All of these documents (in fact, this entire homepage set) are
bundled with the library source, under the docs
for releases and snapshots. The sole exception is the
automatically-generated source documentation, available separately.
In addition to the distribution documentation (these pages), we also have a set of HTML documents generated from the sources themselves, using the Doxygen tool. These are useful for examining the signatures of public member functions for the library classes, etc.
The latest collection is for the GCC 3.0 release,
viewable online.
The collection is also available in the libstdc++ snapshots directory at
. You will
almost certainly need to use one of the
mirror sites to download
the tarball. After unpacking, simply load
in a browser. Feedback (and additional documentation!) is welcome.
This is a short list of text files pertaining to this implementation of ISO 14882. A brief description follows the name of the file.
Return to the homepage.
See license.html for copying conditions. Comments and suggestions are welcome, and may be sent to the mailing list.