// The template and inlines for the -*- C++ -*- internal _Array helper class.

// Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
// any later version.

// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
// USA.

// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
// library without restriction.  Specifically, if other files instantiate
// templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
// this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
// file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
// the GNU General Public License.  This exception does not however
// invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
// the GNU General Public License.

// Written by Gabriel Dos Reis <Gabriel.Dos-Reis@DPTMaths.ENS-Cachan.Fr>

#define _CPP_BITS_ARRAY_H 1

#pragma GCC system_header

#include <bits/c++config.h>
#include <bits/cpp_type_traits.h>
#include <bits/std_cstdlib.h>
#include <bits/std_cstring.h>
#include <new>

namespace std
  // Helper functions on raw pointers
  // We get memory by the old fashion way
  inline void*
  __valarray_get_memory(size_t __n)
  { return operator new(__n); }
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline _Tp*__restrict__
     __valarray_get_storage(size_t __n)
       return static_cast<_Tp*__restrict__>
         (__valarray_get_memory(__n * sizeof(_Tp)));

  // Return memory to the system
  inline void
  __valarray_release_memory(void* __p)
  { operator delete(__p); }

  // Turn a raw-memory into an array of _Tp filled with _Tp()
  // This is required in 'valarray<T> v(n);'
  template<typename _Tp, bool>
     struct _Array_default_ctor
       // Please note that this isn't exception safe.  But
       // valarrays aren't required to be exception safe.
       inline static void
       _S_do_it(_Tp* __restrict__ __b, _Tp* __restrict__ __e)
       { while (__b != __e) new(__b++) _Tp(); }

  template<typename _Tp>
     struct _Array_default_ctor<_Tp, true>
       // For fundamental types, it suffices to say 'memset()'
       inline static void
       _S_do_it(_Tp* __restrict__ __b, _Tp* __restrict__ __e)
       { memset(__b, 0, (__e - __b)*sizeof(_Tp)); }

  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_default_construct(_Tp* __restrict__ __b, _Tp* __restrict__ __e)
       _Array_default_ctor<_Tp, __is_fundamental<_Tp>::_M_type>::
         _S_do_it(__b, __e);
  // Turn a raw-memory into an array of _Tp filled with __t
  // This is the required in valarray<T> v(n, t).  Also
  // used in valarray<>::resize().
  template<typename _Tp, bool>
     struct _Array_init_ctor
       // Please note that this isn't exception safe.  But
       // valarrays aren't required to be exception safe.
       inline static void
       _S_do_it(_Tp* __restrict__ __b, _Tp* __restrict__ __e, const _Tp __t)
       { while (__b != __e) new(__b++) _Tp(__t); }

  template<typename _Tp>
     struct _Array_init_ctor<_Tp, true>
       inline static void
       _S_do_it(_Tp* __restrict__ __b, _Tp* __restrict__ __e,  const _Tp __t)
       { while (__b != __e) *__b++ = __t; }

  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_fill_construct(_Tp* __restrict__ __b, _Tp* __restrict__ __e,
                               const _Tp __t)
       _Array_init_ctor<_Tp, __is_fundamental<_Tp>::_M_type>::
         _S_do_it(__b, __e, __t);

  // copy-construct raw array [__o, *) from plain array [__b, __e)
  // We can't just say 'memcpy()'
  template<typename _Tp, bool>
     struct _Array_copy_ctor
       // Please note that this isn't exception safe.  But
       // valarrays aren't required to be exception safe.
       inline static void
       _S_do_it(const _Tp* __restrict__ __b, const _Tp* __restrict__ __e,
                _Tp* __restrict__ __o)
       { while (__b != __e) new(__o++) _Tp(*__b++); }

  template<typename _Tp>
     struct _Array_copy_ctor<_Tp, true>
       inline static void
       _S_do_it(const _Tp* __restrict__ __b, const _Tp* __restrict__ __e,
                _Tp* __restrict__ __o)
       { memcpy(__o, __b, (__e - __b)*sizeof(_Tp)); }

