mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 03:30:04 +08:00
In r15-3714-gd3a7302ec5985a I added -Wsystem-headers to the libstdc++ build flags to help catch problems in the library. This patch takes a different approach, of disabling the #pragma system_header unless _GLIBCXX_SYSHDR is defined. As a result, the testsuites will treat them as non-system-headers to get better warning coverage during regression testing of both gcc and libstdc++, not just when building the library. My rationale for the #ifdef instead of just removing the #pragma is the three G++ tests that want to test libstdc++ system header behavior, so we need a way to select it. This doesn't affect installed libraries, as they get their system-header status from the lookup path. But testsuite_flags --build-includes gives -I directives rather than -isystem. This patch doesn't change the headers in config/ because I'm not compiling with most of them, so won't see any warnings that need fixing. Adjusting them could happen later, or we can not bother. libstdc++-v3/ChangeLog: * acinclude.m4 (WARN_FLAGS): Remove -Wsystem-headers. * configure: Regenerate. * include/bits/algorithmfwd.h: #ifdef out #pragma GCC system_header. * include/bits/atomic_base.h * include/bits/atomic_futex.h * include/bits/atomic_timed_wait.h * include/bits/atomic_wait.h * include/bits/basic_ios.h * include/bits/basic_string.h * include/bits/boost_concept_check.h * include/bits/char_traits.h * include/bits/charconv.h * include/bits/chrono.h * include/bits/chrono_io.h * include/bits/codecvt.h * include/bits/concept_check.h * include/bits/cpp_type_traits.h * include/bits/elements_of.h * include/bits/enable_special_members.h * include/bits/erase_if.h * include/bits/forward_list.h * include/bits/functional_hash.h * include/bits/gslice.h * include/bits/gslice_array.h * include/bits/hashtable.h * include/bits/indirect_array.h * include/bits/invoke.h * include/bits/ios_base.h * include/bits/iterator_concepts.h * include/bits/locale_classes.h * include/bits/locale_facets.h * include/bits/locale_facets_nonio.h * include/bits/localefwd.h * include/bits/mask_array.h * include/bits/max_size_type.h * include/bits/memory_resource.h * include/bits/memoryfwd.h * include/bits/move_only_function.h * include/bits/node_handle.h * include/bits/ostream_insert.h * include/bits/out_ptr.h * include/bits/parse_numbers.h * include/bits/postypes.h * include/bits/quoted_string.h * include/bits/range_access.h * include/bits/ranges_base.h * include/bits/refwrap.h * include/bits/sat_arith.h * include/bits/semaphore_base.h * include/bits/slice_array.h * include/bits/std_abs.h * include/bits/std_function.h * include/bits/std_mutex.h * include/bits/std_thread.h * include/bits/stl_iterator_base_funcs.h * include/bits/stl_iterator_base_types.h * include/bits/stl_tree.h * include/bits/stream_iterator.h * include/bits/streambuf_iterator.h * include/bits/stringfwd.h * include/bits/this_thread_sleep.h * include/bits/unique_lock.h * include/bits/uses_allocator_args.h * include/bits/utility.h * include/bits/valarray_after.h * include/bits/valarray_array.h * include/bits/valarray_before.h * include/bits/version.h * include/c_compatibility/fenv.h * include/c_compatibility/inttypes.h * include/c_compatibility/stdint.h * include/decimal/decimal.h * include/experimental/bits/net.h * include/experimental/bits/shared_ptr.h * include/ext/aligned_buffer.h * include/ext/alloc_traits.h * include/ext/atomicity.h * include/ext/concurrence.h * include/ext/numeric_traits.h * include/ext/pod_char_traits.h * include/ext/pointer.h * include/ext/stdio_filebuf.h * include/ext/stdio_sync_filebuf.h * include/ext/string_conversions.h * include/ext/type_traits.h * include/ext/vstring.h * include/ext/vstring_fwd.h * include/ext/vstring_util.h * include/parallel/algorithmfwd.h * include/parallel/numericfwd.h * include/tr1/functional_hash.h * include/tr1/hashtable.h * include/tr1/random.h * libsupc++/exception.h * libsupc++/hash_bytes.h * include/bits/basic_ios.tcc * include/bits/basic_string.tcc * include/bits/fstream.tcc * include/bits/istream.tcc * include/bits/locale_classes.tcc * include/bits/locale_facets.tcc * include/bits/locale_facets_nonio.tcc * include/bits/ostream.tcc * include/bits/sstream.tcc * include/bits/streambuf.tcc * include/bits/string_view.tcc * include/bits/version.tpl * include/experimental/bits/string_view.tcc * include/ext/pb_ds/detail/resize_policy/hash_prime_size_policy_imp.hpp * include/ext/random.tcc * include/ext/vstring.tcc * include/tr2/bool_set.tcc * include/tr2/dynamic_bitset.tcc * include/bits/c++config * include/c/cassert * include/c/cctype * include/c/cerrno * include/c/cfloat * include/c/ciso646 * include/c/climits * include/c/clocale * include/c/cmath * include/c/csetjmp * include/c/csignal * include/c/cstdarg * include/c/cstddef * include/c/cstdio * include/c/cstdlib * include/c/cstring * include/c/ctime * include/c/cuchar * include/c/cwchar * include/c/cwctype * include/c_global/cassert * include/c_global/ccomplex * include/c_global/cctype * include/c_global/cerrno * include/c_global/cfenv * include/c_global/cfloat * include/c_global/cinttypes * include/c_global/ciso646 * include/c_global/climits * include/c_global/clocale * include/c_global/cmath * include/c_global/csetjmp * include/c_global/csignal * include/c_global/cstdalign * include/c_global/cstdarg * include/c_global/cstdbool * include/c_global/cstddef * include/c_global/cstdint * include/c_global/cstdio * include/c_global/cstdlib * include/c_global/cstring * include/c_global/ctgmath * include/c_global/ctime * include/c_global/cuchar * include/c_global/cwchar * include/c_global/cwctype * include/c_std/cassert * include/c_std/cctype * include/c_std/cerrno * include/c_std/cfloat * include/c_std/ciso646 * include/c_std/climits * include/c_std/clocale * include/c_std/cmath * include/c_std/csetjmp * include/c_std/csignal * include/c_std/cstdarg * include/c_std/cstddef * include/c_std/cstdio * include/c_std/cstdlib * include/c_std/cstring * include/c_std/ctime * include/c_std/cuchar * include/c_std/cwchar * include/c_std/cwctype * include/debug/array * include/debug/bitset * include/debug/deque * include/debug/forward_list * include/debug/list * include/debug/map * include/debug/set * include/debug/string * include/debug/unordered_map * include/debug/unordered_set * include/debug/vector * include/decimal/decimal * include/experimental/algorithm * include/experimental/any * include/experimental/array * include/experimental/buffer * include/experimental/chrono * include/experimental/contract * include/experimental/deque * include/experimental/executor * include/experimental/filesystem * include/experimental/forward_list * include/experimental/functional * include/experimental/internet * include/experimental/io_context * include/experimental/iterator * include/experimental/list * include/experimental/map * include/experimental/memory * include/experimental/memory_resource * include/experimental/net * include/experimental/netfwd * include/experimental/numeric * include/experimental/propagate_const * include/experimental/ratio * include/experimental/regex * include/experimental/scope * include/experimental/set * include/experimental/socket * include/experimental/string * include/experimental/string_view * include/experimental/synchronized_value * include/experimental/system_error * include/experimental/timer * include/experimental/tuple * include/experimental/type_traits * include/experimental/unordered_map * include/experimental/unordered_set * include/experimental/vector * include/ext/algorithm * include/ext/cmath * include/ext/functional * include/ext/iterator * include/ext/memory * include/ext/numeric * include/ext/random * include/ext/rb_tree * include/ext/rope * include/parallel/algorithm * include/std/algorithm * include/std/any * include/std/array * include/std/atomic * include/std/barrier * include/std/bit * include/std/bitset * include/std/charconv * include/std/chrono * include/std/codecvt * include/std/complex * include/std/concepts * include/std/condition_variable * include/std/coroutine * include/std/deque * include/std/execution * include/std/expected * include/std/filesystem * include/std/format * include/std/forward_list * include/std/fstream * include/std/functional * include/std/future * include/std/generator * include/std/iomanip * include/std/ios * include/std/iosfwd * include/std/iostream * include/std/istream * include/std/iterator * include/std/latch * include/std/limits * include/std/list * include/std/locale * include/std/map * include/std/memory * include/std/memory_resource * include/std/mutex * include/std/numbers * include/std/numeric * include/std/optional * include/std/ostream * include/std/print * include/std/queue * include/std/random * include/std/ranges * include/std/ratio * include/std/regex * include/std/scoped_allocator * include/std/semaphore * include/std/set * include/std/shared_mutex * include/std/span * include/std/spanstream * include/std/sstream * include/std/stack * include/std/stacktrace * include/std/stdexcept * include/std/streambuf * include/std/string * include/std/string_view * include/std/syncstream * include/std/system_error * include/std/text_encoding * include/std/thread * include/std/tuple * include/std/type_traits * include/std/typeindex * include/std/unordered_map * include/std/unordered_set * include/std/utility * include/std/valarray * include/std/variant * include/std/vector * include/std/version * include/tr1/array * include/tr1/cfenv * include/tr1/cinttypes * include/tr1/cmath * include/tr1/complex * include/tr1/cstdbool * include/tr1/cstdint * include/tr1/cstdio * include/tr1/cstdlib * include/tr1/cwchar * include/tr1/cwctype * include/tr1/functional * include/tr1/memory * include/tr1/random * include/tr1/regex * include/tr1/tuple * include/tr1/type_traits * include/tr1/unordered_map * include/tr1/unordered_set * include/tr1/utility * include/tr2/bool_set * include/tr2/dynamic_bitset * include/tr2/type_traits * libsupc++/atomic_lockfree_defines.h * libsupc++/compare * libsupc++/cxxabi.h * libsupc++/cxxabi_forced.h * libsupc++/cxxabi_init_exception.h * libsupc++/exception * libsupc++/initializer_list * libsupc++/new * libsupc++/typeinfo: Likewise. * testsuite/20_util/ratio/operations/ops_overflow_neg.cc * testsuite/23_containers/array/tuple_interface/get_neg.cc * testsuite/23_containers/vector/cons/destructible_debug_neg.cc * testsuite/24_iterators/operations/prev_neg.cc * testsuite/ext/type_traits/add_unsigned_floating_neg.cc * testsuite/ext/type_traits/add_unsigned_integer_neg.cc * testsuite/ext/type_traits/remove_unsigned_floating_neg.cc * testsuite/ext/type_traits/remove_unsigned_integer_neg.cc: Adjust line numbers. gcc/testsuite/ChangeLog * g++.dg/analyzer/fanalyzer-show-events-in-system-headers-default.C * g++.dg/analyzer/fanalyzer-show-events-in-system-headers-no.C * g++.dg/diagnostic/disable.C: #define _GLIBCXX_SYSHDR.
518 lines
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518 lines
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// Components for manipulating non-owning sequences of objects -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright (C) 2019-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
// permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
// 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
// a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
// see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** @file span
* This is a Standard C++ Library header.
