\input texinfo.tex @setfilename resume-example.info @include resume.texi @name Brian J. Fox @email bfox@@ai.mit.edu @street 116 Barranca Ave, Ste. B @city Santa Barbara @state CA @zip 93109 @phone (805) 564-2192 @resume @block{EDUCATION} @entry{ 12/11/59, 12/11/63, My Mom's House, Learning at home with my mother., This was the most learning I ever did.} @entry{12/11/63, 12/11/77, Brookline\, MA, Learning in the public school system.} @entry{12/11/78, 12/11/81, Santa Barbara\, CA, Learning in life experience\, and three months at Santa Barbara City College.} @block{WORK EXPERIENCE} @entry{12/11/59, 12/11/75, Mom's house, Various and sundry tasks\, including washing dishes and clothes\, and toilet training.} @entry{3 months ago, present, Terrapin\, Inc., hacking up Unix systems\, breaking @code{LOGO} worlds\, terrorizing surrounding neighborhood.} @bye