  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_copy_construct(const _Tp* __restrict__ __b,
                               const _Tp* __restrict__ __e,
                               _Tp* __restrict__ __o)
       _Array_copy_ctor<_Tp, __is_fundamental<_Tp>::_M_type>::
         _S_do_it(__b, __e, __o);

  // copy-construct raw array [__o, *) from strided array __a[<__n : __s>]
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_copy_construct (const _Tp* __restrict__ __a, size_t __n,
                                size_t __s, _Tp* __restrict__ __o)
       if (__is_fundamental<_Tp>::_M_type)
         while (__n--) { *__o++ = *__a; __a += __s; }
         while (__n--) { new(__o++) _Tp(*__a);  __a += __s; }

  // copy-construct raw array [__o, *) from indexed array __a[__i[<__n>]]
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_copy_construct (const _Tp* __restrict__ __a,
                                const size_t* __restrict__ __i,
                                _Tp* __restrict__ __o, size_t __n)
       if (__is_fundamental<_Tp>::_M_type)
         while (__n--) *__o++ = __a[*__i++];
         while (__n--) new (__o++) _Tp(__a[*__i++]);

  // Do the necessary cleanup when we're done with arrays.
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_destroy_elements(_Tp* __restrict__ __b, _Tp* __restrict__ __e)
       if (!__is_fundamental<_Tp>::_M_type)
         while (__b != __e) { __b->~_Tp(); ++__b; }
  // Fill a plain array __a[<__n>] with __t
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_fill (_Tp* __restrict__ __a, size_t __n, const _Tp& __t)
     { while (__n--) *__a++ = __t; }
  // fill strided array __a[<__n-1 : __s>] with __t
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_fill (_Tp* __restrict__ __a, size_t __n,
                      size_t __s, const _Tp& __t)
     { for (size_t __i=0; __i<__n; ++__i, __a+=__s) *__a = __t; }

  // fill indir   ect array __a[__i[<__n>]] with __i
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_fill(_Tp* __restrict__ __a, const size_t* __restrict__ __i,
                     size_t __n, const _Tp& __t)
     { for (size_t __j=0; __j<__n; ++__j, ++__i) __a[*__i] = __t; }
  // copy plain array __a[<__n>] in __b[<__n>]
  // For non-fundamental types, it is wrong to say 'memcpy()'
  template<typename _Tp, bool>
     struct _Array_copier
       inline static void
       _S_do_it(const _Tp* __restrict__ __a, size_t __n, _Tp* __restrict__ __b)
       { while (__n--) *__b++ = *__a++; }      

  template<typename _Tp>
     struct _Array_copier<_Tp, true>
       inline static void
       _S_do_it(const _Tp* __restrict__ __a, size_t __n, _Tp* __restrict__ __b)
       { memcpy (__b, __a, __n * sizeof (_Tp)); }

  // Copy a plain array __a[<__n>] into a play array __b[<>]
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_copy(const _Tp* __restrict__ __a, size_t __n,
                      _Tp* __restrict__ __b)
       _Array_copier<_Tp, __is_fundamental<_Tp>::_M_type>::
         _S_do_it(__a, __n, __b);

  // Copy strided array __a[<__n : __s>] in plain __b[<__n>]
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_copy(const _Tp* __restrict__ __a, size_t __n, size_t __s,
                      _Tp* __restrict__ __b)
     { for (size_t __i=0; __i<__n; ++__i, ++__b, __a += __s) *__b = *__a; }

  // Copy a plain array  __a[<__n>] into a strided array __b[<__n : __s>]
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_copy(const _Tp* __restrict__ __a, _Tp* __restrict__ __b,
                      size_t __n, size_t __s)
     { for (size_t __i=0; __i<__n; ++__i, ++__a, __b+=__s) *__b = *__a; }

  // Copy strided array __src[<__n : __s1>] into another
  // strided array __dst[< : __s2>].  Their sizes must match.
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_copy(const _Tp* __restrict__ __src, size_t __n, size_t __s1,
                     _Tp* __restrict__ __dst, size_t __s2)
       for (size_t __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i)
         __dst[__i * __s2] = __src [ __i * __s1];

