to format numbers and currency. These are
* normally handled automatically, but an application can override
* values as desired using this class.
* @author Tom Tromey DecimalFormatSymbols
for the default locale.
public DecimalFormatSymbols ()
this (Locale.getDefault());
private final String safeGetString (ResourceBundle bundle,
String name, String def)
if (bundle != null)
return bundle.getString(name);
catch (MissingResourceException x)
return def;
private final char safeGetChar (ResourceBundle bundle,
String name, char def)
String r = null;
if (bundle != null)
r = bundle.getString(name);
catch (MissingResourceException x)
if (r == null || r.length() < 1)
return def;
return r.charAt(0);
* This method initializes a new instance of
* DecimalFormatSymbols
for the specified locale.
* @param locale The local to load symbols for.
public DecimalFormatSymbols (Locale loc)
ResourceBundle res;
res = ResourceBundle.getBundle("",
catch (MissingResourceException x)
res = null;
currencySymbol = safeGetString (res, "currencySymbol", "$");
decimalSeparator = safeGetChar (res, "decimalSeparator", '.');
digit = safeGetChar (res, "digit", '#');
exponential = safeGetChar (res, "exponential", 'E');
groupingSeparator = safeGetChar (res, "groupingSeparator", ',');
infinity = safeGetString (res, "infinity", "\u221e");
// FIXME: default?
intlCurrencySymbol = safeGetString (res, "intlCurrencySymbol", "$");
monetarySeparator = safeGetChar (res, "monetarySeparator", '.');
catch (MissingResourceException x)
monetarySeparator = decimalSeparator;
minusSign = safeGetChar (res, "minusSign", '-');
NaN = safeGetString (res, "NaN", "\ufffd");
patternSeparator = safeGetChar (res, "patternSeparator", ';');
percent = safeGetChar (res, "percent", '%');
perMill = safeGetChar (res, "perMill", '\u2030');
zeroDigit = safeGetChar (res, "zeroDigit", '0');
* This method this this object for equality against the specified object.
* This will be true if and only if the following criteria are met with
* regard to the specified object:
* *
* DecimalFormatSymbols
* true
if the specified object is equal to this
* object, false
public boolean equals (Object obj)
if (! (obj instanceof DecimalFormatSymbols))
return false;
DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = (DecimalFormatSymbols) obj;
return (currencySymbol.equals(dfs.currencySymbol)
&& decimalSeparator == dfs.decimalSeparator
&& digit == dfs.digit
&& exponential == dfs.exponential
&& groupingSeparator == dfs.groupingSeparator
&& infinity.equals(dfs.infinity)
&& intlCurrencySymbol.equals(dfs.intlCurrencySymbol)
&& minusSign == dfs.minusSign
&& monetarySeparator == dfs.monetarySeparator
&& NaN.equals(dfs.NaN)
&& patternSeparator == dfs.patternSeparator
&& percent == dfs.percent
&& perMill == dfs.perMill
&& zeroDigit == dfs.zeroDigit);
* This method returns the currency symbol in local format. For example,
* "$" for Canadian dollars.
* @return The currency symbol in local format.
public String getCurrencySymbol ()
return currencySymbol;
* This method returns the character used as the decimal point.
* @return The character used as the decimal point.
public char getDecimalSeparator ()
return decimalSeparator;
* This method returns the character used to represent a digit in a
* format pattern string.
* @return The character used to represent a digit in a format
* pattern string.
public char getDigit ()
return digit;
// This is our own extension.
char getExponential ()
return exponential;
* This method sets the character used to separate groups of digits. For
* example, the United States uses a comma (,) to separate thousands in
* a number.
* @return The character used to separate groups of digits.
public char getGroupingSeparator ()
return groupingSeparator;
* This method returns the character used to represent infinity.
* @return The character used to represent infinity.
public String getInfinity ()
return infinity;
* This method returns the currency symbol in international format. For
* example, "C$" for Canadian dollars.
* @return The currency symbol in international format.
public String getInternationalCurrencySymbol ()
return intlCurrencySymbol;
* This method returns the character used to represent the minus sign.
* @return The character used to represent the minus sign.
public char getMinusSign ()
return minusSign;
* This method returns the character used to represent the decimal
* point for currency values.
* @return The decimal point character used in currency values.
public char getMonetaryDecimalSeparator ()
return monetarySeparator;
* This method returns the string used to represent the NaN (not a number)
* value.
* @return The string used to represent NaN
public String getNaN ()
return NaN;
* This method returns the character used to separate positive and negative
* subpatterns in a format pattern.
