/* Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation This file is part of libgcj. This software is copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Libgcj License. Please consult the file "LIBGCJ_LICENSE" for details. */ // Needed to avoid linking in libstdc++ #ifndef __STL_USE_EXCEPTIONS # include # define __THROW_BAD_ALLOC throw new java::lang::OutOfMemoryError() #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include jint gnu::gcj::xlib::Window::createChildXID(java::awt::Rectangle* bounds, jint borderWidth, WindowAttributes* attributes, jint windowIOClass, Visual* visual) { ::Window parentXID = xid; int x = bounds->x; int y = bounds->y; int width = bounds->width; int height = bounds->height; long mask = attributes->mask; XSetWindowAttributes* attr = (XSetWindowAttributes*) attributes->getXSetWindowAttributesStructure(); ::Visual* vis = CopyFromParent; int depth = CopyFromParent; if (visual != 0) { vis = (::Visual*) visual->getVisualStructure(); depth = visual->getDepth(); } ::Window childXID = XCreateWindow((::Display*) (display->display), parentXID, x, y, width, height, borderWidth, depth, windowIOClass, vis, mask, attr); // no fast fail return childXID; } void gnu::gcj::xlib::Window::destroy() { ::Display* dpy = (::Display*) (display->display); ::Window window = xid; XDestroyWindow(dpy, window); // no fast fail } void gnu::gcj::xlib::Window::setAttributes(WindowAttributes* attributes) { ::Display* dpy = (::Display*) (display->display); ::Window window = xid; ::XSetWindowAttributes* attr = (::XSetWindowAttributes*) attributes->getXSetWindowAttributesStructure(); XChangeWindowAttributes(dpy, window, attributes->mask, attr); // no fast fail } void gnu::gcj::xlib::Window::toBack() { ::Display* dpy = (::Display*) (display->display); ::Window window = xid; XLowerWindow(dpy, window); } void gnu::gcj::xlib::Window::toFront() { ::Display* dpy = (::Display*) (display->display); ::Window window = xid; XRaiseWindow(dpy, window); } void gnu::gcj::xlib::Window::map() { ::Display* dpy = (::Display*) (display->display); ::Window window = xid; XMapWindow(dpy, window); // no fast fail } void gnu::gcj::xlib::Window::unmap() { ::Display* dpy = (::Display*) (display->display); ::Window window = xid; XUnmapWindow(dpy, window); // no fast fail } void gnu::gcj::xlib::Window::setProperty(jint nameAtom, jint typeAtom, jbyteArray data) { ::Display* dpy = (::Display*) (display->display); int format = 8; int mode = PropModeReplace; unsigned char* pData = (unsigned char*) elements(data); int len = data->length; XChangeProperty(dpy, xid, nameAtom, typeAtom, format, mode, pData, len); // no fast fail } void gnu::gcj::xlib::Window::setWMProtocols(jintArray atoms) { ::Display* dpy = (::Display*) (display->display); size_t length = atoms->length; jint* atomsBegin = elements(atoms); jint* atomsEnd = atomsBegin + length; // Avoid confusion between Xlib.h and Atom.java "Atom" types. typedef ::Atom XLibAtom; std::vector atomVector(atomsBegin, atomsEnd); XLibAtom* atomsArray = &(atomVector.front()); XSetWMProtocols(dpy, xid, atomsArray, length); // no fail fast } jintArray gnu::gcj::xlib::Window::getWMProtocols() { ::Display* dpy = (::Display*) (display->display); ::Atom* protocolsReturn; int countReturn; Status success = XGetWMProtocols(dpy, xid, &protocolsReturn, &countReturn); if (!success) throw new XException(JvNewStringLatin1("cannot get " "WM protocols ")); jintArray atoms; try { ::Atom* protocolsBegin = protocolsReturn; ::Atom* protocolsEnd = protocolsBegin + countReturn; atoms = JvNewIntArray(countReturn); jint* atomsBegin = elements(atoms); std::copy(protocolsBegin, protocolsEnd, atomsBegin); } catch (...) { XFree(protocolsReturn); throw; } XFree(protocolsReturn); return atoms; } void gnu::gcj::xlib::Window::setBounds(jint x, jint y, jint width, jint height) { ::Display* dpy = (::Display*) (display->display); XMoveResizeWindow(dpy, xid, x, y, width, height); // no fast fail }