  // Copy an indexed array __a[__i[<__n>]] in plain array __b[<__n>]
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_copy (const _Tp* __restrict__ __a,
                      const size_t* __restrict__ __i,
                      _Tp* __restrict__ __b, size_t __n)
     { for (size_t __j=0; __j<__n; ++__j, ++__b, ++__i) *__b = __a[*__i]; }

  // Copy a plain array __a[<__n>] in an indexed array __b[__i[<__n>]]
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_copy (const _Tp* __restrict__ __a, size_t __n,
                      _Tp* __restrict__ __b, const size_t* __restrict__ __i)
     { for (size_t __j=0; __j<__n; ++__j, ++__a, ++__i) __b[*__i] = *__a; }

  // Copy the __n first elements of an indexed array __src[<__i>] into
  // another indexed array __dst[<__j>].
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_copy(const _Tp* __restrict__ __src, size_t __n,
                     const size_t* __restrict__ __i,
                     _Tp* __restrict__ __dst, const size_t* __restrict__ __j)
       for (size_t __k = 0; __k < __n; ++__k)
         __dst[*__j++] = __src[*__i++];

  // Compute the sum of elements in range [__f, __l)
  // This is a naive algorithm.  It suffers from cancelling.
  // In the future try to specialize
  // for _Tp = float, double, long double using a more accurate
  // algorithm.
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline _Tp
     __valarray_sum(const _Tp* __restrict__ __f, const _Tp* __restrict__ __l)
       _Tp __r = _Tp();
       while (__f != __l) __r += *__f++;
       return __r;

  // Compute the product of all elements in range [__f, __l)
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline _Tp
     __valarray_product(const _Tp* __restrict__ __f,
                        const _Tp* __restrict__ __l)
       _Tp __r = _Tp(1);
       while (__f != __l) __r = __r * *__f++;
       return __r;

  // Compute the min/max of an array-expression
  template<typename _Ta>
     inline typename _Ta::value_type
     __valarray_min(const _Ta& __a)
       size_t __s = __a.size();
       typedef typename _Ta::value_type _Value_type;
       _Value_type __r = __s == 0 ? _Value_type() : __a[0];
       for (size_t __i = 1; __i < __s; ++__i)
           _Value_type __t = __a[__i];
           if (__t < __r)
             __r = __t;
       return __r;
  template<typename _Ta>
     inline typename _Ta::value_type
     __valarray_max(const _Ta& __a)
       size_t __s = __a.size();
       typedef typename _Ta::value_type _Value_type;
       _Value_type __r = __s == 0 ? _Value_type() : __a[0];
       for (size_t __i = 1; __i < __s; ++__i)
           _Value_type __t = __a[__i];
           if (__t > __r)
             __r = __t;
       return __r;
  // Helper class _Array, first layer of valarray abstraction.
  // All operations on valarray should be forwarded to this class
  // whenever possible. -- gdr
  template<typename _Tp>
     struct _Array
       explicit _Array (size_t);
       explicit _Array (_Tp* const __restrict__);
       explicit _Array (const valarray<_Tp>&);
       _Array (const _Tp* __restrict__, size_t);

       _Tp* begin () const;

       _Tp* const __restrict__ _M_data;
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_fill (_Array<_Tp> __a, size_t __n, const _Tp& __t)
     { __valarray_fill (__a._M_data, __n, __t); }
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_fill (_Array<_Tp> __a, size_t __n, size_t __s, const _Tp& __t)
     { __valarray_fill (__a._M_data, __n, __s, __t); }
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_fill (_Array<_Tp> __a, _Array<size_t> __i, 
                      size_t __n, const _Tp& __t)
     { __valarray_fill (__a._M_data, __i._M_data, __n, __t); }

  // Copy a plain array __a[<__n>] into a play array __b[<>]
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_copy(_Array<_Tp> __a, size_t __n, _Array<_Tp> __b)
     { __valarray_copy(__a._M_data, __n, __b._M_data); }
  // Copy strided array __a[<__n : __s>] in plain __b[<__n>]
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_copy(_Array<_Tp> __a, size_t __n, size_t __s, _Array<_Tp> __b)
     { __valarray_copy(__a._M_data, __n, __s, __b._M_data); }