* @return The character used to separate positive and negative subpatterns
* in a format pattern.
public char getPatternSeparator ()
return patternSeparator;
* This method returns the character used as the percent sign.
* @return The character used as the percent sign.
public char getPercent ()
return percent;
* This method returns the character used as the per mille character.
* @return The per mille character.
public char getPerMill ()
return perMill;
* This method returns the character used to represent the digit zero.
* @return The character used to represent the digit zero.
public char getZeroDigit ()
return zeroDigit;
* This method returns a hash value for this object.
* @return A hash value for this object.
public int hashCode ()
// Compute based on zero digit, grouping separator, and decimal
// separator -- JCL book. This probably isn't a very good hash
// code.
return zeroDigit << 16 + groupingSeparator << 8 + decimalSeparator;
* This method sets the currency symbol to the specified value.
* @param currencySymbol The new currency symbol
public void setCurrencySymbol (String currency)
currencySymbol = currency;
* This method sets the decimal point character to the specified value.
* @param decimalSeparator The new decimal point character
public void setDecimalSeparator (char decimalSep)
decimalSeparator = decimalSep;
* This method sets the character used to represents a digit in a format
* string to the specified value.
* @param digit The character used to represent a digit in a format pattern.
public void setDigit (char digit)
this.digit = digit;
// This is our own extension.
void setExponential (char exp)
exponential = exp;
* This method sets the character used to separate groups of digits.
* @param groupingSeparator The character used to separate groups of digits.
public void setGroupingSeparator (char groupSep)
groupingSeparator = groupSep;
* This method sets the string used to represents infinity.
* @param infinity The string used to represent infinity.
public void setInfinity (String infinity)
this.infinity = infinity;
* This method sets the international currency symbols to the
* specified value.
* @param intlCurrencySymbol The new international currency symbol.
public void setInternationalCurrencySymbol (String currency)
intlCurrencySymbol = currency;
* This method sets the character used to represent the minus sign.
* @param minusSign The character used to represent the minus sign.
public void setMinusSign (char minusSign)
this.minusSign = minusSign;
* This method sets the character used for the decimal point in currency
* values.
* @param monetarySeparator The decimal point character used in
* currency values.
public void setMonetaryDecimalSeparator (char decimalSep)
monetarySeparator = decimalSep;
* This method sets the string used to represent the NaN (not a
* number) value.
* @param NaN The string used to represent NaN
public void setNaN (String nan)
NaN = nan;
* This method sets the character used to separate positive and negative
* subpatterns in a format pattern.
* @param patternSeparator The character used to separate positive and
* negative subpatterns in a format pattern.
public void setPatternSeparator (char patternSep)
patternSeparator = patternSep;
* This method sets the character used as the percent sign.
* @param percent The character used as the percent sign.
public void setPercent (char percent)
this.percent = percent;
* This method sets the character used as the per mille character.
* @param perMill The per mille character.
public void setPerMill (char perMill)
this.perMill = perMill;
* This method sets the charcter used to represen the digit zero.
* @param zeroDigit The character used to represent the digit zero.
public void setZeroDigit (char zeroDigit)
this.zeroDigit = zeroDigit;
* @serial A string used for the local currency
private String currencySymbol;
* @serial The char
used to separate decimals in a number.
private char decimalSeparator;
* @serial This is the char
used to represent a digit in
* a format specification.
private char digit;
* @serial This is the char
used to represent the exponent
* separator in exponential notation.
private char exponential;
* @serial This separates groups of thousands in numbers.
private char groupingSeparator;
* @serial This string represents infinity.
private String infinity;
* @serial This string represents the local currency in an international
* context, eg, "C$" for Canadian dollars.
private String intlCurrencySymbol;
* @serial This is the character used to represent the minus sign.
private char minusSign;
* @serial This character is used to separate decimals when formatting
* currency values.
private char monetarySeparator;
* @serial This string is used the represent the Java NaN value for
* "not a number".
private String NaN;
* @serial This is the character used to separate positive and negative
* subpatterns in a format pattern.
private char patternSeparator;
* @serial This is the percent symbols
private char percent;
* @serial This character is used for the mille percent sign.
private char perMill;
* @serial This value represents the type of object being de-serialized.
* 0 indicates a pre-Java 1.1.6 version, 1 indicates 1.1.6 or later.
private int serialVersionOnStream = 1;
* @serial This is the character used to represent 0.
private char zeroDigit;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5772796243397350300L;
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
if (serialVersionOnStream < 1)
monetarySeparator = decimalSeparator;
exponential = 'E';
serialVersionOnStream = 1;