diff --git a/gcc/ada/5gtpgetc.adb b/gcc/ada/5gtpgetc.adb deleted file mode 100644 index 6b36c9d54f80..000000000000 --- a/gcc/ada/5gtpgetc.adb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,207 +0,0 @@ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- -- --- GNU ADA RUN-TIME LIBRARY (GNARL) COMPONENTS -- --- -- --- S Y S T E M . T A S K _ P R I M I T I V E S . G E N _ T C B I N F -- --- -- --- B o d y -- --- -- --- Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Free Software Fundation -- --- -- --- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- --- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- --- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- -- --- sion. GNARL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- --- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- --- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- --- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- --- Public License distributed with GNARL; see file COPYING. If not, write -- --- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, -- --- MA 02111-1307, USA. -- --- -- --- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- --- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- --- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- --- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- --- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- --- covered by the GNU Public License. -- --- -- --- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University. -- --- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc. -- --- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --- This is an SGI Irix version of this package - --- This procedure creates the file "a-tcbinf.c" --- "A-tcbinf.c" is subsequently compiled and made part of the RTL --- to be referenced by the SGI Workshop debugger. The main procedure: --- "Gen_Tcbinf" imports this child procedure and runs as part of the --- RTL build process. Because of the complex process used to build --- the GNAT RTL for all the different systems and the frequent changes --- made to the internal data structures, its impractical to create --- "a-tcbinf.c" using a standalone process. -with System.Tasking; -with Ada.Text_IO; -with Unchecked_Conversion; - -procedure System.Task_Primitives.Gen_Tcbinf is - - use System.Tasking; - - subtype Version_String is String (1 .. 4); - - Version : constant Version_String := "3.11"; - - function To_Integer is new Unchecked_Conversion - (Version_String, Integer); - - type Dummy_TCB_Ptr is access Ada_Task_Control_Block (Entry_Num => 0); - Dummy_TCB : constant Dummy_TCB_Ptr := new Ada_Task_Control_Block (0); - - C_File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type; - - procedure Pl (S : String); - procedure Nl (C : Ada.Text_IO.Positive_Count := 1); - function State_Name (S : Task_States) return String; - - procedure Pl (S : String) is - begin - Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (C_File, S); - end Pl; - - procedure Nl (C : Ada.Text_IO.Positive_Count := 1) is - begin - Ada.Text_IO.New_Line (C_File, C); - end Nl; - - function State_Name (S : Task_States) return String is - begin - case S is - when Unactivated => - return "Unactivated"; - when