  // Copy a plain array  __a[<__n>] into a strided array __b[<__n : __s>]
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_copy(_Array<_Tp> __a, _Array<_Tp> __b, size_t __n, size_t __s)
     { __valarray_copy(__a._M_data, __b._M_data, __n, __s); }

  // Copy strided array __src[<__n : __s1>] into another
  // strided array __dst[< : __s2>].  Their sizes must match.
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_copy(_Array<_Tp> __a, size_t __n, size_t __s1,
                     _Array<_Tp> __b, size_t __s2)
     { __valarray_copy(__a._M_data, __n, __s1, __b._M_data, __s2); }

  // Copy an indexed array __a[__i[<__n>]] in plain array __b[<__n>]
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_copy(_Array<_Tp> __a, _Array<size_t> __i, 
                      _Array<_Tp> __b, size_t __n)
     { __valarray_copy(__a._M_data, __i._M_data, __b._M_data, __n); }
  // Copy a plain array __a[<__n>] in an indexed array __b[__i[<__n>]]
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_copy(_Array<_Tp> __a, size_t __n, _Array<_Tp> __b, 
                      _Array<size_t> __i)
     { __valarray_copy(__a._M_data, __n, __b._M_data, __i._M_data); }

  // Copy the __n first elements of an indexed array __src[<__i>] into
  // another indexed array __dst[<__j>].
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline void
     __valarray_copy(_Array<_Tp> __src, size_t __n, _Array<size_t> __i,
                     _Array<_Tp> __dst, _Array<size_t> __j)
       __valarray_copy(__src._M_data, __n, __i._M_data,
                       __dst._M_data, __j._M_data);

  template<typename _Tp>
     _Array<_Tp>::_Array (size_t __n)
       : _M_data(__valarray_get_storage<_Tp>(__n))
     { __valarray_default_construct(_M_data, _M_data + __n); }

  template<typename _Tp>
     _Array<_Tp>::_Array (_Tp* const __restrict__ __p) : _M_data (__p) {}
  template<typename _Tp>
     inline _Array<_Tp>::_Array (const valarray<_Tp>& __v) 
         : _M_data (__v._M_data) {}
  template<typename _Tp>
     _Array<_Tp>::_Array (const _Tp* __restrict__ __b, size_t __s) 
       : _M_data(__valarray_get_storage<_Tp>(__s))
     { __valarray_copy_construct(__b, __s, _M_data); }

  template<typename _Tp>
     inline _Tp*
     _Array<_Tp>::begin () const
     { return _M_data; }

