2001-07-11 08:47:37 +08:00
class TLtest extends Thread {
public static void main (String [] args) {
Data d = new Data ();
new ThreadTest (d, "A").start ();
new ThreadTest (d, "B").start ();
class Data {
private static ThreadLocal owner = new ThreadLocal () {
public Object initialValue () { return ("0"); }
/* A thread will call `set' to set a value it wants an instance
of Data to associate with it and only it. */
synchronized public void set (String v){owner.set (v);}
/* A thread will call `get' to get a value it wants an instance
of Data to associate with it and only it. */
synchronized public String get (){return (String)owner.get();}
class ThreadTest extends Thread {
public Data d;
ThreadTest (Data d, String name) {
super (name);
this.d = d;
public void run () {
int value = 0;
int ref = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
int rand = (int)(Math.random ()*20);
/* Read `value', ref is kept for comparison */
value = Integer.parseInt (d.get());
/* change `value' and ref by a random number, store `value'. */
value += rand; ref += rand;
d.set (Integer.toString (value));
try {
2004-07-28 10:44:06 +08:00
sleep((int)((Math.random() * 20)));
2001-07-11 08:47:37 +08:00
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
/* If a thread didn't have private value to attach to the
instance of Data, results wouldn't be the same */
if (ref == value)
System.out.println ("test OK.");
System.out.println ("test failed.");