// Default character BreakIterator. /* Copyright (C) 1999 Cygnus Solutions This file is part of libgcj. This software is copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Libgcj License. Please consult the file "LIBGCJ_LICENSE" for details. */ package gnu.gcj.text; import java.text.BreakIterator; import java.text.CharacterIterator; /** * @author Tom Tromey * @date March 19, 1999 * Written using The Unicode Standard, Version 2.0. */ public class CharacterBreakIterator extends BaseBreakIterator { // Hangul Jamo constants from Unicode book. private static final int LBase = 0x1100; private static final int VBase = 0x1161; private static final int TBase = 0x11a7; private static final int LCount = 19; private static final int VCount = 21; private static final int TCount = 28; // Information about surrogates. private static final int highSurrogateStart = 0xD800; private static final int highSurrogateEnd = 0xDBFF; private static final int lowSurrogateStart = 0xDC00; private static final int lowSurrogateEnd = 0xDFFF; public Object clone () { return new CharacterBreakIterator (this); } public CharacterBreakIterator () { iter = null; // FIXME? } private CharacterBreakIterator (CharacterBreakIterator other) { iter = (CharacterIterator) other.iter.clone(); } // Some methods to tell us different properties of characters. private final boolean isL (char c) { return c >= LBase && c <= LBase + LCount; } private final boolean isV (char c) { return c >= VBase && c <= VBase + VCount; } private final boolean isT (char c) { return c >= TBase && c <= TBase + TCount; } private final boolean isLVT (char c) { return isL (c) || isV (c) || isT (c); } private final boolean isHighSurrogate (char c) { return c >= highSurrogateStart && c <= highSurrogateEnd; } private final boolean isLowSurrogate (char c) { return c >= lowSurrogateStart && c <= lowSurrogateEnd; } public int next () { int end = iter.getEndIndex(); if (iter.getIndex() == end) return DONE; char c; for (char prev = CharacterIterator.DONE; iter.getIndex() < end; prev = c) { c = iter.next(); if (c == CharacterIterator.DONE) break; int type = Character.getType(c); // Break after paragraph separators. if (type == Character.PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR) break; // Now we need some lookahead. char ahead = iter.next(); iter.previous(); if (ahead == CharacterIterator.DONE) break; int aheadType = Character.getType(ahead); if (aheadType != Character.NON_SPACING_MARK && ! isLowSurrogate (ahead) && ! isLVT (ahead)) break; if (! isLVT (c) && isLVT (ahead)) break; if (isL (c) && ! isLVT (ahead) && aheadType != Character.NON_SPACING_MARK) break; if (isV (c) && ! isV (ahead) && !isT (ahead) && aheadType != Character.NON_SPACING_MARK) break; if (isT (c) && ! isT (ahead) && aheadType != Character.NON_SPACING_MARK) break; if (! isHighSurrogate (c) && isLowSurrogate (ahead)) break; if (isHighSurrogate (c) && ! isLowSurrogate (ahead)) break; if (! isHighSurrogate (prev) && isLowSurrogate (c)) break; } return iter.getIndex(); } public int previous () { if (iter.getIndex() == iter.getBeginIndex()) return DONE; int start = iter.getBeginIndex(); while (iter.getIndex() >= iter.getBeginIndex()) { char c = iter.previous(); if (c == CharacterIterator.DONE) break; int type = Character.getType(c); if (type != Character.NON_SPACING_MARK && ! isLowSurrogate (c) && ! isLVT (c)) break; // Now we need some lookahead. char ahead = iter.previous(); if (ahead == CharacterIterator.DONE) { iter.next(); break; } char ahead2 = iter.previous(); iter.next(); iter.next(); if (ahead2 == CharacterIterator.DONE) break; int aheadType = Character.getType(ahead); if (aheadType == Character.PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR) break; if (isLVT (c) && ! isLVT (ahead)) break; if (! isLVT (c) && type != Character.NON_SPACING_MARK && isL (ahead)) break; if (! isV (c) && ! isT (c) && type != Character.NON_SPACING_MARK && isV (ahead)) break; if (! isT (c) && type != Character.NON_SPACING_MARK && isT (ahead)) break; if (isLowSurrogate (c) && ! isHighSurrogate (ahead)) break; if (! isLowSurrogate (c) && isHighSurrogate (ahead)) break; if (isLowSurrogate (ahead) && ! isHighSurrogate (ahead2)) break; } return iter.getIndex(); } }