#define _DEFINE_ARRAY_FUNCTION(_Op, _Name)				\
template<typename _Tp>							\
inline void								\
_Array_augmented_##_Name (_Array<_Tp> __a, size_t __n, const _Tp& __t)	\
{									\
  for (_Tp* __p=__a._M_data; __p<__a._M_data+__n; ++__p)		\
    *__p _Op##= __t;							\
}									\
template<typename _Tp>							\
inline void								\
_Array_augmented_##_Name (_Array<_Tp> __a, size_t __n, _Array<_Tp> __b)	\
{									\
  _Tp* __p = __a._M_data;						\
  for (_Tp* __q=__b._M_data; __q<__b._M_data+__n; ++__p, ++__q)		\
    *__p _Op##= *__q;							\
}									\
template<typename _Tp, class _Dom>					\
void									\
_Array_augmented_##_Name (_Array<_Tp> __a, 				\
                         const _Expr<_Dom,_Tp>& __e, size_t __n)	\
{									\
    _Tp* __p (__a._M_data);						\
    for (size_t __i=0; __i<__n; ++__i, ++__p) *__p _Op##= __e[__i];	\
}									\
template<typename _Tp>							\
inline void								\
_Array_augmented_##_Name (_Array<_Tp> __a, size_t __n, size_t __s, 	\
			 _Array<_Tp> __b)				\
{					       				\
    _Tp* __q (__b._M_data);						\
    for (_Tp* __p=__a._M_data; __p<__a._M_data+__s*__n; __p+=__s, ++__q) \
      *__p _Op##= *__q;							\
}									\
template<typename _Tp>							\
inline void								\
_Array_augmented_##_Name (_Array<_Tp> __a, _Array<_Tp> __b, 		\
			 size_t __n, size_t __s)			\
{									\
    _Tp* __q (__b._M_data);						\
    for (_Tp* __p=__a._M_data; __p<__a._M_data+__n; ++__p, __q+=__s)	\
      *__p _Op##= *__q;							\
}									\
template<typename _Tp, class _Dom>					\
void									\
_Array_augmented_##_Name (_Array<_Tp> __a, size_t __s,			\
                          const _Expr<_Dom,_Tp>& __e, size_t __n)	\
{									\
    _Tp* __p (__a._M_data);						\
    for (size_t __i=0; __i<__n; ++__i, __p+=__s) *__p _Op##= __e[__i];	\
}									\
template<typename _Tp>							\
inline void								\
_Array_augmented_##_Name (_Array<_Tp> __a, _Array<size_t> __i,		\
                          _Array<_Tp> __b, size_t __n)			\
{									\
    _Tp* __q (__b._M_data);						\
    for (size_t* __j=__i._M_data; __j<__i._M_data+__n; ++__j, ++__q)	\
        __a._M_data[*__j] _Op##= *__q;					\
}									\
template<typename _Tp>							\
inline void								\
_Array_augmented_##_Name (_Array<_Tp> __a, size_t __n,			\
                          _Array<_Tp> __b, _Array<size_t> __i)		\
{									\
    _Tp* __p (__a._M_data);						\
    for (size_t* __j=__i._M_data; __j<__i._M_data+__n; ++__j, ++__p)	\
        *__p _Op##= __b._M_data[*__j];					\
}									\
template<typename _Tp, class _Dom>					\
void									\
_Array_augmented_##_Name (_Array<_Tp> __a, _Array<size_t> __i,		\
                          const _Expr<_Dom, _Tp>& __e, size_t __n)	\
{									\
    size_t* __j (__i._M_data);						\
    for (size_t __k=0; __k<__n; ++__k, ++__j) 				\
      __a._M_data[*__j] _Op##= __e[__k];				\
}									\
template<typename _Tp>							\
void									\
_Array_augmented_##_Name (_Array<_Tp> __a, _Array<bool> __m,		\
                          _Array<_Tp> __b, size_t __n)			\
{									\
    bool* ok (__m._M_data);						\
    _Tp* __p (__a._M_data);						\
    for (_Tp* __q=__b._M_data; __q<__b._M_data+__n; ++__q, ++ok, ++__p) { \
        while (! *ok) {							\
            ++ok;							\
            ++__p;							\
        }								\
        *__p _Op##= *__q;						\
    }									\
}									\
template<typename _Tp>							\
void									\
_Array_augmented_##_Name (_Array<_Tp> __a, size_t __n,			\
                         _Array<_Tp> __b, _Array<bool> __m)		\
{									\
    bool* ok (__m._M_data);						\
    _Tp* __q (__b._M_data);						\
    for (_Tp* __p=__a._M_data; __p<__a._M_data+__n; ++__p, ++ok, ++__q) { \
        while (! *ok) {							\
            ++ok;							\
            ++__q;							\
        }								\
        *__p _Op##= *__q;						\
    }									\
}									\
template<typename _Tp, class _Dom>					\
void									\
_Array_augmented_##_Name (_Array<_Tp> __a, _Array<bool> __m,		\
                          const _Expr<_Dom, _Tp>& __e, size_t __n)	\
{									\
    bool* ok(__m._M_data);						\
    _Tp* __p (__a._M_data);						\
    for (size_t __i=0; __i<__n; ++__i, ++ok, ++__p) {			\
        while (! *ok) {							\
            ++ok;							\
            ++__p;							\
        }								\
        *__p _Op##= __e[__i];						\
    }									\

   _DEFINE_ARRAY_FUNCTION(*, multiplies)
   _DEFINE_ARRAY_FUNCTION(<<, shift_left)
   _DEFINE_ARRAY_FUNCTION(>>, shift_right)


} // std::

# define export 
# include <bits/valarray_array.tcc>    
#endif /* _CPP_BITS_ARRAY_H */

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// mode:c++
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