// P0122 span library
// Contributed by ThePhD
#define _GLIBCXX_SPAN 1
#pragma GCC system_header
#define __glibcxx_want_span
#include <bits/version.h>
#ifdef __cpp_lib_span // C++ >= 20 && concepts
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <bits/stl_iterator.h>
#include <bits/ranges_base.h>
namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)
inline constexpr size_t dynamic_extent = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
template<typename _Type, size_t _Extent>
class span;
namespace __detail
template<typename _Tp>
inline constexpr bool __is_span = false;
template<typename _Tp, size_t _Num>
inline constexpr bool __is_span<span<_Tp, _Num>> = true;
template<typename _Tp>
inline constexpr bool __is_std_array = false;
template<typename _Tp, size_t _Num>
inline constexpr bool __is_std_array<std::array<_Tp, _Num>> = true;
template<size_t _Extent>
class __extent_storage
__extent_storage(size_t) noexcept
{ }
static constexpr size_t
_M_extent() noexcept
{ return _Extent; }
class __extent_storage<dynamic_extent>
__extent_storage(size_t __extent) noexcept
: _M_extent_value(__extent)
{ }
constexpr size_t
_M_extent() const noexcept
{ return this->_M_extent_value; }
size_t _M_extent_value;
} // namespace __detail
template<typename _Type, size_t _Extent = dynamic_extent>
class span
template<size_t _Offset, size_t _Count>
static constexpr size_t
if constexpr (_Count != dynamic_extent)
return _Count;
else if constexpr (extent != dynamic_extent)
return _Extent - _Offset;
return dynamic_extent;
// 3255. span's array constructor is too strict
template<typename _Tp, size_t _ArrayExtent>
requires (_Extent == dynamic_extent || _ArrayExtent == _Extent)
using __is_compatible_array = __is_array_convertible<_Type, _Tp>;
template<typename _Ref>
using __is_compatible_ref
= __is_array_convertible<_Type, remove_reference_t<_Ref>>;
// Nested type so that _Type is not an associated class of iterator.
struct __iter_tag;
// member types
using element_type = _Type;
using value_type = remove_cv_t<_Type>;
using size_type = size_t;
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = _Type*;
using const_pointer = const _Type*;
using reference = element_type&;
using const_reference = const element_type&;
using iterator = __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<pointer, __iter_tag>;
using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
#if __cplusplus > 202002L
using const_iterator = std::const_iterator<iterator>;
using const_reverse_iterator = std::const_iterator<reverse_iterator>;
// member constants
static constexpr size_t extent = _Extent;
// constructors, copy and assignment
span() noexcept
requires (_Extent == dynamic_extent || _Extent == 0)
: _M_ptr(nullptr), _M_extent(0)
{ }
template<contiguous_iterator _It>
requires __is_compatible_ref<iter_reference_t<_It>>::value
constexpr explicit(extent != dynamic_extent)
span(_It __first, size_type __count)
: _M_ptr(std::to_address(__first)), _M_extent(__count)
if constexpr (_Extent != dynamic_extent)
__glibcxx_assert(__count == _Extent);
__glibcxx_requires_valid_range(__first, __first + __count);
template<contiguous_iterator _It, sized_sentinel_for<_It> _End>
requires __is_compatible_ref<iter_reference_t<_It>>::value
&& (!is_convertible_v<_End, size_type>)
constexpr explicit(extent != dynamic_extent)
span(_It __first, _End __last)
noexcept(noexcept(__last - __first))
: _M_ptr(std::to_address(__first)),
_M_extent(static_cast<size_type>(__last - __first))
if constexpr (_Extent != dynamic_extent)
__glibcxx_assert((__last - __first) == _Extent);
__glibcxx_requires_valid_range(__first, __last);
template<size_t _ArrayExtent>
