2024-02-15 18:35:50 +08:00

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Dialog en-US


Informs users while preserving the current page state.


This component requires the <client-only></client-only> wrap when used in SSR (eg: Nuxt) and SSG (eg: VitePress).


Basic usage

Dialog pops up a dialog box, and it's quite customizable.

:::demo Set model-value / v-model attribute with a Boolean, and Dialog shows when it is true. The Dialog has two parts: body and footer, and the latter requires a slot named footer. The optional title attribute (empty by default) is for defining a title. Finally, this example demonstrates how before-close is used.




before-close only works when user clicks the close icon or the backdrop. If you have buttons that close the Dialog in the footer named slot, you can add what you would do with before-close in the buttons' click event handler.


Customized Content

The content of Dialog can be anything, even a table or a form. This example shows how to use Element Plus Table and Form with Dialog.




Customized Header

The header slot can be used to customize the area where the title is displayed. In order to maintain accessibility, use the title attribute in addition to using this slot, or use the titleId slot property to specify which element should be read out as the dialog title.




Nested Dialog

If a Dialog is nested in another Dialog, append-to-body is required.

:::demo Normally we do not recommend using nested Dialog. If you need multiple Dialogs rendered on the page, you can simply flat them so that they're siblings to each other. If you must nest a Dialog inside another Dialog, set append-to-body of the nested Dialog to true, and it will append to body instead of its parent node, so both Dialogs can be correctly rendered.



Centered content

Dialog's content can be centered.

:::demo Setting center to true will center dialog's header and footer horizontally. center only affects Dialog's header and footer. The body of Dialog can be anything, so sometimes it may not look good when centered. You need to write some CSS if you wish to center the body as well.




The content of Dialog is lazily rendered, which means the default slot is not rendered onto the DOM until it is firstly opened. Therefore, if you need to perform a DOM manipulation or access a component using ref, do it in the open event callback.


Align Center dialog

Open dialog from the center of the screen.

:::demo Setting align-center to true will center the dialog both horizontally and vertically. The prop top will not work at the same time because the dialog is vertically centered in a flexbox.



Destroy on Close

When this is feature is enabled, the content under default slot will be destroyed with a v-if directive. Enable this when you have perf concerns.

:::demo Note that by enabling this feature, the content will not be rendered before transition.beforeEnter dispatched, there will only be overlay header(if any) footer(if any).



Draggable Dialog

Try to drag the header part.

:::demo Set draggable to true to drag. Set overflow ^(2.5.4) to true can drag overflow the viewport.




When using modal = false, please make sure that append-to-body was set to true, because Dialog was positioned by position: relative, when modal gets removed, Dialog will position itself based on the current position in the DOM, instead of Document.Body, thus the style will be messed up.




Name Description Type Default
model-value / v-model visibility of Dialog ^[boolean]
title title of Dialog. Can also be passed with a named slot (see the following table) ^[string] ''
width width of Dialog, default is 50% ^[string] / ^[number] ''
fullscreen whether the Dialog takes up full screen ^[boolean] false
top value for margin-top of Dialog CSS, default is 15vh ^[string] ''
modal whether a mask is displayed ^[boolean] true
modal-class custom class names for mask ^[string]
append-to-body whether to append Dialog itself to body. A nested Dialog should have this attribute set to true ^[boolean] false
append-to ^(2.4.3) which element the Dialog appends to. Will override append-to-body ^[string] body
lock-scroll whether scroll of body is disabled while Dialog is displayed ^[boolean] true
custom-class ^(deprecated) custom class names for Dialog ^[string] ''
open-delay the Time(milliseconds) before open ^[number] 0
close-delay the Time(milliseconds) before close ^[number] 0
close-on-click-modal whether the Dialog can be closed by clicking the mask ^[boolean] true
close-on-press-escape whether the Dialog can be closed by pressing ESC ^[boolean] true
show-close whether to show a close button ^[boolean] true
before-close callback before Dialog closes, and it will prevent Dialog from closing, use done to close the dialog ^[Function](done: DoneFn) => void
draggable enable dragging feature for Dialog ^[boolean] false
overflow ^(2.5.4) draggable Dialog can overflow the viewport ^[boolean] false
center whether to align the header and footer in center ^[boolean] false
align-center ^(2.2.16) whether to align the dialog both horizontally and vertically ^[boolean] false
destroy-on-close destroy elements in Dialog when closed ^[boolean] false
close-icon custom close icon, default is Close ^[string] / ^[Component]
z-index same as z-index in native CSS, z-order of dialog ^[number]
header-aria-level ^(a11y) header's aria-level attribute ^[string] 2


custom-class has been deprecated, and will be removed in ^(2.4.0), please use class.



Name Description
content of Dialog
header content of the Dialog header; Replacing this removes the title, but does not remove the close button.
title ^(deprecated) works the same as the header slot. Use that instead.
footer content of the Dialog footer


title has been deprecated, and will be removed in ^(2.4.0), please use header.



Name Description Type
open triggers when the Dialog opens ^[Function]() => void
opened triggers when the Dialog opening animation ends ^[Function]() => void
close triggers when the Dialog closes ^[Function]() => void
closed triggers when the Dialog closing animation ends ^[Function]() => void
open-auto-focus triggers after Dialog opens and content focused ^[Function]() => void
close-auto-focus triggers after Dialog closed and content focused ^[Function]() => void


Using dialog in SFC, the scope style does not take effect.

Typical issue: #10515

PS: Since the dialog is rendered using Teleport, the style of the root node is recommended to be written globally.

When the dialog is displayed and hidden, there is a situation where the page elements are displaced back and forth.

Typical issue: #10481

PS: It is recommended to place the scroll area inside a vue mounted node, e.g. <div id="app" />, and use the overflow: hidden style for the body.