## Linker script for GNU ld 2.11.94+ only. ## ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ## ## This file is part of the libstdc++ version 3 distribution. ## ## This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free ## software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the ## terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the ## Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ## any later version. ## ## This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ## with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free ## Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, ## USA. GLIBCPP_3.4 { global: # Names inside the 'extern' block are demangled names. # All but the last are terminated with a semicolon. extern "C++" { std::[A-Za]*; std::ba[a-r]*; std::basic_[a-r]*; std::basic_streambuf*; std::basic_stringbuf*; std::basic_stringstream*; std::basic_[t-z]*; std::ba[t-z]*; std::b[b-z]*; std::[A-Zc-k]*; std::length_error*; std::logic_error*; std::locale::[A-Za-e]*; std::locale::facet::[A-Za-z]*; std::locale::facet::_M*; std::locale::facet::_S_c_locale; std::locale::facet::_S_clone_c_locale*; std::locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale*; std::locale::facet::_S_destroy_c_locale*; std::locale::[A-Zg-h]*; std::locale::id::[A-Za-z]*; std::locale::id::_S_highwater; std::locale::[A-Zj-z]*; std::locale::_[A-Ha-z]*; std::locale::_Impl::[A-Za-z]*; std::locale::_Impl::_M_[A-Za-z]*; std::locale::_[J-Ra-z]*; std::locale::_S_normalize_category*; std::locale::_[T-Za-z]*; std::[A-Zm-z]*; std::__throw_*; std::__basic_file*; std::__num_base*; std::__timepunct*; std::__numeric_limits_base* }; # Names not in an 'extern' block are mangled names. # std::locale destructors _ZNSt6localeD*; # std::locale::facet destructors _ZNSt6locale5facetD*; # std::locale::_Impl constructors, destrutors _ZNSt6locale5_ImplC*; _ZNSt6locale5_ImplD*; # bool has_facet _ZSt9has_facet*; # std::string, std::wstring minus static data members _ZNKS[sb]*; _ZNS[sb]D*; _ZNS[sb]C*; _ZStplI[cw]St11char_traitsI[cw]ESaI[cw]EESbIT_T0_T1_EPKS3_RKS6_; _ZStplI[cw]St11char_traitsI[cw]ESaI[cw]EESbIT_T0_T1_ES3_RKS6_; _ZNS[sb]I[cw]St11char_traitsI[cw]ESaI[cw]EE[A-Ra-z]*; _ZNS[sb]I[cw]St11char_traitsI[cw]ESaI[cw]EE[0-9][A-Ra-z]*; _ZNS[sb]I[cw]St11char_traitsI[cw]ESaI[cw]EE[0-9][0-9][A-Ra-z]*; _ZNS[sb]I[cw]St11char_traitsI[cw]ESaI[cw]EE[0-9]_[A-Ra-z]*; _ZNS[sb]I[cw]St11char_traitsI[cw]ESaI[cw]EE[0-9][0-9]_[A-Ra-z]*; _ZNS[sb]I[cw]St11char_traitsI[cw]ESaI[cw]EE20_S_empty_rep_storageE; # std::__pool_alloc _ZNSt12__pool_allocILb1ELi0EE10deallocateEPv[jm]*; _ZNSt12__pool_allocILb1ELi0EE8allocateE[jm]*; _ZNSt12__pool_allocILb1ELi0EE5_Lock*; _ZNSt12__pool_allocILb1ELi0EE12_S_force_newE; _ZNSt12__pool_allocILb1ELi0EE12_S_free_listE; _ZNSt12__pool_allocILb1ELi0EE7_S_lockE; _ZNSt12__pool_allocILb1ELi0EE9_S_refillE[jm]; # operator new(size_t) _Znw[jm]; # operator new(size_t, std::nothrow_t const&) _Znw[jm]RKSt9nothrow_t; # operator delete(void*) _ZdlPv; # operator delete(void*, std::nothrow_t const&) _ZdlPvRKSt9nothrow_t; # operator new[](size_t) _Zna[jm]; # operator new[](size_t, std::nothrow_t const&) _Zna[jm]RKSt9nothrow_t; # operator delete[](void*) _ZdaPv; # operator delete[](void*, std::nothrow_t const&) _ZdaPvRKSt9nothrow_t; # vtable _ZTV*; _ZTT*; # typeinfo _ZTI*; _ZTS*; # function-scope static objects requires a guard variable. _ZGV*; # virtual function thunks _ZTh*; _ZTv*; _ZTc*; # std::__convert_to_v _ZSt14__convert_to_v*; # stub functions from libmath sinf; sinl; sinhf; sinhl; cosf; cosl; coshf; coshl; tanf; tanl; tanhf; tanhl; atan2f; atan2l; expf; expl; hypotf; hypotl; hypot; logf; logl; log10f; log10l; powf; powl; sqrtf; sqrtl; copysignf; nan; __signbit; __signbitf; __signbitl; local: *; }; # Symbols in the support library (libsupc++) have their own tag. CXXABI_1.3 { global: __cxa_allocate_exception; __cxa_bad_cast; __cxa_bad_typeid; __cxa_begin_catch; __cxa_call_unexpected; __cxa_current_exception_type; __cxa_demangle; __cxa_end_catch; __cxa_free_exception; __cxa_get_globals; __cxa_get_globals_fast; __cxa_guard_abort; __cxa_guard_acquire; __cxa_guard_release; __cxa_pure_virtual; __cxa_rethrow; __cxa_throw; __cxa_vec_cctor; __cxa_vec_cleanup; __cxa_vec_ctor; __cxa_vec_delete2; __cxa_vec_delete3; __cxa_vec_delete; __cxa_vec_dtor; __cxa_vec_new2; __cxa_vec_new3; __cxa_vec_new; __gxx_personality_v0; __gxx_personality_sj0; __dynamic_cast; # __gnu_cxx::_verbose_terminate_handler() _ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv; local: *; };