interrupt_Management.Abort_Task_Interrupt),
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
-- Create a free ATCB for use on the Fake_ATCB_List.
Next_Fake_ATCB := new Fake_ATCB;
end Initialize;
-- Package elaboration
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
-- Mask Environment task for all signals. The original mask of the
-- Environment task will be recovered by Interrupt_Server task
-- during the elaboration of s-interr.adb.
-- Prepare the set of signals that should unblocked in all tasks
Result := sigemptyset (Unblocked_Signal_Mask'Access);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
for J in Interrupt_Management.Interrupt_ID loop
if System.Interrupt_Management.Keep_Unmasked (J) then
Result := sigaddset (Unblocked_Signal_Mask'Access, Signal (J));
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
end if;
end loop;
-- We need the following code to support automatic creation of fake
-- ATCB's for C threads that call the Ada run-time system, even if
-- we use a faster way of getting Self for real Ada tasks.
Result := thr_keycreate (ATCB_Key'Access, System.Null_Address);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
if Dispatching_Policy = 'F' then
Result : Interfaces.C.long;
Class_Info : aliased struct_pcinfo;
Secs, Nsecs : Interfaces.C.long;
-- If a pragma Time_Slice is specified, takes the value in account.
if Time_Slice_Val > 0 then
-- Convert Time_Slice_Val (microseconds) into seconds and
-- nanoseconds
Secs := Time_Slice_Val / 1_000_000;
Nsecs := (Time_Slice_Val rem 1_000_000) * 1_000;
-- Otherwise, default to no time slicing (i.e run until blocked)
Secs := RT_TQINF;
Nsecs := RT_TQINF;
end if;
-- Get the real time class id.
Class_Info.pc_clname (1) := 'R';
Class_Info.pc_clname (2) := 'T';
Class_Info.pc_clname (3) := ASCII.NUL;
Result := priocntl (PC_VERSION, P_LWPID, P_MYID, PC_GETCID,
-- Request the real time class
Prio_Param.pc_cid := Class_Info.pc_cid;
Prio_Param.rt_pri := pri_t (Class_Info.rt_maxpri);
Prio_Param.rt_tqsecs := Secs;
Prio_Param.rt_tqnsecs := Nsecs;
Using_Real_Time_Class := Result /= -1;
end if;
end System.Task_Primitives.Operations;