All of these documents (in fact, this entire homepage set) are bundled with the library source, under the docs subdirectory, for releases and snapshots. The sole exception is the automatically-generated source documentation, available separately.


This is a short list of text files pertaining to this implementation of ISO 14882. A brief description may follow the name of the file.

Configuring, Building, Installing

Source-Level Documentation

The library sources have been specially formatted so that with the proper invocation of another tool (Doxygen), a set of HTML pages are generated from the sources files themselves. The resultant documentation is referred to as Source-Level Documentation, and is useful for examining the signatures of public member functions for the library classes, finding out what is in a particular include file, looking at inheritance diagrams, etc.

The Source-Level documentation can be viewed online:

This generated HTML collection, as above, is also available for download in the libstdc++ snapshots directory at <URL:>. You will almost certainly need to use one of the mirror sites to download the tarball. After unpacking, simply load libstdc++-html-*/index.html into a browser. Feedback (and additional documentation!) is welcome.

In addition, an initial set of man pages are also available in the same place as the HTML collections. Start with Intro(3).

Chapter-Specific Documentation

Information, extensions, notes and advice on specific implementation capabilites and/or liabilities broken down into chapter names based on the C++ standard.

Contributor-Specific Information

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See license.html for copying conditions. Comments and suggestions are welcome, and may be sent to the libstdc++ mailing list.