Runnable => - return "Runnable"; - when Terminated => - return "Terminated"; - when Activator_Sleep => - return "Child Activation Wait"; - when Acceptor_Sleep => - return "Accept/Select Wait"; - when Entry_Caller_Sleep => - return "Waiting on Entry Call"; - when Async_Select_Sleep => - return "Async_Select Wait"; - when Delay_Sleep => - return "Delay Sleep"; - when Master_Completion_Sleep => - return "Child Termination Wait"; - when Master_Phase_2_Sleep => - return "Wait Child in Term Alt"; - when Interrupt_Server_Idle_Sleep => - return "Int Server Idle Sleep"; - when Interrupt_Server_Blocked_Interrupt_Sleep => - return "Int Server Blk Int Sleep"; - when Timer_Server_Sleep => - return "Timer Server Sleep"; - when AST_Server_Sleep => - return "AST Server Sleep"; - when Asynchronous_Hold => - return "Asynchronous Hold"; - when Interrupt_Server_Blocked_On_Event_Flag => - return "Int Server Blk Evt Flag"; - end case; - end State_Name; - - All_Tasks_Link_Offset : constant Integer - := Dummy_TCB.Common'Position + Dummy_TCB.Common.All_Tasks_Link'Position; - Entry_Count_Offset : constant Integer - := Dummy_TCB.Entry_Num'Position; - Entry_Point_Offset : constant Integer - := Dummy_TCB.Common'Position + Dummy_TCB.Common.Task_Entry_Point'Position; - Parent_Offset : constant Integer - := Dummy_TCB.Common'Position + Dummy_TCB.Common.Parent'Position; - Base_Priority_Offset : constant Integer - := Dummy_TCB.Common'Position + Dummy_TCB.Common.Base_Priority'Position; - Current_Priority_Offset : constant Integer - := Dummy_TCB.Common'Position + Dummy_TCB.Common.Current_Priority'Position; - Stack_Size_Offset : constant Integer - := Dummy_TCB.Common'Position + - Dummy_TCB.Common.Compiler_Data.Pri_Stack_Info.Size'Position; - State_Offset : constant Integer - := Dummy_TCB.Common'Position + Dummy_TCB.Common.State'Position; - Task_Image_Offset : constant Integer - := Dummy_TCB.Common'Position + Dummy_TCB.Common.Task_Image'Position; - Thread_Offset : constant Integer - := Dummy_TCB.Common'Position + Dummy_TCB.Common.LL'Position + - Dummy_TCB.Common.LL.Thread'Position; - -begin - - Ada.Text_IO.Create (C_File, Ada.Text_IO.Out_File, "a-tcbinf.c"); - - Pl (""); - Pl ("#include "); - Pl (""); - Pl ("#define TCB_INFO_VERSION 2"); - Pl ("#define TCB_LIBRARY_VERSION " - & Integer'Image (To_Integer (Version))); - Pl (""); - Pl ("typedef struct {"); - Pl (""); - Pl (" __uint32_t info_version;"); - Pl (" __uint32_t library_version;"); - Pl (""); - Pl (" __uint32_t All_Tasks_Link_Offset;"); - Pl (" __uint32_t Entry_Count_Offset;"); - Pl (" __uint32_t Entry_Point_Offset;"); - Pl (" __uint32_t Parent_Offset;"); - Pl (" __uint32_t Base_Priority_Offset;"); - Pl (" __uint32_t Current_Priority_Offset;"); - Pl (" __uint32_t Stack_Size_Offset;"); - Pl (" __uint32_t State_Offset;"); - Pl (" __uint32_t Task_Image_Offset;"); - Pl (" __uint32_t Thread_Offset;"); - Pl (""); - Pl (" char **state_names;"); - Pl (" __uint32_t state_names_max;"); - Pl (""); - Pl ("} task_control_block_info_t;"); - Pl (""); - Pl ("static char *accepting_state_names = NULL;"); - - Pl (""); - Pl ("static char *task_state_names[] = {"); - - for State in Task_States loop - Pl (" """ & State_Name (State) & ""","); - end loop; - Pl (" """"};"); - - Pl (""); - Pl (""); - Pl ("task_control_block_info_t __task_control_block_info = {"); - Pl (""); - Pl (" TCB_INFO_VERSION,"); - Pl (" TCB_LIBRARY_VERSION,"); - Pl (""); - Pl (" " & All_Tasks_Link_Offset'Img & ","); - Pl (" " & Entry_Count_Offset'Img & ","); - Pl (" " & Entry_Point_Offset'Img & ","); - Pl (" " & Parent_Offset'Img & ","); - Pl (" " & Base_Priority_Offset'Img & ","); - Pl (" " & Current_Priority_Offset'Img & ","); - Pl (" " & Stack_Size_Offset'Img & ","); - Pl (" " & State_Offset'Img & ","); - Pl (" " & Task_Image_Offset'Img & ","); - Pl (" " & Thread_Offset'Img & ","); - Pl (""); - Pl (" task_state_names,"); - Pl (" sizeof (task_state_names),"); - Pl (""); - Pl (""); - Pl ("};"); - - Ada.Text_IO.Close (C_File); - -end System.Task_Primitives.Gen_Tcbinf; diff --git a/gcc/ada/ChangeLog b/gcc/ada/ChangeLog index 4ae1cfda6e76..7ba15df23737 100644 --- a/gcc/ada/ChangeLog +++ b/gcc/ada/ChangeLog @@ -1,3 +1,147 @@ +2004-05-14 Arnaud Charlet + + Renaming of target specific files for clarity + + * Makefile.in: Rename GNAT target specific files. + + * 31soccon.ads, 31soliop.ads 35soccon.ads, 3asoccon.ads, + 3bsoccon.ads, 3gsoccon.ads, 3hsoccon.ads, 3psoccon.ads, + 3ssoccon.ads, 3ssoliop.ads, 3veacodu.adb, 3vexpect.adb, + 3vsoccon.ads, 3vsocthi.adb, 3vsocthi.ads, 3vtrasym.adb, + 3wsoccon.ads, 3wsocthi.adb, 3wsocthi.ads, 3wsoliop.ads, + 3zsoccon.ads, 3zsocthi.adb, 3zsocthi.ads, 41intnam.ads, + 42intnam.ads, 45intnam.ads, 4aintnam.ads, 4cintnam.ads, + 4gintnam.ads, 4hexcpol.adb, 4hintnam.ads, 4lintnam.ads, + 4nintnam.ads, 4ointnam.ads, 4onumaux.ads, 4pintnam.ads, + 4sintnam.ads, 4vcaldel.adb, 4vcalend.adb, 4vcalend.ads, + 4vintnam.ads, 4wcalend.adb, 4wexcpol.adb, 4wintnam.ads, + 4zintnam.ads, 4znumaux.ads, 4zsytaco.adb, 4zsytaco.ads, + 51osinte.adb, 51osinte.ads, 51system.ads, + 52osinte.adb, 52osinte.ads, 53osinte.ads, 54osinte.ads, + 55osinte.adb, 55osinte.ads, 55system.ads, 56osinte.adb, + 56osinte.ads, 56system.ads, 56taprop.adb, 56taspri.ads, + 56tpopsp.adb, 57system.ads, 58system.ads, + 5amastop.adb, 5aml-tgt.adb, 5aosinte.adb, 5aosinte.ads, + 5asystem.ads, 5ataprop.adb, 5atasinf.ads, 5ataspri.ads, + 5atpopsp.adb, 5avxwork.ads, 5bml-tgt.adb, 5bosinte.adb, + 5bosinte.ads, 5bsystem.ads, 5cosinte.ads, 5csystem.ads, + 5dsystem.ads, 5esystem.ads, 5fintman.adb, 5fosinte.adb, + 5fosinte.ads, 5fsystem.ads, 5ftaprop.adb, 5ftasinf.ads, + 5ginterr.adb, 5gintman.adb, 5gmastop.adb, 5gml-tgt.adb, + 5gosinte.ads, 5gproinf.adb, 5gproinf.ads, 5gsystem.ads, + 5gtaprop.adb, 5gtasinf.adb, 5gtasinf.ads, 5gtpgetc.adb, + 5hml-tgt.adb, 5hosinte.adb, 5hosinte.ads, 5hparame.ads, + 5hsystem.ads, 5htaprop.adb, 5htaspri.ads, 5htraceb.adb, + 5iosinte.adb, 5iosinte.ads, 5itaprop.adb, 5itaspri.ads, + 5ksystem.ads, 5kvxwork.ads, 5lml-tgt.adb, 5losinte.ads, + 5lparame.adb, 5lsystem.ads, 5msystem.ads, 5mvxwork.ads, + 5ninmaop.adb, 5nintman.adb, 5nosinte.ads, 5nsystem.ads, + 5ntaprop.adb, 5ntaspri.ads, 5ointerr.adb, 5omastop.adb, + 5oosinte.adb, 5oosinte.ads, 5oosprim.adb, 5oparame.adb, + 5osystem.ads, 5otaprop.adb, 5otaspri.ads, 5posinte.ads, + 5posprim.adb, 5psystem.ads, 5pvxwork.ads, 5sintman.adb, + 5sml-tgt.adb, 5sosinte.adb, 5sosinte.ads, 5sosprim.adb, + 5sparame.adb, 5ssystem.ads, 5staprop.adb, 