/* Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation This file is part of libgcj. This software is copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Libgcj License. Please consult the file "LIBGCJ_LICENSE" for details. */ package java.awt.peer; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; public interface ComponentPeer { int checkImage(Image img, int width, int height, ImageObserver o); Image createImage(ImageProducer prod); Image createImage(int width, int height); void dispose(); /** * Get the graphics configuration of the component. The color model * of the component can be derived from the configuration. */ GraphicsConfiguration getGraphicsConfiguration(); FontMetrics getFontMetrics(Font f); Graphics getGraphics(); Point getLocationOnScreen(); Dimension getMinimumSize(); Dimension getPreferredSize(); Toolkit getToolkit(); void handleEvent(AWTEvent e); boolean isFocusTraversable(); void paint(Graphics graphics); boolean prepareImage(Image img, int width, int height, ImageObserver o); void print(Graphics graphics); void repaint(long tm, int x, int y, int width, int height); void requestFocus(); void setBackground(Color color); void setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height); void setCursor(Cursor cursor); void setEnabled(boolean enabled); void setEventMask(long eventMask); void setFont(Font font); void setForeground(Color color); void setVisible(boolean visible); }