requires (_Extent == dynamic_extent || _ArrayExtent == _Extent)
span(type_identity_t<element_type> (&__arr)[_ArrayExtent]) noexcept
: span(static_cast<pointer>(__arr), _ArrayExtent)
{ }
template<typename _Tp, size_t _ArrayExtent>
requires __is_compatible_array<_Tp, _ArrayExtent>::value
span(array<_Tp, _ArrayExtent>& __arr) noexcept
: span(static_cast<pointer>(__arr.data()), _ArrayExtent)
{ }
template<typename _Tp, size_t _ArrayExtent>
requires __is_compatible_array<const _Tp, _ArrayExtent>::value
span(const array<_Tp, _ArrayExtent>& __arr) noexcept
: span(static_cast<pointer>(__arr.data()), _ArrayExtent)
{ }
template<typename _Range>
requires (!__detail::__is_span<remove_cvref_t<_Range>>)
&& (!__detail::__is_std_array<remove_cvref_t<_Range>>)
&& (!is_array_v<remove_cvref_t<_Range>>)
&& ranges::contiguous_range<_Range> && ranges::sized_range<_Range>
&& (ranges::borrowed_range<_Range> || is_const_v<element_type>)
&& __is_compatible_ref<ranges::range_reference_t<_Range>>::value
constexpr explicit(extent != dynamic_extent)
span(_Range&& __range)
&& noexcept(ranges::size(__range)))
: span(ranges::data(__range), ranges::size(__range))
if constexpr (extent != dynamic_extent)
__glibcxx_assert(ranges::size(__range) == extent);
span(const span&) noexcept = default;
template<typename _OType, size_t _OExtent>
requires (_Extent == dynamic_extent || _OExtent == dynamic_extent
|| _Extent == _OExtent)
&& (__is_array_convertible<_Type, _OType>::value)
explicit(extent != dynamic_extent && _OExtent == dynamic_extent)
span(const span<_OType, _OExtent>& __s) noexcept
: _M_extent(__s.size()), _M_ptr(__s.data())
if constexpr (extent != dynamic_extent)
__glibcxx_assert(__s.size() == extent);
~span() noexcept = default;
constexpr span&
operator=(const span&) noexcept = default;
// observers
constexpr size_type
size() const noexcept
{ return this->_M_extent._M_extent(); }
constexpr size_type
size_bytes() const noexcept
{ return this->_M_extent._M_extent() * sizeof(element_type); }
constexpr bool
empty() const noexcept
{ return size() == 0; }
// element access
constexpr reference
front() const noexcept
return *this->_M_ptr;
constexpr reference
back() const noexcept
return *(this->_M_ptr + (size() - 1));
constexpr reference
operator[](size_type __idx) const noexcept
__glibcxx_assert(__idx < size());
return *(this->_M_ptr + __idx);
#if __cpp_lib_span >= 202311L // >= C++26
constexpr reference
at(size_type __idx) const
if (__idx >= size())
__throw_out_of_range_fmt(__N("span::at(%zu) out-of-range for span "
"of size %zu"), __idx, this->size());
return *(this->_M_ptr + __idx);
constexpr pointer
data() const noexcept
{ return this->_M_ptr; }
// iterator support
constexpr iterator
begin() const noexcept
{ return iterator(this->_M_ptr); }
constexpr iterator
end() const noexcept
{ return iterator(this->_M_ptr + this->size()); }
constexpr reverse_iterator
rbegin() const noexcept
{ return reverse_iterator(this->end()); }
constexpr reverse_iterator
rend() const noexcept
{ return reverse_iterator(this->begin()); }
#if __cplusplus > 202002L
constexpr const_iterator
cbegin() const noexcept
{ return begin(); }
constexpr const_iterator
cend() const noexcept
{ return end(); }
constexpr const_reverse_iterator
crbegin() const noexcept
{ return rbegin(); }
constexpr const_reverse_iterator
crend() const noexcept
{ return rend(); }
// subviews
template<size_t _Count>
constexpr span<element_type, _Count>
first() const noexcept
if constexpr (_Extent == dynamic_extent)
__glibcxx_assert(_Count <= size());
static_assert(_Count <= extent);
using _Sp = span<element_type, _Count>;
return _Sp{ this->data(), _Count };