5stasinf.adb, + 5stasinf.ads, 5staspri.ads, 5stpopsp.adb, 5svxwork.ads, + 5tosinte.ads, 5usystem.ads, 5vasthan.adb, 5vdirval.adb, + 5vinmaop.adb, 5vinterr.adb, 5vintman.adb, 5vintman.ads, + 5vmastop.adb, 5vml-tgt.adb, 5vosinte.adb, 5vosinte.ads, + 5vosprim.adb, 5vosprim.ads, 5vparame.ads, 5vsymbol.adb, + 5vsystem.ads, 5vtaprop.adb, 5vtaspri.ads, 5vtpopde.adb, + 5vtpopde.ads, 5vtraent.adb, 5vtraent.ads, 5vvaflop.adb, + 5wdirval.adb, 5wgloloc.adb, 5wintman.adb, 5wmemory.adb, + 5wml-tgt.adb, 5wosinte.ads, 5wosprim.adb, 5wsystem.ads, + 5wtaprop.adb, 5wtaspri.ads, 5xparame.ads, 5xsystem.ads, + 5xvxwork.ads, 5yparame.ads, 5ysystem.ads, 5zinterr.adb, + 5zintman.adb, 5zintman.ads, 5zml-tgt.adb, 5zosinte.adb, + 5zosinte.ads, 5zosprim.adb, 5zparame.ads, 5zstchop.adb, + 5zsystem.ads, 5ztaprop.adb, 5ztaspri.ads, 5ztfsetr.adb, + 5ztpopsp.adb, 6vcpp.adb, 6vcstrea.adb, 6vinterf.ads, + 7sinmaop.adb, 7sintman.adb, 7sosinte.adb, 7sosprim.adb, + 7staprop.adb, 7staspri.ads, 7stfsetr.adb, 7stpopsp.adb, + 7straceb.adb, 7straces.adb, 7strafor.adb, 7strafor.ads, + 7stratas.adb, 86numaux.adb, 86numaux.ads: Replaced by files below. + + * a-caldel-vms.adb, a-calend-mingw.adb, a-calend-vms.adb, + a-calend-vms.ads, a-dirval-mingw.adb, a-dirval-vms.adb, + a-excpol-abort.adb, a-excpol-interix.adb, a-intnam-aix.ads, + a-intnam-dummy.ads, a-intnam-freebsd.ads, a-intnam-hpux.ads, + a-intnam-interix.ads, a-intnam-irix.ads, a-intnam-linux.ads, + a-intnam-lynxos.ads, a-intnam-mingw.ads, a-intnam-os2.ads, + a-intnam-solaris.ads, a-intnam-tru64.ads, a-intnam-unixware.ads, + a-intnam-vms.ads, a-intnam-vxworks.ads, a-numaux-libc-x86.ads, + a-numaux-vxworks.ads, a-numaux-x86.adb, a-numaux-x86.ads, + a-sytaco-vxworks.adb, a-sytaco-vxworks.ads, g-eacodu-vms.adb, + g-expect-vms.adb, g-soccon-aix.ads, g-soccon-freebsd.ads, + g-soccon-hpux.ads, g-soccon-interix.ads, g-soccon-irix.ads, + g-soccon-mingw.ads, g-soccon-solaris.ads, g-soccon-tru64.ads, + g-soccon-unixware.ads, g-soccon-vms.adb, g-soccon-vxworks.ads, + g-socthi-mingw.adb, g-socthi-mingw.ads, g-socthi-vms.adb, + g-socthi-vms.ads, g-socthi-vxworks.adb, g-socthi-vxworks.ads, + g-soliop-mingw.ads, g-soliop-solaris.ads, g-soliop-unixware.ads, + g-trasym-vms.adb, i-cpp-vms.adb, i-cstrea-vms.adb, + interfac-vms.ads, mlib-tgt-aix.adb, mlib-tgt-hpux.adb, + mlib-tgt-irix.adb, mlib-tgt-linux.adb, mlib-tgt-mingw.adb, + mlib-tgt-solaris.adb, mlib-tgt-tru64.adb, mlib-tgt-vms.adb, + mlib-tgt-vxworks.adb, s-asthan-vms.adb, s-gloloc-mingw.adb, + s-inmaop-dummy.adb, s-inmaop-posix.adb, s-inmaop-vms.adb, + s-interr-dummy.adb, s-interr-sigaction.adb, s-interr-vms.adb, + s-interr-vxworks.adb, s-intman-dummy.adb, s-intman-irix.adb, + s-intman-irix-athread.adb, s-intman-mingw.adb, s-intman-posix.adb, + s-intman-solaris.adb, s-intman-vms.adb, s-intman-vms.ads, + s-intman-vxworks.adb, s-intman-vxworks.ads, s-mastop-irix.adb, + s-mastop-tru64.adb, s-mastop-vms.adb, s-mastop-x86.adb, + s-memory-mingw.adb, s-osinte-aix.adb, s-osinte-aix.ads, + s-osinte-aix-fsu.ads, s-osinte-dummy.ads, s-osinte-freebsd.adb, + s-osinte-freebsd.ads, s-osinte-fsu.adb, s-osinte-hpux.ads, + s-osinte-hpux-dce.adb, s-osinte-hpux-dce.ads, s-osinte-interix.ads, + s-osinte-irix.adb, s-osinte-irix.ads, s-osinte-irix-athread.ads, + s-osinte-linux.ads, s-osinte-linux-fsu.ads, s-osinte-linux-ia64.ads, + s-osinte-lynxos-3.adb, s-osinte-lynxos-3.ads, s-osinte-lynxos.adb, + s-osinte-lynxos.ads, s-osinte-mingw.ads, s-osinte-os2.adb, + s-osinte-os2.ads, s-osinte-posix.adb, s-osinte-solaris.adb, + s-osinte-solaris.ads, s-osinte-solaris-fsu.ads, + s-osinte-solaris-posix.ads, s-osinte-tru64.adb, s-osinte-tru64.ads, + s-osinte-unixware.adb, s-osinte-unixware.ads, s-osinte-vms.adb, + s-osinte-vms.ads, s-osinte-vxworks.adb, + s-osinte-vxworks.ads, s-osprim-mingw.adb, + s-osprim-os2.adb, s-osprim-posix.adb, s-osprim-solaris.adb, + s-osprim-unix.adb, s-osprim-vms.adb, s-osprim-vms.ads, + s-osprim-vxworks.adb, s-parame-ae653.ads, s-parame-hpux.ads, + s-parame-linux.adb, s-parame-os2.adb, s-parame-solaris.adb, + s-parame-vms.ads, s-parame-vms-restrict.ads, s-parame-vxworks.ads, + s-proinf-irix-athread.adb, s-proinf-irix-athread.ads, + s-stchop-vxworks.adb, s-taprop-dummy.adb, + s-taprop-hpux-dce.adb, s-taprop-irix.adb, + s-taprop-irix-athread.adb, s-taprop-linux.adb, s-taprop-lynxos.adb, + s-taprop-mingw.adb, s-taprop-os2.adb, s-taprop-posix.adb, + s-taprop-solaris.adb, s-taprop-tru64.adb, s-taprop-vms.adb, + s-taprop-vxworks.adb, s-tasinf-irix.ads, s-tasinf-irix-athread.adb, + s-tasinf-irix-athread.ads, s-tasinf-solaris.adb, s-tasinf-solaris.ads, + s-tasinf-tru64.ads, s-taspri-dummy.ads, s-taspri-hpux-dce.ads, + s-taspri-linux.ads, s-taspri-lynxos.ads, s-taspri-mingw.ads, + s-taspri-os2.ads, s-taspri-posix.ads, s-taspri-solaris.ads, + s-taspri-tru64.ads, s-taspri-vms.ads, s-taspri-vxworks.ads, + s-tfsetr-default.adb, s-tfsetr-vxworks.adb, s-tpopde-vms.adb, + s-tpopde-vms.ads, s-tpopsp-lynxos.adb, s-tpopsp-posix.adb, + s-tpopsp-posix-foreign.adb, s-tpopsp-solaris.adb, s-tpopsp-vxworks.adb, + s-traceb-hpux.adb, s-traceb-mastop.adb, s-traces-default.adb, + s-traent-vms.adb, s-traent-vms.ads, s-trafor-default.adb, + s-trafor-default.ads, s-tratas-default.adb, s-vaflop-vms.adb, + s-vxwork-alpha.ads, s-vxwork-m68k.ads, s-vxwork-mips.ads, + s-vxwork-ppc.ads, s-vxwork-sparcv9.ads, s-vxwork-xscale.ads, + symbols-vms.adb, system-aix.ads, system-freebsd-x86.ads, + system-hpux.ads, system-interix.ads, system-irix-n32.ads, + system-irix-o32.ads, system-linux-x86_64.ads, + system-linux-x86.ads, system-lynxos-ppc.ads, system-lynxos-x86.ads, + system-mingw.ads, system-os2.ads, system-solaris-sparc.ads, + system-solaris-sparcv9.ads, system-solaris-x86.ads, system-tru64.ads, + system-unixware.ads, system-vms.ads, system-vms-zcx.ads, + system-vxworks-alpha.ads, system-vxworks-m68k.ads, + system-vxworks-mips.ads, system-vxworks-ppc.ads, + system-vxworks-sparcv9.ads, system-vxworks-xscale.ads: Replace files + above. + 2004-05-13 Zack Weinberg * trans.c (gnat_stabilize_reference_1): Remove case 'b'. diff --git a/gcc/ada/Makefile.in b/gcc/ada/Makefile.in index 6b075b8a3d33..a094a82830e4 100644 --- a/gcc/ada/Makefile.in +++ b/gcc/ada/Makefile.in @@ -341,13 +341,13 @@ endif # Non-tasking case: LIBGNAT_TARGET_PAIRS = \ -a-intnam.ads<4nintnam.ads \ -s-inmaop.adb<5ninmaop.adb \ -s-intman.adb<5nintman.adb \ -s-osinte.ads<5nosinte.ads \ -s-osprim.adb<7sosprim.adb \ -s-taprop.adb<5ntaprop.adb \ -s-taspri.ads<5ntaspri.ads +a-intnam.ads