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Input en-US

Input Number

Input numerical values with a customizable range.

Basic usage

:::demo Bind a variable to v-model in <el-input-number> element and you are set.




When inputting invalid string to the input box, input value will emit NaN to the upper layer as result of error



:::demo The disabled attribute accepts a boolean, and if the value is true, the component is disabled. If you just need to control the value within a range, you can add min attribute to set the minimum value and max to set the maximum value. By default, the minimum value is 0.




Allows you to define incremental steps.

:::demo Add step attribute to set the step.



Step strictly

:::demo The step-strictly attribute accepts a boolean. if this attribute is true, input value can only be multiple of step.




:::demo Add precision attribute to set the precision of input value.




The value of precision must be a non negative integer and should not be less than the decimal places of step.



Use attribute size to set additional sizes with large or small.




Controls Position

:::demo Set controls-position to decide the position of control buttons.



Custom Icon ^(2.6.3)

:::demo Use decrease-icon and increase-icon to set custom icons.



With prefix and suffix ^(2.8.4)

:::demo Use the prefix and suffix named slots.





Name Description Type Default
model-value / v-model binding value ^[number]
min the minimum allowed value ^[number] -Infinity
max the maximum allowed value ^[number] Infinity
step incremental step ^[number] 1
step-strictly whether input value can only be multiple of step ^[boolean] false
precision precision of input value ^[number]
size size of the component ^[enum]'large' | 'default' | 'small' default
readonly ^(2.2.16) same as readonly in native input ^[boolean] false
disabled whether the component is disabled ^[boolean] false
controls whether to enable the control buttons ^[boolean] true
controls-position position of the control buttons ^[enum]'' | 'right'
name same as name in native input ^[string]
aria-label ^(a11y) ^(2.7.2) same as aria-label in native input ^[string]
placeholder same as placeholder in native input ^[string]
id same as id in native input ^[string]
value-on-clear ^(2.2.0) value should be set when input box is cleared ^[number] / ^[null] / ^[enum]'min' | 'max'
validate-event whether to trigger form validation ^[boolean] true
label ^(a11y) ^(deprecated) same as aria-label in native input ^[string]


Name Description
decrease-icon ^(2.6.3) custom input box button decrease icon
increase-icon ^(2.6.3) custom input box button increase icon
prefix ^(2.8.4) content as Input prefix
suffix ^(2.8.4) content as Input suffix


Name Description Type
change triggers when the value changes ^[Function](currentValue: number | undefined, oldValue: number | undefined) => void
blur triggers when Input blurs ^[Function](event: FocusEvent) => void
focus triggers when Input focuses ^[Function](event: FocusEvent) => void


Name Description Type
focus get focus the input component ^[Function]() => void
blur remove focus the input component ^[Function]() => void