constexpr span<element_type, dynamic_extent>
first(size_type __count) const noexcept
__glibcxx_assert(__count <= size());
return { this->data(), __count };
template<size_t _Count>
constexpr span<element_type, _Count>
last() const noexcept
if constexpr (_Extent == dynamic_extent)
__glibcxx_assert(_Count <= size());
static_assert(_Count <= extent);
using _Sp = span<element_type, _Count>;
return _Sp{ this->data() + (this->size() - _Count), _Count };
constexpr span<element_type, dynamic_extent>
last(size_type __count) const noexcept
__glibcxx_assert(__count <= size());
return { this->data() + (this->size() - __count), __count };
template<size_t _Offset, size_t _Count = dynamic_extent>
constexpr auto
subspan() const noexcept
-> span<element_type, _S_subspan_extent<_Offset, _Count>()>
if constexpr (_Extent == dynamic_extent)
__glibcxx_assert(_Offset <= size());
static_assert(_Offset <= extent);
using _Sp = span<element_type, _S_subspan_extent<_Offset, _Count>()>;
if constexpr (_Count == dynamic_extent)
return _Sp{ this->data() + _Offset, this->size() - _Offset };
if constexpr (_Extent == dynamic_extent)
__glibcxx_assert(_Count <= size());
__glibcxx_assert(_Count <= (size() - _Offset));
static_assert(_Count <= extent);
static_assert(_Count <= (extent - _Offset));
return _Sp{ this->data() + _Offset, _Count };
constexpr span<element_type, dynamic_extent>
subspan(size_type __offset, size_type __count = dynamic_extent) const
__glibcxx_assert(__offset <= size());
if (__count == dynamic_extent)
__count = this->size() - __offset;
__glibcxx_assert(__count <= size());
__glibcxx_assert(__offset + __count <= size());
return {this->data() + __offset, __count};
pointer _M_ptr;
[[no_unique_address]] __detail::__extent_storage<extent> _M_extent;
// deduction guides
template<typename _Type, size_t _ArrayExtent>
span(_Type(&)[_ArrayExtent]) -> span<_Type, _ArrayExtent>;
template<typename _Type, size_t _ArrayExtent>
span(array<_Type, _ArrayExtent>&) -> span<_Type, _ArrayExtent>;
template<typename _Type, size_t _ArrayExtent>
span(const array<_Type, _ArrayExtent>&)
-> span<const _Type, _ArrayExtent>;
template<contiguous_iterator _Iter, typename _End>
span(_Iter, _End)
-> span<remove_reference_t<iter_reference_t<_Iter>>>;
template<ranges::contiguous_range _Range>
span(_Range &&)
-> span<remove_reference_t<ranges::range_reference_t<_Range&>>>;
template<typename _Type, size_t _Extent>
span<const byte, _Extent == dynamic_extent
? dynamic_extent : _Extent * sizeof(_Type)>
as_bytes(span<_Type, _Extent> __sp) noexcept
auto data = reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(__sp.data());
auto size = __sp.size_bytes();
constexpr auto extent = _Extent == dynamic_extent
? dynamic_extent : _Extent * sizeof(_Type);
return span<const byte, extent>{data, size};
template<typename _Type, size_t _Extent>
requires (!is_const_v<_Type>)
span<byte, _Extent == dynamic_extent
? dynamic_extent : _Extent * sizeof(_Type)>
as_writable_bytes [[nodiscard]] (span<_Type, _Extent> __sp) noexcept
auto data = reinterpret_cast<byte*>(__sp.data());
auto size = __sp.size_bytes();
constexpr auto extent = _Extent == dynamic_extent
? dynamic_extent : _Extent * sizeof(_Type);
return span<byte, extent>{data, size};
namespace ranges
// Opt-in to borrowed_range concept
template<typename _ElementType, size_t _Extent>
inline constexpr bool
enable_borrowed_range<span<_ElementType, _Extent>> = true;
// Opt-in to view concept
template<typename _ElementType, size_t _Extent>
inline constexpr bool
enable_view<span<_ElementType, _Extent>> = true;
} // namespace std
#endif // __cpp_lib_span
#endif // _GLIBCXX_SPAN