// natFileDescriptorWin32.cc - Native part of FileDescriptor class. /* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000 Red Hat, Inc. This file is part of libgcj. This software is copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Libgcj License. Please consult the file "LIBGCJ_LICENSE" for details. */ // FIXME: In order to support interrupting of IO operations, we // need to change to use the windows asynchronous IO functions #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static char * winerr (void) { static LPVOID last = NULL; LPVOID old = NULL; if (last) old = last; FormatMessage (FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) &last, 0, NULL); if (old) LocalFree (old); return (char *)last; } jboolean java::io::FileDescriptor::valid (void) { BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION info; return GetFileInformationByHandle ((HANDLE)fd, &info) != 0; } void java::io::FileDescriptor::sync (void) { if (! FlushFileBuffers ((HANDLE)fd)) JvThrow (new SyncFailedException (JvNewStringLatin1 (winerr ()))); } jint java::io::FileDescriptor::open (jstring path, jint jflags) { HANDLE handle = NULL; DWORD access = 0; DWORD share = FILE_SHARE_READ; DWORD create = OPEN_EXISTING; char buf[MAX_PATH] = ""; jsize total = JvGetStringUTFRegion(path, 0, path->length(), buf); buf[total] = '\0'; JvAssert((jflags & READ) || (jflags & WRITE)); if ((jflags & READ) && (jflags & WRITE)) { access = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE; share = 0; if (jflags & APPEND) create = OPEN_ALWAYS; else create = CREATE_ALWAYS; } else if(jflags & READ) access = GENERIC_READ; else { access = GENERIC_WRITE; share = 0; if (jflags & APPEND) create = OPEN_ALWAYS; else create = CREATE_ALWAYS; } handle = CreateFile(buf, access, share, NULL, create, 0, NULL); if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { char msg[MAX_PATH + 1000]; sprintf (msg, "%s: %s", buf, winerr ()); JvThrow (new FileNotFoundException (JvNewStringLatin1 (msg))); } return (jint)handle; } void java::io::FileDescriptor::write (jint b) { DWORD bytesWritten; jbyte buf = (jbyte)b; if (WriteFile ((HANDLE)fd, &buf, 1, &bytesWritten, NULL)) { if (java::lang::Thread::interrupted()) { InterruptedIOException *iioe = new InterruptedIOException (JvNewStringLatin1 ("write interrupted")); iioe->bytesTransferred = bytesWritten; JvThrow (iioe); } if (bytesWritten != 1) JvThrow (new IOException (JvNewStringLatin1 (winerr ()))); } else JvThrow (new IOException (JvNewStringLatin1 (winerr ()))); // FIXME: loop until bytesWritten == 1 } void java::io::FileDescriptor::write(jbyteArray b, jint offset, jint len) { if (! b) JvThrow (new java::lang::NullPointerException); if(offset < 0 || len < 0 || offset + len > JvGetArrayLength (b)) JvThrow (new java::lang::ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException); jbyte *buf = elements (b) + offset; DWORD bytesWritten; if (WriteFile ((HANDLE)fd, buf, len, &bytesWritten, NULL)) { if (java::lang::Thread::interrupted()) { InterruptedIOException *iioe = new InterruptedIOException (JvNewStringLatin1 ("write interrupted")); iioe->bytesTransferred = bytesWritten; JvThrow (iioe); } } else JvThrow(new IOException (JvNewStringLatin1 (winerr ()))); // FIXME: loop until bytesWritten == len } void java::io::FileDescriptor::close (void) { HANDLE save = (HANDLE)fd; fd = (jint)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if (! CloseHandle (save)) JvThrow (new IOException (JvNewStringLatin1 (winerr ()))); } jint java::io::FileDescriptor::seek (jlong pos, jint whence) { JvAssert (whence == SET || whence == CUR); jlong len = length(); jlong here = getFilePointer(); if ((whence == SET && pos > len) || (whence == CUR && here + pos > len)) JvThrow (new EOFException); LONG high = pos >> 32; DWORD low = SetFilePointer ((HANDLE)fd, (DWORD)(0xffffffff & pos), &high, whence == SET ? FILE_BEGIN : FILE_CURRENT); if ((low == 0xffffffff) && (GetLastError () != NO_ERROR)) JvThrow (new IOException (JvNewStringLatin1 (winerr ()))); return low; } jlong java::io::FileDescriptor::getFilePointer(void) { LONG high = 0; DWORD low = SetFilePointer ((HANDLE)fd, 0, &high, FILE_CURRENT); if ((low == 0xffffffff) && (GetLastError() != NO_ERROR)) JvThrow(new IOException (JvNewStringLatin1 (winerr ()))); return (((jlong)high) << 32L) | (jlong)low; } jlong java::io::FileDescriptor::length(void) { DWORD high; DWORD low; low = GetFileSize ((HANDLE)fd, &high); // FIXME: Error checking return (((jlong)high) << 32L) | (jlong)low; } jint java::io::FileDescriptor::read(void) { CHAR buf; DWORD read; if (! ReadFile ((HANDLE)fd, &buf, 1, &read, NULL)) JvThrow (new IOException (JvNewStringLatin1 (winerr ()))); if (! read) return -1; else return (jint)(buf & 0xff); } jint java::io::FileDescriptor::read(jbyteArray buffer, jint offset, jint count) { if (! buffer) JvThrow(new java::lang::NullPointerException); jsize bsize = JvGetArrayLength (buffer); if (offset < 0 || count < 0 || offset + count > bsize) JvThrow (new java::lang::ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException); jbyte *bytes = elements (buffer) + offset; DWORD read; if (! ReadFile((HANDLE)fd, bytes, count, &read, NULL)) JvThrow (new IOException (JvNewStringLatin1 (winerr ()))); return (jint)read; } jint java::io::FileDescriptor::available(void) { // FIXME: return length() - getFilePointer(); }